| Link Random text. |
| Link Random text. |
| This test checks selection drag edge cases on Mac. To run the test manually: |
| |
| Select everything above, start the drag over the image, and with no delay, drag it to the content editable area. Only the image should be dragged. |
| Select everything above, start the drag over the link, and with no delay, drag it to the content editable area. The entire selection should be dragged. |
| Select everything above, start the drag over the text, and with no delay, drag it to the content editable area. Nothing should be dragged, but a bunch of text should be selected instead. |
| Dumping info about contenteditable div: |
| Number of children: 4 |
| Contents: |
| IMG |
| IMG |
| A |
| SPAN |
| Number of selected ranges: 1 |