blob: 349462dbb5037321e16b92b8055bd94c015ea11c [file] [log] [blame]
from import assert_error, assert_success
import pytest
def query(session, name):
script = """
var done = arguments[0];
navigator.permissions.query({ name: '%s' })
.then(function(value) {
done({ status: 'success', value: value && value.state });
}, function(error) {
done({ status: 'error', value: error && error.message });
""" % name
return session.transport.send(
"POST", "/session/{session_id}/execute/async".format(**vars(session)),
{"script": script, "args": []})
# > 1. Let parameters be the parameters argument, converted to an IDL value of
# > type PermissionSetParameters. If this throws an exception, return a
# > WebDriver error with WebDriver error code invalid argument.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("parameters", [
#{ "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": "granted" }
{ "descriptor": { "name": 23 }, "state": "granted" },
{ "descriptor": { }, "state": "granted" },
{ "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": "Granted" },
{ "descriptor": 23, "state": "granted" },
{ "descriptor": "geolocation", "state": "granted" },
{ "descriptor": [ { "name": "geolocation" } ], "state": "granted" },
[ { "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": "granted" } ],
{ "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": "granted", "oneRealm": 23 }
@pytest.mark.capabilities({"acceptInsecureCerts": True})
def test_invalid_parameters(session, url, parameters):
session.url = url("/common/blank.html", protocol="https")
response = session.transport.send(
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
# > 6. If settings is a non-secure context and isn't allowed in
# > non-secure contexts, return a WebDriver error with WebDriver error code
# > invalid argument.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", ["granted", "denied", "prompt"])
def test_non_secure_context(session, url, state):
session.url = url("/common/blank.html", protocol="http")
response = session.transport.send(
"POST", "/session/{session_id}/permissions".format(**vars(session)),
{ "descriptor": { "name": "push" }, "state": state }
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", ["granted", "denied", "prompt"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("realmSetting", [
{ "oneRealm": True },
{ "oneRealm": False },
@pytest.mark.capabilities({"acceptInsecureCerts": True})
def test_set_to_state(session, url, state, realmSetting):
session.url = url("/common/blank.html", protocol="https")
parameters = { "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": state }
response = session.transport.send(
"POST", "/session/{session_id}/permissions".format(**vars(session)),
except AssertionError:
# > 4. If parameters.state is an inappropriate permission state for any
# > implementation-defined reason, return a WebDriver error with
# > WebDriver error code invalid argument.
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
assert response.body.get("value") == None
response = query(session, "geolocation")
result = response.body.get("value")
assert isinstance(result, dict)
assert result.get("status") == "success"
assert result.get("value") == state
# > 7. If parameters.oneRealm is true, [...]
# > 8. Otherwise, let targets be a list containing all environment settings
# > objects whose origin is the same as the origin of settings.
# Ensure that all realms are affected when `oneRealm` is not enabled.
@pytest.mark.parametrize("state", ["granted", "denied", "prompt"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("realmSetting", [
{ "oneRealm": False },
@pytest.mark.capabilities({"acceptInsecureCerts": True})
def test_set_to_state_cross_realm(session, create_window, url, state, realmSetting):
session.url = url("/common/blank.html", protocol="https")
original_window = session.window_handle
session.window_handle = create_window()
session.url = url("/common/blank.html", protocol="https")
parameters = { "descriptor": { "name": "geolocation" }, "state": state }
response = session.transport.send(
"POST", "/session/{session_id}/permissions".format(**vars(session)),
except AssertionError:
# > 4. If parameters.state is an inappropriate permission state for any
# > implementation-defined reason, return a WebDriver error with
# > WebDriver error code invalid argument.
assert_error(response, "invalid argument")
assert response.body.get("value") == None
session.window_handle = original_window
response = query(session, "geolocation")
result = response.body.get("value")
assert isinstance(result, dict)
assert result.get("status") == "success"
assert result.get("value") == state
# The following test is not implemented because UAs may vary in the way they
# modify permissions across realms, so the behavior of the `oneRealm` parameter
# cannot be asserted uniformly.
# def test_set_to_state_one_realm():
# pass