blob: 3b6bbb316a541aff47d38a978a6b9a5c7bc08309 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
# Copyright (C) 2007 Matt Lilek (
# Copyright (C) 2007 Eric Seidel <>
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# 3. Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
# its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
# from this software without specific prior written permission.
# Script to run the Web Kit Open Source Project layout tests.
# Run all the tests passed in on the command line.
# If no tests are passed, find all the .html, .shtml, .xml, .xhtml, .pl, .php (and svg) files in the test directory.
# Run each text.
# Compare against the existing file xxx-expected.txt.
# If there is a mismatch, generate xxx-actual.txt and xxx-diffs.txt.
# At the end, report:
# the number of tests that got the expected results
# the number of tests that ran, but did not get the expected results
# the number of tests that failed to run
# the number of tests that were run but had no expected results to compare against
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use File::Spec::Functions;
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Open2;
use IPC::Open3;
use Time::HiRes qw(time);
use List::Util 'shuffle';
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use webkitdirs;
use POSIX;
sub openDumpTool();
sub closeDumpTool();
sub dumpToolDidCrash();
sub closeHTTPD();
sub countAndPrintLeaks($$$);
sub fileNameWithNumber($$);
sub numericcmp($$);
sub openHTTPDIfNeeded();
sub pathcmp($$);
sub processIgnoreTests($);
sub slowestcmp($$);
sub splitpath($);
sub stripExtension($);
sub isTextOnlyTest($);
sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$);
sub printFailureMessageForTest($$);
sub toURL($);
sub toWindowsPath($);
sub closeCygpaths();
sub validateSkippedArg($$;$);
sub htmlForExpectedAndActualResults($);
sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($);
sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$);
sub buildPlatformHierarchy();
sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$);
sub parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks();
# Argument handling
my $addPlatformExceptions = 0;
my $configuration = configuration();
my $guardMalloc = '';
my $httpdPort = 8000;
my $httpdSSLPort = 8443;
my $ignoreTests = '';
my $launchSafari = 1;
my $platform;
my $pixelTests = '';
my $quiet = '';
my $repaintSweepHorizontally = '';
my $repaintTests = '';
my $report10Slowest = 0;
my $resetResults = 0;
my $shouldCheckLeaks = 0;
my $showHelp = 0;
my $testsPerDumpTool = 1000;
my $testHTTP = 1;
my $testMedia = 1;
my $testResultsDirectory = "/tmp/layout-test-results";
my $threaded = 0;
my $threshold = 0;
my $treatSkipped = "default";
my $verbose = 0;
my $useValgrind = 0;
my $strictTesting = 0;
my $generateNewResults = 1;
my $stripEditingCallbacks = isCygwin();
my $root;
my $reverseTests = 0;
my $randomizeTests = 0;
my $mergeDepth;
my @leaksFilenames;
# Default to --no-http for Qt, Gtk and wx for now.
$testHTTP = 0 if (isQt() || isGtk() || isWx());
my $expectedTag = "expected";
my $actualTag = "actual";
my $diffsTag = "diffs";
my $errorTag = "stderr";
if (isTiger()) {
$platform = "mac-tiger";
} elsif (isLeopard()) {
$platform = "mac-leopard";
} elsif (isOSX()) {
$platform = "mac";
} elsif (isQt()) {
$platform = "qt";
} elsif (isGtk()) {
$platform = "gtk";
} elsif (isCygwin()) {
$platform = "win";
if (!defined($platform)) {
print "WARNING: Your platform is not recognized. Any platform-specific results will be generated in platform/undefined.\n";
$platform = "undefined";
my $programName = basename($0);
my $launchSafariDefault = $launchSafari ? "launch" : "do not launch";
my $httpDefault = $testHTTP ? "run" : "do not run";
# FIXME: "--strict" should be renamed to qt-mac-comparison, or something along those lines.
my $usage = <<EOF;
Usage: $programName [options] [testdir|testpath ...]
--add-platform-exceptions Put new results for non-platform-specific failing tests into the platform-specific results directory
-c|--configuration config Set DumpRenderTree build configuration
-g|--guard-malloc Enable malloc guard
--help Show this help message
-h|--horizontal-sweep Change repaint to sweep horizontally instead of vertically (implies --repaint-tests)
--[no-]http Run (or do not run) http tests (default: $httpDefault)
-i|--ignore-tests Comma-separated list of directories or tests to ignore
--[no-]launch-safari Launch (or do not launch) Safari to display test results (default: $launchSafariDefault)
-l|--leaks Enable leaks checking
--[no-]new-test-results Generate results for new tests
-p|--pixel-tests Enable pixel tests
--platform Override the detected platform to use for tests and results (default: $platform)
--port Web server port to use with http tests
-q|--quiet Less verbose output
-r|--repaint-tests Run repaint tests (implies --pixel-tests)
--reset-results Reset ALL results (including pixel tests if --pixel-tests is set)
-o|--results-directory Output results directory (default: $testResultsDirectory)
--random Run the tests in a random order
--reverse Run the tests in reverse alphabetical order
--root Path to root tools build
-1|--singly Isolate each test case run (implies --verbose)
--skipped=[default|ignore|only] Specifies how to treat the Skipped file
default: Tests/directories listed in the Skipped file are not tested
ignore: The Skipped file is ignored
only: Only those tests/directories listed in the Skipped file will be run
--slowest Report the 10 slowest tests
--strict Do a comparison with the output on Mac (Qt only)
--[no-]strip-editing-callbacks Remove editing callbacks from expected results
-t|--threaded Run a concurrent JavaScript thead with each test
--threshold t Ignore pixel value deviations less than or equal to t
--valgrind Run DumpRenderTree inside valgrind (Qt/Linux only)
-v|--verbose More verbose output (overrides --quiet)
-m|--merge-leak-depth arg Merges leak callStacks and prints the number of unique leaks beneath a callstack depth of arg. Defaults to 5.
my $getOptionsResult = GetOptions(
'c|configuration=s' => \$configuration,
'debug|devel' => sub { $configuration = "Debug" },
'guard-malloc|g' => \$guardMalloc,
'help' => \$showHelp,
'horizontal-sweep|h' => \$repaintSweepHorizontally,
'http!' => \$testHTTP,
'ignore-tests|i=s' => \$ignoreTests,
'launch-safari!' => \$launchSafari,
'leaks|l' => \$shouldCheckLeaks,
'pixel-tests|p' => \$pixelTests,
'platform=s' => \$platform,
'port=i' => \$httpdPort,
'quiet|q' => \$quiet,
'release|deploy' => sub { $configuration = "Release" },
'repaint-tests|r' => \$repaintTests,
'reset-results' => \$resetResults,
'new-test-results!' => \$generateNewResults,
'results-directory|o=s' => \$testResultsDirectory,
'singly|1' => sub { $testsPerDumpTool = 1; },
'nthly=i' => \$testsPerDumpTool,
'skipped=s' => \&validateSkippedArg,
'slowest' => \$report10Slowest,
'threaded|t' => \$threaded,
'threshold=i' => \$threshold,
'verbose|v' => \$verbose,
'valgrind' => \$useValgrind,
'strict' => \$strictTesting,
'strip-editing-callbacks!' => \$stripEditingCallbacks,
'random' => \$randomizeTests,
'reverse' => \$reverseTests,
'root=s' => \$root,
'add-platform-exceptions' => \$addPlatformExceptions,
'merge-leak-depth|m:5' => \$mergeDepth,
if (!$getOptionsResult || $showHelp) {
print STDERR $usage;
exit 1;
my $ignoreSkipped = $treatSkipped eq "ignore";
my $skippedOnly = $treatSkipped eq "only";
!$skippedOnly || @ARGV == 0 or die "--skipped=only cannot be used when tests are specified on the command line.";
my $configurationOption = "--" . lc($configuration);
$repaintTests = 1 if $repaintSweepHorizontally;
$pixelTests = 1 if $repaintTests;
$pixelTests = 1 if $threshold > 0;
$verbose = 1 if $testsPerDumpTool == 1;
if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $testsPerDumpTool > 1000) {
print STDERR "\nWARNING: Running more than 1000 tests at a time with MallocStackLogging enabled may cause a crash.\n\n";
# Stack logging does not play well with QuickTime on Tiger (rdar://problem/5537157)
$testMedia = 0 if $shouldCheckLeaks && isTiger();
setConfigurationProductDir(Cwd::abs_path($root)) if (defined($root));
my $productDir = productDir();
$productDir .= "/bin" if (isQt());
if (isGtk()) {
$productDir .= "/Programs";
} else {
$productDir .= "/WebKitTools/DumpRenderTree/gtk";
# Push the parameters to build-dumprendertree as an array
my @args;
push(@args, "--" . $configuration);
push(@args, "--qt") if isQt();
push(@args, "--gtk") if isGtk();
my $buildResult = system "WebKitTools/Scripts/build-dumprendertree", @args;
if ($buildResult) {
print STDERR "Compiling DumpRenderTree failed!\n";
exit exitStatus($buildResult);
my $dumpToolName = "DumpRenderTree";
$dumpToolName .= "_debug" if isCygwin() && $configuration ne "Release";
my $dumpTool = "$productDir/$dumpToolName";
die "can't find executable $dumpToolName (looked in $productDir)\n" unless -x $dumpTool;
my $imageDiffTool = "$productDir/ImageDiff";
die "can't find executable $imageDiffTool (looked in $productDir)\n" if $pixelTests && !-x $imageDiffTool;
checkFrameworks() unless isCygwin();
my $layoutTestsName = "LayoutTests";
my $testDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs($layoutTestsName);
my $expectedDirectory = $testDirectory;
my $platformBaseDirectory = catdir($testDirectory, "platform");
my $platformTestDirectory = catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $platform);
my @platformHierarchy = buildPlatformHierarchy();
$expectedDirectory = $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"} if $ENV{"WebKitExpectedTestResultsDirectory"};
my $testResults = catfile($testResultsDirectory, "results.html");
print "Running tests from $testDirectory\n";
my @tests = ();
my %testType = ();
system "ln", "-s", $testDirectory, "/tmp/LayoutTests" unless -x "/tmp/LayoutTests";
my %ignoredFiles = ();
my %ignoredDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(platform);
my %ignoredLocalDirectories = map { $_ => 1 } qw(.svn _svn resources);
my %supportedFileExtensions = map { $_ => 1 } qw(html shtml xml xhtml pl php);
if (checkWebCoreSVGSupport(0)) {
$supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1;
} elsif (isCygwin()) {
# FIXME: We should fix to do the correct
# check for Windows instead of forcing this here.
$supportedFileExtensions{'svg'} = 1;
} else {
$ignoredLocalDirectories{'svg'} = 1;
if (!$testHTTP) {
$ignoredDirectories{'http'} = 1;
if (!$testMedia) {
$ignoredDirectories{'media'} = 1;
$ignoredDirectories{'http/tests/media'} = 1;
if ($ignoreTests) {
if (!$ignoreSkipped) {
foreach my $level (@platformHierarchy) {
if (open SKIPPED, "<", "$level/Skipped") {
if ($verbose && !$skippedOnly) {
my ($dir, $name) = splitpath($level);
print "Skipped tests in $name:\n";
while (<SKIPPED>) {
my $skipped = $_;
chomp $skipped;
$skipped =~ s/^[ \n\r]+//;
$skipped =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//;
if ($skipped && $skipped !~ /^#/) {
if ($skippedOnly) {
push(@ARGV, $skipped);
} else {
if ($verbose) {
print " $skipped\n";
close SKIPPED;
my $directoryFilter = sub {
return () if exists $ignoredLocalDirectories{basename($File::Find::dir)};
return () if exists $ignoredDirectories{File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $testDirectory)};
return @_;
my $fileFilter = sub {
my $filename = $_;
if ($filename =~ /\.([^.]+)$/) {
if (exists $supportedFileExtensions{$1}) {
my $path = File::Spec->abs2rel(catfile($File::Find::dir, $filename), $testDirectory);
push @tests, $path if !exists $ignoredFiles{$path};
for my $test (@ARGV) {
$test =~ s/^($layoutTestsName|$testDirectory)\///;
my $fullPath = catfile($testDirectory, $test);
if (file_name_is_absolute($test)) {
print "can't run test $test outside $testDirectory\n";
} elsif (-f $fullPath) {
my ($filename, $pathname, $fileExtension) = fileparse($test, qr{\.[^.]+$});
if (!exists $supportedFileExtensions{substr($fileExtension, 1)}) {
print "test $test does not have a supported extension\n";
} elsif ($testHTTP || $pathname !~ /^http\//) {
push @tests, $test;
} elsif (-d $fullPath) {
find({ preprocess => $directoryFilter, wanted => $fileFilter }, $fullPath);
for my $level (@platformHierarchy) {
my $platformPath = catfile($level, $test);
find({ preprocess => $directoryFilter, wanted => $fileFilter }, $platformPath) if (-d $platformPath);
} else {
print "test $test not found\n";
if (!scalar @ARGV) {
find({ preprocess => $directoryFilter, wanted => $fileFilter }, $testDirectory);
for my $level (@platformHierarchy) {
find({ preprocess => $directoryFilter, wanted => $fileFilter }, $level);
die "no tests to run\n" if !@tests;
@tests = sort pathcmp @tests;
my %counts;
my %tests;
my %imagesPresent;
my %imageDifferences;
my %durations;
my $count = 0;
my $leaksOutputFileNumber = 1;
my $totalLeaks = 0;
my @toolArgs = ();
push @toolArgs, "--dump-all-pixels" if $pixelTests && $resetResults;
push @toolArgs, "--pixel-tests" if $pixelTests;
push @toolArgs, "--repaint" if $repaintTests;
push @toolArgs, "--horizontal-sweep" if $repaintSweepHorizontally;
push @toolArgs, "--threaded" if $threaded;
push @toolArgs, "-";
my @diffToolArgs = ();
push @diffToolArgs, "--threshold", $threshold;
$| = 1;
my $imageDiffToolPID;
if ($pixelTests) {
local %ENV;
$ENV{MallocStackLogging} = 1 if $shouldCheckLeaks;
$imageDiffToolPID = open2(\*DIFFIN, \*DIFFOUT, $imageDiffTool, @diffToolArgs) or die "unable to open $imageDiffTool\n";
my $dumpToolPID;
my $isDumpToolOpen = 0;
my $dumpToolCrashed = 0;
my $atLineStart = 1;
my $lastDirectory = "";
my $isHttpdOpen = 0;
sub catch_pipe { $dumpToolCrashed = 1; }
$SIG{"PIPE"} = "catch_pipe";
print "Testing ", scalar @tests, " test cases.\n";
my $overallStartTime = time;
my %expectedResultDirectory;
# Reverse the tests
@tests = reverse @tests if $reverseTests;
# Shuffle the array
@tests = shuffle(@tests) if $randomizeTests;
for my $test (@tests) {
next if $test eq 'results.html';
my $newDumpTool = not $isDumpToolOpen;
my $base = stripExtension($test);
my $dir = $base;
$dir =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
if ($newDumpTool || $dir ne $lastDirectory) {
foreach my $logue (epiloguesAndPrologues($newDumpTool ? "" : $lastDirectory, $dir)) {
if (isCygwin()) {
$logue = toWindowsPath($logue);
} else {
$logue = canonpath($logue);
if ($verbose) {
print "running epilogue or prologue $logue\n";
print OUT "$logue\n";
# Discard the output.
while (<IN>) {
last if /#EOF/;
if ($verbose) {
print "running $test -> ";
$atLineStart = 0;
} elsif (!$quiet) {
if ($dir ne $lastDirectory) {
print "\n" unless $atLineStart;
print "$dir ";
print ".";
$atLineStart = 0;
$lastDirectory = $dir;
my $result;
my $startTime = time if $report10Slowest;
if ($test !~ /^http\//) {
my $testPath = "$testDirectory/$test";
if (isCygwin()) {
$testPath = toWindowsPath($testPath);
} else {
$testPath = canonpath($testPath);
print OUT "$testPath\n";
} else {
if ($test !~ /^http\/tests\/local\// && $test !~ /^http\/tests\/ssl\// && $test !~ /^http\/tests\/media\//) {
my $path = canonpath($test);
$path =~ s/^http\/tests\///;
print OUT "$httpdPort/$path\n";
} elsif ($test =~ /^http\/tests\/ssl\//) {
my $path = canonpath($test);
$path =~ s/^http\/tests\///;
print OUT "$httpdSSLPort/$path\n";
} else {
my $testPath = "$testDirectory/$test";
if (isCygwin()) {
$testPath = toWindowsPath($testPath);
} else {
$testPath = canonpath($testPath);
print OUT "$testPath\n";
my $actual = "";
while (<IN>) {
last if /#EOF/;
$actual .= $_;
my $isText = isTextOnlyTest($actual);
$durations{$test} = time - $startTime if $report10Slowest;
my $expected;
my $expectedDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, $isText, 0);
$expectedResultDirectory{$base} = $expectedDir;
if (!$resetResults && open EXPECTED, "<", "$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.txt") {
$expected = "";
while (<EXPECTED>) {
next if $stripEditingCallbacks && $_ =~ /^EDITING DELEGATE:/;
$expected .= $_;
my $expectedMac;
if (!isOSX() && $strictTesting && !$isText) {
if (!$resetResults && open EXPECTED, "<", "$testDirectory/platform/mac/$base-$expectedTag.txt") {
$expectedMac = "";
while (<EXPECTED>) {
$expectedMac .= $_;
if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $testsPerDumpTool == 1) {
print " $test -> ";
my $actualPNG = "";
my $diffPNG = "";
my $diffPercentage = "";
my $diffResult = "passed";
if ($pixelTests) {
my $expectedPixelDir = expectedDirectoryForTest($base, $isText, 1);
my $actualHash = "";
my $expectedHash = "";
my $actualPNGSize = 0;
while (<IN>) {
last if /#EOF/;
if (/ActualHash: ([a-f0-9]{32})/) {
$actualHash = $1;
} elsif (/BaselineHash: ([a-f0-9]{32})/) {
$expectedHash = $1;
} elsif (/Content-length: (\d+)\s*/) {
$actualPNGSize = $1;
read(IN, $actualPNG, $actualPNGSize);
if ($expectedHash ne $actualHash && -f "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.png") {
my $expectedPNGSize = -s "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.png";
my $expectedPNG = "";
open EXPECTEDPNG, "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.png";
read(EXPECTEDPNG, $expectedPNG, $expectedPNGSize);
print DIFFOUT "Content-length: $actualPNGSize\n";
print DIFFOUT $actualPNG;
print DIFFOUT "Content-length: $expectedPNGSize\n";
print DIFFOUT $expectedPNG;
while (<DIFFIN>) {
last if /^error/ || /^diff:/;
if (/Content-length: (\d+)\s*/) {
read(DIFFIN, $diffPNG, $1);
if (/^diff: (.+)% (passed|failed)/) {
$diffPercentage = $1;
$imageDifferences{$base} = $diffPercentage;
$diffResult = $2;
if ($actualPNGSize && ($resetResults || !-f "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.png")) {
mkpath catfile($expectedPixelDir, dirname($base)) if $testDirectory ne $expectedPixelDir;
open EXPECTED, ">", "$expectedPixelDir/$base-expected.png" or die "could not create $expectedPixelDir/$base-expected.png\n";
print EXPECTED $actualPNG;
# update the expected hash if the image diff said that there was no difference
if ($actualHash ne "" && ($resetResults || !-f "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.checksum")) {
open EXPECTED, ">", "$expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.checksum" or die "could not create $expectedPixelDir/$base-$expectedTag.checksum\n";
print EXPECTED $actualHash;
if (!isOSX() && $strictTesting && !$isText) {
if (defined $expectedMac) {
my $simplified_actual;
$simplified_actual = $actual;
$simplified_actual =~ s/at \(-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+\) *//g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/size -?[0-9]+x-?[0-9]+ *//g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+: //g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z ]+: //g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/RenderButton {BUTTON} .*/RenderButton {BUTTON}/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/RenderImage {INPUT} .*/RenderImage {INPUT}/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/RenderBlock {INPUT} .*/RenderBlock {INPUT}/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/RenderTextControl {INPUT} .*/RenderTextControl {INPUT}/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/\([0-9]+px/px/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/ *" *\n +" */ /g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/" +$/"/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/- /-/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/\n( *)"\s+/\n$1"/g;
$simplified_actual =~ s/\s+"\n/"\n/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/at \(-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+\) *//g;
$expectedMac =~ s/size -?[0-9]+x-?[0-9]+ *//g;
$expectedMac =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+: //g;
$expectedMac =~ s/text run width -?[0-9]+ [a-zA-Z ]+: //g;
$expectedMac =~ s/RenderButton {BUTTON} .*/RenderButton {BUTTON}/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/RenderImage {INPUT} .*/RenderImage {INPUT}/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/RenderBlock {INPUT} .*/RenderBlock {INPUT}/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/RenderTextControl {INPUT} .*/RenderTextControl {INPUT}/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/\([0-9]+px/px/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/ *" *\n +" */ /g;
$expectedMac =~ s/" +$/"/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/- /-/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/\n( *)"\s+/\n$1"/g;
$expectedMac =~ s/\s+"\n/"\n/g;
if ($simplified_actual ne $expectedMac) {
open ACTUAL, ">", "/tmp/actual.txt" or die;
print ACTUAL $simplified_actual;
close ACTUAL;
open ACTUAL, ">", "/tmp/expected.txt" or die;
print ACTUAL $expectedMac;
close ACTUAL;
system "diff -u \"/tmp/expected.txt\" \"/tmp/actual.txt\" > \"/tmp/simplified.diff\"";
$diffResult = "failed";
if($verbose) {
print "\n";
system "cat /tmp/simplified.diff";
print "failed!!!!!";
if (dumpToolDidCrash()) {
$result = "crash";
printFailureMessageForTest($test, "crashed");
my $dir = "$testResultsDirectory/$base";
$dir =~ s|/([^/]+)$|| or die "Failed to find test name from base\n";
mkpath $dir;
open CRASH, ">", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$errorTag.txt" or die;
print CRASH <ERROR>;
close CRASH;
recordActualResultsAndDiff($base, $actual);
} elsif (!defined $expected) {
if ($verbose) {
print "new " . ($resetResults ? "result" : "test") ."\n";
$atLineStart = 1;
$result = "new";
if ($generateNewResults || $resetResults) {
mkpath catfile($expectedDir, dirname($base)) if $testDirectory ne $expectedDir;
open EXPECTED, ">", "$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.txt" or die "could not create $expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.txt\n";
print EXPECTED $actual;
unless ($resetResults) {
# Always print the file name for new tests, as they will probably need some manual inspection.
# in verbose mode we already printed the test case, so no need to do it again.
unless ($verbose) {
print "\n" unless $atLineStart;
print "$test -> ";
my $resultsDir = catdir($expectedDir, dirname($base));
print "new (results generated in $resultsDir)\n";
$atLineStart = 1;
} elsif ($actual eq $expected && $diffResult eq "passed") {
if ($verbose) {
print "succeeded\n";
$atLineStart = 1;
$result = "match";
} else {
$result = "mismatch";
my $message = $actual eq $expected ? "pixel test failed" : "failed";
if ($actual ne $expected && $addPlatformExceptions) {
my $testBase = catfile($testDirectory, $base);
my $expectedBase = catfile($expectedDir, $base);
my $testIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific = $testBase =~ m|^\Q$platformTestDirectory\E/|;
my $expectedResultIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific = $expectedBase =~ m|^\Q$platformTestDirectory\E/|;
if (!$testIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific && !$expectedResultIsMaximallyPlatformSpecific) {
mkpath catfile($platformTestDirectory, dirname($base));
my $expectedFile = catfile($platformTestDirectory, "$base-$expectedTag.txt");
open EXPECTED, ">", $expectedFile or die "could not create $expectedFile\n";
print EXPECTED $actual;
$message .= " (results generated in $platformTestDirectory)";
printFailureMessageForTest($test, $message);
my $dir = "$testResultsDirectory/$base";
$dir =~ s|/([^/]+)$|| or die "Failed to find test name from base\n";
my $testName = $1;
mkpath $dir;
recordActualResultsAndDiff($base, $actual);
if ($pixelTests && $diffPNG && $diffPNG ne "") {
$imagesPresent{$base} = 1;
open ACTUAL, ">", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.png" or die;
print ACTUAL $actualPNG;
close ACTUAL;
open DIFF, ">", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.png" or die;
print DIFF $diffPNG;
close DIFF;
copy("$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.png", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$expectedTag.png");
open DIFFHTML, ">$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.html" or die;
print DIFFHTML "<html>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<head>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<title>$base Image Compare</title>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<script language=\"Javascript\" type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
print DIFFHTML "var currentImage = 0;\n";
print DIFFHTML "var imageNames = new Array(\"Actual\", \"Expected\");\n";
print DIFFHTML "var imagePaths = new Array(\"$testName-$actualTag.png\", \"$testName-$expectedTag.png\");\n";
if (-f "$testDirectory/$base-w3c.png") {
copy("$testDirectory/$base-w3c.png", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-w3c.png");
print DIFFHTML "imageNames.push(\"W3C\");\n";
print DIFFHTML "imagePaths.push(\"$testName-w3c.png\");\n";
print DIFFHTML "function animateImage() {\n";
print DIFFHTML " var image = document.getElementById(\"animatedImage\");\n";
print DIFFHTML " var imageText = document.getElementById(\"imageText\");\n";
print DIFFHTML " image.src = imagePaths[currentImage];\n";
print DIFFHTML " imageText.innerHTML = imageNames[currentImage] + \" Image\";\n";
print DIFFHTML " currentImage = (currentImage + 1) % imageNames.length;\n";
print DIFFHTML " setTimeout('animateImage()',2000);\n";
print DIFFHTML "}\n";
print DIFFHTML "</script>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</head>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<body onLoad=\"animateImage();\">\n";
print DIFFHTML "<table>\n";
if ($diffPercentage) {
print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<td>Difference between images: <a href=\"$testName-$diffsTag.png\">$diffPercentage%</a></td>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">test file</a></td>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<td id=\"imageText\" style=\"text-weight: bold;\">Actual Image</td>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "<td><img src=\"$testName-$actualTag.png\" id=\"animatedImage\"></td>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</tr>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</table>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</body>\n";
print DIFFHTML "</html>\n";
if (($count + 1) % $testsPerDumpTool == 0 || $count == $#tests) {
if ($shouldCheckLeaks) {
my $fileName;
if ($testsPerDumpTool == 1) {
$fileName = "$testResultsDirectory/$base-leaks.txt";
} else {
$fileName = "$testResultsDirectory/" . fileNameWithNumber($dumpToolName, $leaksOutputFileNumber) . "-leaks.txt";
my $leakCount = countAndPrintLeaks($dumpToolName, $dumpToolPID, $fileName);
$totalLeaks += $leakCount;
$leaksOutputFileNumber++ if ($leakCount);
push @{$tests{$result}}, $test;
$testType{$test} = $isText;
printf "\n%0.2fs total testing time\n", (time - $overallStartTime) . "";
!$isDumpToolOpen || die "Failed to close $dumpToolName.\n";
# Because multiple instances of this script are running concurrently we cannot
# safely delete this symlink.
# system "rm /tmp/LayoutTests";
# FIXME: Do we really want to check the image-comparison tool for leaks every time?
if ($shouldCheckLeaks && $pixelTests) {
$totalLeaks += countAndPrintLeaks("ImageDiff", $imageDiffToolPID, "$testResultsDirectory/ImageDiff-leaks.txt");
if ($totalLeaks) {
if ($mergeDepth) {
else {
print "\nWARNING: $totalLeaks total leaks found!\n";
print "See above for individual leaks results.\n" if ($leaksOutputFileNumber > 2);
close IN;
close OUT;
close ERROR;
if ($report10Slowest) {
print "\n\nThe 10 slowest tests:\n\n";
my $count = 0;
for my $test (sort slowestcmp keys %durations) {
printf "%0.2f secs: %s\n", $durations{$test}, $test;
last if ++$count == 10;
print "\n";
if ($skippedOnly && $counts{"match"}) {
print "The following tests are in the Skipped file (" . File::Spec->abs2rel("$platformTestDirectory/Skipped", $testDirectory) . "), but succeeded:\n";
foreach my $test (@{$tests{"match"}}) {
print " $test\n";
if ($resetResults || ($counts{match} && $counts{match} == $count)) {
print "all $count test cases succeeded\n";
unlink $testResults;
my %text = (
match => "succeeded",
mismatch => "had incorrect layout",
new => "were new",
crash => "crashed",
for my $type ("match", "mismatch", "new", "crash") {
my $c = $counts{$type};
if ($c) {
my $t = $text{$type};
my $message;
if ($c == 1) {
$t =~ s/were/was/;
$message = sprintf "1 test case (%d%%) %s\n", 1 * 100 / $count, $t;
} else {
$message = sprintf "%d test cases (%d%%) %s\n", $c, $c * 100 / $count, $t;
$message =~ s-\(0%\)-(<1%)-;
print $message;
mkpath $testResultsDirectory;
open HTML, ">", $testResults or die;
print HTML "<html>\n";
print HTML "<head>\n";
print HTML "<title>Layout Test Results</title>\n";
print HTML "</head>\n";
print HTML "<body>\n";
if ($counts{mismatch}) {
print HTML "<p>Tests where results did not match expected results:</p>\n";
print HTML "<table>\n";
for my $test (@{$tests{mismatch}}) {
my $base = stripExtension($test);
print HTML "<tr>\n";
print HTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">$test</a></td>\n";
print HTML htmlForExpectedAndActualResults($base);
if ($pixelTests) {
if ($imagesPresent{$base}) {
print HTML "<td><a href=\"$base-$expectedTag.png\">expected image</a></td>\n";
print HTML "<td><a href=\"$base-$diffsTag.html\">image diffs</a>\n";
print HTML "<a href=\"$base-$diffsTag.png\">$imageDifferences{$base}%</a></td>\n";
} else {
print HTML "<td></td><td></td>\n";
print HTML "</tr>\n";
print HTML "</table>\n";
if ($counts{crash}) {
print HTML "<p>Tests that caused the DumpRenderTree tool to crash:</p>\n";
print HTML "<table>\n";
for my $test (@{$tests{crash}}) {
my $base = stripExtension($test);
my $expectedDir = $expectedResultDirectory{$base};
print HTML "<tr>\n";
print HTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">$base</a></td>\n";
print HTML htmlForExpectedAndActualResults($base);
print HTML "<td><a href=\"$base-$errorTag.txt\">stderr</a></td>\n";
print HTML "</tr>\n";
print HTML "</table>\n";
if ($counts{new}) {
print HTML "<p>Tests that had no expected results (probably new):</p>\n";
print HTML "<table>\n";
for my $test (@{$tests{new}}) {
my $base = stripExtension($test);
my $expectedDir = $expectedResultDirectory{$base};
print HTML "<tr>\n";
print HTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$testDirectory/$test") . "\">$base</a></td>\n";
print HTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.txt") . "\">results</a></td>\n";
if ($pixelTests && -f "$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.png") {
print HTML "<td><a href=\"" . toURL("$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.png") . "\">image</a></td>\n";
print HTML "</tr>\n";
print HTML "</table>\n";
print HTML "</body>\n";
print HTML "</html>\n";
close HTML;
if (isQt()) {
system "konqueror", $testResults if $launchSafari;
} elsif (isGtk()) {
system "WebKitTools/Scripts/run-launcher", "--gtk", $configurationOption, $testResults if $launchSafari;
} elsif (isCygwin()) {
system "cygstart", $testResults if $launchSafari;
} else {
system "WebKitTools/Scripts/run-safari", $configurationOption, "-NSOpen", $testResults if $launchSafari;
closeCygpaths() if isCygwin();
exit 1;
sub countAndPrintLeaks($$$)
my ($dumpToolName, $dumpToolPID, $leaksFilePath) = @_;
print "\n" unless $atLineStart;
$atLineStart = 1;
# We are excluding the following reported leaks so they don't get in our way when looking for WebKit leaks:
# This allows us ignore known leaks and only be alerted when new leaks occur. Some leaks are in the old
# versions of the system frameworks that are being used by the leaks bots. Even though a leak has been
# fixed, it will be listed here until the bot has been updated with the newer frameworks.
my @typesToExclude = (
my @callStacksToExclude = (
"Flash_EnforceLocalSecurity" # leaks in Flash plug-in code, rdar://problem/4449747
if (isTiger()) {
# Leak list for the version of Tiger used on the build bot.
push @callStacksToExclude, (
"CFRunLoopRunSpecific \\| malloc_zone_malloc", "CFRunLoopRunSpecific \\| CFAllocatorAllocate ", # leak in CFRunLoopRunSpecific, rdar://problem/4670839
"CGImageSourceGetPropertiesAtIndex", # leak in ImageIO, rdar://problem/4628809
"FOGetCoveredUnicodeChars", # leak in ATS, rdar://problem/3943604
"GetLineDirectionPreference", "InitUnicodeUtilities", # leaks tool falsely reporting leak in CFNotificationCenterAddObserver, rdar://problem/4964790
"ICCFPrefWrapper::GetPrefDictionary", # leaks in Internet Config. code, rdar://problem/4449794
"NSHTTPURLProtocol setResponseHeader:", # leak in multipart/mixed-replace handling in Foundation, no Radar, but fixed in Leopard
"NSURLCache cachedResponseForRequest", # leak in CFURL cache, rdar://problem/4768430
"PCFragPrepareClosureFromFile", # leak in Code Fragment Manager, rdar://problem/3426998
"WebCore::Selection::toRange", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/4967949
"WebCore::SubresourceLoader::create", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/4985806
"_CFPreferencesDomainDeepCopyDictionary", # leak in CFPreferences, rdar://problem/4220786
"_objc_msgForward", # leak in NSSpellChecker, rdar://problem/4965278
"gldGetString", # leak in OpenGL, rdar://problem/5013699
"_setDefaultUserInfoFromURL", # leak in NSHTTPAuthenticator, rdar://problem/5546453
"SSLHandshake", # leak in SSL, rdar://problem/5546440
"SecCertificateCreateFromData", # leak in SSL code, rdar://problem/4464397
push @typesToExclude, (
"THRD", # bug in 'leaks', rdar://problem/3387783
"DRHT", # ditto (endian little hate i)
if (isLeopard()) {
# Leak list for the version of Leopard used on the build bot.
push @callStacksToExclude, (
"CFHTTPMessageAppendBytes", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5435912
"sendDidReceiveDataCallback", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441619
"_CFHTTPReadStreamReadMark", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441468
"httpProtocolStart", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5468837
"_CFURLConnectionSendCallbacks", # leak in CFNetwork, rdar://problem/5441600
"DispatchQTMsg", # leak in Quicktime, PPC only, <rdar://problem/5667132>
"QTMovieContentView createVisualContext", # leak in Quicktime, PPC only, <rdar://problem/5667132>
my $leaksTool = sourceDir() . "/WebKitTools/Scripts/run-leaks";
my $excludeString = "--exclude-callstack '" . (join "' --exclude-callstack '", @callStacksToExclude) . "'";
$excludeString .= " --exclude-type '" . (join "' --exclude-type '", @typesToExclude) . "'" if @typesToExclude;
print " ? checking for leaks in $dumpToolName\n";
my $leaksOutput = `$leaksTool $excludeString $dumpToolPID`;
my ($count, $bytes) = $leaksOutput =~ /Process $dumpToolPID: (\d+) leaks? for (\d+) total/;
my ($excluded) = $leaksOutput =~ /(\d+) leaks? excluded/;
my $adjustedCount = $count;
$adjustedCount -= $excluded if $excluded;
if (!$adjustedCount) {
print " - no leaks found\n";
unlink $leaksFilePath;
return 0;
} else {
my $dir = $leaksFilePath;
$dir =~ s|/[^/]+$|| or die;
mkpath $dir;
if ($excluded) {
print " + $adjustedCount leaks ($bytes bytes including $excluded excluded leaks) were found, details in $leaksFilePath\n";
} else {
print " + $count leaks ($bytes bytes) were found, details in $leaksFilePath\n";
open LEAKS, ">", $leaksFilePath or die;
print LEAKS $leaksOutput;
close LEAKS;
push( @leaksFilenames, $leaksFilePath );
return $adjustedCount;
# Break up a path into the directory (with slash) and base name.
sub splitpath($)
my ($path) = @_;
my $pathSeparator = "/";
my $dirname = dirname($path) . $pathSeparator;
$dirname = "" if $dirname eq "." . $pathSeparator;
return ($dirname, basename($path));
# Sort first by directory, then by file, so all paths in one directory are grouped
# rather than being interspersed with items from subdirectories.
# Use numericcmp to sort directory and filenames to make order logical.
sub pathcmp($$)
my ($patha, $pathb) = @_;
my ($dira, $namea) = splitpath($patha);
my ($dirb, $nameb) = splitpath($pathb);
return numericcmp($dira, $dirb) if $dira ne $dirb;
return numericcmp($namea, $nameb);
# Sort numeric parts of strings as numbers, other parts as strings.
# Makes 1.33 come after 1.3, which is cool.
sub numericcmp($$)
my ($aa, $bb) = @_;
my @a = split /(\d+)/, $aa;
my @b = split /(\d+)/, $bb;
# Compare one chunk at a time.
# Each chunk is either all numeric digits, or all not numeric digits.
while (@a && @b) {
my $a = shift @a;
my $b = shift @b;
# Use numeric comparison if chunks are non-equal numbers.
return $a <=> $b if $a =~ /^\d/ && $b =~ /^\d/ && $a != $b;
# Use string comparison if chunks are any other kind of non-equal string.
return $a cmp $b if $a ne $b;
# One of the two is now empty; compare lengths for result in this case.
return @a <=> @b;
# Sort slowest tests first.
sub slowestcmp($$)
my ($testa, $testb) = @_;
my $dura = $durations{$testa};
my $durb = $durations{$testb};
return $durb <=> $dura if $dura != $durb;
return pathcmp($testa, $testb);
sub openDumpTool()
return if $isDumpToolOpen;
# Save some requires variables for the linux environment...
my $homeDir = $ENV{'HOME'};
my $libraryPath = $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'};
my $dyldLibraryPath = $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'};
my $dbusAddress = $ENV{'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'};
my $display = $ENV{'DISPLAY'};
my $testfonts = $ENV{'WEBKIT_TESTFONTS'};
my $homeDrive = $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'};
my $homePath = $ENV{'HOMEPATH'};
local %ENV;
if (isQt() || isGtk()) {
if (defined $display) {
$ENV{DISPLAY} = $display;
} else {
$ENV{DISPLAY} = ":1";
$ENV{'WEBKIT_TESTFONTS'} = $testfonts if defined($testfonts);
$ENV{HOME} = $homeDir;
if (defined $libraryPath) {
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $libraryPath;
if (defined $dyldLibraryPath) {
$ENV{DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH} = $dyldLibraryPath;
if (defined $dbusAddress) {
$ENV{XML_CATALOG_FILES} = ""; # work around missing /etc/catalog <rdar://problem/4292995>
$ENV{MallocStackLogging} = 1 if $shouldCheckLeaks;
$ENV{DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES} = "/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib" if $guardMalloc;
if (isCygwin()) {
$ENV{HOMEDRIVE} = $homeDrive;
$ENV{HOMEPATH} = $homePath;
if ($testfonts) {
$ENV{WEBKIT_TESTFONTS} = $testfonts;
setPathForRunningWebKitApp(\%ENV) if isCygwin();
my @args = ();
if ($useValgrind) {
push @args, $dumpTool;
push @args, @toolArgs;
if ($useValgrind) {
$dumpTool = "valgrind";
$dumpToolPID = open3(\*OUT, \*IN, \*ERROR, $dumpTool, @args) or die "Failed to start tool: $dumpTool\n";
$isDumpToolOpen = 1;
$dumpToolCrashed = 0;
sub closeDumpTool()
return if !$isDumpToolOpen;
close IN;
close OUT;
close ERROR;
waitpid $dumpToolPID, 0;
$isDumpToolOpen = 0;
sub dumpToolDidCrash()
return 1 if $dumpToolCrashed;
return 0 unless $isDumpToolOpen;
my $pid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
return $pid == $dumpToolPID;
sub openHTTPDIfNeeded()
return if $isHttpdOpen;
mkdir "/tmp/WebKit";
if (-f "/tmp/WebKit/") {
my $oldPid = `cat /tmp/WebKit/`;
chomp $oldPid;
if (0 != kill 0, $oldPid) {
print "\nhttpd is already running: pid $oldPid, killing...\n";
kill 15, $oldPid;
my $retryCount = 20;
while ((0 != kill 0, $oldPid) && $retryCount) {
sleep 1;
die "Timed out waiting for httpd to quit" unless $retryCount;
my $httpdPath = "/usr/sbin/httpd";
my $httpdConfig;
if (isCygwin()) {
my $windowsConfDirectory = "$testDirectory/http/conf/";
unless (-x "/usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll") {
copy("$windowsConfDirectory/libphp4.dll", "/usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll");
chmod(0755, "/usr/lib/apache/libphp4.dll");
$httpdConfig = "$windowsConfDirectory/cygwin-httpd.conf";
} elsif (isDebianBased()) {
$httpdPath = "/usr/sbin/apache2";
$httpdConfig = "$testDirectory/http/conf/apache2-debian-httpd.conf";
} else {
$httpdConfig = "$testDirectory/http/conf/httpd.conf";
$httpdConfig = "$testDirectory/http/conf/apache2-httpd.conf" if `$httpdPath -v` =~ m|Apache/2|;
my $documentRoot = "$testDirectory/http/tests";
my $typesConfig = "$testDirectory/http/conf/mime.types";
my $listen = "$httpdPort";
my $absTestResultsDirectory = File::Spec->rel2abs(glob $testResultsDirectory);
my $sslCertificate = "$testDirectory/http/conf/webkit-httpd.pem";
mkpath $absTestResultsDirectory;
my @args = (
"-f", "$httpdConfig",
"-C", "DocumentRoot \"$documentRoot\"",
"-C", "Listen $listen",
"-c", "TypesConfig \"$typesConfig\"",
"-c", "CustomLog \"$absTestResultsDirectory/access_log.txt\" common",
"-c", "ErrorLog \"$absTestResultsDirectory/error_log.txt\"",
# Apache wouldn't run CGIs with permissions==700 otherwise
"-c", "User \"#$<\""
# FIXME: Enable this on Windows once <rdar://problem/5345985> is fixed
push(@args, "-c", "SSLCertificateFile \"$sslCertificate\"") unless isCygwin();
open2(\*HTTPDIN, \*HTTPDOUT, $httpdPath, @args);
my $retryCount = 20;
while (system("/usr/bin/curl -q --silent --stderr - --output /dev/null $listen") && $retryCount) {
sleep 1;
die "Timed out waiting for httpd to start" unless $retryCount;
$isHttpdOpen = 1;
sub closeHTTPD()
return if !$isHttpdOpen;
close HTTPDIN;
kill 15, `cat /tmp/WebKit/` if -f "/tmp/WebKit/";
$isHttpdOpen = 0;
sub fileNameWithNumber($$)
my ($base, $number) = @_;
return "$base$number" if ($number > 1);
return $base;
sub processIgnoreTests($) {
my @ignoreList = split(/\s*,\s*/, shift);
my $addIgnoredDirectories = sub {
return () if exists $ignoredLocalDirectories{basename($File::Find::dir)};
$ignoredDirectories{File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::dir, $testDirectory)} = 1;
return @_;
foreach my $item (@ignoreList) {
my $path = catfile($testDirectory, $item);
if (-d $path) {
$ignoredDirectories{$item} = 1;
find({ preprocess => $addIgnoredDirectories, wanted => sub {} }, $path);
elsif (-f $path) {
$ignoredFiles{$item} = 1;
else {
print "ignoring '$item' on ignore-tests list\n";
sub stripExtension($)
my ($test) = @_;
$test =~ s/\.[a-zA-Z]+$//;
return $test;
sub isTextOnlyTest($)
my ($actual) = @_;
my $isText;
if ($actual =~ /^layer at/ms) {
$isText = 0;
} else {
$isText = 1;
return $isText;
sub expectedDirectoryForTest($;$;$)
my ($base, $isText, $isPixelTest) = @_;
my @directories = @platformHierarchy;
push @directories, map { catdir($platformBaseDirectory, $_) } qw(mac-leopard mac) if isCygwin();
push @directories, $expectedDirectory;
# If we already have expected results, just return their location.
if ($isPixelTest) {
foreach my $directory (@directories) {
return $directory if (-f "$directory/$base-$expectedTag.png");
} else {
foreach my $directory (@directories) {
return $directory if (-f "$directory/$base-$expectedTag.txt");
# For platform-specific tests, the results should go right next to the test itself.
# Note: The return value of this subroutine will be concatenated with $base
# to determine the location of the new results, so returning $expectedDirectory
# will put the results right next to the test.
# FIXME: We want to allow platform/mac tests with platform/mac-leopard results,
# so this needs to be enhanced.
return $expectedDirectory if $base =~ /^platform/;
# For cross-platform tests, text-only results should go in the cross-platform directory,
# while render tree dumps should go in the least-specific platform directory.
return $isText ? $expectedDirectory : $platformHierarchy[$#platformHierarchy];
sub printFailureMessageForTest($$)
my ($test, $description) = @_;
unless ($verbose) {
print "\n" unless $atLineStart;
print "$test -> ";
print "$description\n";
$atLineStart = 1;
my %cygpaths = ();
sub openCygpathIfNeeded($)
my ($options) = @_;
return unless isCygwin();
return $cygpaths{$options} if $cygpaths{$options} && $cygpaths{$options}->{"open"};
my $pid = open2(\*CYGPATHIN, \*CYGPATHOUT, "cygpath -f - $options");
my $cygpath = {
"pid" => $pid,
"in" => *CYGPATHIN,
"out" => *CYGPATHOUT,
"open" => 1
$cygpaths{$options} = $cygpath;
return $cygpath;
sub closeCygpaths()
return unless isCygwin();
foreach my $cygpath (values(%cygpaths)) {
close $cygpath->{"in"};
close $cygpath->{"out"};
waitpid($cygpath->{"pid"}, 0);
$cygpath->{"open"} = 0;
sub convertPathUsingCygpath($$)
my ($path, $options) = @_;
my $cygpath = openCygpathIfNeeded($options);
local *inFH = $cygpath->{"in"};
local *outFH = $cygpath->{"out"};
print outFH $path . "\n";
chomp(my $convertedPath = <inFH>);
return $convertedPath;
sub toWindowsPath($)
my ($path) = @_;
return unless isCygwin();
return convertPathUsingCygpath($path, "-w");
sub toURL($)
my ($path) = @_;
return $path unless isCygwin();
return "file:///" . convertPathUsingCygpath($path, "-m");
sub validateSkippedArg($$;$)
my ($option, $value, $value2) = @_;
my %validSkippedValues = map { $_ => 1 } qw(default ignore only);
$value = lc($value);
die "Invalid argument '" . $value . "' for option $option" unless $validSkippedValues{$value};
$treatSkipped = $value;
sub htmlForExpectedAndActualResults($)
my ($base) = @_;
return "<td></td><td></td><td></td>\n" unless -s "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt";
return "<td><a href=\"$base-$expectedTag.txt\">expected</a></td>\n"
. "<td><a href=\"$base-$actualTag.txt\">actual</a></td>\n"
. "<td><a href=\"$base-$diffsTag.txt\">diffs</a></td>\n";
sub deleteExpectedAndActualResults($)
my ($base) = @_;
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.txt";
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt";
unlink "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$errorTag.txt";
sub recordActualResultsAndDiff($$)
my ($base, $actual) = @_;
return unless length($actual);
open ACTUAL, ">", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.txt" or die "Couldn't open actual results file for $base";
print ACTUAL $actual;
close ACTUAL;
my $expectedDir = $expectedResultDirectory{$base};
copy("$expectedDir/$base-$expectedTag.txt", "$testResultsDirectory/$base-$expectedTag.txt");
system "diff -u \"$testResultsDirectory/$base-$expectedTag.txt\" \"$testResultsDirectory/$base-$actualTag.txt\" > \"$testResultsDirectory/$base-$diffsTag.txt\"";
sub buildPlatformHierarchy()
mkpath($platformTestDirectory) if ($platform eq "undefined" && !-d "$platformTestDirectory");
my @platforms = split('-', $platform);
my @hierarchy;
for (my $i=0; $i < @platforms; $i++) {
my $scoped = catdir($platformBaseDirectory, join('-', @platforms[0..($#platforms - $i)]));
push(@hierarchy, $scoped) if (-d $scoped);
return @hierarchy;
sub epiloguesAndPrologues($$) {
my ($lastDirectory, $directory) = @_;
my @lastComponents = split('/', $lastDirectory);
my @components = split('/', $directory);
while (@lastComponents) {
if ($lastComponents[0] ne $components[0]) {
shift @components;
shift @lastComponents;
my @result;
my $leaving = $lastDirectory;
foreach (@lastComponents) {
my $epilogue = $leaving . "/resources/run-webkit-tests-epilogue.html";
foreach (@platformHierarchy) {
push @result, catdir($_, $epilogue) if (stat(catdir($_, $epilogue)));
push @result, catdir($testDirectory, $epilogue) if (stat(catdir($testDirectory, $epilogue)));
$leaving =~ s|(^\|/)[^/]+$||;
my $entering = $leaving;
foreach (@components) {
$entering .= '/' . $_;
my $prologue = $entering . "/resources/run-webkit-tests-prologue.html";
push @result, catdir($testDirectory, $prologue) if (stat(catdir($testDirectory, $prologue)));
foreach (reverse @platformHierarchy) {
push @result, catdir($_, $prologue) if (stat(catdir($_, $prologue)));
return @result;
sub parseLeaksandPrintUniqueLeaks() {
return unless @leaksFilenames;
my $mergedFilenames = join " ", @leaksFilenames;
my $parseMallocHistoryTool = sourceDir() . "/WebKitTools/Scripts/parse-malloc-history";
open MERGED_LEAKS, "cat $mergedFilenames | $parseMallocHistoryTool --merge-depth $mergeDepth - |" ;
my @leakLines = <MERGED_LEAKS>;
my $uniqueLeakCount = 0;
my $totalBytes;
foreach my $line (@leakLines) {
++$uniqueLeakCount if ($line =~ /^(\d*)\scalls/);
$totalBytes = $1 if $line =~ /^total\:\s(.*)\s\(/;
print "\nWARNING: $totalLeaks total leaks found for a total of $totalBytes!\n";
print "WARNING: $uniqueLeakCount unique leaks found!\n";
print "See above for individual leaks results.\n" if ($leaksOutputFileNumber > 2);