blob: 2cf3473274e292da0297045b58726cca4e148f2a [file] [log] [blame]
Tests WebKitDataCue.value
*** Initialize with string.
RUN(cue = new WebKitDataCue(2, 6, 'test'))
EXPECTED ( == '') OK
EXPECTED (cue.startTime == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cue.endTime == '6') OK
EXPECTED (cue.pauseOnExit == 'false') OK
EXPECTED (typeof cue.value == 'string') OK
EXPECTED (cue.value == 'test') OK
EXPECTED ( == 'null') OK
EXPECTED (cue.type == '') OK
*** Initialize with an object.
RUN(cue = new WebKitDataCue(9, 16, { data: [1, 2, 3] }, 'org.test'))
EXPECTED ( == '') OK
EXPECTED (cue.startTime == '9') OK
EXPECTED (cue.endTime == '16') OK
EXPECTED (cue.pauseOnExit == 'false') OK
EXPECTED (typeof cue.value == 'object') OK
EXPECTED (JSON.stringify(cue.value) == '{"data":[1,2,3]}') OK
EXPECTED ( == 'null') OK
EXPECTED (cue.type == 'org.test') OK
*** Set .value to an array.
RUN(cue.value = [1,2,3])
EXPECTED (JSON.stringify(cue.value) == '[1,2,3]') OK
EXPECTED (cue.value.length == '3') OK
EXPECTED (cue.value[0] == '1') OK
EXPECTED (cue.value[1] == '2') OK
EXPECTED (cue.value[2] == '3') OK
*** Set .data to an ArrayBuffer, .value should return null.
RUN( = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]).buffer)
EXPECTED (cue.value == 'null') OK