blob: a60517da841d5f1c82c1fd5f796fb8e1c5a95acd [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that visibleCharacterRange returns expected visible ranges with various view height values.
Testing view height values 100 to 1300.
Range with view 500x100, scrollTop 500: {2250, 360}
Range with view 500x200, scrollTop 500: {2250, 810}
Range with view 500x300, scrollTop 500: {2250, 1260}
Range with view 500x400, scrollTop 500: {2250, 1710}
Range with view 500x500, scrollTop 500: {2250, 2160}
Range with view 500x600, scrollTop 500: {2250, 2610}
Range with view 500x700, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3060}
Range with view 500x800, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3489}
Range with view 500x900, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3489}
Range with view 500x1000, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3489}
Range with view 500x1100, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3489}
Range with view 500x1200, scrollTop 500: {2250, 3489}
Range with view 500x1300, scrollTop 500: {0, 5739}
PASS successfullyParsed is true