blob: 90587082502fb0387b2ed4ececfa06ad7c104f88 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Test driver
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation fromPoint(DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute x
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute y
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute z
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: attribute w
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation matrixTransform(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMPointReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMPointReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMPointReadOnly()
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "fromPoint(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling fromPoint(DOMPointInit) on new DOMPointReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "matrixTransform(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling matrixTransform(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMPointReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPointReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS Test default toJSON operation of DOMPointReadOnly
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMPoint interface object length
PASS DOMPoint interface object name
PASS DOMPoint interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMPoint interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMPoint interface: operation fromPoint(DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute x
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute y
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute z
PASS DOMPoint interface: attribute w
PASS DOMPoint must be primary interface of new DOMPoint()
PASS Stringification of new DOMPoint()
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "fromPoint(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: calling fromPoint(DOMPointInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPoint interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "fromPoint(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling fromPoint(DOMPointInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "z" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "w" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "matrixTransform(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: calling matrixTransform(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMPoint() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMPointReadOnly interface: new DOMPoint() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS Test default toJSON operation of DOMPoint
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: operation fromRect(DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute x
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute y
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute width
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute height
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute top
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute right
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute bottom
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: attribute left
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMRectReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMRectReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMRectReadOnly()
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "fromRect(DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: calling fromRect(DOMRectInit) on new DOMRectReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "top" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "right" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "bottom" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "left" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRectReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS Test default toJSON operation of DOMRectReadOnly
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMRect interface object length
PASS DOMRect interface object name
PASS DOMRect interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMRect interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMRect interface: operation fromRect(DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute x
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute y
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute width
PASS DOMRect interface: attribute height
PASS DOMRect must be primary interface of new DOMRect()
PASS Stringification of new DOMRect()
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "fromRect(DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: calling fromRect(DOMRectInit) on new DOMRect() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRect interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "fromRect(DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: calling fromRect(DOMRectInit) on new DOMRect() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "x" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "y" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "width" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "height" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "top" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "right" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "bottom" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "left" with the proper type
PASS DOMRectReadOnly interface: new DOMRect() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS Test default toJSON operation of DOMRect
PASS DOMRectList interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMQuad interface object length
PASS DOMQuad interface object name
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMQuad interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation fromRect(DOMRectInit)
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation fromQuad(DOMQuadInit)
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p1
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p2
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p3
PASS DOMQuad interface: attribute p4
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation getBounds()
PASS DOMQuad interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMQuad must be primary interface of new DOMQuad()
PASS Stringification of new DOMQuad()
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "fromRect(DOMRectInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: calling fromRect(DOMRectInit) on new DOMQuad() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "fromQuad(DOMQuadInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: calling fromQuad(DOMQuadInit) on new DOMQuad() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p1" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p2" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p3" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "p4" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "getBounds()" with the proper type
PASS DOMQuad interface: new DOMQuad() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
FAIL Test default toJSON operation of DOMQuad assert_true: instanceof DOMPoint expected true got false
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface object length
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface object name
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute a
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute b
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute c
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute d
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute e
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute f
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m11
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m12
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m13
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m14
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m21
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m22
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m23
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m24
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m31
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m32
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m33
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m34
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m41
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m42
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m43
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute m44
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute is2D
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: attribute isIdentity
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation translate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation scale(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation scale3d(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotateFromVector(unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation rotateAxisAngle(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation skewX(unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation skewY(unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation multiply(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation flipX()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation flipY()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation inverse()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation transformPoint(DOMPointInit)
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toFloat32Array()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toFloat64Array()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: member undefined
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: operation toJSON()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly must be primary interface of new DOMMatrixReadOnly()
PASS Stringification of new DOMMatrixReadOnly()
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromFloat32Array(Float32Array) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling fromFloat64Array(Float64Array) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "a" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "b" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "c" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "d" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "e" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "f" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m11" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m12" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m13" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m14" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m21" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m22" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m23" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m24" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m31" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m32" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m33" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m34" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m41" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m42" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m43" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "m44" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "is2D" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "isIdentity" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "translate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling translate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "scale(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling scale(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "scale3d(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling scale3d(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotate(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotateFromVector(unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotateFromVector(unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "rotateAxisAngle(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling rotateAxisAngle(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "skewX(unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling skewX(unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "skewY(unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling skewY(unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "multiply(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling multiply(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "flipX()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "flipY()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "inverse()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "transformPoint(DOMPointInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: calling transformPoint(DOMPointInit) on new DOMMatrixReadOnly() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toFloat32Array()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toFloat64Array()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must not have property "undefined"
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly interface: new DOMMatrixReadOnly() must inherit property "toJSON()" with the proper type
PASS Test default toJSON operation of DOMMatrixReadOnly
PASS DOMMatrixReadOnly must be primary interface of DOMMatrixReadOnly.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS Stringification of DOMMatrixReadOnly.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface object
PASS DOMMatrix interface object length
PASS DOMMatrix interface object name
PASS DOMMatrix interface: legacy window alias
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property
PASS DOMMatrix interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute a
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute b
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute c
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute d
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute e
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute f
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m11
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m12
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m13
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m14
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m21
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m22
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m23
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m24
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m31
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m32
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m33
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m34
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m41
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m42
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m43
PASS DOMMatrix interface: attribute m44
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation multiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation preMultiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation translateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation scaleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation scale3dSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateFromVectorSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation rotateAxisAngleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation skewXSelf(unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation skewYSelf(unrestricted double)
PASS DOMMatrix interface: operation invertSelf()
PASS DOMMatrix interface: member setMatrixValue
PASS DOMMatrix must be primary interface of new DOMMatrix()
PASS Stringification of new DOMMatrix()
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromMatrix(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromFloat32Array(Float32Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromFloat32Array(Float32Array) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "fromFloat64Array(Float64Array)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling fromFloat64Array(Float64Array) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "a" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "b" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "c" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "d" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "e" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "f" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m11" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m12" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m13" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m14" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m21" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m22" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m23" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m24" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m31" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m32" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m33" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m34" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m41" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m42" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m43" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "m44" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "multiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling multiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "preMultiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling preMultiplySelf(DOMMatrixInit) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "translateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling translateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "scaleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling scaleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "scale3dSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling scale3dSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateFromVectorSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateFromVectorSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "rotateAxisAngleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling rotateAxisAngleSelf(unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double, unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "skewXSelf(unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling skewXSelf(unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "skewYSelf(unrestricted double)" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: calling skewYSelf(unrestricted double) on new DOMMatrix() with too few arguments must throw TypeError
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must inherit property "invertSelf()" with the proper type
PASS DOMMatrix interface: new DOMMatrix() must not have property "setMatrixValue"
PASS DOMMatrix must be primary interface of DOMMatrix.fromMatrix({is2D: false})
PASS Stringification of DOMMatrix.fromMatrix({is2D: false})