blob: 97bcb1c5f16b315c8bf050ac0e3020edd6bd8c0d [file] [log] [blame]
"domain": "Security",
"description": "Security domain allows the frontend to query for information relating to the security of the page (e.g. HTTPS info, TLS info, user activity, etc.).",
"debuggableTypes": ["page", "service-worker", "web-page"],
"targetTypes": ["page", "service-worker"],
"types": [
"id": "Connection",
"type": "object",
"description": "Information about a SSL connection to display in the frontend.",
"properties": [
{ "name": "protocol", "type": "string", "optional": true },
{ "name": "cipher", "type": "string", "optional": true }
"id": "Certificate",
"type": "object",
"description": "Information about a SSL certificate to display in the frontend.",
"properties": [
{ "name": "subject", "type": "string", "optional": true },
{ "name": "validFrom", "$ref": "Network.Walltime", "optional": true },
{ "name": "validUntil", "$ref": "Network.Walltime", "optional": true },
{ "name": "dnsNames", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "optional": true, "description": "DNS names listed on the certificate."},
{ "name": "ipAddresses", "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" }, "optional": true, "description": "IP addresses listed on the certificate."}
"id": "Security",
"type": "object",
"description": "Security information for a given Network.Response.",
"properties": [
{ "name": "connection", "$ref": "Connection", "optional": true },
{ "name": "certificate", "$ref": "Certificate", "optional": true }