| Test the basics of IndexedDB's IDBObjectStore. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| webkitIndexedDB.open('objectstore-basics') |
| openSuccess(): |
| db = event.target.result |
| db.setVersion('new version') |
| setVersionSuccess(): |
| trans = event.target.result |
| PASS trans !== null is true |
| Deleted all object stores. |
| createObjectStore(): |
| store = db.createObjectStore('storeName', null) |
| storeNames = db.objectStoreNames |
| PASS store.name is "storeName" |
| PASS store.keyPath is null |
| PASS storeNames.contains('storeName') is true |
| PASS storeNames.length is 1 |
| Ask for an index that doesn't exist: |
| index = store.index('asdf') |
| PASS Exception thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.NOT_FOUND_ERR |
| createIndex(): |
| index = store.createIndex('indexName', 'x', {unique: true}) |
| PASS index !== null is true |
| PASS store.indexNames.contains('indexName') is true |
| index = store.index('indexName') |
| PASS index !== null is true |
| Ask for an index that doesn't exist: |
| index = store.index('asdf') |
| PASS Exception thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.NOT_FOUND_ERR |
| db.setVersion("version fail") |
| PASS db.version is "version fail" |
| setVersionTrans = event.target.result |
| PASS setVersionTrans !== null is true |
| store = setVersionTrans.objectStore('storeName') |
| index = store.createIndex('indexFail', 'x') |
| PASS db.version is "new version" |
| PASS store.transaction is setVersionTrans |
| PASS store.indexNames is ['indexName'] |
| PASS store.indexNames.length is 1 |
| PASS store.indexNames.contains('') is false |
| PASS store.indexNames.contains('indexFail') is false |
| PASS store.indexNames.contains('indexName') is true |
| PASS store.indexNames[0] is "indexName" |
| PASS store.indexNames[1] is null |
| PASS store.indexNames[100] is null |
| PASS store.indexNames.item(1) is null |
| PASS store.indexNames.item(100) is null |
| transaction = db.transaction(['storeName'], webkitIDBTransaction.READ_WRITE) |
| store = transaction.objectStore('storeName') |
| Try to insert data with a Date key: |
| store.add({x: 'foo'}, testDate) |
| Try to insert a value not handled by structured clone: |
| store.add({x: 'bar', y: document.getElementById('console')}, 'bar') |
| PASS Exception thrown |
| PASS code is DOMException.DATA_CLONE_ERR |
| Try to insert data where key path yields a Date key: |
| store.add({x: testDateB, y: 'value'}, 'key') |
| addSuccess(): |
| PASS event.target.result is "key" |
| event.target.source.add({x: 'foo'}, 'zzz') |
| addAgainFailure(): |
| PASS event.target.errorCode is webkitIDBDatabaseException.CONSTRAINT_ERR |
| event.preventDefault() |
| db.transaction(['storeName'], webkitIDBTransaction.READ_WRITE) |
| store = transaction.objectStore('storeName') |
| store.add({x: 'somevalue'}, 'somekey') |
| Expecting exception from store.add({x: 'othervalue'}, null) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| db.transaction(['storeName'], webkitIDBTransaction.READ_WRITE) |
| store = transaction.objectStore('storeName') |
| store.add({x: null}, 'validkey') |
| PASS event.cancelable is true |
| addWithNullIndexFailure(): |
| PASS event.target.errorCode is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| event.preventDefault() |
| db.transaction(['storeName'], webkitIDBTransaction.READ_WRITE) |
| store = transaction.objectStore('storeName') |
| store.get('key') |
| getSuccess(): |
| PASS event.target.result.y is "value" |
| store = event.target.source |
| store.get(testDate) |
| getSuccessDateKey(): |
| PASS event.target.result.x is "foo" |
| store.delete('key') |
| removeSuccess(): |
| PASS event.target.result is null |
| store = event.target.source |
| Passing an invalid key into store.get(). |
| Expecting exception from store.get([]) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| Passing an invalid key into store.delete(). |
| Expecting exception from store.delete([]) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| Passing an invalid key into store.add(). |
| Expecting exception from store.add(null, []) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| Passing an invalid key into store.put(). |
| Expecting exception from store.put(null, []) |
| PASS Exception was thrown. |
| PASS code is webkitIDBDatabaseException.DATA_ERR |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
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