blob: 237be1c8f4ed99f039e08851e8d638d3ede35519 [file] [log] [blame]
This test verifies that deletions are correct over emoji groups and emoji with variations
Dump of markup 1:
| "
Dump of markup 2:
| "
Dump of markup 3:
| "
Dump of markup 4:
| "
Dump of markup 5:
| "
Dump of markup 6:
| "
Dump of markup 7:
| "
Dump of markup 8:
| "
Dump of markup 9:
| "
Dump of markup 10:
| "
Dump of markup 11:
| "
Dump of markup 12:
| "
Dump of markup 13:
| "
Dump of markup 14:
| "
Dump of markup 15:
| <br>