blob: f5789b30e71f509a07f0064678cedc4ecdf4762d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// CLEvent.h: Defines the cl::Event class, which can be used to track the execution status of an
// OpenCL command.
#include "libANGLE/CLObject.h"
#include "libANGLE/renderer/CLEventImpl.h"
#include "common/SynchronizedValue.h"
#include <array>
namespace cl
class Event final : public _cl_event, public Object
// Front end entry functions, only called from OpenCL entry points
cl_int setUserEventStatus(cl_int executionStatus);
cl_int getInfo(EventInfo name, size_t valueSize, void *value, size_t *valueSizeRet) const;
cl_int setCallback(cl_int commandExecCallbackType, EventCB pfnNotify, void *userData);
cl_int getProfilingInfo(ProfilingInfo name,
size_t valueSize,
void *value,
size_t *valueSizeRet);
~Event() override;
Context &getContext();
const Context &getContext() const;
const CommandQueuePtr &getCommandQueue() const;
cl_command_type getCommandType() const;
bool wasStatusChanged() const;
template <typename T = rx::CLEventImpl>
T &getImpl() const;
void callback(cl_int commandStatus);
static EventPtrs Cast(cl_uint numEvents, const cl_event *eventList);
using CallbackData = std::pair<EventCB, void *>;
using Callbacks = std::vector<CallbackData>;
Event(Context &context, cl_int &errorCode);
Event(CommandQueue &queue,
cl_command_type commandType,
const rx::CLEventImpl::CreateFunc &createFunc,
cl_int &errorCode);
const ContextPtr mContext;
const CommandQueuePtr mCommandQueue;
const cl_command_type mCommandType;
const rx::CLEventImpl::Ptr mImpl;
bool mStatusWasChanged = false;
// Create separate storage for each possible callback type.
static_assert(CL_COMPLETE == 0 && CL_RUNNING == 1 && CL_SUBMITTED == 2,
"OpenCL command execution status values are not as assumed");
angle::SynchronizedValue<std::array<Callbacks, 3u>> mCallbacks;
friend class Object;
inline Context &Event::getContext()
return *mContext;
inline const Context &Event::getContext() const
return *mContext;
inline const CommandQueuePtr &Event::getCommandQueue() const
return mCommandQueue;
inline cl_command_type Event::getCommandType() const
return mCommandType;
inline bool Event::wasStatusChanged() const
return mStatusWasChanged;
template <typename T>
inline T &Event::getImpl() const
return static_cast<T &>(*mImpl);
} // namespace cl