| Tests MediaStreamTrack.getSettings. |
| |
| On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE". |
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| video track settings: |
| settings.width = 640 |
| settings.height = 480 |
| settings.frameRate = 30 |
| settings.facingMode = user |
| settings.deviceId = <UUID> |
| |
| audio track settings: |
| settings.volume = 1 |
| settings.echoCancellation = false |
| settings.deviceId = <UUID> |
| |
| According to the spec: "[every setting] MUST be a member of the set defined for that property by getCapabilities()" |
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| PASS "width" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "height" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "frameRate" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "facingMode" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "deviceId" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "volume" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "echoCancellation" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS "deviceId" in track.getCapabilities() is true |
| PASS successfullyParsed is true |
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