blob: 9fbaf6838007e152345619a0b1e1cc35bd4998df [file] [log] [blame]
Test that Java arrays work with generic JS array methods.
Also test that they work when passed as the second argument to apply(). This may or may not be correct behavior per LiveConnect spec.
PASS array[0] + '' is 'One'
PASS array[1] + '' is 'Three'
PASS array[2] + '' is 'Two'
PASS array[0] + '' is 'One'
PASS array[1] + '' is 'Three'
PASS array[2] + '' is 'Two'
passing array as function arguments, potentially parser-optimized apply
PASS concat.apply({}, array) is 'OneTwoThree'
passing array as function arguments, unoptimized apply
PASS concat["apply"]({}, array) is 'OneTwoThree'
PASS array.length = 5 threw exception RangeError: Range error.
PASS successfullyParsed is true