blob: 3be427118bf94bd91dffdf74a02c00625a0da64f [file] [log] [blame]
pointercancel test
Warning: this test works properly only for devices that have touchscreen
Test Description: This test checks if pointercancel event triggers.
Start touch over the black rectangle and then move your finger to scroll the page.
Pointer Events pointercancel Tests
The following pointer types were detected: touch.
FAIL pointercancel event received assert_true: pointerleave should be received before the test finished expected true got false
PASS touch pointercancel event is a PointerEvent event
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerId attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerId is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerId IDL type long (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.width attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.width is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.width IDL type float (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.height attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.height is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.height IDL type float (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.pressure attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.pressure is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.pressure IDL type float (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltX attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltX is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltX IDL type long (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltY attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltY is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.tiltY IDL type long (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerType attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerType is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.pointerType IDL type string (JS type was string)
PASS touch pointercancel.isPrimary attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.isPrimary is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.isPrimary IDL type boolean (JS type was boolean)
PASS touch pointercancel.detail attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.detail is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.detail IDL type long (JS type was number)
PASS touch pointercancel.detail value is 0.
PASS touch pointercancel.fromElement attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.fromElement is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.fromElement IDL type object (JS type was object)
PASS touch pointercancel.fromElement value is null.
PASS touch pointercancel.toElement attribute exists
PASS touch pointercancel.toElement is readonly
PASS touch pointercancel.toElement IDL type object (JS type was object)
FAIL touch pointercancel.toElement value is null. assert_equals: toElement attribute value expected null but got Element node <div id="target0" style="background: black"></div>
PASS touch pointercancel.pressure value is valid