blob: 274e5681088b391558c59ce8479397add77057fd [file] [log] [blame]
PASS retrieve style rule
PASS backgroundAttachment should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundBlendMode should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundClip should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundColor should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundImage should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundOrigin should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundPosition should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundRepeat should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS backgroundSize should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS color should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontFamily should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontFeatureSettings should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontKerning should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontSize should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
FAIL fontSizeAdjust should be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected (string) "0.5" but got (undefined) undefined
PASS fontStyle should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontVariant should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontWeight should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS fontVariationSettings should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS letterSpacing should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS opacity should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
FAIL textDecoration should be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "overline wavy rgb(10, 20, 30)" but got "none"
PASS textJustify should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS textShadow should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS textTransform should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS textUnderlinePosition should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS verticalAlign should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
PASS wordSpacing should be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
FAIL border should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "0px none rgb(0, 0, 0)" but got "40px dotted rgb(10, 20, 30)"
FAIL borderImage should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "none" but got "linear-gradient(rgb(0, 0, 0), rgb(255, 255, 255)) 10% / 20 / 30px repeat"
FAIL borderRadius should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "0px" but got "10px 20px"
FAIL margin should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "0px" but got "10px 20px 30px 40px"
FAIL padding should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "0px" but got "10px 20px 30px 40px"
FAIL position should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "static" but got "absolute"
FAIL transition should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "all 0s ease 0s" but got "transform 1s ease 0s"
PASS transform should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements.
FAIL wordBreak should not be applied to first-line pseudo elements. assert_equals: expected "normal" but got "break-all"