blob: 30735cc19711766be3cd185ea7545b22b3d5f83c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* (C) 2001 Dirk Mueller (
* Copyright (C) 2004-2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* (C) 2006 Alexey Proskuryakov (
* Copyright (C) 2007 Samuel Weinig (
* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2012 Samsung Electronics. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "InputType.h"
#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "BeforeTextInsertedEvent.h"
#include "ButtonInputType.h"
#include "CheckboxInputType.h"
#include "ColorInputType.h"
#include "DOMFormData.h"
#include "DateComponents.h"
#include "DateInputType.h"
#include "DateTimeInputType.h"
#include "DateTimeLocalInputType.h"
#include "EmailInputType.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "FileInputType.h"
#include "FileList.h"
#include "FormController.h"
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "HiddenInputType.h"
#include "ImageInputType.h"
#include "InputTypeNames.h"
#include "KeyboardEvent.h"
#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
#include "MonthInputType.h"
#include "NodeRenderStyle.h"
#include "NumberInputType.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "PasswordInputType.h"
#include "RadioInputType.h"
#include "RangeInputType.h"
#include "RenderElement.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "ResetInputType.h"
#include "RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "ScopedEventQueue.h"
#include "SearchInputType.h"
#include "ShadowRoot.h"
#include "SubmitInputType.h"
#include "TelephoneInputType.h"
#include "TextControlInnerElements.h"
#include "TextInputType.h"
#include "TimeInputType.h"
#include "URLInputType.h"
#include "WeekInputType.h"
#include <limits>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringHash.h>
#include <wtf/text/TextBreakIterator.h>
namespace WebCore {
using namespace HTMLNames;
typedef bool (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::*InputTypeConditionalFunction)() const;
typedef const AtomString& (*InputTypeNameFunction)();
typedef Ref<InputType> (*InputTypeFactoryFunction)(HTMLInputElement&);
typedef HashMap<AtomString, InputTypeFactoryFunction, ASCIICaseInsensitiveHash> InputTypeFactoryMap;
template<class T>
static Ref<InputType> createInputType(HTMLInputElement& element)
return adoptRef(*new T(element));
static InputTypeFactoryMap createInputTypeFactoryMap()
static const struct InputTypes {
InputTypeConditionalFunction conditionalFunction;
InputTypeNameFunction nameFunction;
InputTypeFactoryFunction factoryFunction;
} inputTypes[] = {
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::button, &createInputType<ButtonInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::checkbox, &createInputType<CheckboxInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeColorEnabled, &InputTypeNames::color, &createInputType<ColorInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeDateEnabled, &InputTypeNames::date, &createInputType<DateInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeDateTimeEnabled, &InputTypeNames::datetime, &createInputType<DateTimeInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeDateTimeLocalEnabled, &InputTypeNames::datetimelocal, &createInputType<DateTimeLocalInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::email, &createInputType<EmailInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::file, &createInputType<FileInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::hidden, &createInputType<HiddenInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::image, &createInputType<ImageInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeMonthEnabled, &InputTypeNames::month, &createInputType<MonthInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::number, &createInputType<NumberInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::password, &createInputType<PasswordInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::radio, &createInputType<RadioInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::range, &createInputType<RangeInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::reset, &createInputType<ResetInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::search, &createInputType<SearchInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::submit, &createInputType<SubmitInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::telephone, &createInputType<TelephoneInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeTimeEnabled, &InputTypeNames::time, &createInputType<TimeInputType> },
{ nullptr, &InputTypeNames::url, &createInputType<URLInputType> },
{ &RuntimeEnabledFeatures::inputTypeWeekEnabled, &InputTypeNames::week, &createInputType<WeekInputType> },
// No need to register "text" because it is the default type.
InputTypeFactoryMap map;
for (auto& inputType : inputTypes) {
auto conditionalFunction = inputType.conditionalFunction;
if (!conditionalFunction || (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::sharedFeatures().*conditionalFunction)())
map.add(inputType.nameFunction(), inputType.factoryFunction);
return map;
Ref<InputType> InputType::create(HTMLInputElement& element, const AtomString& typeName)
if (!typeName.isEmpty()) {
static const auto factoryMap = makeNeverDestroyed(createInputTypeFactoryMap());
if (auto factory = factoryMap.get().get(typeName))
return factory(element);
return adoptRef(*new TextInputType(element));
Ref<InputType> InputType::createText(HTMLInputElement& element)
return adoptRef(*new TextInputType(element));
InputType::~InputType() = default;
bool InputType::themeSupportsDataListUI(InputType* type)
return RenderTheme::singleton().supportsDataListUI(type->formControlType());
bool InputType::isTextField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isTextType() const
return false;
bool InputType::isRangeControl() const
return false;
bool InputType::shouldSaveAndRestoreFormControlState() const
return true;
FormControlState InputType::saveFormControlState() const
auto currentValue = element()->value();
if (currentValue == element()->defaultValue())
return { };
return { { currentValue } };
void InputType::restoreFormControlState(const FormControlState& state)
bool InputType::isFormDataAppendable() const
// There is no form data unless there's a name for non-image types.
return !element()->name().isEmpty();
bool InputType::appendFormData(DOMFormData& formData, bool) const
// Always successful.
formData.append(element()->name(), element()->value());
return true;
double InputType::valueAsDate() const
return DateComponents::invalidMilliseconds();
ExceptionOr<void> InputType::setValueAsDate(double) const
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
double InputType::valueAsDouble() const
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
ExceptionOr<void> InputType::setValueAsDouble(double doubleValue, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior) const
return setValueAsDecimal(Decimal::fromDouble(doubleValue), eventBehavior);
ExceptionOr<void> InputType::setValueAsDecimal(const Decimal&, TextFieldEventBehavior) const
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
bool InputType::supportsValidation() const
return true;
bool InputType::typeMismatchFor(const String&) const
return false;
bool InputType::typeMismatch() const
return false;
bool InputType::supportsRequired() const
// Almost all validatable types support @required.
return supportsValidation();
bool InputType::valueMissing(const String&) const
return false;
bool InputType::hasBadInput() const
return false;
bool InputType::patternMismatch(const String&) const
return false;
bool InputType::rangeUnderflow(const String& value) const
if (!isSteppable())
return false;
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return false;
return numericValue < createStepRange(RejectAny).minimum();
bool InputType::rangeOverflow(const String& value) const
if (!isSteppable())
return false;
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return false;
return numericValue > createStepRange(RejectAny).maximum();
Decimal InputType::defaultValueForStepUp() const
return 0;
double InputType::minimum() const
return createStepRange(RejectAny).minimum().toDouble();
double InputType::maximum() const
return createStepRange(RejectAny).maximum().toDouble();
bool InputType::sizeShouldIncludeDecoration(int, int& preferredSize) const
preferredSize = element()->size();
return false;
float InputType::decorationWidth() const
return 0;
bool InputType::isInRange(const String& value) const
if (!isSteppable())
return false;
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
if (!stepRange.hasRangeLimitations())
return false;
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return true;
return numericValue >= stepRange.minimum() && numericValue <= stepRange.maximum();
bool InputType::isOutOfRange(const String& value) const
if (!isSteppable() || value.isEmpty())
return false;
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
if (!stepRange.hasRangeLimitations())
return false;
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return true;
return numericValue < stepRange.minimum() || numericValue > stepRange.maximum();
bool InputType::stepMismatch(const String& value) const
if (!isSteppable())
return false;
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return false;
return createStepRange(RejectAny).stepMismatch(numericValue);
String InputType::badInputText() const
return validationMessageTypeMismatchText();
String InputType::typeMismatchText() const
return validationMessageTypeMismatchText();
String InputType::valueMissingText() const
return validationMessageValueMissingText();
String InputType::validationMessage() const
String value = element()->value();
// The order of the following checks is meaningful. e.g. We'd like to show the
// badInput message even if the control has other validation errors.
if (hasBadInput())
return badInputText();
if (valueMissing(value))
return valueMissingText();
if (typeMismatch())
return typeMismatchText();
if (patternMismatch(value))
return validationMessagePatternMismatchText();
if (element()->tooShort())
return validationMessageTooShortText(numGraphemeClusters(value), element()->minLength());
if (element()->tooLong())
return validationMessageTooLongText(numGraphemeClusters(value), element()->effectiveMaxLength());
if (!isSteppable())
return emptyString();
const Decimal numericValue = parseToNumberOrNaN(value);
if (!numericValue.isFinite())
return emptyString();
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
if (numericValue < stepRange.minimum())
return validationMessageRangeUnderflowText(serialize(stepRange.minimum()));
if (numericValue > stepRange.maximum())
return validationMessageRangeOverflowText(serialize(stepRange.maximum()));
if (stepRange.stepMismatch(numericValue)) {
const String stepString = stepRange.hasStep() ? serializeForNumberType(stepRange.step() / stepRange.stepScaleFactor()) : emptyString();
return validationMessageStepMismatchText(serialize(stepRange.stepBase()), stepString);
return emptyString();
void InputType::handleClickEvent(MouseEvent&)
void InputType::handleMouseDownEvent(MouseEvent&)
void InputType::handleDOMActivateEvent(Event&)
auto InputType::handleKeydownEvent(KeyboardEvent&) -> ShouldCallBaseEventHandler
return ShouldCallBaseEventHandler::Yes;
void InputType::handleKeypressEvent(KeyboardEvent&)
void InputType::handleKeyupEvent(KeyboardEvent&)
void InputType::handleBeforeTextInsertedEvent(BeforeTextInsertedEvent&)
void InputType::handleTouchEvent(TouchEvent&)
void InputType::forwardEvent(Event&)
bool InputType::shouldSubmitImplicitly(Event& event)
return is<KeyboardEvent>(event) && event.type() == eventNames().keypressEvent && downcast<KeyboardEvent>(event).charCode() == '\r';
RenderPtr<RenderElement> InputType::createInputRenderer(RenderStyle&& style)
return RenderPtr<RenderElement>(RenderElement::createFor(*element(), WTFMove(style)));
void InputType::blur()
void InputType::createShadowSubtree()
void InputType::destroyShadowSubtree()
RefPtr<ShadowRoot> root = element()->userAgentShadowRoot();
if (!root)
Decimal InputType::parseToNumber(const String&, const Decimal& defaultValue) const
return defaultValue;
Decimal InputType::parseToNumberOrNaN(const String& string) const
return parseToNumber(string, Decimal::nan());
bool InputType::parseToDateComponents(const String&, DateComponents*) const
return false;
String InputType::serialize(const Decimal&) const
return String();
DateComponents::Type InputType::dateType() const
return DateComponents::Invalid;
void InputType::dispatchSimulatedClickIfActive(KeyboardEvent& event) const
if (element()->active())
Chrome* InputType::chrome() const
if (Page* page = element()->document().page())
return &page->chrome();
return nullptr;
bool InputType::canSetStringValue() const
return true;
bool InputType::hasCustomFocusLogic() const
return true;
bool InputType::isKeyboardFocusable(KeyboardEvent* event) const
return !element()->isReadOnly() && element()->isTextFormControlKeyboardFocusable(event);
bool InputType::isMouseFocusable() const
return element()->isTextFormControlMouseFocusable();
bool InputType::shouldUseInputMethod() const
return false;
void InputType::handleFocusEvent(Node*, FocusDirection)
void InputType::handleBlurEvent()
bool InputType::accessKeyAction(bool)
return false;
void InputType::addSearchResult()
void InputType::attach()
void InputType::detach()
bool InputType::shouldRespectAlignAttribute()
return false;
bool InputType::canBeSuccessfulSubmitButton()
return false;
HTMLElement* InputType::placeholderElement() const
return nullptr;
bool InputType::rendererIsNeeded()
return true;
FileList* InputType::files()
return nullptr;
void InputType::setFiles(RefPtr<FileList>&&)
bool InputType::getTypeSpecificValue(String&)
return false;
String InputType::fallbackValue() const
return String();
String InputType::defaultValue() const
return String();
bool InputType::shouldSendChangeEventAfterCheckedChanged()
return true;
bool InputType::storesValueSeparateFromAttribute()
return true;
void InputType::setValue(const String& sanitizedValue, bool valueChanged, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior)
element()->setValueInternal(sanitizedValue, eventBehavior);
if (!valueChanged)
switch (eventBehavior) {
case DispatchChangeEvent:
case DispatchInputAndChangeEvent:
if (auto element = this->element())
case DispatchNoEvent:
bool InputType::canSetValue(const String&)
return true;
void InputType::willDispatchClick(InputElementClickState&)
void InputType::didDispatchClick(Event&, const InputElementClickState&)
String InputType::localizeValue(const String& proposedValue) const
return proposedValue;
String InputType::visibleValue() const
return element()->value();
bool InputType::isEmptyValue() const
return true;
String InputType::sanitizeValue(const String& proposedValue) const
return proposedValue;
bool InputType::receiveDroppedFiles(const DragData&)
return false;
Icon* InputType::icon() const
return nullptr;
String InputType::displayString() const
return String();
bool InputType::shouldResetOnDocumentActivation()
return false;
bool InputType::shouldRespectListAttribute()
return false;
bool InputType::isTextButton() const
return false;
bool InputType::isRadioButton() const
return false;
bool InputType::isSearchField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isHiddenType() const
return false;
bool InputType::isPasswordField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isCheckbox() const
return false;
bool InputType::isEmailField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isFileUpload() const
return false;
bool InputType::isImageButton() const
return false;
bool InputType::isInteractiveContent() const
return true;
bool InputType::supportLabels() const
return true;
bool InputType::isNumberField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isSubmitButton() const
return false;
bool InputType::isTelephoneField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isURLField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isDateField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isDateTimeField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isDateTimeLocalField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isMonthField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isTimeField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isWeekField() const
return false;
bool InputType::isEnumeratable()
return true;
bool InputType::isCheckable()
return false;
bool InputType::isSteppable() const
return false;
bool InputType::isColorControl() const
return false;
bool InputType::shouldRespectHeightAndWidthAttributes()
return false;
bool InputType::supportsPlaceholder() const
return false;
bool InputType::supportsReadOnly() const
return false;
void InputType::updateInnerTextValue()
void InputType::updatePlaceholderText()
void InputType::capsLockStateMayHaveChanged()
void InputType::updateAutoFillButton()
void InputType::subtreeHasChanged()
bool InputType::hasTouchEventHandler() const
return false;
String InputType::defaultToolTip() const
return String();
void InputType::dataListMayHaveChanged()
Optional<Decimal> InputType::findClosestTickMarkValue(const Decimal&)
return WTF::nullopt;
bool InputType::matchesIndeterminatePseudoClass() const
return false;
bool InputType::shouldAppearIndeterminate() const
return false;
bool InputType::isPresentingAttachedView() const
return false;
bool InputType::supportsSelectionAPI() const
return false;
unsigned InputType::height() const
return 0;
unsigned InputType::width() const
return 0;
ExceptionOr<void> InputType::applyStep(int count, AnyStepHandling anyStepHandling, TextFieldEventBehavior eventBehavior)
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(anyStepHandling));
if (!stepRange.hasStep())
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
const Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(element()->value());
if (!current.isFinite())
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
Decimal newValue = current + stepRange.step() * count;
if (!newValue.isFinite())
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
const Decimal acceptableErrorValue = stepRange.acceptableError();
if (newValue - stepRange.minimum() < -acceptableErrorValue)
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
if (newValue < stepRange.minimum())
newValue = stepRange.minimum();
if (!equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(element()->attributeWithoutSynchronization(stepAttr), "any"))
newValue = stepRange.alignValueForStep(current, newValue);
if (newValue - stepRange.maximum() > acceptableErrorValue)
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
if (newValue > stepRange.maximum())
newValue = stepRange.maximum();
auto result = setValueAsDecimal(newValue, eventBehavior);
if (result.hasException())
return result;
if (AXObjectCache* cache = element()->document().existingAXObjectCache())
cache->postNotification(element(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged);
return result;
bool InputType::getAllowedValueStep(Decimal* step) const
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(RejectAny));
*step = stepRange.step();
return stepRange.hasStep();
StepRange InputType::createStepRange(AnyStepHandling) const
return StepRange();
ExceptionOr<void> InputType::stepUp(int n)
if (!isSteppable())
return Exception { InvalidStateError };
return applyStep(n, RejectAny, DispatchNoEvent);
void InputType::stepUpFromRenderer(int n)
// The differences from stepUp()/stepDown():
// Difference 1: the current value
// If the current value is not a number, including empty, the current value is assumed as 0.
// * If 0 is in-range, and matches to step value
// - The value should be the +step if n > 0
// - The value should be the -step if n < 0
// If -step or +step is out of range, new value should be 0.
// * If 0 is smaller than the minimum value
// - The value should be the minimum value for any n
// * If 0 is larger than the maximum value
// - The value should be the maximum value for any n
// * If 0 is in-range, but not matched to step value
// - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if n > 0
// e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> 2
// - The value should be the smaller matched value nearest to 0 if n < 0
// e.g. <input type=number min=-100 step=3> -> -1
// As for date/datetime-local/month/time/week types, the current value is assumed as "the current local date/time".
// As for datetime type, the current value is assumed as "the current date/time in UTC".
// If the current value is smaller than the minimum value:
// - The value should be the minimum value if n > 0
// - Nothing should happen if n < 0
// If the current value is larger than the maximum value:
// - The value should be the maximum value if n < 0
// - Nothing should happen if n > 0
// Difference 2: clamping steps
// If the current value is not matched to step value:
// - The value should be the larger matched value nearest to 0 if n > 0
// e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 5
// - The value should be the smaller matched value nearest to 0 if n < 0
// e.g. <input type=number value=3 min=-100 step=3> -> 2
// n is assumed as -n if step < 0.
if (!isSteppable())
if (!n)
StepRange stepRange(createStepRange(AnyIsDefaultStep));
// FIXME: Not any changes after stepping, even if it is an invalid value, may be better.
// (e.g. Stepping-up for <input type="number" value="foo" step="any" /> => "foo")
if (!stepRange.hasStep())
EventQueueScope scope;
const Decimal step = stepRange.step();
int sign;
if (step > 0)
sign = n;
else if (step < 0)
sign = -n;
sign = 0;
String currentStringValue = element()->value();
Decimal current = parseToNumberOrNaN(currentStringValue);
if (!current.isFinite()) {
current = defaultValueForStepUp();
const Decimal nextDiff = step * n;
if (current < stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff)
current = stepRange.minimum() - nextDiff;
if (current > stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff)
current = stepRange.maximum() - nextDiff;
setValueAsDecimal(current, DispatchNoEvent);
if ((sign > 0 && current < stepRange.minimum()) || (sign < 0 && current > stepRange.maximum()))
setValueAsDecimal(sign > 0 ? stepRange.minimum() : stepRange.maximum(), DispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
else {
if (stepMismatch(element()->value())) {
const Decimal base = stepRange.stepBase();
Decimal newValue;
if (sign < 0)
newValue = base + ((current - base) / step).floor() * step;
else if (sign > 0)
newValue = base + ((current - base) / step).ceiling() * step;
newValue = current;
if (newValue < stepRange.minimum())
newValue = stepRange.minimum();
if (newValue > stepRange.maximum())
newValue = stepRange.maximum();
setValueAsDecimal(newValue, n == 1 || n == -1 ? DispatchInputAndChangeEvent : DispatchNoEvent);
if (n > 1)
applyStep(n - 1, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
else if (n < -1)
applyStep(n + 1, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
} else
applyStep(n, AnyIsDefaultStep, DispatchInputAndChangeEvent);
Color InputType::valueAsColor() const
return Color::transparent;
void InputType::selectColor(StringView)
Vector<Color> InputType::suggestedColors() const
return { };
RefPtr<TextControlInnerTextElement> InputType::innerTextElement() const
return nullptr;
} // namespace WebCore