| This ensure we do not mess up the bytes when an URL is partially parsed and is invalid. |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| FAIL src should be foo://tête à tête@host/. Was foo://t%C3%AAte%20%C3%A0%20t%C3%AAte@host/. |
| FAIL src should be foo://user:tête à tête@host/. Was foo://user:t%C3%AAte%20%C3%A0%20t%C3%AAte@host/. |
| FAIL src should be foo://<>@host/. Was foo://%3C%3E@host/. |
| FAIL src should be foo://user:<>@host/. Was foo://user:%3C%3E@host/. |
| FAIL src should be ws:/tête. Was ws://xn--tte-fma/. |
| FAIL src should be ftp:/tête. Was ftp://xn--tte-fma/. |
| FAIL src should be http:/tête. Was http://xn--tte-fma/. |
| FAIL src should be https:/tête. Was https://xn--tte-fma/. |
| FAIL src should be gopher:/tête. Was gopher://xn--tte-fma/. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |