blob: aabde6f0ef97dc2fc8470d6028be6cac2d12e5a8 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: undefined
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/
CONSOLE MESSAGE: FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: undefined
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/
CONSOLE MESSAGE: FetchEvent.respondWith received an error: undefined
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Cannot load https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Credentials flag is true, but Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is not "true".
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Blocked from asking for credentials because it is a cross-origin request.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Origin https://localhost:9443 is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Credentials flag is true, but Access-Control-Allow-Credentials is not "true".
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Response served by service worker is opaque
CONSOLE MESSAGE: Response served by service worker is opaque
Harness Error (TIMEOUT), message = null
PASS initialize global state
PASS url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "" should be TAINTED assert_equals: expected "TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be LOAD_ERROR
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "" should be TAINTED assert_equals: expected "TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED assert_equals: expected "NOT_TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
FAIL url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be TAINTED assert_equals: expected "TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
PASS url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be LOAD_ERROR
PASS url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
FAIL url "" with crossOrigin "" should be TAINTED assert_equals: expected "TAINTED" but got "LOAD_ERROR"
TIMEOUT url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be LOAD_ERROR Test timed out
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
NOTRUN url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be LOAD_ERROR
NOTRUN url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
NOTRUN url "https://localhost:9443/service-workers/service-worker/resources/" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "" should be LOAD_ERROR
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "anonymous" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be LOAD_ERROR
NOTRUN url "" with crossOrigin "use-credentials" should be NOT_TAINTED
NOTRUN restore global state