blob: 81e282080f50436593b0a88e266c214d18ff88e6 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests MediaStreamTrack.getSettings.
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
video track settings:
settings.width = 640
settings.height = 480
settings.frameRate = 30
settings.facingMode = user
settings.deviceId = <UUID>
audio track settings:
settings.volume = 1
settings.echoCancellation = false
settings.deviceId = <UUID>
According to the spec: "[every setting] MUST be a member of the set defined for that property by getCapabilities()"
PASS "width" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "height" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "frameRate" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "facingMode" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "deviceId" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "volume" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "echoCancellation" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS "deviceId" in track.getCapabilities() is true
PASS successfullyParsed is true