blob: 413e18de00bc4ada443a94fb223506af29ecc4e7 [file] [log] [blame]
if (window.layoutTestController) {
function startTest() {
location.hash = '#'; // Transitioning from no hash to an empty hash should not generate an event.
location.hash = '#someHash'; // This actually reflects a changed hash and should generate an event.
function bodyInlineAttribute()
alert("<body> inline attribute called.");
document.body.onhashchange = bodyAssignedAttribute;
if (window.onhashchange != bodyAssignedAttribute)
alert("window.onhashchange should be the bodyAssignedAttribute() function, but isn't.");
if (document.body.onhashchange != window.onhashchange)
alert("document.body.onhashchange and window.onhashchange should be equal, but aren't.");
location.hash = '#';
function bodyAssignedAttribute()
alert("<body> assigned attribute called.");
window.onhashchange = windowAttribute;
if (document.body.onhashchange != windowAttribute)
alert("document.body.onhashchange should be the windowAttribute() function, but isn't.");
if (document.body.onhashchange != window.onhashchange)
alert("document.body.onhashchange and window.onhashchange should be equal, but aren't.");
location.hash = '#someHash';
function windowAttribute()
alert("window.onhashchange attribute called.");
if (window.layoutTestController)
<body onload="startTest();" onhashchange="bodyInlineAttribute();">
if (document.body.onhashchange != window.onhashchange)
alert("document.body.onhashchange and window.onhashchange should be equal, but aren't.");
This test makes sure that the various methods of setting an onhashchange handler all work as expected.<br>
Clicking the links below manually should also result in the event being fired when the hash actually changes.<br>
<a href="#">Go to empty hash</a><br>
<a href="#someHash">Go to non-empty hash</a><br>
<a name="#">Empty hash anchor</a><br>
<a name="#someHash">Non-empty hash anchor</a>