blob: c4c097fa93ec28389d58bf8c224f38f5f575e3e0 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the WebKit project.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Dirk Mueller <>
* 2006 Nikolas Zimmermann <>
* All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
* Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include <QStyle>
#include <QWidget>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QStyleOptionButton>
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "GraphicsContext.h"
#define notImplemented() do { fprintf(stderr, "FIXME: UNIMPLEMENTED: %s:%d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } while(0)
namespace WebCore {
class RenderThemeQt : public RenderTheme
RenderThemeQt() : RenderTheme() { }
// A method asking if the theme's controls actually care about redrawing when hovered.
virtual bool supportsHover(const RenderStyle*) const { return true; }
virtual bool paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
return paintButton(o, i, r);
virtual void setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual bool paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
return paintButton(o, i, r);
virtual void setRadioSize(RenderStyle*) const;
virtual void adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintButton(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual void adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle*, Element*) const;
virtual bool paintTextField(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
virtual bool isControlStyled(const RenderStyle*, const BorderData&,
const BackgroundLayer&, const Color&) const;
virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const;
virtual void systemFont(int propId, FontDescription&) const;
virtual RenderPopupMenu* createPopupMenu(RenderArena*, Document*, RenderMenuList*);
void addIntrinsicMargins(RenderStyle*) const;
void close();
bool supportsFocus(EAppearance) const;
bool getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo(const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, QStyle*&, QPainter*&, QWidget*&) const;
EAppearance applyTheme(QStyleOption&, RenderObject*) const;
RenderTheme* theme()
static RenderThemeQt rt;
return &rt;
bool RenderThemeQt::isControlStyled(const RenderStyle* style, const BorderData& border,
const BackgroundLayer& background, const Color& backgroundColor) const
if (style->appearance() == TextFieldAppearance || style->appearance() == TextAreaAppearance)
return style->border() != border;
return RenderTheme::isControlStyled(style, border, background, backgroundColor);
bool RenderThemeQt::controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject* o) const
if (!isEnabled(o))
return false;
// Checkboxes only have tint when checked.
if (o->style()->appearance() == CheckboxAppearance)
return isChecked(o);
// For now assume other controls have tint if enabled.
return true;
void RenderThemeQt::systemFont(int propId, FontDescription& fontDescription) const
RenderPopupMenu* RenderThemeQt::createPopupMenu(RenderArena*, Document*, RenderMenuList*)
return 0;
void RenderThemeQt::addIntrinsicMargins(RenderStyle* style) const
// Cut out the intrinsic margins completely if we end up using a small font size
if (style->fontSize() < 11)
// Intrinsic margin value.
const int m = 2;
// FIXME: Using width/height alone and not also dealing with min-width/max-width is flawed.
if (style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto()) {
if (style->marginLeft().quirk())
style->setMarginLeft(Length(m, Fixed));
if (style->marginRight().quirk())
style->setMarginRight(Length(m, Fixed));
if (style->height().isAuto()) {
if (style->marginTop().quirk())
style->setMarginTop(Length(m, Fixed));
if (style->marginBottom().quirk())
style->setMarginBottom(Length(m, Fixed));
bool RenderThemeQt::getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo(const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, QStyle*& style, QPainter*& painter, QWidget*& widget) const
painter = (i.p ? static_cast<QPainter*>(i.p->platformContext()) : 0);
widget = (painter ? static_cast<QWidget*>(painter->device()) : 0);
style = (widget ? widget->style() : 0);
return (painter && widget && style);
void RenderThemeQt::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style->height().isAuto())
// FIXME: A hard-coded size of 13 is used. This is wrong but necessary for now. It matches Firefox.
// At different DPI settings on Windows, querying the theme gives you a larger size that accounts for
// the higher DPI. Until our entire engine honors a DPI setting other than 96, we can't rely on the theme's
// metrics.
if (style->width().isIntrinsicOrAuto())
style->setWidth(Length(13, Fixed));
if (style->height().isAuto())
style->setHeight(Length(13, Fixed));
void RenderThemeQt::setRadioSize(RenderStyle* style) const
// This is the same as checkboxes.
bool RenderThemeQt::supportsFocus(EAppearance appearance) const
switch (appearance) {
case PushButtonAppearance:
case ButtonAppearance:
case TextFieldAppearance:
return true;
default: // No for all others...
return false;
EAppearance RenderThemeQt::applyTheme(QStyleOption& option, RenderObject* o) const
// Default bits: no focus, no mouse over
option.state &= ~(QStyle::State_HasFocus | QStyle::State_MouseOver);
if (!isEnabled(o))
option.state &= ~QStyle::State_Enabled;
if (isReadOnlyControl(o))
// Readonly is supported on textfields.
option.state |= QStyle::State_ReadOnly;
if (supportsFocus(o->style()->appearance()) && isFocused(o))
option.state |= QStyle::State_HasFocus;
if (isHovered(o))
option.state |= QStyle::State_MouseOver;
if (isPressed(o))
option.state |= QStyle::State_Sunken;
EAppearance result = o->style()->appearance();
if(result == RadioAppearance || result == CheckboxAppearance)
option.state |= (isChecked(o) ? QStyle::State_On : QStyle::State_Off);
return result;
void RenderThemeQt::adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle* style, Element* e) const
bool RenderThemeQt::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
QStyle* style = 0;
QPainter* painter = 0;
QWidget* widget = 0;
if (!getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo(i, style, painter, widget))
return true;
QStyleOptionButton option;
option.rect = r;
// Get the correct theme data for a button
EAppearance appearance = applyTheme(option, o);
if(appearance == PushButtonAppearance || appearance == ButtonAppearance)
style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_PushButton, &option, painter);
else if(appearance == RadioAppearance)
style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_RadioButton, &option, painter);
else if(appearance == CheckboxAppearance)
style->drawControl(QStyle::CE_CheckBox, &option, painter);
return false;
void RenderThemeQt::adjustTextFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector*, RenderStyle* style, Element*) const
bool RenderThemeQt::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, const IntRect& r)
QStyle* style = 0;
QPainter* painter = 0;
QWidget* widget = 0;
if (!getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo(i, style, painter, widget))
return true;
QStyleOption option;
// Get the correct theme data for a button
EAppearance appearance = applyTheme(option, o);
Q_ASSERT(appearance == TextFieldAppearance);
// Now paint the text field.
// FIXME: this is not enough for sure! (use 'option'...)
return false;
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