| <!DOCTYPE html> |
| <html> |
| <head> |
| <meta charset="utf-8"> |
| <script src="../resources/inspector-test.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| function createSimpleGETRequest() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("GET", "resources/url?query=true", true); |
| request.send(); |
| } |
| |
| function createGETRequestWithSpecialURL() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("GET", "resources/url'with$special{1..20}chars[] .html", true); |
| request.send(); |
| } |
| |
| function createGETRequestWithSpecialCharsInHeaders() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("GET", "resources/url", true); |
| request.setRequestHeader("X-Custom1", "test1"); |
| request.setRequestHeader("X-Custom2'%", "\'Test'\'1\\'2"); |
| request.setRequestHeader("X-Custom3", "\'${PWD}"); |
| request.send(); |
| } |
| |
| function createGETRequestWithUTF8() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("GET", "resources/url?utf8=👍", true); |
| request.send(); |
| } |
| |
| function createPOSTRequestWithURLEncodedData() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("POST", "resources/url", true); |
| request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); |
| request.send("lorem=ipsum&$dolor='sit'&amet={1..20}"); |
| } |
| |
| function createPOSTRequestWithUTF8() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("POST", "resources/url?utf8=👍", true); |
| request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); |
| request.send("🌨=⛄️"); |
| } |
| |
| function createPUTRequestWithJSON() |
| { |
| let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); |
| request.open("PUT", "resources/url", true); |
| request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); |
| request.send("{\"update\":\"now\"}"); |
| } |
| |
| function test() |
| { |
| let suite = InspectorTest.createAsyncSuite("GenerateCURLValidPOSIXOutput"); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "SimpleURLGenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a simple URL.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[0].match("https?://.*?/resources/url\\?query=true") !== null, "Command should contain URL."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[1] === "-XGET", "Command should be a GET request."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('User-Agent')) !== undefined, "Command should contain User-Agent header."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('X-Custom')) === undefined, "Command should not contain a custom header."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createSimpleGETRequest()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "SpecialURLGenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a URL containing special characters.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[0].match("https?://.*?/resources/url\\\\'with\\$special%7B1\.\.20%7Dchars\\\\\\[\\\\\\]%20.html") !== null, "Command should contain valid POSIX escaped URL."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createGETRequestWithSpecialURL()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "SpecialHeadersGenerateCURLValidPOSIXOutput", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a request containing special characters in the headers and verify valid POSIX output.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('X-Custom1')) === "-H 'X-Custom1: test1'", "Command should have correct custom header 1."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('X-Custom2')) === "-H $'X-Custom2\\'%: \\'Test\\'\\'1\\\\\\'2'", "Command should have correct custom header 2."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('X-Custom3')) === "-H $'X-Custom3: \\'${PWD}'", "Command should have correct custom header 3."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createGETRequestWithSpecialCharsInHeaders()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "URLWithUTF8GenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a URL containing UTF8 characters.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[0].match("https?://.*?/resources/url\\?utf8=%F0%9F%91%8D") !== null, "Command should contain URL with UTF8 characters."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createGETRequestWithUTF8()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "POSTRequestURLEncodedDataGenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a POST request with URL encoded data.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[1] === "-XPOST", "Command should be a POST request."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('Content-Type')) === "-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'", "Command should have correct Content-Type."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd === "--data $'lorem=ipsum&$dolor=\\'sit\\'&amet={1..20}'") !== undefined, "Command should contain correct data."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createPOSTRequestWithURLEncodedData()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "POSTRequestURLEncodedDataUTF8GenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a POST request with URL encoded UTF8 data.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[0].match("https?://.*?/resources/url\\?utf8=%F0%9F%91%8D") !== null, "Command should contain URL with UTF8 characters."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd === "--data $'\\ud83c\\udf28=\\u26c4\\ufe0f'") !== undefined, "Command should contain correct UTF8 data."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createPOSTRequestWithUTF8()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.addTestCase({ |
| name: "PUTRequestWithJSONGenerateCURL", |
| description: "Generate cURL command from a PUT request with JSON data.", |
| test(resolve, reject) { |
| WI.Frame.awaitEvent(WI.Frame.Event.ResourceWasAdded) |
| .then((event) => { |
| let resource = event.data.resource; |
| let curl = resource.generateCURLCommand().split(" \\\n"); |
| |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl[1] === "-XPUT", "Command should be a PUT request."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd.includes('Content-Type')) === "-H 'Content-Type: application/json'", "Command should have JSON Content-Type."); |
| InspectorTest.expectThat(curl.find((cmd) => cmd === "--data-binary '{\"update\":\"now\"}'") !== undefined, "Command should contain correct JSON data."); |
| }) |
| .then(resolve, reject); |
| |
| InspectorTest.evaluateInPage("createPUTRequestWithJSON()"); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| suite.runTestCasesAndFinish(); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="runTest()"> |
| <p>Tests that "Copy as cURL" returns valid POSIX output.</p> |
| </body> |
| </html> |