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<title>Test the WHLSL test harness.</title>
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const whlslTests = {};
whlslTests.builtinMatrices = async () => {
let program = `
float foo()
float2x2 a;
a[0][0] = 1;
a[0][1] = 2;
a[1][0] = 3;
a[1][1] = 4;
return a[0][0];
float foo2()
float2x3 a;
a[0][0] = 1;
a[0][1] = 2;
a[0][2] = 3;
a[1][0] = 4;
a[1][1] = 5;
a[1][2] = 6;
return a[1][2];
float foo3()
float2x2 a;
return a[0][0];
bool foo4()
float2x2 a;
a[0][0] = 1;
a[0][1] = 2;
a[1][0] = 3;
a[1][1] = 4;
float2x2 b;
b[0][0] = 5;
b[0][1] = 6;
b[1][0] = 7;
b[1][1] = 8;
for (uint i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
for (uint j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
a[i][j] += 4;
return a == b;
bool foo5()
float2x2 a;
a[0] = float2(1, 2);
a[1] = float2(3, 4);
float2x2 b;
b[0][0] = 1;
b[0][1] = 2;
b[1][0] = 3;
b[1][1] = 4;
return a == b;
bool foo6()
float2x2 a;
a[0][0] = 1;
a[0][1] = 2;
a[1][0] = 3;
a[1][1] = 4;
float2x2 b;
b[0][0] = 5;
b[0][1] = 10;
b[1][0] = 18;
b[1][1] = 24;
a[0] *= 5;
a[1] *= 6;
return a == b;
float foo7()
float2x3 a = float2x3(float3(3, 4, 5), float3(6, 7, 8));
return a[0][2];
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo", []), 1);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo2", []), 6);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo3", []), 0);
assert_equals(await callBoolFunction(program, "foo4", []), true);
assert_equals(await callBoolFunction(program, "foo5", []), true);
assert_equals(await callBoolFunction(program, "foo6", []), true);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo7", []), 5);
whlslTests.matrixMultiplication = async () => {
let program = `
float2x4 multiply(float2x3 x, float3x4 y) {
// Copied and pasted from the standard library
float2x4 result;
result[0][0] = 0;
result[0][0] += x[0][0] * y[0][0];
result[0][0] += x[0][1] * y[1][0];
result[0][0] += x[0][2] * y[2][0];
result[0][1] = 0;
result[0][1] += x[0][0] * y[0][1];
result[0][1] += x[0][1] * y[1][1];
result[0][1] += x[0][2] * y[2][1];
result[0][2] = 0;
result[0][2] += x[0][0] * y[0][2];
result[0][2] += x[0][1] * y[1][2];
result[0][2] += x[0][2] * y[2][2];
result[0][3] = 0;
result[0][3] += x[0][0] * y[0][3];
result[0][3] += x[0][1] * y[1][3];
result[0][3] += x[0][2] * y[2][3];
result[1][0] = 0;
result[1][0] += x[1][0] * y[0][0];
result[1][0] += x[1][1] * y[1][0];
result[1][0] += x[1][2] * y[2][0];
result[1][1] = 0;
result[1][1] += x[1][0] * y[0][1];
result[1][1] += x[1][1] * y[1][1];
result[1][1] += x[1][2] * y[2][1];
result[1][2] = 0;
result[1][2] += x[1][0] * y[0][2];
result[1][2] += x[1][1] * y[1][2];
result[1][2] += x[1][2] * y[2][2];
result[1][3] = 0;
result[1][3] += x[1][0] * y[0][3];
result[1][3] += x[1][1] * y[1][3];
result[1][3] += x[1][2] * y[2][3];
return result;
float2x3 matrix1() {
float2x3 x;
x[0][0] = 2;
x[0][1] = 3;
x[0][2] = 5;
x[1][0] = 7;
x[1][1] = 11;
x[1][2] = 13;
return x;
float3x4 matrix2() {
float3x4 y;
y[0][0] = 17;
y[0][1] = 19;
y[0][2] = 23;
y[0][3] = 29;
y[1][0] = 31;
y[1][1] = 37;
y[1][2] = 41;
y[1][3] = 43;
y[2][0] = 47;
y[2][1] = 53;
y[2][2] = 59;
y[2][3] = 61;
return y;
float foo00() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[0][0];
float foo01() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[0][1];
float foo02() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[0][2];
float foo03() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[0][3];
float foo10() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[1][0];
float foo11() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[1][1];
float foo12() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[1][2];
float foo13() {
return multiply(matrix1(), matrix2())[1][3];
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo00", []), 17 * 2 + 31 * 3 + 47 * 5);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo01", []), 19 * 2 + 37 * 3 + 53 * 5);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo02", []), 23 * 2 + 41 * 3 + 59 * 5);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo03", []), 29 * 2 + 43 * 3 + 61 * 5);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo10", []), 17 * 7 + 31 * 11 + 47 * 13);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo11", []), 19 * 7 + 37 * 11 + 53 * 13);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo12", []), 23 * 7 + 41 * 11 + 59 * 13);
assert_equals(await callFloatFunction(program, "foo13", []), 29 * 7 + 43 * 11 + 61 * 13);