blob: 49b2e4f1988ae95a07e44ba6a4393e6da4d93d00 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS initialize global state
PASS Normal redirect to same-origin scope.
PASS Normal redirect to same-origin scope with a hash fragment.
PASS Normal redirect to same-origin scope with different hash fragments.
PASS Normal redirect to other-origin scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to same-origin out-scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to same-origin same-scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to same-origin same-scope with a hash fragment.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to same-origin same-scope with different hash fragments.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to same-origin other-scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to other-origin out-scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to other-origin in-scope.
PASS SW-fallbacked redirect to other-origin and back to same-origin.
PASS SW-generated redirect to same-origin out-scope.
FAIL SW-generated redirect to same-origin out-scope with a hash fragment. assert_equals: Last URL should match. expected "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" but got "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/"
PASS SW-generated redirect to same-origin out-scope with different hash fragments.
PASS SW-generated redirect to same-origin same-scope.
PASS SW-generated redirect to same-origin other-scope.
PASS SW-generated redirect to other-origin out-scope.
PASS SW-generated redirect to other-origin in-scope.
PASS SW-fetched redirect to same-origin out-scope.
PASS SW-fetched redirect to same-origin same-scope.
PASS SW-fetched redirect to same-origin other-scope.
PASS SW-fetched redirect to other-origin out-scope.
PASS SW-fetched redirect to other-origin in-scope.
PASS Redirect to same-origin out-scope with opaque redirect response.
PASS Redirect to same-origin same-scope with opaque redirect response.
PASS Redirect to same-origin other-scope with opaque redirect response.
PASS Redirect to other-origin out-scope with opaque redirect response.
PASS Redirect to other-origin in-scope with opaque redirect response.
PASS No location redirect response.
PASS Redirect to same-origin out-scope with opaque redirect response which is passed through Cache.
PASS Redirect to same-origin same-scope with opaque redirect response which is passed through Cache.
PASS Redirect to same-origin other-scope with opaque redirect response which is passed through Cache.
PASS Redirect to other-origin out-scope with opaque redirect response which is passed through Cache.
PASS Redirect to other-origin in-scope with opaque redirect response which is passed through Cache.
PASS No location redirect response via Cache.
PASS clean up global state