blob: 26fd331970d3f4f8688eb9aa59b33484f5939664 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 2001 Peter Kelly (
* Copyright (C) 2001 Tobias Anton (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "dom_node.h"
#include "NodeImpl.h"
#include "AtomicString.h"
#include "dom2_viewsimpl.h"
#include "Shared.h"
class QStringList;
namespace WebCore {
class ClipboardImpl;
class EventListener;
class Image;
class IntPoint;
class KeyEvent;
class EventImpl : public Shared<EventImpl>
EventImpl(const AtomicString& type, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg);
virtual ~EventImpl();
const AtomicString &type() const { return m_type; }
NodeImpl* target() const { return m_target.get(); }
void setTarget(NodeImpl*);
NodeImpl* currentTarget() const { return m_currentTarget; }
void setCurrentTarget(NodeImpl* currentTarget) { m_currentTarget = currentTarget; }
unsigned short eventPhase() const { return m_eventPhase; }
void setEventPhase(unsigned short eventPhase) { m_eventPhase = eventPhase; }
bool bubbles() const { return m_canBubble; }
bool cancelable() const { return m_cancelable; }
DOMTimeStamp timeStamp() { return m_createTime; }
void stopPropagation() { m_propagationStopped = true; }
void preventDefault() { if (m_cancelable) m_defaultPrevented = true; }
void initEvent(const AtomicString &eventTypeArg, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg);
virtual bool isUIEvent() const;
virtual bool isMouseEvent() const;
virtual bool isMutationEvent() const;
virtual bool isKeyboardEvent() const;
virtual bool isDragEvent() const; // a subset of mouse events
virtual bool isClipboardEvent() const;
virtual bool isWheelEvent() const;
bool propagationStopped() const { return m_propagationStopped; }
bool defaultPrevented() const { return m_defaultPrevented; }
void setDefaultHandled() { m_defaultHandled = true; }
bool defaultHandled() const { return m_defaultHandled; }
void setCancelBubble(bool cancel) { m_cancelBubble = cancel; }
void setDefaultPrevented(bool defaultPrevented) { m_defaultPrevented = defaultPrevented; }
bool getCancelBubble() const { return m_cancelBubble; }
virtual bool storesResultAsString() const;
virtual void storeResult(const DOMString&);
virtual void receivedTarget();
bool dispatched() const { return m_target; }
AtomicString m_type;
bool m_canBubble;
bool m_cancelable;
bool m_propagationStopped;
bool m_defaultPrevented;
bool m_defaultHandled;
bool m_cancelBubble;
NodeImpl* m_currentTarget; // ref > 0 maintained externally
unsigned short m_eventPhase;
RefPtr<NodeImpl> m_target;
DOMTimeStamp m_createTime;
class UIEventImpl : public EventImpl
UIEventImpl(const AtomicString &type,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg);
AbstractViewImpl *view() const { return m_view.get(); }
int detail() const { return m_detail; }
void initUIEvent(const AtomicString &typeArg,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg);
virtual bool isUIEvent() const;
virtual int keyCode() const;
virtual int charCode() const;
virtual int layerX() const;
virtual int layerY() const;
virtual int pageX() const;
virtual int pageY() const;
virtual int which() const;
RefPtr<AbstractViewImpl> m_view;
int m_detail;
class UIEventWithKeyStateImpl : public UIEventImpl {
UIEventWithKeyStateImpl() : m_ctrlKey(false), m_altKey(false), m_shiftKey(false), m_metaKey(false) { }
UIEventWithKeyStateImpl(const AtomicString &type, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg, bool ctrlKeyArg, bool altKeyArg, bool shiftKeyArg, bool metaKeyArg)
: UIEventImpl(type, canBubbleArg, cancelableArg, viewArg, detailArg)
, m_ctrlKey(ctrlKeyArg), m_altKey(altKeyArg), m_shiftKey(shiftKeyArg), m_metaKey(metaKeyArg) { }
bool ctrlKey() const { return m_ctrlKey; }
bool shiftKey() const { return m_shiftKey; }
bool altKey() const { return m_altKey; }
bool metaKey() const { return m_metaKey; }
protected: // expose these so init functions can set them
bool m_ctrlKey : 1;
bool m_altKey : 1;
bool m_shiftKey : 1;
bool m_metaKey : 1;
// Internal only: Helper class for what's common between mouse and wheel events.
class MouseRelatedEventImpl : public UIEventWithKeyStateImpl {
MouseRelatedEventImpl(const AtomicString &type,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg,
int screenXArg,
int screenYArg,
int clientXArg,
int clientYArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg,
bool altKeyArg,
bool shiftKeyArg,
bool metaKeyArg,
bool isSimulated = false);
int screenX() const { return m_screenX; }
int screenY() const { return m_screenY; }
int clientX() const { return m_clientX; }
int clientY() const { return m_clientY; }
int layerX() const { return m_layerX; }
int layerY() const { return m_layerY; }
int offsetX() const { return m_offsetX; }
int offsetY() const { return m_offsetY; }
bool isSimulated() const { return m_isSimulated; }
virtual int pageX() const;
virtual int pageY() const;
int x() const;
int y() const;
protected: // expose these so MouseEventImpl::initMouseEvent can set them
int m_screenX;
int m_screenY;
int m_clientX;
int m_clientY;
void initCoordinates();
virtual void receivedTarget();
int m_pageX;
int m_pageY;
int m_layerX;
int m_layerY;
int m_offsetX;
int m_offsetY;
bool m_isSimulated;
// Introduced in DOM Level 2
class MouseEventImpl : public MouseRelatedEventImpl {
MouseEventImpl(const AtomicString &type,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg,
int screenXArg,
int screenYArg,
int clientXArg,
int clientYArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg,
bool altKeyArg,
bool shiftKeyArg,
bool metaKeyArg,
unsigned short buttonArg,
NodeImpl *relatedTargetArg,
ClipboardImpl *clipboardArg = 0,
bool isSimulated = false);
virtual ~MouseEventImpl();
// WinIE uses 1,4,2 for left/middle/right but not for click (just for mousedown/up, maybe others), but we will match the standard DOM.
unsigned short button() const { return m_button; }
NodeImpl *relatedTarget() const { return m_relatedTarget.get(); }
ClipboardImpl *clipboard() const { return m_clipboard.get(); }
bool isSimulated() const { return m_isSimulated; }
NodeImpl *toElement() const;
NodeImpl *fromElement() const;
void initMouseEvent(const AtomicString &typeArg,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
int detailArg,
int screenXArg,
int screenYArg,
int clientXArg,
int clientYArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg,
bool altKeyArg,
bool shiftKeyArg,
bool metaKeyArg,
unsigned short buttonArg,
NodeImpl *relatedTargetArg);
virtual bool isMouseEvent() const;
virtual bool isDragEvent() const;
virtual int which() const;
unsigned short m_button;
RefPtr<NodeImpl> m_relatedTarget;
RefPtr<ClipboardImpl> m_clipboard;
bool m_isSimulated;
// Introduced in DOM Level 3
class KeyboardEventImpl : public UIEventWithKeyStateImpl {
KeyboardEventImpl(KeyEvent*, AbstractViewImpl*);
KeyboardEventImpl(const AtomicString &type,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
const DOMString &keyIdentifierArg,
unsigned keyLocationArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg,
bool altKeyArg,
bool shiftKeyArg,
bool metaKeyArg,
bool altGraphKeyArg);
virtual ~KeyboardEventImpl();
void initKeyboardEvent(const AtomicString &typeArg,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
AbstractViewImpl *viewArg,
const DOMString &keyIdentifierArg,
unsigned keyLocationArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg,
bool altKeyArg,
bool shiftKeyArg,
bool metaKeyArg,
bool altGraphKeyArg);
DOMString keyIdentifier() const { return m_keyIdentifier.get(); }
unsigned keyLocation() const { return m_keyLocation; }
bool altGraphKey() const { return m_altGraphKey; }
KeyEvent* keyEvent() const { return m_keyEvent; }
int keyCode() const; // key code for keydown and keyup, character for other events
int charCode() const;
virtual bool isKeyboardEvent() const;
virtual int which() const;
KeyEvent* m_keyEvent;
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> m_keyIdentifier;
unsigned m_keyLocation;
bool m_altGraphKey : 1;
class MutationEventImpl : public EventImpl {
// ### fire these during parsing (if necessary)
MutationEventImpl(const AtomicString &type,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
NodeImpl *relatedNodeArg,
const DOMString &prevValueArg,
const DOMString &newValueArg,
const DOMString &attrNameArg,
unsigned short attrChangeArg);
NodeImpl *relatedNode() const { return m_relatedNode.get(); }
DOMString prevValue() const { return m_prevValue.get(); }
DOMString newValue() const { return m_newValue.get(); }
DOMString attrName() const { return m_attrName.get(); }
unsigned short attrChange() const { return m_attrChange; }
void initMutationEvent(const AtomicString &typeArg,
bool canBubbleArg,
bool cancelableArg,
NodeImpl *relatedNodeArg,
const DOMString &prevValueArg,
const DOMString &newValueArg,
const DOMString &attrNameArg,
unsigned short attrChangeArg);
virtual bool isMutationEvent() const;
RefPtr<NodeImpl> m_relatedNode;
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> m_prevValue;
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> m_newValue;
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> m_attrName;
unsigned short m_attrChange;
class ClipboardEventImpl : public EventImpl {
ClipboardEventImpl(const AtomicString &type, bool canBubbleArg, bool cancelableArg, ClipboardImpl *clipboardArg);
ClipboardImpl *clipboard() const { return m_clipboard.get(); }
virtual bool isClipboardEvent() const;
RefPtr<ClipboardImpl> m_clipboard;
// extension: mouse wheel event
class WheelEventImpl : public MouseRelatedEventImpl
WheelEventImpl(bool horizontal, int wheelDelta, AbstractViewImpl *,
int screenXArg, int screenYArg,
int clientXArg, int clientYArg,
bool ctrlKeyArg, bool altKeyArg, bool shiftKeyArg, bool metaKeyArg);
bool isHorizontal() const { return m_horizontal; }
int wheelDelta() const { return m_wheelDelta; }
virtual bool isWheelEvent() const;
bool m_horizontal;
int m_wheelDelta;
class RegisteredEventListener {
RegisteredEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener>, bool useCapture);
const AtomicString &eventType() const { return m_eventType; }
EventListener *listener() const { return m_listener.get(); }
bool useCapture() const { return m_useCapture; }
AtomicString m_eventType;
RefPtr<EventListener> m_listener;
bool m_useCapture;
bool operator==(const RegisteredEventListener&, const RegisteredEventListener&);
inline bool operator!=(const RegisteredEventListener& a, const RegisteredEventListener& b) { return !(a == b); }
// State available during IE's events for drag and drop and copy/paste
class ClipboardImpl : public Shared<ClipboardImpl> {
virtual ~ClipboardImpl();
// Is this operation a drag-drop or a copy-paste?
virtual bool isForDragging() const = 0;
virtual DOMString dropEffect() const = 0;
virtual void setDropEffect(const DOMString &s) = 0;
virtual DOMString effectAllowed() const = 0;
virtual void setEffectAllowed(const DOMString &s) = 0;
virtual void clearData(const DOMString &type) = 0;
virtual void clearAllData() = 0;
virtual DOMString getData(const DOMString &type, bool &success) const = 0;
virtual bool setData(const DOMString &type, const DOMString &data) = 0;
// extensions beyond IE's API
virtual QStringList types() const = 0;
virtual WebCore::IntPoint dragLocation() const = 0;
virtual CachedImage* dragImage() const = 0;
virtual void setDragImage(CachedImage*, const WebCore::IntPoint &) = 0;
virtual NodeImpl *dragImageElement() = 0;
virtual void setDragImageElement(NodeImpl *, const WebCore::IntPoint &) = 0;
class BeforeUnloadEventImpl : public EventImpl
virtual bool storesResultAsString() const;
virtual void storeResult(const DOMString&);
DOMString result() const { return m_result.get(); }
RefPtr<DOMStringImpl> m_result;
} // namespace