| basic tests for object literal shorthand construction |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
| |
| |
| PASS !!{a} is true |
| PASS ({a}).a === 1 is true |
| PASS ({a}).a === a is true |
| PASS ({foo})['foo'] === foo is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a}, 'a').enumerable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a}, 'a').configurable is true |
| PASS Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({a}, 'a').writable is true |
| PASS Object.keys({a,b}).join() is "a,b" |
| PASS Object.keys({b,a}).join() is "b,a" |
| PASS equivalent({a}, {a:a}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a}, {a:a}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,}, {a:a}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,a}, {a:a}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,b}, {a:a, b:b}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({ a , b }, {a:a, b:b}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,b,}, {a:a, b:b}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,b,a}, {a:a, b:b}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({b,a,a}, {b:b, a:a}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({a}, {b:a}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({b}, {a:b}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({a,b}, {a:b, b:a}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo}, {foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo}, {foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,}, {foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,foo}, {foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,bar}, {foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({ foo , bar }, {foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,bar,}, {foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,bar,foo}, {foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({bar,foo,foo}, {bar:bar, foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({foo,bar,foo}, {foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({bar,foo,foo}, {bar:bar, foo:foo}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({foo}, {bar:foo}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({bar}, {foo:bar}) is true |
| PASS !equivalent({foo,bar}, {foo:bar, bar:foo}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a, b:b, c}, {a, b, c}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a:a, b, c:c}, {a, b, c}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a, b, c:c}, {a, b, c}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({'a':a, b, c:c}, {a, b, c}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({nest:{a}}.nest, {nest: {a:a}}.nest) is true |
| PASS equivalent({nest:[{a}]}.nest[0], {nest: [{a:a}]}.nest[0]) is true |
| PASS equivalent([{nest:[{a}]}][0].nest[0], [{nest: [{a:a}]}][0].nest[0]) is true |
| PASS equivalent({a,b,t,x,f,nul,un,fun,foo,bar}, {a:a, b:b, t:t, x:x, f:f, nul:null, un:un, fun:fun, foo:foo, bar:bar}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({eval}, {eval: eval}) is true |
| PASS ({noSuchIdentifier}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: noSuchIdentifier. |
| PASS ({a,noSuchIdentifier}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: noSuchIdentifier. |
| PASS ({noSuchIdentifier,a}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: noSuchIdentifier. |
| PASS ({a,b,noSuchIdentifier}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: noSuchIdentifier. |
| PASS ({get}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: get. |
| PASS ({set}) threw exception ReferenceError: Can't find variable: set. |
| PASS equivalent({get}, {get: 1}) is true |
| PASS equivalent({set}, {set: 2}) is true |
| PASS ({get x(){ return true; }}).x is true |
| PASS ({get 'x'(){ return true; }}).x is true |
| PASS ({get 42(){ return true; }})['42'] is true |
| PASS !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({set x(value){}}, 'x').set is true |
| PASS !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({set 'x'(value){}}, 'x').set is true |
| PASS !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor({set 42(value){}}, '42').set is true |
| PASS this.__proto__ = [] threw exception TypeError: Cannot set prototype of this object. |
| PASS ({__proto__: this.__proto__}) instanceof Array is false |
| PASS __proto__ = [] threw exception TypeError: Object.prototype.__proto__ called on null or undefined. |
| PASS ({__proto__: __proto__}) instanceof Array threw exception TypeError: Object.prototype.__proto__ called on null or undefined. |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
| |
| |