blob: 1552346e770d478ce35f00e37b908be538d93b67 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the KDE project.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2000 Simon Hausmann <>
* (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "render_frames.h"
#include "Cursor.h"
#include "DocumentImpl.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameTree.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "TextImpl.h"
#include "dom2_eventsimpl.h"
#include "html/html_baseimpl.h"
#include "html/html_objectimpl.h"
#include "html/htmltokenizer.h"
#include "htmlnames.h"
#include "render_arena.h"
#include "render_canvas.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace EventNames;
using namespace HTMLNames;
RenderFrameSet::RenderFrameSet( HTMLFrameSetElementImpl *frameSet)
: RenderContainer(frameSet)
// init RenderObject attributes
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
m_gridLen[k] = -1;
m_gridDelta[k] = 0;
m_gridLayout[k] = 0;
m_resizing = m_clientResizing = false;
m_hSplit = -1;
m_vSplit = -1;
m_hSplitVar = 0;
m_vSplitVar = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (m_gridLayout[k]) delete [] m_gridLayout[k];
if (m_gridDelta[k]) delete [] m_gridDelta[k];
if (m_hSplitVar)
delete [] m_hSplitVar;
if (m_vSplitVar)
delete [] m_vSplitVar;
bool RenderFrameSet::nodeAtPoint(NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty,
HitTestAction hitTestAction)
if (hitTestAction != HitTestForeground)
return false;
bool inside = RenderContainer::nodeAtPoint(info, _x, _y, _tx, _ty, hitTestAction) ||
m_resizing || canResize(_x, _y);
if (inside && element() && !element()->noResize() && !info.readonly() && !info.innerNode()) {
return inside || m_clientResizing;
void RenderFrameSet::layout( )
KHTMLAssert( needsLayout() );
KHTMLAssert( minMaxKnown() );
if ( !parent()->isFrameSet() ) {
FrameView* view = canvas()->view();
m_width = view->visibleWidth();
m_height = view->visibleHeight();
int remainingLen[2];
remainingLen[1] = m_width - (element()->totalCols()-1)*element()->border();
if(remainingLen[1]<0) remainingLen[1]=0;
remainingLen[0] = m_height - (element()->totalRows()-1)*element()->border();
if(remainingLen[0]<0) remainingLen[0]=0;
int availableLen[2];
availableLen[0] = remainingLen[0];
availableLen[1] = remainingLen[1];
if (m_gridLen[0] != element()->totalRows() || m_gridLen[1] != element()->totalCols()) {
// number of rows or cols changed
// need to zero out the deltas
m_gridLen[0] = element()->totalRows();
m_gridLen[1] = element()->totalCols();
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
if (m_gridDelta[k]) delete [] m_gridDelta[k];
m_gridDelta[k] = new int[m_gridLen[k]];
if (m_gridLayout[k]) delete [] m_gridLayout[k];
m_gridLayout[k] = new int[m_gridLen[k]];
for (int i = 0; i < m_gridLen[k]; ++i)
m_gridDelta[k][i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) {
int totalRelative = 0;
int totalFixed = 0;
int totalPercent = 0;
int countRelative = 0;
int countFixed = 0;
int countPercent = 0;
int gridLen = m_gridLen[k];
int* gridDelta = m_gridDelta[k];
khtml::Length* grid = k ? element()->m_cols : element()->m_rows;
int* gridLayout = m_gridLayout[k];
if (grid) {
// First we need to investigate how many columns of each type we have and
// how much space these columns are going to require.
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
// Count the total length of all of the fixed columns/rows -> totalFixed
// Count the number of columns/rows which are fixed -> countFixed
if (grid[i].isFixed()) {
gridLayout[i] = kMax(grid[i].value(), 0);
totalFixed += gridLayout[i];
// Count the total percentage of all of the percentage columns/rows -> totalPercent
// Count the number of columns/rows which are percentages -> countPercent
if (grid[i].isPercent()) {
gridLayout[i] = kMax(grid[i].calcValue(availableLen[k]), 0);
totalPercent += gridLayout[i];
// Count the total relative of all the relative columns/rows -> totalRelative
// Count the number of columns/rows which are relative -> countRelative
if (grid[i].isRelative()) {
totalRelative += kMax(grid[i].value(), 1);
// Fixed columns/rows are our first priority. If there is not enough space to fit all fixed
// columns/rows we need to proportionally adjust their size.
if (totalFixed > remainingLen[k]) {
int remainingFixed = remainingLen[k];
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isFixed()) {
gridLayout[i] = (gridLayout[i] * remainingFixed) / totalFixed;
remainingLen[k] -= gridLayout[i];
} else {
remainingLen[k] -= totalFixed;
// Percentage columns/rows are our second priority. Divide the remaining space proportionally
// over all percentage columns/rows. IMPORTANT: the size of each column/row is not relative
// to 100%, but to the total percentage. For example, if there are three columns, each of 75%,
// and the available space is 300px, each column will become 100px in width.
if (totalPercent > remainingLen[k]) {
int remainingPercent = remainingLen[k];
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isPercent()) {
gridLayout[i] = (gridLayout[i] * remainingPercent) / totalPercent;
remainingLen[k] -= gridLayout[i];
} else {
remainingLen[k] -= totalPercent;
// Relative columns/rows are our last priority. Divide the remaining space proportionally
// over all relative columns/rows. IMPORTANT: the relative value of 0* is treated as 1*.
if (countRelative) {
int lastRelative = 0;
int remainingRelative = remainingLen[k];
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isRelative()) {
gridLayout[i] = (kMax(grid[i].value(), 1) * remainingRelative) / totalRelative;
remainingLen[k] -= gridLayout[i];
lastRelative = i;
// If we could not evently distribute the available space of all of the relative
// columns/rows, the remainder will be added to the last column/row.
// For example: if we have a space of 100px and three columns (*,*,*), the remainder will
// be 1px and will be added to the last column: 33px, 33px, 34px.
if (remainingLen[k]) {
gridLayout[lastRelative] += remainingLen[k];
remainingLen[k] = 0;
// If we still have some left over space we need to divide it over the already existing
// columns/rows
if (remainingLen[k]) {
// Our first priority is to spread if over the percentage columns. The remaining
// space is spread evenly, for example: if we have a space of 100px, the columns
// definition of 25%,25% used to result in two columns of 25px. After this the
// columns will each be 50px in width.
if (countPercent && totalPercent) {
int remainingPercent = remainingLen[k];
int changePercent = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isPercent()) {
changePercent = (remainingPercent * gridLayout[i]) / totalPercent;
gridLayout[i] += changePercent;
remainingLen[k] -= changePercent;
} else if (totalFixed) {
// Our last priority is to spread the remaining space over the fixed columns.
// For example if we have 100px of space and two column of each 40px, both
// columns will become exactly 50px.
int remainingFixed = remainingLen[k];
int changeFixed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isFixed()) {
changeFixed = (remainingFixed * gridLayout[i]) / totalFixed;
gridLayout[i] += changeFixed;
remainingLen[k] -= changeFixed;
// If we still have some left over space we probably ended up with a remainder of
// a division. We can not spread it evenly anymore. If we have any percentage
// columns/rows simply spread the remainder equally over all available percentage columns,
// regardless of their size.
if (remainingLen[k] && countPercent) {
int remainingPercent = remainingLen[k];
int changePercent = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isPercent()) {
changePercent = remainingPercent / countPercent;
gridLayout[i] += changePercent;
remainingLen[k] -= changePercent;
// If we don't have any percentage columns/rows we only have fixed columns. Spread
// the remainder equally over all fixed columns/rows.
else if (remainingLen[k] && countFixed) {
int remainingFixed = remainingLen[k];
int changeFixed = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (grid[i].isFixed()) {
changeFixed = remainingFixed / countFixed;
gridLayout[i] += changeFixed;
remainingLen[k] -= changeFixed;
// Still some left over... simply add it to the last column, because it is impossible
// spread it evenly or equally.
if (remainingLen[k]) {
gridLayout[gridLen - 1] += remainingLen[k];
// now we have the final layout, distribute the delta over it
bool worked = true;
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
if (gridLayout[i] && gridLayout[i] + gridDelta[i] <= 0)
worked = false;
gridLayout[i] += gridDelta[i];
// now the delta's broke something, undo it and reset deltas
if (!worked)
for (int i = 0; i < gridLen; ++i) {
gridLayout[i] -= gridDelta[i];
gridDelta[i] = 0;
gridLayout[0] = remainingLen[k];
RenderObject *child = firstChild();
if ( !child )
goto end2;
if(!m_hSplitVar && !m_vSplitVar)
if(!m_vSplitVar && element()->totalCols() > 1)
m_vSplitVar = new bool[element()->totalCols()];
for(int i = 0; i < element()->totalCols(); i++) m_vSplitVar[i] = true;
if(!m_hSplitVar && element()->totalRows() > 1)
m_hSplitVar = new bool[element()->totalRows()];
for(int i = 0; i < element()->totalRows(); i++) m_hSplitVar[i] = true;
for(int r = 0; r < element()->totalRows(); r++)
for(int c = 0; c < element()->totalCols(); c++)
bool fixed = false;
if ( child->isFrameSet() )
fixed = static_cast<RenderFrameSet *>(child)->element()->noResize();
fixed = static_cast<RenderFrame *>(child)->element()->noResize();
if( element()->totalCols() > 1)
if(c>0) m_vSplitVar[c-1] = false;
m_vSplitVar[c] = false;
if( element()->totalRows() > 1)
if(r>0) m_hSplitVar[r-1] = false;
m_hSplitVar[r] = false;
child = child->nextSibling();
goto end1;
void RenderFrameSet::positionFrames()
int r;
int c;
RenderObject *child = firstChild();
if ( !child )
// NodeImpl *child = _first;
// if(!child) return;
int yPos = 0;
for(r = 0; r < element()->totalRows(); r++)
int xPos = 0;
for(c = 0; c < element()->totalCols(); c++)
child->setPos( xPos, yPos );
// has to be resized and itself resize its contents
if ((m_gridLayout[1][c] != child->width()) || (m_gridLayout[0][r] != child->height())) {
child->setWidth( m_gridLayout[1][c] );
child->setHeight( m_gridLayout[0][r] );
xPos += m_gridLayout[1][c] + element()->border();
child = child->nextSibling();
if ( !child )
yPos += m_gridLayout[0][r] + element()->border();
// all the remaining frames are hidden to avoid ugly
// spurious unflowed frames
while ( child ) {
child->setWidth( 0 );
child->setHeight( 0 );
child = child->nextSibling();
bool RenderFrameSet::userResize( MouseEventImpl *evt )
if (needsLayout()) return false;
bool res = false;
int _x = evt->clientX();
int _y = evt->clientY();
if ( !m_resizing && evt->type() == mousemoveEvent || evt->type() == mousedownEvent )
m_hSplit = -1;
m_vSplit = -1;
//bool resizePossible = true;
// check if we're over a horizontal or vertical boundary
int pos = m_gridLayout[1][0] + xPos();
for (int c = 1; c < element()->totalCols(); c++) {
if (_x >= pos && _x <= pos+element()->border()) {
if (m_vSplitVar && m_vSplitVar[c - 1])
m_vSplit = c - 1;
res = true;
pos += m_gridLayout[1][c] + element()->border();
pos = m_gridLayout[0][0] + yPos();
for (int r = 1; r < element()->totalRows(); r++) {
if ( _y >= pos && _y <= pos+element()->border()) {
if (m_hSplitVar && m_hSplitVar[r - 1])
m_hSplit = r - 1;
res = true;
pos += m_gridLayout[0][r] + element()->border();
if (evt->type() == mousedownEvent) {
m_vSplitPos = _x;
m_hSplitPos = _y;
m_oldpos = -1;
} else
// ### check the resize is not going out of bounds.
if (m_resizing && evt->type() == mouseupEvent) {
if(m_vSplit != -1 )
int delta = m_vSplitPos - _x;
m_gridDelta[1][m_vSplit] -= delta;
m_gridDelta[1][m_vSplit+1] += delta;
if(m_hSplit != -1 )
int delta = m_hSplitPos - _y;
m_gridDelta[0][m_hSplit] -= delta;
m_gridDelta[0][m_hSplit+1] += delta;
// this just schedules the relayout
// important, otherwise the moving indicator is not correctly erased
else if (m_resizing || evt->type() == mouseupEvent) {
FrameView *v = canvas()->view();
QPainter paint;
paint.setPen( Color::gray );
paint.setBrush( Color::gray );
IntRect r(xPos(), yPos(), width(), height());
const int rBord = 3;
int sw = element()->border();
int p = m_resizing ? (m_vSplit > -1 ? _x : _y) : -1;
if (m_vSplit > -1) {
if (m_oldpos >= 0)
v->updateContents(m_oldpos + sw/2 - rBord, r.y(), 2 * rBord, r.height(), true );
if (p >= 0) {
paint.drawRect(p + sw/2 - rBord, r.y(), 2*rBord, r.height());
} else {
if (m_oldpos >= 0)
v->updateContents(r.x(), m_oldpos + sw/2 - rBord, r.width(), 2*rBord, true);
if (p >= 0) {
paint.drawRect(r.x(), p + sw/2 - rBord, r.width(), 2 * rBord);
m_oldpos = p;
return res;
void RenderFrameSet::setResizing(bool e)
m_resizing = e;
for (RenderObject* p = parent(); p; p = p->parent())
if (p->isFrameSet())
static_cast<RenderFrameSet*>(p)->m_clientResizing = m_resizing;
bool RenderFrameSet::canResize( int _x, int _y )
// if we haven't received a layout, then the gridLayout doesn't contain useful data yet
if (needsLayout() || !m_gridLayout[0] || !m_gridLayout[1] ) return false;
// check if we're over a horizontal or vertical boundary
int pos = m_gridLayout[1][0];
for(int c = 1; c < element()->totalCols(); c++)
if(_x >= pos && _x <= pos+element()->border())
return true;
pos = m_gridLayout[0][0];
for(int r = 1; r < element()->totalRows(); r++)
if( _y >= pos && _y <= pos+element()->border())
return true;
return false;
#ifndef NDEBUG
void RenderFrameSet::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const
*stream << " totalrows=" << element()->totalRows();
*stream << " totalcols=" << element()->totalCols();
uint i;
for (i = 0; i < (uint)element()->totalRows(); i++)
*stream << " hSplitvar(" << i << ")=" << m_hSplitVar[i];
for (i = 0; i < (uint)element()->totalCols(); i++)
*stream << " vSplitvar(" << i << ")=" << m_vSplitVar[i];
RenderPart::RenderPart(DOM::HTMLElementImpl* node)
: RenderWidget(node)
// init RenderObject attributes
if (m_widget && m_widget->isFrameView())
void RenderPart::setWidget(Widget* widget)
if (widget == m_widget)
if (m_widget && m_widget->isFrameView())
if (widget && widget->isFrameView()) {
setQWidget(widget, false);
} else {
// make sure the scrollbars are set correctly for restore
// ### find better fix
void RenderPart::viewCleared()
RenderFrame::RenderFrame( DOM::HTMLFrameElementImpl *frame )
: RenderPart(frame)
setInline( false );
void RenderFrame::viewCleared()
if (element() && m_widget && m_widget->isFrameView()) {
FrameView* view = static_cast<FrameView*>(m_widget);
HTMLFrameSetElementImpl* frameSet = static_cast<HTMLFrameSetElementImpl *>(element()->parentNode());
bool hasBorder = element()->m_frameBorder && frameSet->frameBorder();
int marginw = element()->m_marginWidth;
int marginh = element()->m_marginHeight;
if (marginw != -1)
if (marginh != -1)
RenderPartObject::RenderPartObject( DOM::HTMLElementImpl* element )
: RenderPart( element )
// init RenderObject attributes
m_hasFallbackContent = false;
static bool isURLAllowed(DOM::DocumentImpl *doc, const QString &url)
KURL newURL(doc->completeURL(url));
if (doc->frame()->topLevelFrameCount() >= 200)
return false;
// We allow one level of self-reference because some sites depend on that.
// But we don't allow more than one.
bool foundSelfReference = false;
for (Frame *frame = doc->frame(); frame; frame = frame->tree()->parent()) {
KURL frameURL = frame->url();
if (frameURL == newURL) {
if (foundSelfReference)
return false;
foundSelfReference = true;
return true;
static inline void mapClassIdToServiceType(const QString &classId, QString &serviceType)
// It is ActiveX, but the nsplugin system handling
// should also work, that's why we don't override the
// serviceType with application/x-activex-handler
// but let the KTrader in khtmlpart::createPart() detect
// the user's preference: launch with activex viewer or
// with nspluginviewer (Niko)
if (classId.contains("D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"))
serviceType = "application/x-shockwave-flash";
else if (classId.contains("CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"))
serviceType = "audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin";
else if (classId.contains("02BF25D5-8C17-4B23-BC80-D3488ABDDC6B"))
serviceType = "video/quicktime";
else if (classId.contains("166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000"))
serviceType = "application/x-director";
else if (classId.contains("6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"))
serviceType = "application/x-mplayer2";
else if (!classId.isEmpty())
// We have a clsid, means this is activex (Niko)
serviceType = "application/x-activex-handler";
// TODO: add more plugins here
void RenderPartObject::updateWidget()
QString url;
QString serviceType;
QStringList paramNames;
QStringList paramValues;
Frame *frame = m_view->frame();
if (element()->hasTagName(objectTag)) {
HTMLObjectElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLObjectElementImpl *>(element());
if (!o->isComplete())
// Check for a child EMBED tag.
HTMLEmbedElementImpl *embed = 0;
for (NodeImpl *child = o->firstChild(); child; ) {
if (child->hasTagName(embedTag)) {
embed = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElementImpl *>( child );
} else if (child->hasTagName(objectTag)) {
child = child->nextSibling(); // Don't descend into nested OBJECT tags
} else {
child = child->traverseNextNode(o); // Otherwise descend (EMBEDs may be inside COMMENT tags)
// Use the attributes from the EMBED tag instead of the OBJECT tag including WIDTH and HEIGHT.
HTMLElementImpl *embedOrObject;
if (embed) {
embedOrObject = (HTMLElementImpl *)embed;
DOMString attribute = embedOrObject->getAttribute(widthAttr);
if (!attribute.isEmpty()) {
o->setAttribute(widthAttr, attribute);
attribute = embedOrObject->getAttribute(heightAttr);
if (!attribute.isEmpty()) {
o->setAttribute(heightAttr, attribute);
url = embed->url;
serviceType = embed->serviceType;
} else {
embedOrObject = (HTMLElementImpl *)o;
// If there was no URL or type defined in EMBED, try the OBJECT tag.
if (url.isEmpty()) {
url = o->url;
if (serviceType.isEmpty()) {
serviceType = o->serviceType;
HashSet<DOMStringImpl*, CaseInsensitiveHash> uniqueParamNames;
// Scan the PARAM children.
// Get the URL and type from the params if we don't already have them.
// Get the attributes from the params if there is no EMBED tag.
NodeImpl *child = o->firstChild();
while (child && (url.isEmpty() || serviceType.isEmpty() || !embed)) {
if (child->hasTagName(paramTag)) {
HTMLParamElementImpl *p = static_cast<HTMLParamElementImpl *>(child);
DOMString name = p->name().lower();
if (url.isEmpty() && (name == "src" || name == "movie" || name == "code" || name == "url"))
url = p->value().qstring();
if (serviceType.isEmpty() && name == "type") {
serviceType = p->value().qstring();
int pos = serviceType.find( ";" );
if (pos != -1) {
serviceType = serviceType.left(pos);
if (!embed && !name.isEmpty()) {
child = child->nextSibling();
// When OBJECT is used for an applet via Sun's Java plugin, the CODEBASE attribute in the tag
// points to the Java plugin itself (an ActiveX component) while the actual applet CODEBASE is
// in a PARAM tag. See <>. This means
// we have to explicitly suppress the tag's CODEBASE attribute if there is none in a PARAM,
// else our Java plugin will misinterpret it. [4004531]
DOMString codebase;
if (!embed && serviceType.lower() == "application/x-java-applet") {
codebase = "codebase";
uniqueParamNames.add(codebase.impl()); // pretend we found it in a PARAM already
// Turn the attributes of either the EMBED tag or OBJECT tag into arrays, but don't override PARAM values.
NamedAttrMapImpl* attributes = embedOrObject->attributes();
if (attributes) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < attributes->length(); ++i) {
AttributeImpl* it = attributes->attributeItem(i);
const AtomicString& name = it->name().localName();
if (embed || !uniqueParamNames.contains(name.impl())) {
// If we still don't have a type, try to map from a specific CLASSID to a type.
if (serviceType.isEmpty() && !o->classId.isEmpty())
mapClassIdToServiceType(o->classId.qstring(), serviceType);
// If no URL and type, abort.
if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty())
if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url))
// Find out if we support fallback content.
m_hasFallbackContent = false;
for (NodeImpl *child = o->firstChild(); child && !m_hasFallbackContent; child = child->nextSibling()) {
if ((!child->isTextNode() && !child->hasTagName(embedTag) && !child->hasTagName(paramTag)) || // Discount <embed> and <param>
(child->isTextNode() && !static_cast<TextImpl*>(child)->containsOnlyWhitespace()))
m_hasFallbackContent = true;
bool success = frame->requestObject(this, url, o->name().qstring(), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues);
if (!success && m_hasFallbackContent)
} else if (element()->hasTagName(embedTag)) {
HTMLEmbedElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLEmbedElementImpl *>(element());
url = o->url;
serviceType = o->serviceType;
if (url.isEmpty() && serviceType.isEmpty())
if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url))
// add all attributes set on the embed object
NamedAttrMapImpl* a = o->attributes();
if (a) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < a->length(); ++i) {
AttributeImpl* it = a->attributeItem(i);
frame->requestObject(this, url, o->getAttribute(nameAttr).qstring(), serviceType, paramNames, paramValues);
} else {
HTMLIFrameElementImpl *o = static_cast<HTMLIFrameElementImpl *>(element());
url = o->m_URL.qstring();
if (!isURLAllowed(document(), url))
if (url.isEmpty())
url = "about:blank";
FrameView *v = static_cast<FrameView *>(m_view);
v->frame()->requestFrame(this, url, o->m_name.qstring());
void RenderPartObject::layout( )
KHTMLAssert( needsLayout() );
KHTMLAssert( minMaxKnown() );
void RenderPartObject::viewCleared()
if (element() && m_widget && m_widget->isFrameView()) {
FrameView* view = static_cast<FrameView*>(m_widget);
bool hasBorder = false;
int marginw = -1;
int marginh = -1;
if (element()->hasTagName(iframeTag)) {
HTMLIFrameElementImpl* frame = static_cast<HTMLIFrameElementImpl *>(element());
hasBorder = frame->m_frameBorder;
marginw = frame->m_marginWidth;
marginh = frame->m_marginHeight;
if (marginw != -1)
if (marginh != -1)
// FIXME: This should not be necessary. Remove this once WebKit knows to properly schedule
// layouts using WebCore when objects resize.
void RenderPart::updateWidgetPosition()
if (!m_widget)
int x, y, width, height;
x += borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
y += borderTop() + paddingTop();
width = m_width - borderLeft() - borderRight() - paddingLeft() - paddingRight();
height = m_height - borderTop() - borderBottom() - paddingTop() - paddingBottom();
IntRect newBounds(x,y,width,height);
if (newBounds != m_widget->frameGeometry()) {
// The widget changed positions. Update the frame geometry.
RenderArena *arena = ref();
QScrollView *view = static_cast<QScrollView *>(m_widget);
if (view && view->isFrameView())