blob: 30503c2083df5dac1a680eb8e8f306a7f0a043df [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "DocumentImpl.h"
#include "CDATASectionImpl.h"
#include "CommentImpl.h"
#include "DOMImplementationImpl.h"
#include "DocLoader.h"
#include "DocumentFragmentImpl.h"
#include "DocumentTypeImpl.h"
#include "EditingTextImpl.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameTree.h"
#include "FrameView.h"
#include "HTMLNameCollectionImpl.h"
#include "KWQAccObjectCache.h"
#include "KWQLogging.h"
#include "KeyEvent.h"
#include "MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h"
#include "NameNodeListImpl.h"
#include "SegmentedString.h"
#include "SelectionController.h"
#include "SystemTime.h"
#include "VisiblePosition.h"
#include "css_stylesheetimpl.h"
#include "css_valueimpl.h"
#include "csshelper.h"
#include "cssstyleselector.h"
#include "cssvalues.h"
#include "dom2_events.h"
#include "dom2_eventsimpl.h"
#include "dom2_rangeimpl.h"
#include "dom2_viewsimpl.h"
#include "dom_exception.h"
#include "dom_xmlimpl.h"
#include "ecma/kjs_binding.h"
#include "ecma/kjs_proxy.h"
#include "helper.h"
#include "jsediting.h"
#include "khtml_settings.h"
#include "render_arena.h"
#include "render_canvas.h"
#include "render_frames.h"
#include "visible_text.h"
#include "xml_tokenizer.h"
#include <qregexp.h>
// FIXME: We want to cut the remaining HTML dependencies so that we don't need to include these files.
#include "HTMLInputElementImpl.h"
#include "html/html_baseimpl.h"
#include "html/html_documentimpl.h"
#include "html/html_headimpl.h"
#include "html/html_imageimpl.h"
#include "htmlfactory.h"
#include "htmlnames.h"
#include "xsl_stylesheetimpl.h"
#include "xslt_processorimpl.h"
#ifndef KHTML_NO_XBL
#include "xbl/xbl_binding_manager.h"
using XBL::XBLBindingManager;
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "SVGDocumentExtensions.h"
#include "SVGElementFactory.h"
#include "SVGZoomEventImpl.h"
#include "SVGStyleElementImpl.h"
#include "KSVGTimeScheduler.h"
namespace WebCore {
using namespace EventNames;
using namespace HTMLNames;
// This amount of time must have elapsed before we will even consider scheduling a layout without a delay.
// FIXME: For faster machines this value can really be lowered to 200. 250 is adequate, but a little high
// for dual G5s. :)
const int cLayoutScheduleThreshold = 250;
// Use 1 to represent the document's default form.
HTMLFormElementImpl* const defaultForm = (HTMLFormElementImpl*) 1;
// DOM Level 2 says (letters added):
// a) Name start characters must have one of the categories Ll, Lu, Lo, Lt, Nl.
// b) Name characters other than Name-start characters must have one of the categories Mc, Me, Mn, Lm, or Nd.
// c) Characters in the compatibility area (i.e. with character code greater than #xF900 and less than #xFFFE) are not allowed in XML names.
// d) Characters which have a font or compatibility decomposition (i.e. those with a "compatibility formatting tag" in field 5 of the database -- marked by field 5 beginning with a "<") are not allowed.
// e) The following characters are treated as name-start characters rather than name characters, because the property file classifies them as Alphabetic: [#x02BB-#x02C1], #x0559, #x06E5, #x06E6.
// f) Characters #x20DD-#x20E0 are excluded (in accordance with Unicode, section 5.14).
// g) Character #x00B7 is classified as an extender, because the property list so identifies it.
// h) Character #x0387 is added as a name character, because #x00B7 is its canonical equivalent.
// i) Characters ':' and '_' are allowed as name-start characters.
// j) Characters '-' and '.' are allowed as name characters.
// It also contains complete tables. If we decide it's better, we could include those instead of the following code.
static inline bool isValidNameStart(UChar32 c)
// rule (e) above
if ((c >= 0x02BB && c <= 0x02C1) || c == 0x559 || c == 0x6E5 || c == 0x6E6)
return true;
// rule (i) above
if (c == ':' || c == '_')
return true;
// rules (a) and (f) above
const uint32_t nameStartMask = U_GC_LL_MASK | U_GC_LU_MASK | U_GC_LO_MASK | U_GC_LT_MASK | U_GC_NL_MASK;
if (!(U_GET_GC_MASK(c) & nameStartMask))
return false;
// rule (c) above
if (c >= 0xF900 && c < 0xFFFE)
return false;
// rule (d) above
UDecompositionType decompType = static_cast<UDecompositionType>(u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE));
if (decompType == U_DT_FONT || decompType == U_DT_COMPAT)
return false;
return true;
static inline bool isValidNamePart(UChar32 c)
// rules (a), (e), and (i) above
if (isValidNameStart(c))
return true;
// rules (g) and (h) above
if (c == 0x00B7 || c == 0x0387)
return true;
// rule (j) above
if (c == '-' || c == '.')
return true;
// rules (b) and (f) above
const uint32_t otherNamePartMask = U_GC_MC_MASK | U_GC_ME_MASK | U_GC_MN_MASK | U_GC_LM_MASK | U_GC_ND_MASK;
if (!(U_GET_GC_MASK(c) & otherNamePartMask))
return false;
// rule (c) above
if (c >= 0xF900 && c < 0xFFFE)
return false;
// rule (d) above
UDecompositionType decompType = static_cast<UDecompositionType>(u_getIntPropertyValue(c, UCHAR_DECOMPOSITION_TYPE));
if (decompType == U_DT_FONT || decompType == U_DT_COMPAT)
return false;
return true;
QPtrList<DocumentImpl> * DocumentImpl::changedDocuments = 0;
// FrameView might be 0
DocumentImpl::DocumentImpl(DOMImplementationImpl* impl, FrameView *v)
: ContainerNodeImpl(0)
, m_implementation(impl)
, m_domtree_version(0)
, m_styleSheets(new StyleSheetListImpl)
, m_title("")
, m_titleSetExplicitly(false)
, m_imageLoadEventTimer(this, &DocumentImpl::imageLoadEventTimerFired)
, m_bindingManager(new XBLBindingManager(this))
, m_transformSource(0)
, m_savedRenderer(0)
, m_passwordFields(0)
, m_secureForms(0)
, m_designMode(inherit)
, m_selfOnlyRefCount(0)
, m_svgExtensions(0)
#if __APPLE__
, m_hasDashboardRegions(false)
, m_dashboardRegionsDirty(false)
, m_accessKeyMapValid(false)
, m_createRenderers(true)
, m_inPageCache(false)
m_printing = false;
m_view = v;
m_renderArena = 0;
m_accCache = 0;
m_docLoader = new DocLoader(v ? v->frame() : 0, this);
visuallyOrdered = false;
m_loadingSheet = false;
m_bParsing = false;
m_docChanged = false;
m_tokenizer = 0;
pMode = Strict;
hMode = XHtml;
m_textColor = Color::black;
m_elementNames = 0;
m_elementNameAlloc = 0;
m_elementNameCount = 0;
m_attrNames = 0;
m_attrNameAlloc = 0;
m_attrNameCount = 0;
m_defaultView = new AbstractViewImpl(this);
m_listenerTypes = 0;
m_inDocument = true;
m_styleSelectorDirty = false;
m_inStyleRecalc = false;
m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = false;
m_usesDescendantRules = false;
m_usesSiblingRules = false;
m_styleSelector = new CSSStyleSelector(this, m_usersheet, m_styleSheets.get(), !inCompatMode());
m_pendingStylesheets = 0;
m_ignorePendingStylesheets = false;
m_cssTarget = 0;
m_processingLoadEvent = false;
m_startTime = currentTime();
m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold = false;
m_jsEditor = 0;
static int docID = 0;
m_docID = docID++;
void DocumentImpl::removedLastRef()
if (m_selfOnlyRefCount) {
// if removing a child removes the last self-only ref, we don't
// want the document to be destructed until after
// removeAllChildren returns, so we guard ourselves with an
// extra self-only ref
DocPtr<DocumentImpl> guard(this);
// we must make sure not to be retaining any of our children through
// these extra pointers or we will create a reference cycle
m_docType = 0;
m_focusNode = 0;
m_hoverNode = 0;
m_activeNode = 0;
m_titleElement = 0;
} else
delete this;
assert(m_savedRenderer == 0);
delete m_svgExtensions;
if (m_docChanged && changedDocuments)
delete m_tokenizer;
delete m_styleSelector;
delete m_docLoader;
if (m_elementNames) {
for (unsigned short id = 0; id < m_elementNameCount; id++)
delete [] m_elementNames;
if (m_attrNames) {
for (unsigned short id = 0; id < m_attrNameCount; id++)
delete [] m_attrNames;
if (m_renderArena) {
delete m_renderArena;
m_renderArena = 0;
#ifndef KHTML_NO_XBL
delete m_bindingManager;
if (m_accCache){
delete m_accCache;
m_accCache = 0;
m_decoder = 0;
if (m_jsEditor) {
delete m_jsEditor;
m_jsEditor = 0;
void DocumentImpl::resetLinkColor()
m_linkColor = Color(0, 0, 238);
void DocumentImpl::resetVisitedLinkColor()
m_visitedLinkColor = Color(85, 26, 139);
void DocumentImpl::resetActiveLinkColor()
void DocumentImpl::setDocType(PassRefPtr<DocumentTypeImpl> docType)
m_docType = docType;
DocumentTypeImpl *DocumentImpl::doctype() const
return m_docType.get();
DOMImplementationImpl* DocumentImpl::implementation() const
return m_implementation.get();
ElementImpl *DocumentImpl::documentElement() const
NodeImpl *n = firstChild();
while (n && n->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
n = n->nextSibling();
return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(n);
PassRefPtr<ElementImpl> DocumentImpl::createElement(const DOMString &name, int &exceptionCode)
return createElementNS(nullAtom, name, exceptionCode);
PassRefPtr<DocumentFragmentImpl> DocumentImpl::createDocumentFragment()
return new DocumentFragmentImpl(getDocument());
PassRefPtr<TextImpl> DocumentImpl::createTextNode(const DOMString &data)
return new TextImpl(this, data);
PassRefPtr<CommentImpl> DocumentImpl::createComment (const DOMString &data)
return new CommentImpl(this, data);
PassRefPtr<CDATASectionImpl> DocumentImpl::createCDATASection(const DOMString &data, int &exception)
if (isHTMLDocument()) {
exception = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
return new CDATASectionImpl(this, data);
PassRefPtr<ProcessingInstructionImpl> DocumentImpl::createProcessingInstruction(const DOMString &target, const DOMString &data, int &exception)
if (!isValidName(target)) {
exception = DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
return 0;
if (isHTMLDocument()) {
exception = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
return new ProcessingInstructionImpl(this, target, data);
PassRefPtr<EntityReferenceImpl> DocumentImpl::createEntityReference(const DOMString &name, int &exception)
if (!isValidName(name)) {
exception = DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
return 0;
if (isHTMLDocument()) {
exception = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
return new EntityReferenceImpl(this, name.impl());
PassRefPtr<EditingTextImpl> DocumentImpl::createEditingTextNode(const DOMString &text)
return new EditingTextImpl(this, text);
PassRefPtr<CSSStyleDeclarationImpl> DocumentImpl::createCSSStyleDeclaration()
return new CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl;
PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> DocumentImpl::importNode(NodeImpl* importedNode, bool deep, int &exceptioncode)
exceptioncode = 0;
switch (importedNode->nodeType()) {
case Node::TEXT_NODE:
return createTextNode(importedNode->nodeValue());
return createCDATASection(importedNode->nodeValue(), exceptioncode);
return createEntityReference(importedNode->nodeName(), exceptioncode);
return createProcessingInstruction(importedNode->nodeName(), importedNode->nodeValue(), exceptioncode);
case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
return createComment(importedNode->nodeValue());
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE: {
ElementImpl *oldElement = static_cast<ElementImpl *>(importedNode);
RefPtr<ElementImpl> newElement = createElementNS(oldElement->namespaceURI(), oldElement->tagName().toString(), exceptioncode);
if (exceptioncode != 0)
return 0;
NamedAttrMapImpl* attrs = oldElement->attributes(true);
if (attrs) {
unsigned length = attrs->length();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
AttributeImpl* attr = attrs->attributeItem(i);
newElement->setAttribute(attr->name(), attr->value().impl(), exceptioncode);
if (exceptioncode != 0)
return 0;
if (deep) {
for (NodeImpl* oldChild = oldElement->firstChild(); oldChild; oldChild = oldChild->nextSibling()) {
RefPtr<NodeImpl> newChild = importNode(oldChild, true, exceptioncode);
if (exceptioncode != 0)
return 0;
newElement->appendChild(newChild.release(), exceptioncode);
if (exceptioncode != 0)
return 0;
return newElement.release();
exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> DocumentImpl::adoptNode(PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> source, int &exceptioncode)
if (!source)
return 0;
switch (source->nodeType()) {
case Node::ENTITY_NODE:
return 0;
exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
case Node::ATTRIBUTE_NODE: {
AttrImpl* attr = static_cast<AttrImpl*>(source.get());
if (attr->ownerElement())
attr->ownerElement()->removeAttributeNode(attr, exceptioncode);
attr->m_specified = true;
if (source->parentNode())
source->parentNode()->removeChild(source.get(), exceptioncode);
for (NodeImpl* node = source.get(); node; node = node->traverseNextNode(source.get())) {
KJS::ScriptInterpreter::updateDOMNodeDocument(node, node->getDocument(), this);
return source;
PassRefPtr<ElementImpl> DocumentImpl::createElementNS(const DOMString &_namespaceURI, const DOMString &qualifiedName, int &exceptioncode)
// FIXME: We'd like a faster code path that skips this check for calls from inside the engine where the name is known to be valid.
DOMString prefix, localName;
if (!parseQualifiedName(qualifiedName, prefix, localName)) {
exceptioncode = DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
return 0;
RefPtr<ElementImpl> e;
QualifiedName qName = QualifiedName(AtomicString(prefix), AtomicString(localName), AtomicString(_namespaceURI));
// FIXME: Use registered namespaces and look up in a hash to find the right factory.
if (_namespaceURI == xhtmlNamespaceURI) {
e = HTMLElementFactory::createHTMLElement(qName.localName(), this, 0, false);
if (e && !prefix.isNull()) {
e->setPrefix(qName.prefix(), exceptioncode);
if (exceptioncode)
return 0;
else if (_namespaceURI == KSVG::SVGNames::svgNamespaceURI)
e = KSVG::SVGElementFactory::createSVGElement(qName, this, false);
if (!e)
e = new ElementImpl(qName, getDocument());
return e.release();
ElementImpl *DocumentImpl::getElementById(const AtomicString& elementId) const
if (elementId.length() == 0)
return 0;
ElementImpl *element = m_elementsById.get(elementId.impl());
if (element)
return element;
if (m_duplicateIds.contains(elementId.impl())) {
for (NodeImpl *n = traverseNextNode(); n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isElementNode()) {
element = static_cast<ElementImpl*>(n);
if (element->hasID() && element->getAttribute(idAttr) == elementId) {
m_elementsById.set(elementId.impl(), element);
return element;
return 0;
ElementImpl* DocumentImpl::elementFromPoint(int x, int y) const
if (!renderer())
return 0;
RenderObject::NodeInfo nodeInfo(true, true);
renderer()->layer()->hitTest(nodeInfo, x, y);
NodeImpl* n = nodeInfo.innerNode();
while (n && !n->isElementNode())
n = n->parentNode();
return static_cast<ElementImpl*>(n);
void DocumentImpl::addElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, ElementImpl* element)
if (!m_elementsById.contains(elementId.impl()))
m_elementsById.set(elementId.impl(), element);
void DocumentImpl::removeElementById(const AtomicString& elementId, ElementImpl* element)
if (m_elementsById.get(elementId.impl()) == element)
ElementImpl* DocumentImpl::getElementByAccessKey(const DOMString& key)
if (!key.length())
return 0;
if (!m_accessKeyMapValid) {
for (NodeImpl* n = this; n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (!n->isElementNode())
ElementImpl* element = static_cast<ElementImpl *>(n);
const AtomicString& accessKey = element->getAttribute(accesskeyAttr);
if (!accessKey.isEmpty())
m_elementsByAccessKey.set(accessKey.impl(), element);
m_accessKeyMapValid = true;
return m_elementsByAccessKey.get(key.impl());
void DocumentImpl::updateTitle()
Frame *p = frame();
if (!p)
void DocumentImpl::setTitle(const String& title, NodeImpl* titleElement)
if (!titleElement) {
// Title set by JavaScript -- overrides any title elements.
m_titleSetExplicitly = true;
m_titleElement = 0;
} else if (titleElement != m_titleElement) {
if (m_titleElement)
// Only allow the first title element to change the title -- others have no effect.
m_titleElement = titleElement;
if (m_title == title)
m_title = title;
void DocumentImpl::removeTitle(NodeImpl *titleElement)
if (m_titleElement != titleElement)
// FIXME: Ideally we might want this to search for the first remaining title element, and use it.
m_titleElement = 0;
if (!m_title.isEmpty()) {
m_title = "";
DOMString DocumentImpl::nodeName() const
return "#document";
unsigned short DocumentImpl::nodeType() const
return Node::DOCUMENT_NODE;
QString DocumentImpl::nextState()
QString state;
if (!m_state.isEmpty())
state = m_state.first();
return state;
QStringList DocumentImpl::docState()
QStringList s;
for (QPtrListIterator<NodeImpl> it(m_maintainsState); it.current(); ++it)
return s;
Frame *DocumentImpl::frame() const
return m_view ? m_view->frame() : 0;
PassRefPtr<RangeImpl> DocumentImpl::createRange()
return new RangeImpl(this);
PassRefPtr<NodeIteratorImpl> DocumentImpl::createNodeIterator(NodeImpl* root, unsigned whatToShow,
PassRefPtr<NodeFilterImpl> filter, bool expandEntityReferences, int& exceptioncode)
if (!root) {
exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
return new NodeIteratorImpl(root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences);
PassRefPtr<TreeWalkerImpl> DocumentImpl::createTreeWalker(NodeImpl *root, unsigned whatToShow,
PassRefPtr<NodeFilterImpl> filter, bool expandEntityReferences, int &exceptioncode)
if (!root) {
exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
return new TreeWalkerImpl(root, whatToShow, filter, expandEntityReferences);
void DocumentImpl::setDocumentChanged(bool b)
if (b) {
if (!m_docChanged) {
if (!changedDocuments)
changedDocuments = new QPtrList<DocumentImpl>;
if (m_accessKeyMapValid) {
m_accessKeyMapValid = false;
} else {
if (m_docChanged && changedDocuments)
m_docChanged = b;
void DocumentImpl::recalcStyle(StyleChange change)
if (m_inStyleRecalc)
return; // Guard against re-entrancy. -dwh
m_inStyleRecalc = true;
if (!renderer())
goto bail_out;
if (change == Force) {
RenderStyle* oldStyle = renderer()->style();
if (oldStyle) oldStyle->ref();
RenderStyle* _style = new (m_renderArena) RenderStyle();
// ### make the font stuff _really_ work!!!!
FontDef fontDef;
QFont f; = *(f.firstFamily());
fontDef.italic = f.italic();
fontDef.weight = f.weight();
fontDef.usePrinterFont = printing();
if (m_view) {
const KHTMLSettings *settings = m_view->frame()->settings();
if (printing() && !settings->shouldPrintBackgrounds())
QString stdfont = settings->stdFontName();
if (!stdfont.isEmpty()) {;;
m_styleSelector->setFontSize(fontDef, m_styleSelector->fontSizeForKeyword(CSS_VAL_MEDIUM, inCompatMode()));
if (inCompatMode())
_style->setHtmlHacks(true); // enable html specific rendering tricks
StyleChange ch = diff(_style, oldStyle);
if (renderer() && ch != NoChange)
if (change != Force)
change = ch;
if (oldStyle)
for (NodeImpl* n = fastFirstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling())
if (change >= Inherit || n->hasChangedChild() || n->changed())
if (changed() && m_view)
m_inStyleRecalc = false;
// If we wanted to emit the implicitClose() during recalcStyle, do so now that we're finished.
if (m_closeAfterStyleRecalc) {
m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = false;
void DocumentImpl::updateRendering()
if (hasChangedChild())
void DocumentImpl::updateDocumentsRendering()
if (!changedDocuments)
while (DocumentImpl* doc = changedDocuments->take()) {
doc->m_docChanged = false;
void DocumentImpl::updateLayout()
// FIXME: Dave Hyatt's pretty sure we can remove this because layout calls recalcStyle as needed.
// Only do a layout if changes have occurred that make it necessary.
if (m_view && renderer() && renderer()->needsLayout())
// FIXME: This is a bad idea and needs to be removed eventually.
// Other browsers load stylesheets before they continue parsing the web page.
// Since we don't, we can run JavaScript code that needs answers before the
// stylesheets are loaded. Doing a layout ignoring the pending stylesheets
// lets us get reasonable answers. The long term solution to this problem is
// to instead suspend JavaScript execution.
void DocumentImpl::updateLayoutIgnorePendingStylesheets()
bool oldIgnore = m_ignorePendingStylesheets;
if (!haveStylesheetsLoaded()) {
m_ignorePendingStylesheets = true;
m_ignorePendingStylesheets = oldIgnore;
void DocumentImpl::attach()
if (!m_renderArena)
m_renderArena = new RenderArena();
// Create the rendering tree
setRenderer(new (m_renderArena) RenderCanvas(this, m_view));
RenderObject* render = renderer();
void DocumentImpl::restoreRenderer(RenderObject* render)
void DocumentImpl::detach()
RenderObject* render = renderer();
// indicate destruction mode, i.e. attached() but renderer == 0
if (m_inPageCache) {
#if __APPLE__
if (render)
// Empty out these lists as a performance optimization, since detaching
// all the individual render objects will cause all the RenderImage
// objects to remove themselves from the lists.
m_hoverNode = 0;
m_focusNode = 0;
m_activeNode = 0;
if (render)
m_view = 0;
if (m_renderArena) {
delete m_renderArena;
m_renderArena = 0;
void DocumentImpl::removeAllEventListenersFromAllNodes()
for (NodeImpl *n = this; n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
void DocumentImpl::registerDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(NodeImpl* node)
void DocumentImpl::unregisterDisconnectedNodeWithEventListeners(NodeImpl* node)
void DocumentImpl::removeAllDisconnectedNodeEventListeners()
NodeSet::iterator end = m_disconnectedNodesWithEventListeners.end();
for (NodeSet::iterator i = m_disconnectedNodesWithEventListeners.begin(); i != end; ++i)
KWQAccObjectCache* DocumentImpl::getAccObjectCache()
#if __APPLE__
// The only document that actually has a KWQAccObjectCache is the top-level
// document. This is because we need to be able to get from any KWQAccObject
// to any other KWQAccObject on the same page. Using a single cache allows
// lookups across nested webareas (i.e. multiple documents).
if (m_accCache) {
// return already known top-level cache
if (!ownerElement())
return m_accCache;
// In some pages with frames, the cache is created before the sub-webarea is
// inserted into the tree. Here, we catch that case and just toss the old
// cache and start over.
delete m_accCache;
m_accCache = 0;
// look for top-level document
ElementImpl *element = ownerElement();
if (element) {
DocumentImpl *doc;
while (element) {
doc = element->getDocument();
element = doc->ownerElement();
// ask the top-level document for its cache
return doc->getAccObjectCache();
// this is the top-level document, so install a new cache
m_accCache = new KWQAccObjectCache;
return m_accCache;
void DocumentImpl::setVisuallyOrdered()
visuallyOrdered = true;
if (renderer())
void DocumentImpl::updateSelection()
if (!renderer())
RenderCanvas *canvas = static_cast<RenderCanvas*>(renderer());
SelectionController s = frame()->selection();
if (!s.isRange()) {
else {
Position startPos = VisiblePosition(s.start(), s.affinity()).deepEquivalent();
Position endPos = VisiblePosition(s.end(), s.affinity()).deepEquivalent();
if (startPos.isNotNull() && endPos.isNotNull()) {
RenderObject *startRenderer = startPos.node()->renderer();
RenderObject *endRenderer = endPos.node()->renderer();
static_cast<RenderCanvas*>(renderer())->setSelection(startRenderer, startPos.offset(), endRenderer, endPos.offset());
#if __APPLE__
// send the AXSelectedTextChanged notification only if the new selection is non-null,
// because null selections are only transitory (e.g. when starting an EditCommand, currently)
if (KWQAccObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled() && s.start().isNotNull() && s.end().isNotNull()) {
getAccObjectCache()->postNotificationToTopWebArea(renderer(), "AXSelectedTextChanged");
Tokenizer *DocumentImpl::createTokenizer()
return newXMLTokenizer(this, m_view);
void DocumentImpl::open()
if (parsing())
if (frame())
// This is work that we should probably do in clear(), but we can't have it
// happen when implicitOpen() is called unless we reorganize Frame code.
if (DocumentImpl *parent = parentDocument())
void DocumentImpl::cancelParsing()
if (m_tokenizer) {
// We have to clear the tokenizer to avoid possibly triggering
// the onload handler when closing as a side effect of a cancel-style
// change, such as opening a new document or closing the window while
// still parsing
delete m_tokenizer;
m_tokenizer = 0;
void DocumentImpl::implicitOpen()
m_tokenizer = createTokenizer();
HTMLElementImpl* DocumentImpl::body()
NodeImpl *de = documentElement();
if (!de)
return 0;
// try to prefer a FRAMESET element over BODY
NodeImpl* body = 0;
for (NodeImpl* i = de->firstChild(); i; i = i->nextSibling()) {
if (i->hasTagName(framesetTag))
return static_cast<HTMLElementImpl*>(i);
if (i->hasTagName(bodyTag))
body = i;
return static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(body);
void DocumentImpl::close()
if (frame())
void DocumentImpl::implicitClose()
// If we're in the middle of recalcStyle, we need to defer the close until the style information is accurate and all elements are re-attached.
if (m_inStyleRecalc) {
m_closeAfterStyleRecalc = true;
bool wasLocationChangePending = frame() && frame()->isScheduledLocationChangePending();
bool doload = !parsing() && m_tokenizer && !m_processingLoadEvent && !wasLocationChangePending;
if (!doload)
m_processingLoadEvent = true;
// We have to clear the tokenizer, in case someone document.write()s from the
// onLoad event handler, as in Radar 3206524.
delete m_tokenizer;
m_tokenizer = 0;
// Create a body element if we don't already have one.
// In the case of Radar 3758785, the window.onload was set in some javascript, but never fired because there was no body.
// This behavior now matches Firefox and IE.
HTMLElementImpl *body = this->body();
if (!body && isHTMLDocument()) {
NodeImpl *de = documentElement();
if (de) {
body = new HTMLBodyElementImpl(this);
int exceptionCode = 0;
de->appendChild(body, exceptionCode);
if (exceptionCode != 0)
body = 0;
this->dispatchWindowEvent(loadEvent, false, false);
if (Frame *p = frame())
if (!ownerElement())
printf("onload fired at %d\n", elapsedTime());
m_processingLoadEvent = false;
// Make sure both the initial layout and reflow happen after the onload
// fires. This will improve onload scores, and other browsers do it.
// If they wanna cheat, we can too. -dwh
if (frame() && frame()->isScheduledLocationChangePending() && elapsedTime() < cLayoutScheduleThreshold) {
// Just bail out. Before or during the onload we were shifted to another page.
// The old i-Bench suite does this. When this happens don't bother painting or laying out.
if (frame())
// Now do our painting/layout, but only if we aren't in a subframe or if we're in a subframe
// that has been sized already. Otherwise, our view size would be incorrect, so doing any
// layout/painting now would be pointless.
if (!ownerElement() || (ownerElement()->renderer() && !ownerElement()->renderer()->needsLayout())) {
// Always do a layout after loading if needed.
if (view() && renderer() && (!renderer()->firstChild() || renderer()->needsLayout()))
#if __APPLE__
if (renderer() && KWQAccObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())
getAccObjectCache()->postNotification(renderer(), "AXLoadComplete");
// FIXME: Officially, time 0 is when the outermost <svg> recieves its
// SVGLoad event, but we don't implement those yet. This is close enough
// for now. In some cases we should have fired earlier.
if (svgExtensions())
void DocumentImpl::setParsing(bool b)
m_bParsing = b;
if (!m_bParsing && view())
if (!ownerElement() && !m_bParsing)
printf("Parsing finished at %d\n", elapsedTime());
bool DocumentImpl::shouldScheduleLayout()
// We can update layout if:
// (a) we actually need a layout
// (b) our stylesheets are all loaded
// (c) we have a <body>
return (renderer() && renderer()->needsLayout() && haveStylesheetsLoaded() &&
documentElement() && documentElement()->renderer() &&
(!documentElement()->hasTagName(htmlTag) || body()));
int DocumentImpl::minimumLayoutDelay()
if (m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold)
return 0;
int elapsed = elapsedTime();
m_overMinimumLayoutThreshold = elapsed > cLayoutScheduleThreshold;
// We'll want to schedule the timer to fire at the minimum layout threshold.
return kMax(0, cLayoutScheduleThreshold - elapsed);
int DocumentImpl::elapsedTime() const
return static_cast<int>((currentTime() - m_startTime) * 1000);
void DocumentImpl::write(const DOMString &text)
void DocumentImpl::write(const QString &text)
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Beginning a document.write at %d\n", elapsedTime());
if (!m_tokenizer) {
m_tokenizer->write(text, false);
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Ending a document.write at %d\n", elapsedTime());
void DocumentImpl::writeln(const DOMString &text)
void DocumentImpl::finishParsing()
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Received all data at %d\n", elapsedTime());
// Let the tokenizer go through as much data as it can. There will be three possible outcomes after
// finish() is called:
// (1) All remaining data is parsed, document isn't loaded yet
// (2) All remaining data is parsed, document is loaded, tokenizer gets deleted
// (3) Data is still remaining to be parsed.
if (m_tokenizer)
void DocumentImpl::clear()
delete m_tokenizer;
m_tokenizer = 0;
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(m_windowEventListeners);
for (; it.current();)
void DocumentImpl::setURL(const QString& url)
m_url = url;
if (m_styleSelector)
void DocumentImpl::setStyleSheet(const DOMString &url, const DOMString &sheet)
m_sheet = new CSSStyleSheetImpl(this, url);
m_loadingSheet = false;
void DocumentImpl::setUserStyleSheet(const QString& sheet)
if (m_usersheet != sheet) {
m_usersheet = sheet;
CSSStyleSheetImpl* DocumentImpl::elementSheet()
if (!m_elemSheet)
m_elemSheet = new CSSStyleSheetImpl(this, baseURL());
return m_elemSheet.get();
void DocumentImpl::determineParseMode(const QString &/*str*/)
// For XML documents use strict parse mode. HTML docs will override this method to
// determine their parse mode.
pMode = Strict;
hMode = XHtml;
NodeImpl *DocumentImpl::nextFocusNode(NodeImpl *fromNode)
unsigned short fromTabIndex;
if (!fromNode) {
// No starting node supplied; begin with the top of the document
NodeImpl *n;
int lowestTabIndex = 65535;
for (n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable()) {
if ((n->tabIndex() > 0) && (n->tabIndex() < lowestTabIndex))
lowestTabIndex = n->tabIndex();
if (lowestTabIndex == 65535)
lowestTabIndex = 0;
// Go to the first node in the document that has the desired tab index
for (n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == lowestTabIndex))
return n;
return 0;
else {
fromTabIndex = fromNode->tabIndex();
if (fromTabIndex == 0) {
// Just need to find the next selectable node after fromNode (in document order) that doesn't have a tab index
NodeImpl *n = fromNode->traverseNextNode();
while (n && !(n->isKeyboardFocusable() && n->tabIndex() == 0))
n = n->traverseNextNode();
return n;
else {
// Find the lowest tab index out of all the nodes except fromNode, that is greater than or equal to fromNode's
// tab index. For nodes with the same tab index as fromNode, we are only interested in those that come after
// fromNode in document order.
// If we don't find a suitable tab index, the next focus node will be one with a tab index of 0.
unsigned short lowestSuitableTabIndex = 65535;
NodeImpl *n;
bool reachedFromNode = false;
for (n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() &&
((reachedFromNode && (n->tabIndex() >= fromTabIndex)) ||
(!reachedFromNode && (n->tabIndex() > fromTabIndex))) &&
(n->tabIndex() < lowestSuitableTabIndex) &&
(n != fromNode)) {
// We found a selectable node with a tab index at least as high as fromNode's. Keep searching though,
// as there may be another node which has a lower tab index but is still suitable for use.
lowestSuitableTabIndex = n->tabIndex();
if (n == fromNode)
reachedFromNode = true;
if (lowestSuitableTabIndex == 65535) {
// No next node with a tab index -> just take first node with tab index of 0
NodeImpl *n = this;
while (n && !(n->isKeyboardFocusable() && n->tabIndex() == 0))
n = n->traverseNextNode();
return n;
// Search forwards from fromNode
for (n = fromNode->traverseNextNode(); n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == lowestSuitableTabIndex))
return n;
// The next node isn't after fromNode, start from the beginning of the document
for (n = this; n != fromNode; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == lowestSuitableTabIndex))
return n;
assert(false); // should never get here
return 0;
NodeImpl *DocumentImpl::previousFocusNode(NodeImpl *fromNode)
NodeImpl *lastNode = this;
while (lastNode->lastChild())
lastNode = lastNode->lastChild();
if (!fromNode) {
// No starting node supplied; begin with the very last node in the document
NodeImpl *n;
int highestTabIndex = 0;
for (n = lastNode; n != 0; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable()) {
if (n->tabIndex() == 0)
return n;
else if (n->tabIndex() > highestTabIndex)
highestTabIndex = n->tabIndex();
// No node with a tab index of 0; just go to the last node with the highest tab index
for (n = lastNode; n != 0; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == highestTabIndex))
return n;
return 0;
else {
unsigned short fromTabIndex = fromNode->tabIndex();
if (fromTabIndex == 0) {
// Find the previous selectable node before fromNode (in document order) that doesn't have a tab index
NodeImpl *n = fromNode->traversePreviousNode();
while (n && !(n->isKeyboardFocusable() && n->tabIndex() == 0))
n = n->traversePreviousNode();
if (n)
return n;
// No previous nodes with a 0 tab index, go to the last node in the document that has the highest tab index
int highestTabIndex = 0;
for (n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() > highestTabIndex))
highestTabIndex = n->tabIndex();
if (highestTabIndex == 0)
return 0;
for (n = lastNode; n != 0; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == highestTabIndex))
return n;
assert(false); // should never get here
return 0;
else {
// Find the lowest tab index out of all the nodes except fromNode, that is less than or equal to fromNode's
// tab index. For nodes with the same tab index as fromNode, we are only interested in those before
// fromNode.
// If we don't find a suitable tab index, then there will be no previous focus node.
unsigned short highestSuitableTabIndex = 0;
NodeImpl *n;
bool reachedFromNode = false;
for (n = this; n != 0; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() &&
((!reachedFromNode && (n->tabIndex() <= fromTabIndex)) ||
(reachedFromNode && (n->tabIndex() < fromTabIndex))) &&
(n->tabIndex() > highestSuitableTabIndex) &&
(n != fromNode)) {
// We found a selectable node with a tab index no higher than fromNode's. Keep searching though, as
// there may be another node which has a higher tab index but is still suitable for use.
highestSuitableTabIndex = n->tabIndex();
if (n == fromNode)
reachedFromNode = true;
if (highestSuitableTabIndex == 0) {
// No previous node with a tab index. Since the order specified by HTML is nodes with tab index > 0
// first, this means that there is no previous node.
return 0;
// Search backwards from fromNode
for (n = fromNode->traversePreviousNode(); n != 0; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == highestSuitableTabIndex))
return n;
// The previous node isn't before fromNode, start from the end of the document
for (n = lastNode; n != fromNode; n = n->traversePreviousNode()) {
if (n->isKeyboardFocusable() && (n->tabIndex() == highestSuitableTabIndex))
return n;
assert(false); // should never get here
return 0;
int DocumentImpl::nodeAbsIndex(NodeImpl *node)
assert(node->getDocument() == this);
int absIndex = 0;
for (NodeImpl *n = node; n && n != this; n = n->traversePreviousNode())
return absIndex;
NodeImpl *DocumentImpl::nodeWithAbsIndex(int absIndex)
NodeImpl *n = this;
for (int i = 0; n && (i < absIndex); i++) {
n = n->traverseNextNode();
return n;
void DocumentImpl::processHttpEquiv(const DOMString &equiv, const DOMString &content)
assert(!equiv.isNull() && !content.isNull());
Frame *frame = this->frame();
if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "default-style")) {
// The preferred style set has been overridden as per section
// 14.3.2 of the HTML4.0 specification. We need to update the
// sheet used variable and then update our style selector.
// For more info, see the test at:
// -dwh
m_selectedStylesheetSet = content;
m_preferredStylesheetSet = content;
else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "refresh") && frame->metaRefreshEnabled())
// get delay and url
QString str = content.qstring().stripWhiteSpace();
int pos = str.find(QRegExp("[;,]"));
if (pos == -1)
pos = str.find(QRegExp("[ \t]"));
if (pos == -1) // There can be no url (David)
bool ok = false;
int delay = 0;
delay = str.toInt(&ok);
// We want a new history item if the refresh timeout > 1 second
if(ok && frame) frame->scheduleRedirection(delay, frame->url().url(), delay <= 1);
} else {
double delay = 0;
bool ok = false;
delay = str.left(pos).stripWhiteSpace().toDouble(&ok);
while(pos < (int)str.length() && str[pos].isSpace()) pos++;
str = str.mid(pos);
if (str.find("url", 0, false) == 0)
str = str.mid(3);
str = str.stripWhiteSpace();
if (str.length() && str[0] == '=')
str = str.mid(1).stripWhiteSpace();
str = parseURL(DOMString(str)).qstring();
if (ok && frame)
// We want a new history item if the refresh timeout > 1 second
frame->scheduleRedirection(delay, completeURL(str), delay <= 1);
else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "expires"))
QString str = content.qstring().stripWhiteSpace();
time_t expire_date = str.toInt();
if (m_docLoader)
else if ((equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "pragma") || equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "cache-control")) && frame)
QString str = content.qstring().lower().stripWhiteSpace();
KURL url = frame->url();
else if (equalIgnoringCase(equiv, "set-cookie"))
// ### make setCookie work on XML documents too; e.g. in case of <html:meta .....>
if (isHTMLDocument())
static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl *>(this)->setCookie(content);
MouseEventWithHitTestResults DocumentImpl::prepareMouseEvent(bool readonly, bool active, bool mouseMove,
int x, int y, MouseEvent* event)
if (!renderer())
return MouseEventWithHitTestResults();
RenderObject::NodeInfo renderInfo(readonly, active, mouseMove);
renderer()->layer()->hitTest(renderInfo, x, y);
String href;
String target;
if (renderInfo.URLElement()) {
ElementImpl* e = static_cast<ElementImpl*>(renderInfo.URLElement());
href = parseURL(e->getAttribute(hrefAttr));
if (!href.isNull())
target = e->getAttribute(targetAttr);
if (!readonly)
return MouseEventWithHitTestResults(event, href, target, renderInfo.innerNode());
// DOM Section 1.1.1
bool DocumentImpl::childAllowed(NodeImpl *newChild)
// Documents may contain a maximum of one Element child
if (newChild->nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE) {
NodeImpl *c;
for (c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (c->nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE)
return false;
// Documents may contain a maximum of one DocumentType child
if (newChild->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
NodeImpl *c;
for (c = firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (c->nodeType() == Node::DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE)
return false;
return childTypeAllowed(newChild->nodeType());
bool DocumentImpl::childTypeAllowed(unsigned short type)
switch (type) {
case Node::ELEMENT_NODE:
case Node::COMMENT_NODE:
return true;
return false;
PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> DocumentImpl::cloneNode(bool /*deep*/)
// Spec says cloning Document nodes is "implementation dependent"
// so we do not support it...
return 0;
StyleSheetListImpl* DocumentImpl::styleSheets()
return m_styleSheets.get();
DOMString DocumentImpl::preferredStylesheetSet()
return m_preferredStylesheetSet;
DOMString DocumentImpl::selectedStylesheetSet()
return m_selectedStylesheetSet;
void DocumentImpl::setSelectedStylesheetSet(const DOMString& aString)
m_selectedStylesheetSet = aString;
if (renderer())
// This method is called whenever a top-level stylesheet has finished loading.
void DocumentImpl::stylesheetLoaded()
// Make sure we knew this sheet was pending, and that our count isn't out of sync.
assert(m_pendingStylesheets > 0);
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Stylesheet loaded at time %d. %d stylesheets still remain.\n", elapsedTime(), m_pendingStylesheets);
void DocumentImpl::updateStyleSelector()
// Don't bother updating, since we haven't loaded all our style info yet.
if (!haveStylesheetsLoaded())
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Beginning update of style selector at time %d.\n", elapsedTime());
if (!ownerElement())
printf("Finished update of style selector at time %d\n", elapsedTime());
if (renderer()) {
if (view())
QStringList DocumentImpl::availableStyleSheets() const
return m_availableSheets;
void DocumentImpl::recalcStyleSelector()
if (!renderer() || !attached())
QPtrList<StyleSheetImpl> oldStyleSheets = m_styleSheets->styleSheets;
NodeImpl *n;
for (n = this; n; n = n->traverseNextNode()) {
StyleSheetImpl *sheet = 0;
if (n->nodeType() == Node::PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE)
// Processing instruction (XML documents only)
ProcessingInstructionImpl* pi = static_cast<ProcessingInstructionImpl*>(n);
sheet = pi->sheet();
// Don't apply XSL transforms to already transformed documents -- <rdar://problem/4132806>
if (pi->isXSL() && !transformSourceDocument()) {
// Don't apply XSL transforms until loading is finished.
if (!parsing())
if (!sheet && !pi->localHref().isEmpty())
// Processing instruction with reference to an element in this document - e.g.
// <?xml-stylesheet href="#mystyle">, with the element
// <foo id="mystyle">heading { color: red; }</foo> at some location in
// the document
ElementImpl* elem = getElementById(pi->localHref().impl());
if (elem) {
DOMString sheetText("");
NodeImpl *c;
for (c = elem->firstChild(); c; c = c->nextSibling()) {
if (c->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || c->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
sheetText += c->nodeValue();
CSSStyleSheetImpl *cssSheet = new CSSStyleSheetImpl(this);
sheet = cssSheet;
else if (n->isHTMLElement() && (n->hasTagName(linkTag) || n->hasTagName(styleTag))) {
HTMLElementImpl *e = static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(n);
QString title = e->getAttribute(titleAttr).qstring();
bool enabledViaScript = false;
if (e->hasLocalName(linkTag)) {
// <LINK> element
HTMLLinkElementImpl* l = static_cast<HTMLLinkElementImpl*>(n);
if (l->isLoading() || l->isDisabled())
if (!l->sheet())
title = QString::null;
enabledViaScript = l->isEnabledViaScript();
// Get the current preferred styleset. This is the
// set of sheets that will be enabled.
if (e->hasLocalName(linkTag))
sheet = static_cast<HTMLLinkElementImpl*>(n)->sheet();
// <STYLE> element
sheet = static_cast<HTMLStyleElementImpl*>(n)->sheet();
// Check to see if this sheet belongs to a styleset
// (thus making it PREFERRED or ALTERNATE rather than
if (!enabledViaScript && !title.isEmpty()) {
// Yes, we have a title.
if (m_preferredStylesheetSet.isEmpty()) {
// No preferred set has been established. If
// we are NOT an alternate sheet, then establish
// us as the preferred set. Otherwise, just ignore
// this sheet.
QString rel = e->getAttribute(relAttr).qstring();
if (e->hasLocalName(styleTag) || !rel.contains("alternate"))
m_preferredStylesheetSet = m_selectedStylesheetSet = title;
if (!m_availableSheets.contains(title))
if (title != m_preferredStylesheetSet)
sheet = 0;
else if (n->isSVGElement() && n->hasTagName(KSVG::SVGNames::styleTag)) {
QString title;
// <STYLE> element
KSVG::SVGStyleElementImpl *s = static_cast<KSVG::SVGStyleElementImpl*>(n);
if (!s->isLoading()) {
sheet = s->sheet();
title = s->getAttribute(KSVG::SVGNames::titleAttr).qstring();
if (!title.isEmpty() && m_preferredStylesheetSet.isEmpty())
m_preferredStylesheetSet = m_selectedStylesheetSet = title;
if (!title.isEmpty()) {
if (title != m_preferredStylesheetSet)
sheet = 0; // don't use it
title = title.replace('&', "&&");
if (!m_availableSheets.contains(title))
if (sheet) {
// For HTML documents, stylesheets are not allowed within/after the <BODY> tag. So we
// can stop searching here.
if (isHTMLDocument() && n->hasTagName(bodyTag))
// De-reference all the stylesheets in the old list
QPtrListIterator<StyleSheetImpl> it(oldStyleSheets);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
// Create a new style selector
delete m_styleSelector;
QString usersheet = m_usersheet;
if (m_view && m_view->mediaType() == "print")
usersheet += m_printSheet;
m_styleSelector = new CSSStyleSelector(this, usersheet, m_styleSheets.get(), !inCompatMode());
m_styleSelectorDirty = false;
void DocumentImpl::setHoverNode(PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> newHoverNode)
m_hoverNode = newHoverNode;
void DocumentImpl::setActiveNode(PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> newActiveNode)
m_activeNode = newActiveNode;
void DocumentImpl::hoveredNodeDetached(NodeImpl* node)
if (!m_hoverNode || (node != m_hoverNode && (!m_hoverNode->isTextNode() || node != m_hoverNode->parent())))
m_hoverNode = node->parent();
while (m_hoverNode && !m_hoverNode->renderer())
m_hoverNode = m_hoverNode->parent();
if (view())
void DocumentImpl::activeChainNodeDetached(NodeImpl* node)
if (!m_activeNode || (node != m_activeNode && (!m_activeNode->isTextNode() || node != m_activeNode->parent())))
m_activeNode = node->parent();
while (m_activeNode && !m_activeNode->renderer())
m_activeNode = m_activeNode->parent();
bool DocumentImpl::relinquishesEditingFocus(NodeImpl *node)
NodeImpl *root = node->rootEditableElement();
if (!frame() || !root)
return false;
return frame()->shouldEndEditing(rangeOfContents(root).get());
bool DocumentImpl::acceptsEditingFocus(NodeImpl *node)
NodeImpl *root = node->rootEditableElement();
if (!frame() || !root)
return false;
return frame()->shouldBeginEditing(rangeOfContents(root).get());
void DocumentImpl::didBeginEditing()
if (!frame())
void DocumentImpl::didEndEditing()
if (!frame())
#if __APPLE__
const QValueList<DashboardRegionValue> & DocumentImpl::dashboardRegions() const
return m_dashboardRegions;
void DocumentImpl::setDashboardRegions (const QValueList<DashboardRegionValue>& regions)
m_dashboardRegions = regions;
setDashboardRegionsDirty (false);
static Widget *widgetForNode(NodeImpl *focusNode)
if (!focusNode)
return 0;
RenderObject *renderer = focusNode->renderer();
if (!renderer || !renderer->isWidget())
return 0;
return static_cast<RenderWidget *>(renderer)->widget();
bool DocumentImpl::setFocusNode(PassRefPtr<NodeImpl> newFocusNode)
// Make sure newFocusNode is actually in this document
if (newFocusNode && (newFocusNode->getDocument() != this))
return true;
if (m_focusNode == newFocusNode)
return true;
if (m_focusNode && m_focusNode.get() == m_focusNode->rootEditableElement() && !relinquishesEditingFocus(m_focusNode.get()))
return false;
bool focusChangeBlocked = false;
RefPtr<NodeImpl> oldFocusNode = m_focusNode;
m_focusNode = 0;
// Remove focus from the existing focus node (if any)
if (oldFocusNode && !oldFocusNode->m_inDetach) {
if (oldFocusNode->active())
// Dispatch a change event for text fields or textareas that have been edited
RenderObject *r = static_cast<RenderObject*>(oldFocusNode.get()->renderer());
if (r && (r->isTextArea() || r->isTextField()) && r->isEdited()) {
oldFocusNode->dispatchHTMLEvent(changeEvent, true, false);
if ((r = static_cast<RenderObject*>(oldFocusNode.get()->renderer())))
oldFocusNode->dispatchHTMLEvent(blurEvent, false, false);
if (m_focusNode) {
// handler shifted focus
focusChangeBlocked = true;
newFocusNode = 0;
if (m_focusNode) {
// handler shifted focus
focusChangeBlocked = true;
newFocusNode = 0;
if ((oldFocusNode.get() == this) && oldFocusNode->hasOneRef())
return true;
if (oldFocusNode.get() == oldFocusNode->rootEditableElement())
if (newFocusNode) {
if (newFocusNode == newFocusNode->rootEditableElement() && !acceptsEditingFocus(newFocusNode.get())) {
// delegate blocks focus change
focusChangeBlocked = true;
goto SetFocusNodeDone;
// Set focus on the new node
m_focusNode = newFocusNode.get();
m_focusNode->dispatchHTMLEvent(focusEvent, false, false);
if (m_focusNode != newFocusNode) {
// handler shifted focus
focusChangeBlocked = true;
goto SetFocusNodeDone;
if (m_focusNode != newFocusNode) {
// handler shifted focus
focusChangeBlocked = true;
goto SetFocusNodeDone;
if (m_focusNode.get() == m_focusNode->rootEditableElement())
// eww, I suck. set the qt focus correctly
// ### find a better place in the code for this
if (view()) {
Widget *focusWidget = widgetForNode(m_focusNode.get());
if (focusWidget) {
// Make sure a widget has the right size before giving it focus.
// Otherwise, we are testing edge cases of the Widget code.
// Specifically, in WebCore this does not work well for text fields.
// Re-get the widget in case updating the layout changed things.
focusWidget = widgetForNode(m_focusNode.get());
if (focusWidget)
#if __APPLE__
if (!focusChangeBlocked && m_focusNode && KWQAccObjectCache::accessibilityEnabled())
return !focusChangeBlocked;
void DocumentImpl::clearSelectionIfNeeded(NodeImpl *newFocusNode)
if (!frame())
// Clear the selection when changing the focus node to null or to a node that is not
// contained by the current selection.
NodeImpl *startContainer = frame()->selection().start().node();
if (!newFocusNode || (startContainer && startContainer != newFocusNode && !startContainer->isAncestor(newFocusNode)))
// FIXME: 6498 Should just be able to call m_frame->selection().clear()
void DocumentImpl::setCSSTarget(NodeImpl* n)
if (m_cssTarget)
m_cssTarget = n;
if (n)
NodeImpl* DocumentImpl::getCSSTarget()
return m_cssTarget;
void DocumentImpl::attachNodeIterator(NodeIteratorImpl *ni)
void DocumentImpl::detachNodeIterator(NodeIteratorImpl *ni)
void DocumentImpl::notifyBeforeNodeRemoval(NodeImpl *n)
QPtrListIterator<NodeIteratorImpl> it(m_nodeIterators);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
AbstractViewImpl *DocumentImpl::defaultView() const
return m_defaultView.get();
PassRefPtr<EventImpl> DocumentImpl::createEvent(const DOMString &eventType, int &exceptioncode)
if (eventType == "UIEvents" || eventType == "UIEvent")
return new UIEventImpl();
if (eventType == "MouseEvents" || eventType == "MouseEvent")
return new MouseEventImpl();
if (eventType == "MutationEvents" || eventType == "MutationEvent")
return new MutationEventImpl();
if (eventType == "KeyboardEvents" || eventType == "KeyboardEvent")
return new KeyboardEventImpl();
if (eventType == "HTMLEvents" || eventType == "Event" || eventType == "Events")
return new EventImpl();
if (eventType == "SVGEvents")
return new EventImpl();
if (eventType == "SVGZoomEvents")
return new KSVG::SVGZoomEventImpl();
exceptioncode = DOMException::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR;
return 0;
CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *DocumentImpl::getOverrideStyle(ElementImpl */*elt*/, const DOMString &/*pseudoElt*/)
return 0; // ###
void DocumentImpl::handleWindowEvent(EventImpl *evt, bool useCapture)
if (m_windowEventListeners.isEmpty())
// if any html event listeners are registered on the window, then dispatch them here
QPtrList<RegisteredEventListener> listenersCopy = m_windowEventListeners;
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(listenersCopy);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if (it.current()->eventType() == evt->type() && it.current()->useCapture() == useCapture)
it.current()->listener()->handleEventImpl(evt, true);
void DocumentImpl::defaultEventHandler(EventImpl *evt)
// handle accesskey
if (evt->type() == keydownEvent) {
KeyboardEventImpl* kevt = static_cast<KeyboardEventImpl *>(evt);
if (kevt->ctrlKey()) {
KeyEvent* ev = kevt->keyEvent();
String key = (ev ? ev->unmodifiedText() : kevt->keyIdentifier()).lower();
ElementImpl* elem = getElementByAccessKey(key);
if (elem) {
void DocumentImpl::setHTMLWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener> listener)
// If we already have it we don't want removeWindowEventListener to delete it
if (listener)
addWindowEventListener(eventType, listener, false);
EventListener *DocumentImpl::getHTMLWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType)
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(m_windowEventListeners);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if (it.current()->eventType() == eventType && it.current()->listener()->eventListenerType() == "_khtml_HTMLEventListener")
return it.current()->listener();
return 0;
void DocumentImpl::removeHTMLWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType)
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(m_windowEventListeners);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if (it.current()->eventType() == eventType && it.current()->listener()->eventListenerType() == "_khtml_HTMLEventListener") {
void DocumentImpl::addWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType, PassRefPtr<EventListener> listener, bool useCapture)
// Remove existing identical listener set with identical arguments.
// The DOM 2 spec says that "duplicate instances are discarded" in this case.
removeWindowEventListener(eventType, listener.get(), useCapture);
m_windowEventListeners.append(new RegisteredEventListener(eventType, listener, useCapture));
void DocumentImpl::removeWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType, EventListener *listener, bool useCapture)
RegisteredEventListener rl(eventType, listener, useCapture);
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(m_windowEventListeners);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if (*(it.current()) == rl) {
bool DocumentImpl::hasWindowEventListener(const AtomicString &eventType)
QPtrListIterator<RegisteredEventListener> it(m_windowEventListeners);
for (; it.current(); ++it) {
if (it.current()->eventType() == eventType) {
return true;
return false;
PassRefPtr<EventListener> DocumentImpl::createHTMLEventListener(const DOMString& code, NodeImpl *node)
if (Frame *frm = frame()) {
if (KJSProxyImpl *proxy = frm->jScript())
return proxy->createHTMLEventHandler(code, node);
return 0;
void DocumentImpl::setHTMLWindowEventListener(const AtomicString& eventType, AttributeImpl* attr)
setHTMLWindowEventListener(eventType, createHTMLEventListener(attr->value(), 0));
void DocumentImpl::dispatchImageLoadEventSoon(HTMLImageLoader *image)
if (!m_imageLoadEventTimer.isActive())
void DocumentImpl::removeImage(HTMLImageLoader* image)
// Remove instances of this image from both lists.
// Use loops because we allow multiple instances to get into the lists.
while (m_imageLoadEventDispatchSoonList.removeRef(image)) { }
while (m_imageLoadEventDispatchingList.removeRef(image)) { }
if (m_imageLoadEventDispatchSoonList.isEmpty())
void DocumentImpl::dispatchImageLoadEventsNow()
// need to avoid re-entering this function; if new dispatches are
// scheduled before the parent finishes processing the list, they
// will set a timer and eventually be processed
if (!m_imageLoadEventDispatchingList.isEmpty()) {
m_imageLoadEventDispatchingList = m_imageLoadEventDispatchSoonList;
for (QPtrListIterator<HTMLImageLoader> it(m_imageLoadEventDispatchingList); it.current();) {
HTMLImageLoader* image = it.current();
// Must advance iterator *before* dispatching call.
// Otherwise, it might be advanced automatically if dispatching the call had a side effect
// of destroying the current HTMLImageLoader, and then we would advance past the *next* item,
// missing one altogether.
void DocumentImpl::imageLoadEventTimerFired(Timer<DocumentImpl>*)
ElementImpl *DocumentImpl::ownerElement()
if (!frame())
return 0;
return frame()->ownerElement();
DOMString DocumentImpl::referrer() const
if (frame())
return frame()->incomingReferrer();
return DOMString();
DOMString DocumentImpl::domain() const
if (m_domain.isEmpty()) // not set yet (we set it on demand to save time and space)
m_domain = KURL(URL()).host(); // Initially set to the host
return m_domain;
void DocumentImpl::setDomain(const DOMString &newDomain, bool force /*=false*/)
if (force) {
m_domain = newDomain;
if (m_domain.isEmpty()) // not set yet (we set it on demand to save time and space)
m_domain = KURL(URL()).host(); // Initially set to the host
// Both NS and IE specify that changing the domain is only allowed when
// the new domain is a suffix of the old domain.
int oldLength = m_domain.length();
int newLength = newDomain.length();
if (newLength < oldLength) // e.g. (7) and (11)
DOMString test = m_domain.copy();
if (test[oldLength - newLength - 1] == '.') // Check that it's a subdomain, not e.g. ""
test.remove(0, oldLength - newLength); // now test is "" from m_domain
if (test == newDomain) // and we check that it's the same thing as newDomain
m_domain = newDomain;
bool DocumentImpl::isValidName(const DOMString &name)
const UChar *s = reinterpret_cast<const UChar *>(name.unicode());
unsigned length = name.length();
if (length == 0)
return false;
unsigned i = 0;
UChar32 c;
U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c)
if (!isValidNameStart(c))
return false;
while (i < length) {
U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c)
if (!isValidNamePart(c))
return false;
return true;
bool DocumentImpl::parseQualifiedName(const DOMString &qualifiedName, DOMString &prefix, DOMString &localName)
unsigned length = qualifiedName.length();
if (length == 0)
return false;
bool nameStart = true;
bool sawColon = false;
int colonPos = 0;
const QChar *s = qualifiedName.unicode();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length;) {
UChar32 c;
U16_NEXT(s, i, length, c)
if (c == ':') {
if (sawColon)
return false; // multiple colons: not allowed
nameStart = true;
sawColon = true;
colonPos = i - 1;
} else if (nameStart) {
if (!isValidNameStart(c))
return false;
nameStart = false;
} else {
if (!isValidNamePart(c))
return false;
if (!sawColon) {
prefix = DOMString();
localName = qualifiedName.copy();
} else {
prefix = qualifiedName.substring(0, colonPos);
localName = qualifiedName.substring(colonPos + 1, length - (colonPos + 1));
return true;
void DocumentImpl::addImageMap(HTMLMapElementImpl* imageMap)
// Add the image map, unless there's already another with that name.
// "First map wins" is the rule other browsers seem to implement.
m_imageMapsByName.add(imageMap->getName().impl(), imageMap);
void DocumentImpl::removeImageMap(HTMLMapElementImpl* imageMap)
// Remove the image map by name.
// But don't remove some other image map that just happens to have the same name.
// FIXME: Use a HashCountedSet as we do for IDs to find the first remaining map
// once a map has been removed.
const AtomicString& name = imageMap->getName();
ImageMapsByName::iterator it = m_imageMapsByName.find(name.impl());
if (it != m_imageMapsByName.end() && it->second == imageMap)
HTMLMapElementImpl *DocumentImpl::getImageMap(const DOMString& URL) const
if (URL.isNull())
return 0;
int hashPos = URL.find('#');
AtomicString name = (hashPos < 0 ? URL : URL.substring(hashPos + 1)).impl();
return m_imageMapsByName.get(name.impl());
void DocumentImpl::setDecoder(Decoder *decoder)
m_decoder = decoder;
QString DocumentImpl::completeURL(const QString &URL)
return KURL(baseURL(), URL, m_decoder ? m_decoder->codec() : 0).url();
DOMString DocumentImpl::completeURL(const DOMString &URL)
if (URL.isNull())
return URL;
return completeURL(URL.qstring());
bool DocumentImpl::inPageCache()
return m_inPageCache;
void DocumentImpl::setInPageCache(bool flag)
if (m_inPageCache == flag)
m_inPageCache = flag;
if (flag) {
assert(m_savedRenderer == 0);
m_savedRenderer = renderer();
if (m_view) {
} else {
assert(renderer() == 0 || renderer() == m_savedRenderer);
m_savedRenderer = 0;
void DocumentImpl::passwordFieldAdded()
void DocumentImpl::passwordFieldRemoved()
assert(m_passwordFields > 0);
bool DocumentImpl::hasPasswordField() const
return m_passwordFields > 0;
void DocumentImpl::secureFormAdded()
void DocumentImpl::secureFormRemoved()
assert(m_secureForms > 0);
bool DocumentImpl::hasSecureForm() const
return m_secureForms > 0;
void DocumentImpl::setShouldCreateRenderers(bool f)
m_createRenderers = f;
bool DocumentImpl::shouldCreateRenderers()
return m_createRenderers;
DOMString DocumentImpl::toString() const
DOMString result;
for (NodeImpl *child = firstChild(); child != NULL; child = child->nextSibling()) {
result += child->toString();
return result;
// Support for Javascript execCommand, and related methods
JSEditor *DocumentImpl::jsEditor()
if (!m_jsEditor)
m_jsEditor = new JSEditor(this);
return m_jsEditor;
bool DocumentImpl::execCommand(const DOMString &command, bool userInterface, const DOMString &value)
return jsEditor()->execCommand(command, userInterface, value);
bool DocumentImpl::queryCommandEnabled(const DOMString &command)
return jsEditor()->queryCommandEnabled(command);
bool DocumentImpl::queryCommandIndeterm(const DOMString &command)
return jsEditor()->queryCommandIndeterm(command);
bool DocumentImpl::queryCommandState(const DOMString &command)
return jsEditor()->queryCommandState(command);
bool DocumentImpl::queryCommandSupported(const DOMString &command)
return jsEditor()->queryCommandSupported(command);
DOMString DocumentImpl::queryCommandValue(const DOMString &command)
return jsEditor()->queryCommandValue(command);
void DocumentImpl::addMarker(RangeImpl *range, DocumentMarker::MarkerType type)
// Use a TextIterator to visit the potentially multiple nodes the range covers.
for (TextIterator markedText(range); !markedText.atEnd(); markedText.advance()) {
RefPtr<RangeImpl> textPiece = markedText.range();
int exception = 0;
DocumentMarker marker = {type, textPiece->startOffset(exception), textPiece->endOffset(exception)};
addMarker(textPiece->startContainer(exception), marker);
void DocumentImpl::removeMarkers(RangeImpl *range, DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
// Use a TextIterator to visit the potentially multiple nodes the range covers.
for (TextIterator markedText(range); !markedText.atEnd(); markedText.advance()) {
RefPtr<RangeImpl> textPiece = markedText.range();
int exception = 0;
unsigned startOffset = textPiece->startOffset(exception);
unsigned length = textPiece->endOffset(exception) - startOffset + 1;
removeMarkers(textPiece->startContainer(exception), startOffset, length, markerType);
// Markers are stored in order sorted by their location. They do not overlap each other, as currently
// required by the drawing code in RenderText.cpp.
void DocumentImpl::addMarker(NodeImpl *node, DocumentMarker newMarker)
assert(newMarker.endOffset >= newMarker.startOffset);
if (newMarker.endOffset == newMarker.startOffset)
QValueList<DocumentMarker>* markers = m_markers.get(node);
if (!markers) {
markers = new QValueList<DocumentMarker>;
m_markers.set(node, markers);
} else {
QValueListIterator<DocumentMarker> it;
for (it = markers->begin(); it != markers->end();) {
DocumentMarker marker = *it;
if (newMarker.endOffset < marker.startOffset+1) {
// This is the first marker that is completely after newMarker, and disjoint from it.
// We found our insertion point.
} else if (newMarker.startOffset > marker.endOffset) {
// maker is before newMarker, and disjoint from it. Keep scanning.
} else if (newMarker == marker) {
// already have this one, NOP
} else {
// marker and newMarker intersect or touch - merge them into newMarker
newMarker.startOffset = kMin(newMarker.startOffset, marker.startOffset);
newMarker.endOffset = kMax(newMarker.endOffset, marker.endOffset);
// remove old one, we'll add newMarker later
it = markers->remove(it);
// it points to the next marker to consider
// at this point it points to the node before which we want to insert
markers->insert(it, newMarker);
// repaint the affected node
if (node->renderer())
// copies markers from srcNode to dstNode, applying the specified shift delta to the copies. The shift is
// useful if, e.g., the caller has created the dstNode from a non-prefix substring of the srcNode.
void DocumentImpl::copyMarkers(NodeImpl *srcNode, unsigned startOffset, int length, NodeImpl *dstNode, int delta, DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
if (length <= 0)
QValueList<DocumentMarker>* markers = m_markers.get(srcNode);
if (!markers)
bool docDirty = false;
unsigned endOffset = startOffset + length - 1;
QValueListIterator<DocumentMarker> it;
for (it = markers->begin(); it != markers->end(); ++it) {
DocumentMarker marker = *it;
// stop if we are now past the specified range
if (marker.startOffset > endOffset)
// skip marker that is before the specified range or is the wrong type
if (marker.endOffset < startOffset || (marker.type != markerType && markerType != DocumentMarker::AllMarkers))
// pin the marker to the specified range and apply the shift delta
docDirty = true;
if (marker.startOffset < startOffset)
marker.startOffset = startOffset;
if (marker.endOffset > endOffset)
marker.endOffset = endOffset;
marker.startOffset += delta;
marker.endOffset += delta;
addMarker(dstNode, marker);
// repaint the affected node
if (docDirty && dstNode->renderer())
void DocumentImpl::removeMarkers(NodeImpl *node, unsigned startOffset, int length, DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
if (length <= 0)
QValueList<DocumentMarker>* markers = m_markers.get(node);
if (!markers)
bool docDirty = false;
unsigned endOffset = startOffset + length - 1;
QValueListIterator<DocumentMarker> it;
for (it = markers->begin(); it != markers->end();) {
DocumentMarker marker = *it;
// markers are returned in order, so stop if we are now past the specified range
if (marker.startOffset > endOffset)
// skip marker that is wrong type or before target
if (marker.endOffset < startOffset || (marker.type != markerType && markerType != DocumentMarker::AllMarkers)) {
// at this point we know that marker and target intersect in some way
docDirty = true;
// pitch the old marker
it = markers->remove(it);
// it now points to the next node
// add either of the resulting slices that are left after removing target
// NOTE: This adds to the list we are iterating! That is OK regardless of
// whether the iterator sees the new node, since the new node is a keeper.
if (startOffset > marker.startOffset) {
DocumentMarker newLeft = marker;
newLeft.endOffset = startOffset;
markers->insert(it, newLeft);
if (marker.endOffset > endOffset) {
DocumentMarker newRight = marker;
newRight.startOffset = endOffset;
markers->insert(it, newRight);
if (markers->isEmpty()) {
delete markers;
// repaint the affected node
if (docDirty && node->renderer())
QValueList<DocumentMarker> DocumentImpl::markersForNode(NodeImpl* node)
QValueList<DocumentMarker>* markers = m_markers.get(node);
if (markers)
return *markers;
return QValueList<DocumentMarker>();
void DocumentImpl::removeMarkers(NodeImpl* node)
MarkerMap::iterator i = m_markers.find(node);
if (i != m_markers.end()) {
delete i->second;
if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer())
void DocumentImpl::removeMarkers(DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
// outer loop: process each markered node in the document
MarkerMap markerMapCopy = m_markers;
MarkerMap::iterator end = markerMapCopy.end();
for (MarkerMap::iterator i = markerMapCopy.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
NodeImpl* node = i->first;
// inner loop: process each marker in the current node
QValueList<DocumentMarker> *markers = i->second;
QValueListIterator<DocumentMarker> markerIterator;
for (markerIterator = markers->begin(); markerIterator != markers->end();) {
DocumentMarker marker = *markerIterator;
// skip nodes that are not of the specified type
if (marker.type != markerType && markerType != DocumentMarker::AllMarkers) {
// pitch the old marker
markerIterator = markers->remove(markerIterator);
// markerIterator now points to the next node
// delete the node's list if it is now empty
if (markers->isEmpty())
// cause the node to be redrawn
if (RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer())
void DocumentImpl::shiftMarkers(NodeImpl *node, unsigned startOffset, int delta, DocumentMarker::MarkerType markerType)
QValueList<DocumentMarker>* markers = m_markers.get(node);
if (!markers)
bool docDirty = false;
QValueListIterator<DocumentMarker> it;
for (it = markers->begin(); it != markers->end(); ++it) {
DocumentMarker &marker = *it;
if (marker.startOffset >= startOffset && (markerType == DocumentMarker::AllMarkers || marker.type == markerType)) {
assert((int)marker.startOffset + delta >= 0);
marker.startOffset += delta;
marker.endOffset += delta;
docDirty = true;
// repaint the affected node
if (docDirty && node->renderer())
void DocumentImpl::applyXSLTransform(ProcessingInstructionImpl* pi)
RefPtr<XSLTProcessorImpl> processor = new XSLTProcessorImpl;
QString resultMIMEType;
QString newSource;
QString resultEncoding;
if (!processor->transformToString(this, resultMIMEType, newSource, resultEncoding))
// FIXME: If the transform failed we should probably report an error (like Mozilla does).
processor->createDocumentFromSource(newSource, resultEncoding, resultMIMEType, this, view());
void DocumentImpl::setDesignMode(InheritedBool value)
m_designMode = value;
DocumentImpl::InheritedBool DocumentImpl::getDesignMode() const
return m_designMode;
bool DocumentImpl::inDesignMode() const
for (const DocumentImpl* d = this; d; d = d->parentDocument()) {
if (d->m_designMode != inherit)
return d->m_designMode;
return false;
DocumentImpl *DocumentImpl::parentDocument() const
Frame *childPart = frame();
if (!childPart)
return 0;
Frame *parent = childPart->tree()->parent();
if (!parent)
return 0;
return parent->document();
DocumentImpl *DocumentImpl::topDocument() const
DocumentImpl *doc = const_cast<DocumentImpl *>(this);
ElementImpl *element;
while ((element = doc->ownerElement()) != 0) {
doc = element->getDocument();
element = doc ? doc->ownerElement() : 0;
return doc;
PassRefPtr<AttrImpl> DocumentImpl::createAttributeNS(const DOMString &namespaceURI, const DOMString &qualifiedName, int &exception)
if (qualifiedName.isNull()) {
exception = DOMException::NAMESPACE_ERR;
return 0;
DOMString localName = qualifiedName;
DOMString prefix;
int colonpos;
if ((colonpos = qualifiedName.find(':')) >= 0) {
prefix = qualifiedName.copy();
localName = qualifiedName.copy();
localName.remove(0, colonpos+1);
if (!isValidName(localName)) {
exception = DOMException::INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR;
return 0;
// FIXME: Assume this is a mapped attribute, since createAttribute isn't namespace-aware. There's no harm to XML
// documents if we're wrong.
return new AttrImpl(0, this, new MappedAttributeImpl(QualifiedName(prefix.impl(),
namespaceURI.impl()), DOMString("").impl()));
const SVGDocumentExtensions* DocumentImpl::svgExtensions()
return m_svgExtensions;
SVGDocumentExtensions* DocumentImpl::accessSVGExtensions()
if (!m_svgExtensions)
m_svgExtensions = new SVGDocumentExtensions(this);
return m_svgExtensions;
void DocumentImpl::radioButtonChecked(HTMLInputElementImpl *caller, HTMLFormElementImpl *form)
// Without a name, there is no group.
if (caller->name().isEmpty())
if (!form)
form = defaultForm;
// Uncheck the currently selected item
NameToInputMap* formRadioButtons = m_selectedRadioButtons.get(form);
if (!formRadioButtons) {
formRadioButtons = new NameToInputMap;
m_selectedRadioButtons.set(form, formRadioButtons);
HTMLInputElementImpl* currentCheckedRadio = formRadioButtons->get(caller->name().impl());
if (currentCheckedRadio && currentCheckedRadio != caller)
formRadioButtons->set(caller->name().impl(), caller);
HTMLInputElementImpl* DocumentImpl::checkedRadioButtonForGroup(AtomicStringImpl* name, HTMLFormElementImpl *form)
if (!form)
form = defaultForm;
NameToInputMap* formRadioButtons = m_selectedRadioButtons.get(form);
if (!formRadioButtons)
return 0;
return formRadioButtons->get(name);
void DocumentImpl::removeRadioButtonGroup(AtomicStringImpl* name, HTMLFormElementImpl *form)
if (!form)
form = defaultForm;
NameToInputMap* formRadioButtons = m_selectedRadioButtons.get(form);
if (formRadioButtons) {
if (formRadioButtons->isEmpty()) {
delete formRadioButtons;
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::images()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_IMAGES);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::applets()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_APPLETS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::embeds()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_EMBEDS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::objects()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_OBJECTS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::links()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_LINKS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::forms()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_FORMS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::anchors()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_ANCHORS);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::all()
return new HTMLCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_ALL);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::windowNamedItems(const String &name)
return new HTMLNameCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::WINDOW_NAMED_ITEMS, name);
PassRefPtr<HTMLCollectionImpl> DocumentImpl::documentNamedItems(const String &name)
return new HTMLNameCollectionImpl(this, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOCUMENT_NAMED_ITEMS, name);
PassRefPtr<NameNodeListImpl> DocumentImpl::getElementsByName(const String &elementName)
return new NameNodeListImpl(this, elementName);
void DocumentImpl::finishedParsing()
if (Frame* f = frame())