blob: e3337953a18b27ea9236b706037c3b93c01adb24 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2011, 2017 Igalia S.L.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "TestMain.h"
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
class WebViewTest: public Test {
virtual ~WebViewTest();
static bool shouldInitializeWebViewInConstructor;
static bool shouldCreateEphemeralWebView;
void initializeWebView();
void platformInitializeWebView();
void platformDestroy();
virtual void loadURI(const char* uri);
virtual void loadHtml(const char* html, const char* baseURI, WebKitWebView* = nullptr);
virtual void loadPlainText(const char* plainText);
virtual void loadRequest(WebKitURIRequest*);
virtual void loadBytes(GBytes*, const char* mimeType, const char* encoding, const char* baseURI);
void loadAlternateHTML(const char* html, const char* contentURI, const char* baseURI);
void goBack();
void goForward();
void goToBackForwardListItem(WebKitBackForwardListItem*);
void quitMainLoop();
void quitMainLoopAfterProcessingPendingEvents();
void wait(double seconds);
void waitUntilLoadFinished(WebKitWebView* = nullptr);
void waitUntilTitleChangedTo(const char* expectedTitle);
void waitUntilTitleChanged();
void waitUntilIsWebProcessResponsiveChanged();
void assertFileIsCreated(const char*);
void assertJavaScriptBecomesTrue(const char*);
void resizeView(int width, int height);
void hideView();
void selectAll();
const char* mainResourceData(size_t& mainResourceDataSize);
bool isEditable();
void setEditable(bool);
void mouseMoveTo(int x, int y, unsigned mouseModifiers = 0);
void clickMouseButton(int x, int y, unsigned button = 1, unsigned mouseModifiers = 0);
void keyStroke(unsigned keyVal, unsigned keyModifiers = 0);
void showInWindow(int width = 0, int height = 0);
void emitPopupMenuSignal();
WebKitJavascriptResult* runJavaScriptAndWaitUntilFinished(const char* javascript, GError**, WebKitWebView* = nullptr);
WebKitJavascriptResult* runJavaScriptFromGResourceAndWaitUntilFinished(const char* resource, GError**);
WebKitJavascriptResult* runJavaScriptInWorldAndWaitUntilFinished(const char* javascript, const char* world, GError**);
WebKitJavascriptResult* runAsyncJavaScriptFunctionInWorldAndWaitUntilFinished(const char* body, GVariant* arguments, const char* world, GError**);
WebKitJavascriptResult* runJavaScriptWithoutForcedUserGesturesAndWaitUntilFinished(const char* javascript, GError**);
// Javascript result helpers.
static char* javascriptResultToCString(WebKitJavascriptResult*);
static double javascriptResultToNumber(WebKitJavascriptResult*);
static bool javascriptResultToBoolean(WebKitJavascriptResult*);
static bool javascriptResultIsNull(WebKitJavascriptResult*);
static bool javascriptResultIsUndefined(WebKitJavascriptResult*);
cairo_surface_t* getSnapshotAndWaitUntilReady(WebKitSnapshotRegion, WebKitSnapshotOptions);
bool runWebProcessTest(const char* suiteName, const char* testName, const char* contents = nullptr, const char* contentType = nullptr);
// Prohibit overrides because this is called when the web view is created
// in our constructor, before a derived class's vtable is ready.
void initializeWebExtensions() final { Test::initializeWebExtensions(); }
static gboolean webProcessTerminated(WebKitWebView*, WebKitWebProcessTerminationReason, WebViewTest*);
GRefPtr<GDBusProxy> extensionProxy();
GRefPtr<WebKitUserContentManager> m_userContentManager;
WebKitWebView* m_webView { nullptr };
GMainLoop* m_mainLoop;
CString m_activeURI;
CString m_expectedTitle;
WebKitJavascriptResult* m_javascriptResult { nullptr };
GError** m_javascriptError { nullptr };
GUniquePtr<char> m_resourceData { nullptr };
size_t m_resourceDataSize { 0 };
cairo_surface_t* m_surface { nullptr };
bool m_expectedWebProcessCrash { false };
GtkWidget* m_parentWindow { nullptr };