blob: c9631db25505d33d01575d77317fa569fbfb9a8f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// ANGLEPerfTestArgs.cpp:
// Parse command line arguments for angle_perftests.
#include "ANGLEPerfTestArgs.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
namespace angle
bool gCalibration = false;
int gStepsPerTrial = 0;
int gMaxStepsPerformed = 0;
bool gEnableTrace = false;
const char *gTraceFile = "ANGLETrace.json";
const char *gScreenShotDir = nullptr;
int gScreenShotFrame = 1;
bool gVerboseLogging = false;
double gCalibrationTimeSeconds = 1.0;
double gMaxTrialTimeSeconds = 10.0;
int gTestTrials = 3;
bool gNoFinish = false;
bool gEnableAllTraceTests = false;
bool gRetraceMode = false;
bool gMinimizeGPUWork = false;
bool gTraceTestValidation = false;
const char *gPerfCounters = nullptr;
// Default to three warmup loops. There's no science to this. More than two loops was experimentally
// helpful on a Windows NVIDIA setup when testing with Vulkan and native trace tests.
int gWarmupLoops = 3;
int gWarmupSteps = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
} // namespace angle
int ReadIntArgument(const char *arg)
std::stringstream strstr;
strstr << arg;
int value;
strstr >> value;
return value;
// The same as --screenshot-dir, but used by Chrome tests.
constexpr char kRenderTestDirArg[] = "--render-test-output-dir=";
} // namespace
using namespace angle;
void ANGLEProcessPerfTestArgs(int *argc, char **argv)
for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < *argc; argIndex++)
if (strcmp("--one-frame-only", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gStepsPerTrial = 1;
gWarmupLoops = 0;
else if (strcmp("--enable-trace", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gEnableTrace = true;
else if (strcmp("--trace-file", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gTraceFile = argv[argIndex + 1];
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--calibration", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gCalibration = true;
gTestTrials = 0;
else if (strcmp("--steps-per-trial", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gStepsPerTrial = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--max-steps-performed", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gMaxStepsPerformed = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
gWarmupLoops = 0;
gTestTrials = 1;
gMaxTrialTimeSeconds = 36000;
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--fixed-test-time", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gMaxTrialTimeSeconds = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
gStepsPerTrial = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
gTestTrials = 1;
gWarmupLoops = 0;
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--screenshot-dir", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gScreenShotDir = argv[argIndex + 1];
else if (strcmp("--screenshot-frame", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gScreenShotFrame = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
else if (strcmp("--verbose-logging", argv[argIndex]) == 0 ||
strcmp("--verbose", argv[argIndex]) == 0 || strcmp("-v", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gVerboseLogging = true;
else if (strcmp("--warmup-loops", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gWarmupLoops = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--warmup-steps", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gWarmupSteps = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--no-warmup", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gWarmupLoops = 0;
else if (strncmp(kRenderTestDirArg, argv[argIndex], strlen(kRenderTestDirArg)) == 0)
gScreenShotDir = argv[argIndex] + strlen(kRenderTestDirArg);
else if (strcmp("--calibration-time", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gCalibrationTimeSeconds = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--max-trial-time", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gMaxTrialTimeSeconds = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--trials", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gTestTrials = ReadIntArgument(argv[argIndex + 1]);
// Skip an additional argument.
else if (strcmp("--no-finish", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gNoFinish = true;
else if (strcmp("--enable-all-trace-tests", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gEnableAllTraceTests = true;
else if (strcmp("--retrace-mode", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gRetraceMode = true;
else if (strcmp("--minimize-gpu-work", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gMinimizeGPUWork = true;
else if (strcmp("--validation", argv[argIndex]) == 0)
gTraceTestValidation = true;
gWarmupLoops = 0;
gTestTrials = 1;
gMaxTrialTimeSeconds = 600.0;
else if (strcmp("--perf-counters", argv[argIndex]) == 0 && argIndex < *argc - 1)
gPerfCounters = argv[argIndex + 1];