blob: 3d24a5f8f9642472f5264924795d33dff6a56d15 [file] [log] [blame]
EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChangeSelection:WebViewDidChangeSelectionNotification
EDITING DELEGATE: shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:range from 1 of #text > DIV to 1 of #text > DIV toDOMRange:range from 57 of #text > DIV to 57 of #text > DIV affinity:NSSelectionAffinityDownstream stillSelecting:FALSE
EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChangeSelection:WebViewDidChangeSelectionNotification
EDITING DELEGATE: webViewDidChange:WebViewDidChangeNotification
This tests for a bug where text pasted into a textarea would appear one character before the position where it was pasted.
Hooray, test succeeded.