blob: ec3d15abec09ca5f5e3db9e2c8ac2e9040ffe7fe [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="resources/testharness-helpers.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/test-helpers.sub.js"></script>
<script src="/common/get-host-info.sub.js"></script>
* @param bolean cors
* Determine wether the imported script should be a cross origin script.
* @param string main
* Decide the content of the main script, where 'default' is for constant
* content while 'time' is for time-variant content.
* @param string imported
* Decide the content of the imported script, where 'default' is for constant
* content while 'time' is for time-variant content.
const settings = [{cors: false, main: 'default', imported: 'default'},
{cors: false, main: 'default', imported: 'time' },
{cors: false, main: 'time', imported: 'default'},
{cors: false, main: 'time', imported: 'time' },
{cors: true, main: 'default', imported: 'default'},
{cors: true, main: 'default', imported: 'time' },
{cors: true, main: 'time', imported: 'default'},
{cors: true, main: 'time', imported: 'time' }];
const host_info = get_host_info();
settings.reduce((p, s) => {
return p.then(promise_test(function(t) {
var path = !s.cors ? ''
var script = 'resources/' +
'?main=' + s.main +
'&imported=' + s.imported +
'&path=' + path;
var scope = 'resources/blank.html';
var swr, sw;
return Promise.resolve()
// Register a service worker.
.then(_ => service_worker_unregister_and_register(t, script, scope))
.then(r => swr = r)
.then(_ => wait_for_update(t, swr))
.then(w => sw = w)
.then(_ => wait_for_state(t, sw, 'activated'))
.then(_ => assert_array_equals([,
[sw, null, null]))
// Update the service worker registration.
.then(_ => swr.update())
.then(_ => {
// If there should be a new service worker.
if (s.main === 'time' || s.imported === 'time') {
return wait_for_update(t, swr);
// Otherwise, make sure there is no newly created service worker.
[sw, null, null]);
// Unregister the service worker.
.then(_ => service_worker_unregister_and_done(t, scope));
}, `Test(cors: ${s.cors}, main: ${s.main}, imported: ${s.imported})`));
}, Promise.resolve());