| <!-- webkit-test-runner [ enableBackForwardCache=true ] --> |
| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <body> |
| <script src='/js-test-resources/js-test.js'></script> |
| <script src='/js-test-resources/ui-helper.js'></script> |
| <script> |
| description('Tests that a page with an active ApplePaySession goes into the back/forward cache.'); |
| window.jsTestIsAsync = true; |
| |
| window.addEventListener('pageshow', function(event) { |
| debug('pageshow - ' + (event.persisted ? '' : 'not ') + 'from cache'); |
| |
| if (event.persisted) { |
| testPassed('Page did enter and was restored from the back/forward cache'); |
| } |
| }, false); |
| |
| window.addEventListener('pagehide', function(event) { |
| debug('pagehide - ' + (event.persisted ? '' : 'not ') + 'entering cache'); |
| if (!event.persisted) { |
| testFailed('Page failed to enter the back/forward cache.'); |
| finishJSTest(); |
| } |
| }, false); |
| |
| window.addEventListener('load', function() { |
| UIHelper.withUserGesture(function() { |
| session = new ApplePaySession(1, { |
| countryCode: 'US', |
| currencyCode: 'USD', |
| supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'masterCard'], |
| merchantCapabilities: ['supports3DS'], |
| total: { label: 'Total', amount: '1.00' }, |
| }); |
| session.begin(); |
| }); |
| |
| session.addEventListener('cancel', function() { |
| testPassed('ApplePaySession received a cancel event.'); |
| finishJSTest(); |
| }); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| window.location.href = '/navigation/resources/page-cache-helper.html'; |
| }, 0); |
| }, false); |
| </script> |
| </body> |
| </html> |