| // Generated by gen_packed_gl_enums.py using data from packed_cl_enums.json. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2017 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // PackedCLEnums_autogen.h: |
| // Declares ANGLE-specific enums classes for CLenums and functions operating |
| // on them. |
| |
| |
| #include <angle_cl.h> |
| typedef cl_uint CLenum; |
| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <ostream> |
| |
| namespace cl |
| { |
| |
| template <typename Enum> |
| Enum FromCLenum(CLenum from); |
| |
| enum class AddressingMode : uint8_t |
| { |
| None = 0, |
| ClampToEdge = 1, |
| Clamp = 2, |
| Repeat = 3, |
| MirroredRepeat = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| AddressingMode FromCLenum<AddressingMode>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(AddressingMode from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, AddressingMode value); |
| |
| enum class CommandQueueInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Context = 0, |
| Device = 1, |
| ReferenceCount = 2, |
| Properties = 3, |
| Size = 4, |
| DeviceDefault = 5, |
| PropertiesArray = 6, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 7, |
| EnumCount = 7, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| CommandQueueInfo FromCLenum<CommandQueueInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(CommandQueueInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, CommandQueueInfo value); |
| |
| enum class ContextInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| ReferenceCount = 0, |
| Devices = 1, |
| Properties = 2, |
| NumDevices = 3, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 4, |
| EnumCount = 4, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| ContextInfo FromCLenum<ContextInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(ContextInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ContextInfo value); |
| |
| enum class DeviceInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Type = 0, |
| VendorID = 1, |
| MaxComputeUnits = 2, |
| MaxWorkItemDimensions = 3, |
| MaxWorkGroupSize = 4, |
| MaxWorkItemSizes = 5, |
| PreferredVectorWidthChar = 6, |
| PreferredVectorWidthShort = 7, |
| PreferredVectorWidthInt = 8, |
| PreferredVectorWidthLong = 9, |
| PreferredVectorWidthFloat = 10, |
| PreferredVectorWidthDouble = 11, |
| MaxClockFrequency = 12, |
| AddressBits = 13, |
| MaxReadImageArgs = 14, |
| MaxWriteImageArgs = 15, |
| MaxMemAllocSize = 16, |
| Image2D_MaxWidth = 17, |
| Image2D_MaxHeight = 18, |
| Image3D_MaxWidth = 19, |
| Image3D_MaxHeight = 20, |
| Image3D_MaxDepth = 21, |
| ImageSupport = 22, |
| MaxParameterSize = 23, |
| MaxSamplers = 24, |
| MemBaseAddrAlign = 25, |
| MinDataTypeAlignSize = 26, |
| SingleFpConfig = 27, |
| GlobalMemCacheType = 28, |
| GlobalMemCachelineSize = 29, |
| GlobalMemCacheSize = 30, |
| GlobalMemSize = 31, |
| MaxConstantBufferSize = 32, |
| MaxConstantArgs = 33, |
| LocalMemType = 34, |
| LocalMemSize = 35, |
| ErrorCorrectionSupport = 36, |
| ProfilingTimerResolution = 37, |
| EndianLittle = 38, |
| Available = 39, |
| CompilerAvailable = 40, |
| ExecutionCapabilities = 41, |
| QueueOnHostProperties = 42, |
| Name = 43, |
| Vendor = 44, |
| DriverVersion = 45, |
| Profile = 46, |
| Version = 47, |
| Extensions = 48, |
| Platform = 49, |
| DoubleFpConfig = 50, |
| HalfFpConfig = 51, |
| PreferredVectorWidthHalf = 52, |
| HostUnifiedMemory = 53, |
| NativeVectorWidthChar = 54, |
| NativeVectorWidthShort = 55, |
| NativeVectorWidthInt = 56, |
| NativeVectorWidthLong = 57, |
| NativeVectorWidthFloat = 58, |
| NativeVectorWidthDouble = 59, |
| NativeVectorWidthHalf = 60, |
| OpenCL_C_Version = 61, |
| LinkerAvailable = 62, |
| BuiltInKernels = 63, |
| ImageMaxBufferSize = 64, |
| ImageMaxArraySize = 65, |
| ParentDevice = 66, |
| PartitionMaxSubDevices = 67, |
| PartitionProperties = 68, |
| PartitionAffinityDomain = 69, |
| PartitionType = 70, |
| ReferenceCount = 71, |
| PreferredInteropUserSync = 72, |
| PrintfBufferSize = 73, |
| ImagePitchAlignment = 74, |
| ImageBaseAddressAlignment = 75, |
| MaxReadWriteImageArgs = 76, |
| MaxGlobalVariableSize = 77, |
| QueueOnDeviceProperties = 78, |
| QueueOnDevicePreferredSize = 79, |
| QueueOnDeviceMaxSize = 80, |
| MaxOnDeviceQueues = 81, |
| MaxOnDeviceEvents = 82, |
| SVM_Capabilities = 83, |
| GlobalVariablePreferredTotalSize = 84, |
| MaxPipeArgs = 85, |
| PipeMaxActiveReservations = 86, |
| PipeMaxPacketSize = 87, |
| PreferredPlatformAtomicAlignment = 88, |
| PreferredGlobalAtomicAlignment = 89, |
| PreferredLocalAtomicAlignment = 90, |
| IL_Version = 91, |
| MaxNumSubGroups = 92, |
| SubGroupIndependentForwardProgress = 93, |
| NumericVersion = 94, |
| ExtensionsWithVersion = 95, |
| ILsWithVersion = 96, |
| BuiltInKernelsWithVersion = 97, |
| AtomicMemoryCapabilities = 98, |
| AtomicFenceCapabilities = 99, |
| NonUniformWorkGroupSupport = 100, |
| OpenCL_C_AllVersions = 101, |
| PreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 102, |
| WorkGroupCollectiveFunctionsSupport = 103, |
| GenericAddressSpaceSupport = 104, |
| OpenCL_C_Features = 105, |
| DeviceEnqueueCapabilities = 106, |
| PipeSupport = 107, |
| LatestConformanceVersionPassed = 108, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 109, |
| EnumCount = 109, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| DeviceInfo FromCLenum<DeviceInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(DeviceInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, DeviceInfo value); |
| |
| enum class EventInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| CommandQueue = 0, |
| CommandType = 1, |
| ReferenceCount = 2, |
| CommandExecutionStatus = 3, |
| Context = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| EventInfo FromCLenum<EventInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(EventInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, EventInfo value); |
| |
| enum class FilterMode : uint8_t |
| { |
| Nearest = 0, |
| Linear = 1, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 2, |
| EnumCount = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| FilterMode FromCLenum<FilterMode>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(FilterMode from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, FilterMode value); |
| |
| enum class ImageInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Format = 0, |
| ElementSize = 1, |
| RowPitch = 2, |
| SlicePitch = 3, |
| Width = 4, |
| Height = 5, |
| Depth = 6, |
| ArraySize = 7, |
| Buffer = 8, |
| NumMipLevels = 9, |
| NumSamples = 10, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 11, |
| EnumCount = 11, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| ImageInfo FromCLenum<ImageInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(ImageInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ImageInfo value); |
| |
| enum class KernelArgInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| AddressQualifier = 0, |
| AccessQualifier = 1, |
| TypeName = 2, |
| TypeQualifier = 3, |
| Name = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| KernelArgInfo FromCLenum<KernelArgInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(KernelArgInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, KernelArgInfo value); |
| |
| enum class KernelExecInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| SVM_Ptrs = 0, |
| SVM_FineGrainSystem = 1, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 2, |
| EnumCount = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| KernelExecInfo FromCLenum<KernelExecInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(KernelExecInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, KernelExecInfo value); |
| |
| enum class KernelInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| FunctionName = 0, |
| NumArgs = 1, |
| ReferenceCount = 2, |
| Context = 3, |
| Program = 4, |
| Attributes = 5, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 6, |
| EnumCount = 6, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| KernelInfo FromCLenum<KernelInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(KernelInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, KernelInfo value); |
| |
| enum class KernelSubGroupInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| MaxSubGroupSizeForNdrange = 0, |
| SubGroupCountForNdrange = 1, |
| LocalSizeForSubGroupCount = 2, |
| MaxNumSubGroups = 3, |
| CompileNumSubGroups = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| KernelSubGroupInfo FromCLenum<KernelSubGroupInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(KernelSubGroupInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, KernelSubGroupInfo value); |
| |
| enum class KernelWorkGroupInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| WorkGroupSize = 0, |
| CompileWorkGroupSize = 1, |
| LocalMemSize = 2, |
| PreferredWorkGroupSizeMultiple = 3, |
| PrivateMemSize = 4, |
| GlobalWorkSize = 5, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 6, |
| EnumCount = 6, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| KernelWorkGroupInfo FromCLenum<KernelWorkGroupInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(KernelWorkGroupInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, KernelWorkGroupInfo value); |
| |
| enum class MemInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Type = 0, |
| Flags = 1, |
| Size = 2, |
| HostPtr = 3, |
| MapCount = 4, |
| ReferenceCount = 5, |
| Context = 6, |
| AssociatedMemObject = 7, |
| Offset = 8, |
| UsesSVM_Pointer = 9, |
| Properties = 10, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 11, |
| EnumCount = 11, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| MemInfo FromCLenum<MemInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(MemInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, MemInfo value); |
| |
| enum class MemObjectType : uint8_t |
| { |
| Buffer = 0, |
| Image2D = 1, |
| Image3D = 2, |
| Image2D_Array = 3, |
| Image1D = 4, |
| Image1D_Array = 5, |
| Image1D_Buffer = 6, |
| Pipe = 7, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 8, |
| EnumCount = 8, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| MemObjectType FromCLenum<MemObjectType>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(MemObjectType from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, MemObjectType value); |
| |
| enum class PipeInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| PacketSize = 0, |
| MaxPackets = 1, |
| Properties = 2, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 3, |
| EnumCount = 3, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| PipeInfo FromCLenum<PipeInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(PipeInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PipeInfo value); |
| |
| enum class PlatformInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Profile = 0, |
| Version = 1, |
| Name = 2, |
| Vendor = 3, |
| Extensions = 4, |
| HostTimerResolution = 5, |
| NumericVersion = 6, |
| ExtensionsWithVersion = 7, |
| IcdSuffix = 8, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 9, |
| EnumCount = 9, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| PlatformInfo FromCLenum<PlatformInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(PlatformInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, PlatformInfo value); |
| |
| enum class ProfilingInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| CommandQueued = 0, |
| CommandSubmit = 1, |
| CommandStart = 2, |
| CommandEnd = 3, |
| CommandComplete = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| ProfilingInfo FromCLenum<ProfilingInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(ProfilingInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ProfilingInfo value); |
| |
| enum class ProgramBuildInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| Status = 0, |
| Options = 1, |
| Log = 2, |
| BinaryType = 3, |
| GlobalVariableTotalSize = 4, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 5, |
| EnumCount = 5, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| ProgramBuildInfo FromCLenum<ProgramBuildInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(ProgramBuildInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ProgramBuildInfo value); |
| |
| enum class ProgramInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| ReferenceCount = 0, |
| Context = 1, |
| NumDevices = 2, |
| Devices = 3, |
| Source = 4, |
| BinarySizes = 5, |
| Binaries = 6, |
| NumKernels = 7, |
| KernelNames = 8, |
| IL = 9, |
| ScopeGlobalCtorsPresent = 10, |
| ScopeGlobalDtorsPresent = 11, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 12, |
| EnumCount = 12, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| ProgramInfo FromCLenum<ProgramInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(ProgramInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, ProgramInfo value); |
| |
| enum class SamplerInfo : uint8_t |
| { |
| ReferenceCount = 0, |
| Context = 1, |
| NormalizedCoords = 2, |
| AddressingMode = 3, |
| FilterMode = 4, |
| Properties = 5, |
| |
| InvalidEnum = 6, |
| EnumCount = 6, |
| }; |
| |
| template <> |
| SamplerInfo FromCLenum<SamplerInfo>(CLenum from); |
| CLenum ToCLenum(SamplerInfo from); |
| std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, SamplerInfo value); |
| |
| } // namespace cl |
| |