blob: d2100240f2856893ee7ac60b504bf9edb4836615 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests that relList works on anchor, area and link elements
On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".
Tests relList for anchor element
PASS element.relList == null is false
PASS element.relList == undefined is false
PASS element.relList instanceof DOMTokenList is true
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("a") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("b") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("c") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("d") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("foo") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("bar") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chocolate") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.contains("marshmallow") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chips") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS String(element.relList) is "y"
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "y x"
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is "y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Ensure that we can handle empty rel correctly
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
Test toggle with force argument
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle("", true) threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.toggle("x y", false) threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
Testing add in presence of trailing white spaces.
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Test invalid tokens
PASS element.relList.contains("") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x y") is false
PASS element.relList.add("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.add("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.remove("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.remove("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.toggle("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.item(0) is "x"
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(1) is null
PASS element.relList[1] is "y"
PASS element.relList.item(1) is "y"
PASS element.relList[0] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(0) is null
PASS element.relList[4] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(4) is null
PASS element.relList[-1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(-1) is null
PASS element.relList.item() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
Test case since DOMTokenList is case sensitive
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.contains() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "X"
Testing whitespace
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
DOMTokenList presence and type
PASS 'undefined' != typeof DOMTokenList is true
PASS typeof DOMTokenList.prototype is "object"
PASS typeof element.relList is "object"
PASS element.relList.constructor is DOMTokenList
PASS element.relList === element.relList is true
Variadic calls
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.rel is "a b c null d undefined 0 false"
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
PASS element.rel is "b d"
PASS element.rel is "d"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
Tests relList for area element
PASS element.relList == null is false
PASS element.relList == undefined is false
PASS element.relList instanceof DOMTokenList is true
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("a") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("b") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("c") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("d") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("foo") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("bar") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chocolate") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.contains("marshmallow") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chips") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS String(element.relList) is "y"
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "y x"
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is "y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Ensure that we can handle empty rel correctly
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
Test toggle with force argument
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle("", true) threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.toggle("x y", false) threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
Testing add in presence of trailing white spaces.
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Test invalid tokens
PASS element.relList.contains("") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x y") is false
PASS element.relList.add("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.add("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.remove("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.remove("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.toggle("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.item(0) is "x"
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(1) is null
PASS element.relList[1] is "y"
PASS element.relList.item(1) is "y"
PASS element.relList[0] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(0) is null
PASS element.relList[4] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(4) is null
PASS element.relList[-1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(-1) is null
PASS element.relList.item() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
Test case since DOMTokenList is case sensitive
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.contains() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "X"
Testing whitespace
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
DOMTokenList presence and type
PASS 'undefined' != typeof DOMTokenList is true
PASS typeof DOMTokenList.prototype is "object"
PASS typeof element.relList is "object"
PASS element.relList.constructor is DOMTokenList
PASS element.relList === element.relList is true
Variadic calls
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.rel is "a b c null d undefined 0 false"
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
PASS element.rel is "b d"
PASS element.rel is "d"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
Tests relList for link element
PASS element.relList == null is false
PASS element.relList == undefined is false
PASS element.relList instanceof DOMTokenList is true
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("a") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("b") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("c") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("d") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 3
PASS element.relList.contains("foo") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("bar") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chocolate") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.contains("marshmallow") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("chips") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("orange") is false
PASS String(element.relList) is "y"
PASS element.relList.length is 0
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 1
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.rel is "y x"
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.rel is "y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Ensure that we can handle empty rel correctly
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x') is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
Test toggle with force argument
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', true) is true
PASS element.rel is "x"
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle('x', false) is false
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.toggle("", true) threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.toggle("x y", false) threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
Testing add in presence of trailing white spaces.
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "x y"
PASS element.rel is "y"
Test invalid tokens
PASS element.relList.contains("") is false
PASS element.relList.contains("x y") is false
PASS element.relList.add("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.add("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.remove("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList.remove("x y") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.relList.toggle("") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.item(0) is "x"
PASS element.relList[1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(1) is null
PASS element.relList[1] is "y"
PASS element.relList.item(1) is "y"
PASS element.relList[0] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(0) is null
PASS element.relList[4] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(4) is null
PASS element.relList[-1] is undefined.
PASS element.relList.item(-1) is null
PASS element.relList.item() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
Test case since DOMTokenList is case sensitive
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "x"
PASS element.relList.contains() threw exception TypeError: Not enough arguments.
PASS element.relList.contains("X") is true
PASS element.relList.contains("x") is false
PASS element.relList[0] is "X"
Testing whitespace
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
PASS element.relList.length is 2
DOMTokenList presence and type
PASS 'undefined' != typeof DOMTokenList is true
PASS typeof DOMTokenList.prototype is "object"
PASS typeof element.relList is "object"
PASS element.relList.constructor is DOMTokenList
PASS element.relList === element.relList is true
Variadic calls
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.rel is "a b c null d undefined 0 false"
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is ""
PASS element.relList.add() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
PASS element.rel is "b d"
PASS element.rel is "d"
PASS element.rel is "a b c"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "") threw exception SyntaxError (DOM Exception 12): The string did not match the expected pattern..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", {toString: function() { throw new Error("user error"); }}, "b") threw exception Error: user error.
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove("a", "b", "c d") threw exception InvalidCharacterError (DOM Exception 5): The string contains invalid characters..
PASS element.rel is "a b"
PASS element.relList.remove() did not throw exception.
PASS observer.takeRecords().length is 1
PASS successfullyParsed is true