| #data |
| <!doctype html></head> <head> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected start tag head. Ignored. |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | " " |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <!doctype html><form><div></form><div> |
| #errors |
| 33: End tag "form" seen but there were unclosed elements. |
| 38: End of file seen and there were open elements. |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <form> |
| | <div> |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <!doctype html><title>&</title> |
| #errors |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <title> |
| | "&" |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <!doctype html><title><!--&--></title> |
| #errors |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE html> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <title> |
| | "<!--&-->" |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <!doctype> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 9 No space after literal string 'DOCTYPE'. |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected > character. Expected DOCTYPE name. |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Erroneous DOCTYPE. |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE > |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <!---x |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected end of file in comment. |
| Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected End of file. Expected DOCTYPE. |
| #document |
| | <!-- -x --> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <body> |
| <div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (body). |
| Line: 2 Col: 5 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document-fragment |
| div |
| #document |
| | " |
| " |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></frameset> |
| foo |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 2 Col: 3 Unexpected non-space characters in the after frameset phase. Ignored. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></frameset> |
| <noframes> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 2 Col: 10 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " |
| " |
| | <noframes> |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></frameset> |
| <div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 2 Col: 5 Unexpected start tag (div) in the after frameset phase. Ignored. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></frameset> |
| </html> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></frameset> |
| </div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 2 Col: 6 Unexpected end tag (div) in the after frameset phase. Ignored. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " |
| " |
| |
| #data |
| <form><form> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (form). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected start tag (form). |
| Line: 1 Col: 12 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <form> |
| |
| #data |
| <button><button> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected start tag (button). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (button) implies end tag (button). |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <button> |
| | <button> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tr><td></th> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption><td> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected table cell start tag (td) in the table body phase. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 21 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| </caption><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document-fragment |
| caption |
| #document |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption><div></caption> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end tag (caption). Missing end tag (div). |
| Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption></table> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| |
| #data |
| </table><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end table tag in caption. Generates implied end caption. |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 13 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document-fragment |
| caption |
| #document |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption></body></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 23 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 29 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 40 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 47 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 68 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 73 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 81 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 86 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 86 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><caption><div></div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 27 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <caption> |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tr><td></body></caption></col></colgroup></html> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 56 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| </table></tbody></tfoot></thead></tr><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 32 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 42 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document-fragment |
| td |
| #document |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><colgroup>foo |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected non-space characters in table context caused voodoo mode. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | "foo" |
| | <table> |
| | <colgroup> |
| |
| #data |
| foo<col> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 3 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored. |
| #document-fragment |
| colgroup |
| #document |
| | <col> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><colgroup></col> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 23 This element (col) has no end tag. |
| Line: 1 Col: 23 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <colgroup> |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 15 Unexpected start tag token (div) in the frameset phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 15 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| </frameset><frame> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 11 Unexpected end tag token (frameset) in the frameset phase (innerHTML). |
| #document-fragment |
| frameset |
| #document |
| | <frame> |
| |
| #data |
| <frameset></div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 10 Unexpected start tag (frameset). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag token (div) in the frameset phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| </body><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 12 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document-fragment |
| body |
| #document |
| | <div> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tr><div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <div> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| |
| #data |
| </tr><td> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 5 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored. |
| #document-fragment |
| tr |
| #document |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| </tbody></tfoot></thead><td> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored. |
| #document-fragment |
| tr |
| #document |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tr><div><td> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 16 Unexpected start tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected implied end tag (div) in the table row phase. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Expected closing tag. Unexpected end of file. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <div> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| | <td> |
| |
| #data |
| <caption><col><colgroup><tbody><tfoot><thead><tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 9 Unexpected start tag (caption). |
| Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected start tag (col). |
| Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected start tag (colgroup). |
| Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected start tag (tbody). |
| Line: 1 Col: 38 Unexpected start tag (tfoot). |
| Line: 1 Col: 45 Unexpected start tag (thead). |
| Line: 1 Col: 49 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document-fragment |
| tbody |
| #document |
| | <tr> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tbody></thead> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end tag (thead) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 22 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| |
| #data |
| </table><tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document-fragment |
| tbody |
| #document |
| | <tr> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tbody></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></td></th></tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 21 Unexpected end tag (body) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 31 Unexpected end tag (caption) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 37 Unexpected end tag (col) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (colgroup) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 55 Unexpected end tag (html) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 60 Unexpected end tag (td) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 65 Unexpected end tag (th) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 70 Unexpected end tag (tr) in the table body phase. Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 70 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><tbody></div> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end tag (div) in table context caused voodoo mode. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 End tag (div) seen too early. Expected other end tag. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <tbody> |
| |
| #data |
| <table><table> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected start tag (table) implies end tag (table). |
| Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| | <table> |
| |
| #data |
| <table></body></caption></col></colgroup></html></tbody></td></tfoot></th></thead></tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (table). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 14 Unexpected end tag (body). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 24 Unexpected end tag (caption). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 30 Unexpected end tag (col). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 41 Unexpected end tag (colgroup). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 48 Unexpected end tag (html). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 56 Unexpected end tag (tbody). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 61 Unexpected end tag (td). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 69 Unexpected end tag (tfoot). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 74 Unexpected end tag (th). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 82 Unexpected end tag (thead). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 87 Unexpected end tag (tr). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 87 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| | <table> |
| |
| #data |
| </table><tr> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 8 Unexpected end tag (table). Ignored. |
| Line: 1 Col: 12 Unexpected end of file. Expected table content. |
| #document-fragment |
| table |
| #document |
| | <tbody> |
| | <tr> |
| |
| #data |
| <body></body></html> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected html end tag in inner html mode. |
| Line: 1 Col: 20 Unexpected EOF in inner html mode. |
| #document-fragment |
| html |
| #document |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <html><frameset></frameset></html> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 6 Unexpected start tag (html). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| | " " |
| |
| #data |
| <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"><html></html> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 50 Erroneous DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 63 Unexpected end tag (html) after the (implied) root element. |
| #document |
| | <!DOCTYPE html "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <body> |
| |
| #data |
| <param><frameset></frameset> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (param). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected start tag (frameset). |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| <source><frameset></frameset> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (source). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected start tag (frameset). |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| <track><frameset></frameset> |
| #errors |
| Line: 1 Col: 7 Unexpected start tag (track). Expected DOCTYPE. |
| Line: 1 Col: 17 Unexpected start tag (frameset). |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| </html><frameset></frameset> |
| #errors |
| 7: End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”. |
| 17: Stray “frameset” start tag. |
| 17: “frameset” start tag seen. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |
| |
| #data |
| </body><frameset></frameset> |
| #errors |
| 7: End tag seen without seeing a doctype first. Expected “<!DOCTYPE html>”. |
| 17: Stray “frameset” start tag. |
| 17: “frameset” start tag seen. |
| #document |
| | <html> |
| | <head> |
| | <frameset> |