| # main keywords |
| @begin mainTable 41 |
| |
| # types |
| null NULLTOKEN |
| true TRUETOKEN |
| false FALSETOKEN |
| |
| # keywords |
| break BREAK |
| case CASE |
| catch CATCH |
| const CONSTTOKEN |
| default DEFAULT |
| finally FINALLY |
| for FOR |
| instanceof INSTANCEOF |
| new NEW |
| var VAR |
| continue CONTINUE |
| function FUNCTION |
| return RETURN |
| void VOIDTOKEN |
| delete DELETETOKEN |
| if IF |
| this THISTOKEN |
| do DO |
| while WHILE |
| else ELSE |
| in INTOKEN |
| switch SWITCH |
| throw THROW |
| try TRY |
| typeof TYPEOF |
| with WITH |
| debugger DEBUGGER |
| |
| # reserved for future use |
| class RESERVED |
| enum RESERVED |
| export RESERVED |
| extends RESERVED |
| import RESERVED |
| super RESERVED |
| |
| # these words are reserved for future use in the ECMA spec, but not in WinIE |
| # (see http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6179) |
| # abstract RESERVED |
| # boolean RESERVED |
| # byte RESERVED |
| # char RESERVED |
| # double RESERVED |
| # final RESERVED |
| # float RESERVED |
| # goto RESERVED |
| # implements RESERVED |
| # int RESERVED |
| # interface RESERVED |
| # long RESERVED |
| # native RESERVED |
| # package RESERVED |
| # private RESERVED |
| # protected RESERVED |
| # public RESERVED |
| # short RESERVED |
| # static RESERVED |
| # synchronized RESERVED |
| # throws RESERVED |
| # transient RESERVED |
| # volatile RESERVED |
| @end |
| |