blob: a66d06689a5f4879f13ad13ba444f8401230b2e8 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: AES-CBC and AES-CTR do not provide authentication by default, and implementing it manually can result in minor, but serious mistakes. We recommended using authenticated encryption like AES-GCM to protect against chosen-ciphertext attacks.
Test decrypting using AES-CBC/AES-CFB with malformed parameters
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
PASS crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "aes-cbc", iv: asciiToUint8Array("")}, key, cipherText) rejected promise with OperationError: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason.
PASS crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "aes-cbc", iv: asciiToUint8Array("j")}, key, cipherText) rejected promise with OperationError: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason.
PASS crypto.subtle.decrypt({name: "aes-cbc", iv: asciiToUint8Array("jnOw99oOZFLIEPMrd")}, key, cipherText) rejected promise with OperationError: The operation failed for an operation-specific reason.
PASS successfullyParsed is true