blob: 39cb2e20ed0dac2d2733b6c0d78a69730abb1a7c [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Tests requestSession accepts XRSessionInit dictionary - webgl
FAIL Tests requestSession accepts XRSessionInit dictionary - webgl2 assert_implements: webgl2 not supported. undefined
PASS Tests requestSession accepts XRSessionInit dictionary with empty feature lists - webgl
FAIL Tests requestSession accepts XRSessionInit dictionary with empty feature lists - webgl2 assert_implements: webgl2 not supported. undefined
PASS Tests requestSession ignores unknown strings in optionalFeatures - webgl
FAIL Tests requestSession ignores unknown strings in optionalFeatures - webgl2 assert_implements: webgl2 not supported. undefined
PASS Tests requestSession ignores unknown objects in optionalFeatures - webgl
FAIL Tests requestSession ignores unknown objects in optionalFeatures - webgl2 assert_implements: webgl2 not supported. undefined