blob: bb0b020afe279c2f0f8bb20ff07f76bbaae63422 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
<div id="parent" style="width: 200px; height: 200px;">
<iframe id="iframe" seamless src="resources/square.html"></iframe>
debug("Test basic seamless auto-sizing-to-content functionality.")
window.onload = function () {
window.iframe = document.getElementById("iframe");
// Seamless iframes are blocks, filling their parent width
// and setting their height to that of their children.
shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(iframe).display", "block");
// Spec: In visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent
// should set the intrinsic width of the iframe to the width that the element
// would have if it was a non-replaced block-level element with 'width: auto'.
shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(iframe).width", "200px");
// Spec: In visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent
// should set the intrinsic height of the iframe to the height of the bounding
// box around the content rendered in the iframe at its current width...
shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(iframe).height", "100px");
// Make sure dynamic updates work too. = "200px";
shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(iframe).height", "200px");
window.parentDiv = document.getElementById("parent"); = "100px";
shouldBeEqualToString("window.getComputedStyle(iframe).width", "100px");