blob: b891e6fa4129ddfb557352557593b9b342c1c4f9 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="mock-media-source.js"></script>
<script src="../video-test.js"></script>
var source;
var sourceBuffer;
var initSegment;
var exception;
async function appendPtsRange(firstPts, lastPts, timescale = 1, gap = 0, step = null) {
var resultException = null;
if (step == null)
step = timescale;
for (var pts = firstPts; pts <= lastPts; pts += step) {
try {
consoleWrite('Appending PTS='+pts / timescale);
sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(makeASample(pts, pts, step - gap, timescale, 1, SAMPLE_FLAG.SYNC, 1));
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
} catch (e) {
resultException = e;
return resultException;
async function appendConcatenateSamples(start, end) {
var resultException = null;
const samples = [];
for (let time = start; time <= end; time++)
samples.push(makeASample(time, time, 1, 1, 1, time === start ? SAMPLE_FLAG.SYNC : SAMPLE_FLAG.NONE));
try {
consoleWrite('Appending PTS='+start+'-'+end );
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
} catch (e) {
resultException = e;
return resultException;
if (window.internals)
window.addEventListener('load', async() => {
source = new MediaSource();
const videoSource = document.createElement('source');
videoSource.type = 'video/mock; codecs=mock';
videoSource.src = URL.createObjectURL(source);
await waitFor(source, 'sourceopen');
sourceBuffer = source.addSourceBuffer("video/mock; codecs=mock");
initSegment = makeAInit(350, [makeATrack(1, 'mock', TRACK_KIND.VIDEO)]);
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'error');
exception = await appendPtsRange(0, 12);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '!=');
exception = await appendConcatenateSamples(13, 15);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '==');
// To exercise eviction ahead of current time we must add over 30s of data.
// Ensure that small gaps that would be ignored during playback are also ignored by eviction.
// We use a gap of 2/1000 as gaps of 1/1000th are removed and 2002/24000 is the maximum gap ignored during playback.
sourceBuffer.remove(0, Infinity);
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
exception = await appendPtsRange(0, 60000, 1000, 2);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '==');
// Check that appendBuffer removed all the small gaps in the data less than the threshold.
testExpected(sourceBuffer.buffered.length, '1', '==');
// Ensure that if current time is close enough to the buffered data that the nearest range isn't evicted.
sourceBuffer.remove(0, Infinity);
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
exception = await appendPtsRange(2, 60002, 1000);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '==');
// Ensure that small gaps that would be ignored during playback are also ignored by eviction.
// We use a gap of 2000/24000 which is less than the 2002/24000 gap ignored during playback.
// Gaps are removed during append, so we remove data to create a gap <= 2000/24000.
sourceBuffer.remove(0, Infinity);
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
exception = await appendPtsRange(0, 29);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '!=');
// Add 30 to 32s in smaller granularity.
exception = await appendPtsRange(720000, 768000 - 1, 24000, 0, 2000);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '!=');
testExpected(sourceBuffer.buffered.length, '1', '==');
// Create a small 2000/24000 gap in the data at 31s.
sourceBuffer.remove(744000 / 24000, (744000 + 2000) / 24000);
await waitFor(sourceBuffer, 'updateend');
testExpected(sourceBuffer.buffered.length, '2', '==');
exception = await appendPtsRange(32, 60);
testExpected('exception', 'QuotaExceededError: The quota has been exceeded.', '==');