blob: 8a98fa8a874e9105a98c50f3b26e6192431a49f0 [file] [log] [blame]
FAIL subscribe should fail if there is no active service worker promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "InvalidAccessError: applicationServerKey must contain a valid P-256 public key" that is not a DOMException InvalidStateError: property "code" is equal to 15, expected 11
PASS wait for active service worker
PASS aes128gcm should be supported
PASS supportedContentEncodings should be frozen
PASS pushManager should return same object
PASS subscribe requires userVisibleOnly to be true
PASS subscribe requires applicationServerKey
PASS applicationServerKey string should be base64url-encoded
PASS applicationServerKey buffer should be a valid point on the P-256 curve
PASS applicationServerKey string should be a valid point on the P-256 curve
FAIL can subscribe with valid applicationServerKey buffer promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "InvalidAccessError: applicationServerKey must contain a valid P-256 public key" that is not a DOMException NotAllowedError: property "code" is equal to 15, expected 0
FAIL can subscribe with valid applicationServerKey string promise_rejects_dom: function "function () { throw e }" threw object "InvalidAccessError: applicationServerKey must contain a valid P-256 public key" that is not a DOMException NotAllowedError: property "code" is equal to 15, expected 0