| 2006-08-24 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed/landed by Adam. |
| |
| Final cleanup to conform to WebKit coding style! |
| |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasClipperQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasClipperQt::applyClip): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasClipperQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasPathQt.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasPathQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerLinearGradientQt::KRenderingPaintServerLinearGradientQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerRadialGradientQt::KRenderingPaintServerRadialGradientQt): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerPatternQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerPatternQt::KRenderingPaintServerPatternQt): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerPatternQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerQt::setPenProperties): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerSolidQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerSolidQt::KRenderingPaintServerSolidQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerSolidQt::renderPath): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerSolidQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/RenderPathQt.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/RenderPathQt.h: |
| * platform/qt/AffineTransformQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/BrowserExtensionQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/BrowserExtensionQt.h: |
| * platform/qt/ColorQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Color::Color): |
| * platform/qt/ComboBoxQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::PlatformComboBox): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::~PlatformComboBox): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendGroupLabel): |
| * platform/qt/CookieJarQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/CursorQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Cursors::Cursors::self): |
| * platform/qt/FloatPointQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/FloatRectQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/FontCacheQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getSimilarFontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/qt/FontDataQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/FontPlatformData.h: |
| * platform/qt/FontPlatformDataQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/FontQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::operator QFont): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| * platform/qt/FrameQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::openURL): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::submitForm): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::urlSelected): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::keyEvent): |
| * platform/qt/FrameQt.h: |
| * platform/qt/GlyphMapQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/GraphicsContextQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFocusRingClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clip): |
| * platform/qt/ImageQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::draw): |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): |
| * platform/qt/ImageSourceQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/IntPointQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/IntRectQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/IntSizeQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/LineEditQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::PlatformLineEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::~PlatformLineEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::addSearchResult): |
| * platform/qt/ListBoxQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ListBox::ListBox): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::~ListBox): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setParentWidget): |
| * platform/qt/PageQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Page::windowRect): |
| (WebCore::Page::setWindowRect): |
| * platform/qt/PathQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Path::addArc): |
| * platform/qt/PlatformKeyboardEventQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::windowsKeyCodeForKeyEvent): |
| (WebCore::PlatformKeyboardEvent::PlatformKeyboardEvent): |
| * platform/qt/PlatformMouseEventQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::applyTheme): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintButton): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintTextField): |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderCurl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::assembleResponseHeaders): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::retrieveCharset): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::receivedResponse): |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderManager.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::add): |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderManager.h: |
| * platform/qt/ScreenQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::handleKeyEvent): |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.h: |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/SharedTimerQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/SharedTimerQt.h: |
| (WebCore::SharedTimerQt::inst): |
| * platform/qt/StringQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/SystemTimeQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/TextEditQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::PlatformTextEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::~PlatformTextEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setParentWidget): |
| * platform/qt/WidgetQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Widget::setQWidget): |
| |
| 2006-08-24 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by Anders. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * CMakeLists.txt: |
| * platform/qt/FrameQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::doScroll): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::isFrameView): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::FrameQt): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::init): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::~FrameQt): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::openURL): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::submitForm): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::urlSelected): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::userAgent): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::runJavaScriptAlert): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::runJavaScriptConfirm): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::locationbarVisible): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::setTitle): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::createFrame): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::passWheelEventToChildWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::passSubframeEventToSubframe): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::objectContentType): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::createPlugin): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::passMouseDownEventToWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::menubarVisible): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::personalbarVisible): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::statusbarVisible): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::toolbarVisible): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::createEmptyDocument): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::markedTextRange): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::incomingReferrer): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::mimeTypeForFileName): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::markMisspellingsInAdjacentWords): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::markMisspellings): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::lastEventIsMouseUp): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::saveDocumentState): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::restoreDocumentState): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::openURLRequest): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::scheduleClose): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::unfocusWindow): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::focusWindow): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::overrideMediaType): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::addMessageToConsole): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::runJavaScriptPrompt): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::getEmbedInstanceForWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::getObjectInstanceForWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::getAppletInstanceForWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::registerCommandForUndo): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::registerCommandForRedo): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::clearUndoRedoOperations): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issueUndoCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issueRedoCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issueCutCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issueCopyCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issuePasteCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issuePasteAndMatchStyleCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::issueTransposeCommand): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::respondToChangedSelection): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::respondToChangedContents): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::shouldChangeSelection): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::partClearedInBegin): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::canGoBackOrForward): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::handledOnloadEvents): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::canPaste): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::canRedo): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::canUndo): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::print): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::keyEvent): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::receivedResponse): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::receivedData): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::receivedAllData): |
| (WebCore::FrameQt::setFrameGeometry): |
| * platform/qt/FrameQt.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::ScrollViewCanvasQt): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::paintEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::sizeHint): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::mouseMoveEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::mousePressEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::mouseReleaseEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::keyPressEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::keyReleaseEvent): |
| (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::handleKeyEvent): |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setParentWidget): |
| |
| 2006-08-24 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by ap. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/FontCacheQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontCache::platformInit): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getSimilarFontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getLastResortFallbackFont): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/qt/FontDataQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformInit): |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformDestroy): |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::containsCharacters): |
| (WebCore::FontData::determinePitch): |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformWidthForGlyph): |
| * platform/qt/FontPlatformData.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/FontPlatformDataQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::operator=): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::isFixedPitch): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::setFont): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::font): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::hash): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::operator==): |
| * platform/qt/FontQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Font::operator QFont): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| * platform/qt/GlyphMapQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::fillPage): |
| |
| 2006-08-24 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reinstate r15966 because layout test changes are correct. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4522205> Represent controls in AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange |
| |
| * editing/TextIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextIterator::advance): |
| |
| 2006-08-24 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by ap. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support (Part II) |
| |
| Adapt the KCanvas Qt device to Rob's KCanvasMatrix removal. |
| Use AffineTransform everywhere instead. |
| |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::KRenderingDeviceContextQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::concatCTM): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::ctm): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerLinearGradientQt::setup): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerRadialGradientQt::setup): |
| |
| 2006-08-24 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10524 |
| svg transform: comma delimiting breaks display |
| |
| Properly parse transforms which use ',' as seperators. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.cpp: |
| (SVGTransformable::parseTransformAttribute): |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - added an assert to make it slightly easier to debug the common case of |
| calling document() on a node of 0 |
| |
| * dom/Node.h: (WebCore::Node::document): ASSERT(this). |
| |
| 2006-08-23 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Refactor Cairo and CoreGraphics to use platform ifdefs. This patch |
| separates the graphics engines from their respective platforms and replaces |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/AffineTransform.h: |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| * platform/Cursor.h: |
| * platform/FloatPoint.h: |
| * platform/FloatRect.h: |
| * platform/FloatSize.h: |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advanceAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/Image.h: |
| * platform/ImageSource.h: |
| * platform/IntPoint.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| * platform/IntSize.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoader.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderClient.h: |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: |
| * platform/cairo/ImageSourceCairo.cpp: |
| * platform/cg/AffineTransformCG.cpp: |
| * platform/cg/FloatPointCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/FloatRectCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/FloatSizeCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::~GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFocusRingClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearFocusRingClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::platformContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawRect): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLine): |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate:::m_cgContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::~GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): |
| * platform/cg/ImageCG.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): |
| * platform/cg/ImageSourceCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/IntPointCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/IntRectCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/IntSizeCG.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/cg/PDFDocumentImage.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::PDFDocumentImage::adjustCTM): |
| * platform/cg/PDFDocumentImage.h: Added. |
| * platform/cg/PathCG.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/bmp/BMPImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageReader.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/ico/ICOImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/xbm/XBMImageDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/FloatPointMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FloatRectMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FloatSizeMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/ImageSourceMac.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/IntPointMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/IntRectMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/IntSizeMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/PDFDocumentImage.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/PDFDocumentImage.mm: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-08-23 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Remove the ifdef for platform scrollbars vs. engine scrollbars until |
| engine scrollbars actually exist. |
| |
| * platform/ScrollBar.h: |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::hasPlatformScrollBars): |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| Removed the poorly named next/previousVisiblePosition |
| and use next/previousCandidate and next/previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate. |
| Removed the unused VisiblePosition::maxOffset() |
| |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::next): |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::previous): |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition): |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Alexey. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support (Part II) |
| |
| * platform/qt/GraphicsContextQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::toQtCompositionMode): |
| (WebCore::toQtLineCap): |
| (WebCore::toQtLineJoin): |
| (WebCore::TransparencyLayer::TransparencyLayer): |
| (WebCore::TransparencyLayer::cleanup): |
| (WebCore::TextShadow::TextShadow): |
| (WebCore::TextShadow::isNull): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::p): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::~GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::~GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::platformContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::savePlatformState): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::restorePlatformState): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawRect): |
| (WebCore::adjustLineToPixelBounderies): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLine): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawEllipse): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawArc): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFocusRingClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearFocusRingClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForText): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setShadow): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearShadow): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::endTransparencyLayer): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearRect): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::strokeRect): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineWidth): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineCap): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineJoin): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setMiterLimit): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setAlpha): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setCompositeOperation): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::translate): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::rotate): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::scale): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addInnerRoundedRectClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::createRenderingDeviceContext): |
| * platform/qt/ImageQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FrameData::clear): |
| (WebCore::Image::initNativeData): |
| (WebCore::Image::destroyNativeData): |
| (WebCore::Image::invalidateNativeData): |
| (WebCore::Image::loadResource): |
| (WebCore::Image::supportsType): |
| (WebCore::Image::draw): |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): |
| (WebCore::Image::checkForSolidColor): |
| * platform/qt/ImageSourceQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::createDecoder): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::ImageSource): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::~ImageSource): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::initialized): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::setData): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::isSizeAvailable): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::size): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::repetitionCount): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::frameCount): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::frameDurationAtIndex): |
| (WebCore::ImageSource::frameHasAlphaAtIndex): |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele |
| |
| Moved default URL icon from WebKit to WebCore |
| |
| * Resources/urlIcon.tiff: Added. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::loadImageFromResource): |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.h: |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::defaultIcon): |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Adam Roben <aroben@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, Adele. |
| |
| Some popup refactoring/cleanup. |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::RenderMenuList): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::~RenderMenuList): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::hidePopup): |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::popup): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::popupIsVisible): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.h: |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::hidePopup): |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderCurl.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::~ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::start): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::cancel): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::assembleResponseHeaders): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::retrieveCharset): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::receivedResponse): |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderManager.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::ResourceLoaderManager): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::get): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::useSimpleTransfer): |
| (WebCore::writeCallback): |
| (WebCore::headerCallback): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::downloadTimerCallback): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::remove): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::add): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::cancel): |
| * platform/qt/ResourceLoaderManager.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/StringQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::String::String): |
| (WebCore::String::operator QString): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedString::operator QString): |
| |
| 2006-08-23 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Added escapeSQLString() - a helper to escape strings to be used in textual SQL queries |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Reordered some files |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.cpp: Use the new escapeSQLString() |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::writeToDatabase): |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: Use the new escapeSQLString() throughout |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::forgetIconForIconURLFromDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::imageDataForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::timeStampForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::iconURLForPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::forgetPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::setIconIDForPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::getIconIDForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::addIconForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::hasIconForIconURLQuery): |
| * loader/icon/SQLDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::escapeSQLString): Added |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| - assorted style cleanup of icon loader code: |
| |
| - wrapped all implementation files in namespace WebCore {} instead of "using namespace WebCore;" at top |
| - split headers to be one per class, to match impl files |
| - made files that are purely local in IconDatabase.cpp static |
| - make each impl file include config.h as first header (and no config.h includes in other headers) |
| - avoid multiple copies of Vector<unsigned char> for image data |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.cpp: |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::getTimestamp): |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::setTimestamp): |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::getIconURL): |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::pageURLTableIsEmptyQuery): |
| (WebCore::imageDataForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::timeStampForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::iconURLForPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::forgetPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::setIconIDForPageURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::getIconIDForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::addIconForIconURLQuery): |
| (WebCore::hasIconForIconURLQuery): |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| * loader/icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: |
| * loader/icon/SQLDatabase.h: |
| * loader/icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlobAsVector): |
| * loader/icon/SQLStatement.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::isPrepared): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::prepareAndStep): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::lastError): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::lastErrorMsg): |
| * loader/icon/SQLTransaction.cpp: |
| * loader/icon/SQLTransaction.h: Added. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| The role of the SiteIcon is now the original intention - to be a cache of data relating to an Icon |
| As such, I'm renaming it to IconDataCache. |
| Also, the IconDatabase has to manually set the image data on the IconDataCache and also sets the |
| TimeStamp when an icon is created or the data is changed. |
| IconDataCache now has a method to write itself *to* a given database, instead of read itself from one. |
| IconDatabase schema changes to have the timestamp set manually instead of via a trigger. |
| The overall purpose of this change is to cache the timestamp, killing off a very common SQL query. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Renamed a file |
| * loader/icon/IconDataCache.cpp: Added. |
| (IconDataCache::IconDataCache): |
| (IconDataCache::getImage): Now either returns the stored image, or 0 - no attempt to grab data |
| (IconDataCache::manuallySetImageData): Delete the old image and create the new one |
| (IconDataCache::writeToDatabase): Write the current iconURL, data, and timestamp to the given DB |
| (IconDataCache::imageDataStatus): Determine if an IconDataCache is new without data versus actually having null data |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::createDatabaseTables): Changed DB schema to version 5 (hopefully the final version) |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForIconURL): Uses the timestamp in the IconDataCache object instead of always querying |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::getOrCreateIconDataCache): Added, to handle creation of new IconDataCache when appropriate |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): Puts data in SiteIcon then marks it for a future write |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::syncDatabase): Now syncs SiteIconsPendingUpdate |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::getTimestamp): |
| (WebCore::IconDataCache::setTimestamp): |
| * loader/icon/SiteIcon.cpp: Removed. |
| |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10449> |
| REGRESSION(r15918): drag-into-marker.html failing |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): Don't avoid nesting |
| in a list item. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Kevin |
| |
| Added a check in getTIFFRepresentation to not proceed if the frame count is zero |
| This is an error condition that was handled gracefully before - in certain circumstances |
| the call to CGImageDestinationCreateWithData will spam the Console if it is passed null/empty data |
| or invalid data. This small change bails out before that call if that call will definitely fail |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::getTIFFRepresentation): |
| |
| 2006-08-22 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Backed out my last change (r15966) because it broke lots of layout tests. |
| |
| * editing/TextIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextIterator::advance): |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - added some SPI indirections to support the following in WebKit/Loader: |
| - pull more WebDataSource code into WebFrameLoader |
| - make WebMainResourceLoader not depend on WebKit or on SPI |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4052343&4052343&4426622> Mail hung on paste text |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isInterchangeNewlineNode): |
| (WebCore::isInterchangeConvertedSpaceSpan): |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::ReplacementFragment): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::removeRedundantStyles): Compute the redundant inheritable styles and |
| remove them and remove style nodes and style spans which were only contributing redundant styles. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-22 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4077676> Inline hole line adheres to the Japanese characters in inline hole |
| |
| This happens because the underline is always 2 pixels thick, and placed 3 pixels above the bottom of the text box. |
| |
| Test case added: |
| * manual-tests/inline-input-marking.html: Added. |
| Check that underlining of the inline input hole does not obscure the glyphs. |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextUnderline): |
| Position underline at bottom of text box. |
| Height of underline is reduced to 1 px when font's descent is less than or equal to 2 px. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10402 |
| REPRO: SVG crashes inside gradient code |
| |
| Make sure we do not try to update the canvas resource/gradient paintserver when it is not yet built. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp: |
| (SVGGradientElement::notifyAttributeChange): |
| (SVGGradientElement::resourceNotification): |
| |
| 2006-08-22 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4523606> Represent heading elements in AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (headingLevel): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject headingLevel]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject isHeading]): |
| New. Heading level is per the tag (h1 == 1, h2 == 2, etc.) |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject role]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject roleDescription]): |
| Add role and roleDescription for headings. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject value]): |
| Value is the headingLevel. |
| |
| (AXAttributeStringSetHeadingLevel): |
| (AXAttributedStringAppendText): |
| Put text's heading level (if applicable) in the attributes. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4522205> Represent controls in AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange |
| |
| Treat controls as replaced elements, so that AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange will, too. |
| |
| * editing/TextIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextIterator::advance): |
| Include controls. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4407336> Some non-text elements return AXTextMarkerRangeForUIElement with equal start and end marker |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject textMarkerRange]): |
| Use 0 and maxDeepOffset(), instead of caretMinOffset() and caretMaxRenderedOffset(). |
| Check for VisiblePositions being equal. If so, adjust end one to its next(). |
| That happens with, e.g., buttons. |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10491 |
| KCanvasMatrix removal |
| |
| Remove KCanvasMatrix from project, using AffineTransform instead. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.cpp: Removed. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.h: Removed. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasMarker::draw): |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::viewportTransform): |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::getAspectRatio): |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradient::gradientTransform): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradient::setGradientTransform): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradient::externalRepresentation): |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerPattern::patternTransform): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerPattern::setPatternTransform): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerPattern::externalRepresentation): |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQuartz::concatCTM): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQuartz::ctm): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz::renderPath): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerPatternQuartz::setup): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.mm: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.cpp: |
| (SVGLinearGradientElement::buildGradient): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::fillAttributesFromReferencePattern): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::drawPatternContentIntoTile): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::notifyAttributeChange): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGRadialGradientElement::buildGradient): |
| |
| 2006-08-22 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10405 |
| REPRO: SVG Maze crashes in RenderPath code |
| |
| Do not render a path when it is empty so maze15.svg does not crash anymore. |
| Also get rid of a runtime warning issued by CGContextGetPathBoundingBox. |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPath::paint): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasPathQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQuartz::strokeBoundingBox): |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| <rdar://4690949> - New IconDB: Need to prune unretained icons on startup |
| |
| Added a flag to track whether or not the initial pruning has taken place on startup |
| If that flag is not set, IconURL retain counts will be tracked in a temporary db table |
| in addition to the in-memory hash. Then when the timer fires after initial retains |
| are complete, we prune those icons not in the retain table, prune dangling PageURL |
| references, delete the temporary table, and set the flag - and carry on as normal |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): initialize the flag |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): changed the schema of the temporary table |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconURL): store the icon retain to the temp table if starting up |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconURL): ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIconsOnStartup): remove all icons *not* in the retain table, then |
| wipe all the PageURLs who no longer point to a valid IconURL |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10419 |
| XSLTProcessor transformToFragment fails because of an XML declaration |
| |
| Test: fast/xsl/transformToFragment-XML-declaration.html |
| |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XSLTProcessor::transformToString): Always inhibit XML declaration printout. |
| |
| 2006-08-21 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4471481> Represent misspellings in AXAttributedStringForTextMarkerRange |
| |
| Added support for the NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute. |
| |
| Test cases added: None. Manual AX testing is way too awkward, and automated testing |
| is not possible. See following bug... |
| <rdar://problem/4256882> Need automated testing support for accessibility APIs |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| Lots of trivial formatting in many methods. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeValue:]): |
| Fixed AXStartTextMarker and AXEndTextMarker to use startOfDocument and endOfDocument, instead of |
| of positionForCoordinates. I had seen erroneous endOfDocument results while testing the spelling |
| attribute. |
| |
| (WebCore::AXAttributeStringSetSpelling): |
| New. Adds the NSAccessibilityMisspelledTextAttribute for misspelled words. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject AXAttributedStringAppendText:]): |
| Added call to AXAttributeStringSetSpelling. |
| |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startOfDocument): |
| (WebCore::endOfDocument): |
| Added for AXStartTextMarker/AXEndTextMarker fix, these forms of the familiar functions take a Node*, |
| so a previously existing VisiblePosition is not required. |
| |
| * editing/visible_units.h: |
| Declare new forms of startOfDocument and endOfDocument. |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Added. |
| (JavaAppletWidget::JavaAppletWidget): |
| (Font::selectionRectForComplexText): |
| (Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::refreshPlugins): |
| (WebCore::focusRingColor): |
| (Image::drawTiled): |
| (WebCore::TextField::selectAll): |
| (WebCore::TextField::addSearchResult): |
| (WebCore::TextField::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::TextField::hasSelectedText): |
| (WebCore::TextField::selectedText): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setAutoSaveName): |
| (WebCore::TextField::checksDescendantsForFocus): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setSelection): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setMaxResults): |
| (WebCore::TextField::edited): |
| (WebCore::TextField::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::TextField::TextField): |
| (WebCore::TextField::~TextField): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setFont): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setAlignment): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::TextField::maxLength): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setMaxLength): |
| (WebCore::TextField::text): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setText): |
| (WebCore::TextField::cursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setCursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setEdited): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setReadOnly): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setPlaceholderString): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setColors): |
| (WebCore::TextField::sizeForCharacterWidth): |
| (WebCore::TextField::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::TextField::setLiveSearch): |
| (WebCore::Slider::Slider): |
| (WebCore::Slider::sizeHint): |
| (WebCore::Slider::~Slider): |
| (WebCore::Slider::setValue): |
| (WebCore::Slider::setMaxValue): |
| (WebCore::Slider::setMinValue): |
| (WebCore::Slider::setFont): |
| (WebCore::Slider::value): |
| (WebCore::Slider::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::ScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::setSteps): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::scroll): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::setValue): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::setKnobProportion): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::PlatformScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::~PlatformScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::width): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::height): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setEnabled): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::paint): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setScrollBarValue): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setKnobProportion): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setRect): |
| (WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| (WebCore::CheckCacheObjectStatus): |
| (WebCore::CheckIfReloading): |
| (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest): |
| (WebCore::historyContains): |
| (WebCore::submitButtonDefaultLabel): |
| (WebCore::inputElementAltText): |
| (WebCore::resetButtonDefaultLabel): |
| (WebCore::defaultLanguage): |
| (WebCore::findNextSentenceFromIndex): |
| (WebCore::findSentenceBoundary): |
| (WebCore::findNextWordFromIndex): |
| (WebCore::findWordBoundary): |
| (Frame::setNeedsReapplyStyles): |
| (WebCore::screenDepthPerComponent): |
| (WebCore::screenIsMonochrome): |
| (WebCore::searchableIndexIntroduction): |
| (WebCore::setFocusRingColorChangeFunction): |
| (FrameView::updateBorder): |
| (loadResourceIntoArray): |
| (PlugInInfoStore::createPluginInfoForPluginAtIndex): |
| (PlugInInfoStore::pluginCount): |
| (WebCore::PlugInInfoStore::supportsMIMEType): |
| (FileButton::FileButton): |
| (FileButton::click): |
| (FileButton::sizeForCharacterWidth): |
| (FileButton::focusPolicy): |
| (FileButton::frameGeometry): |
| (FileButton::setFilename): |
| (FileButton::baselinePosition): |
| (FileButton::setFrameGeometry): |
| (FileButton::setDisabled): |
| (WebCore::supportedKeySizes): |
| (WebCore::signedPublicKeyAndChallengeString): |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/CursorQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Cursor::Cursor): |
| (WebCore::Cursor::~Cursor): |
| (WebCore::Cursor::operator=): |
| (WebCore::Cursors::Cursors::self): |
| (WebCore::moveCursor): |
| (WebCore::crossCursor): |
| (WebCore::handCursor): |
| (WebCore::iBeamCursor): |
| (WebCore::waitCursor): |
| (WebCore::helpCursor): |
| (WebCore::eastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northEastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::southResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::southEastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::southWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::westResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northSouthResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::eastWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northEastSouthWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northWestSouthEastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::columnResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::rowResizeCursor): |
| * platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::RenderThemeQt): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::supportsHover): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintCheckbox): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintRadio): |
| (WebCore::theme): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::isControlStyled): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::controlSupportsTints): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::systemFont): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::createPopupMenu): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::addIntrinsicMargins): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::stylePainterAndWidgetForPaintInfo): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::setCheckboxSize): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::setRadioSize): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::supportsFocus): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::applyTheme): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::adjustButtonStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintButton): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::adjustTextFieldStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintTextField): |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/SharedTimerQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore:setSharedTimerFiredFunction): |
| (WebCore::setSharedTimerFireTime): |
| (WebCore::stopSharedTimer): |
| * platform/qt/SharedTimerQt.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::SharedTimerQt::SharedTimerQt): |
| (WebCore::SharedTimerQt::~SharedTimerQt): |
| (WebCore::SharedTimerQt::inst): |
| (WebCore::SharedTimerQt::fire): |
| * platform/qt/SystemTimeQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::currentTime): |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John |
| |
| -Defers writing to the database via a timer and handles starting the timer |
| intelligently |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): Don't start the update timer by default |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::close): Call syncDatabase() |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled): Call syncDatabase() |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): Setup the cached url, but defer the DB call |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURLInDatabase): Actually commit the url to the DB |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIconsOnStartup): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::updateDatabase): The updateTimer calls this, which just calls syncDatabase() |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::syncDatabase): Add and remove pending pageURLs and iconURLs, and stop the updateTimer |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10429 |
| XSLTProcessor.transformToFragment crashes if the owner document is empty |
| |
| Test: fast/js/xslt-fragment-in-empty-doc.html |
| |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer): Don't iterate over the element stack if it's empty. |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders |
| |
| -Added timer-based, deferred deletion of database records - PageURLs and Icons handled seperately |
| In the near future, we'll also have timer-based deferred *addition* of database records |
| -Keep retain/release counts in a hash instead of a DB table |
| -Keep only one hash record for the SiteIcons |
| -Renamed some methods for clarity |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: Renamed method for clarity |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: Ditto |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _hasEntryForIconURL:]): Ditto |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): Added new timer setup |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): Only work with one hash of the SiteIcons |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForPageURL): Keep count in a hash |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForPageURL): Keep count in a hash, use deferred deletion |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconURL): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconURL): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::forgetPageURL): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconURLRetained): New and improved simplicity |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): Cleanup |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIconsOnStartup): Renamed |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneIconsPendingDeletion): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasEntryForIconURL): Renamed for clarity |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: Added multiple stuffs |
| |
| 2006-08-21 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej's rubberstamp |
| |
| Removed stale file references from the Xcode.proj |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-08-20 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes parts of: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10463 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| Removing HelperQt.h usage by creating appropriate operators |
| constructor in some of the platform classes, as suggested by Darin. |
| |
| * CMakeLists.txt: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.h: |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/qt/ComboBoxQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendItem): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendGroupLabel): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setFont): |
| * platform/qt/LineEditQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setFont): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::text): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::selectedText): |
| * platform/qt/ListBoxQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setFont): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::appendItem): |
| * platform/qt/PlatformKeyboardEventQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PlatformKeyboardEvent::PlatformKeyboardEvent): |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/StringQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::String::String): |
| (WebCore::String::operator QString): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedString::operator QString): |
| * platform/qt/TextEditQt.cpp: |
| * platform/qt/WidgetQt.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Widget::setFont): |
| |
| 2006-08-18 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Rubber stamped by adele. |
| |
| Fix call to WebFormDelegate's textFieldDidBeginEditing. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::subtreeHasChanged): |
| |
| 2006-08-19 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Next chunk of the implementation for: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/KeyboardCodes.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/PlatformKeyboardEventQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::keyIdentifierForQtKeyCode): |
| (WebCore::windowsKeyCodeForKeyEvent): |
| (WebCore::PlatformKeyboardEvent::PlatformKeyboardEvent): |
| * platform/qt/PlatformMouseEventQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| |
| 2006-08-19 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Next chunk of the implementation for: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/AffineTransformQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::AffineTransform): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::setMatrix): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::map): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::mapRect): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::isIdentity): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m11): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m12): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m21): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m22): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::dx): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::dy): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::reset): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::scale): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::rotate): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::translate): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::shear): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::det): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::invert): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator QMatrix): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator==): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator*=): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator*): |
| * platform/qt/BrowserExtensionQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::BrowserExtensionQt): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::canRunModal): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::createNewWindow): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::canRunModalNow): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::runModal): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::goBackOrForward): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::historyURL): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::setTypedIconURL): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::setIconURL): |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionQt::getHistoryLength): |
| * platform/qt/BrowserExtensionQt.h: Added. |
| * platform/qt/CookieJarQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::setCookies): |
| (WebCore::cookies): |
| (WebCore::cookiesEnabled): |
| * platform/qt/PageQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::rootWindowForFrame): |
| (WebCore::Page::windowRect): |
| (WebCore::Page::setWindowRect): |
| * platform/qt/PathQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Path::Path): |
| (WebCore::Path::~Path): |
| (WebCore::Path::operator=): |
| (WebCore::Path::contains): |
| (WebCore::Path::translate): |
| (WebCore::Path::boundingRect): |
| (WebCore::Path::moveTo): |
| (WebCore::Path::addLineTo): |
| (WebCore::Path::addQuadCurveTo): |
| (WebCore::Path::addBezierCurveTo): |
| (WebCore::Path::addArcTo): |
| (WebCore::Path::closeSubpath): |
| (WebCore::Path::addArc): |
| (WebCore::Path::addRect): |
| (WebCore::Path::addEllipse): |
| (WebCore::Path::clear): |
| * platform/qt/ScreenQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::screenRect): |
| (WebCore::screenDepth): |
| (WebCore::usableScreenRect): |
| |
| |
| 2006-08-19 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| First chunk of the implementation for: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/ComboBoxQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::PlatformComboBox): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::~PlatformComboBox): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::clear): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendItem): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendGroupLabel): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::appendSeparator): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setCurrentItem): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::sizeHint): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::frameGeometry): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setFrameGeometry): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setFont): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::itemSelected): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::setWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::populate): |
| (WebCore::PlatformComboBox::populateMenu): |
| * platform/qt/LineEditQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::PlatformLineEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::~PlatformLineEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setColors): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setAlignment): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setCursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::cursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setEdited): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::edited): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setFont): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setMaxLength): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::maxLength): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setReadOnly): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::isReadOnly): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::text): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::selectAll): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::hasSelectedText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::selectedText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setSelection): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::sizeForCharacterWidth): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::checksDescendantsForFocus): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setLiveSearch): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setAutoSaveName): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setMaxResults): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::setPlaceholderString): |
| (WebCore::PlatformLineEdit::addSearchResult): |
| * platform/qt/ListBoxQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ListBox::ListBox): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::~ListBox): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::sizeForNumberOfLines): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setSelectionMode): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::clear): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::doneAppendingItems): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setSelected): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::isSelected): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setEnabled): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::isEnabled): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::checksDescendantsForFocus): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::clearCachedTextRenderers): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::setFont): |
| (WebCore::ListBox::appendItem): |
| * platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::ScrollView): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::~ScrollView): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::updateContents): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::visibleWidth): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::visibleHeight): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::visibleContentRect): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setContentsPos): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::resizeContents): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsX): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsY): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsWidth): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsHeight): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::viewportToContents): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsToViewport): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::scrollOffset): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::scrollBy): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::hScrollBarMode): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::vScrollBarMode): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::suppressScrollBars): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setHScrollBarMode): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setVScrollBarMode): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setScrollBarsMode): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setStaticBackground): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::addChild): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::removeChild): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::scrollPointRecursively): |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::inWindow): |
| * platform/qt/TextEditQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::PlatformTextEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::~PlatformTextEdit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setColors): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setAlignment): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setLineHeight): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setCursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::getCursorPosition): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setFont): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setReadOnly): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::isReadOnly): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setDisabled): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::isDisabled): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::hasSelectedText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setText): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::text): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::textWithHardLineBreaks): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::focusPolicy): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setWordWrap): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::wordWrap): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setScrollBarModes): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::selectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setSelectionStart): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setSelectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::selectAll): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::setSelectionRange): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::sizeWithColumnsAndRows): |
| (WebCore::PlatformTextEdit::checksDescendantsForFocus): |
| * platform/qt/WidgetQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::WidgetPrivate::WidgetPrivate): |
| (WebCore::WidgetPrivate::~WidgetPrivate): |
| (WebCore::Widget::Widget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::~Widget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setClient): |
| (WebCore::Widget::client): |
| (WebCore::Widget::frameGeometry): |
| (WebCore::Widget::hasFocus): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setFocus): |
| (WebCore::Widget::clearFocus): |
| (WebCore::Widget::font): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setFont): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setCursor): |
| (WebCore::Widget::show): |
| (WebCore::Widget::hide): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setQWidget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::qwidget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setParentWidget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::parentWidget): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setFrameGeometry): |
| (WebCore::Widget::mapFromGlobal): |
| (WebCore::Widget::scaleFactor): |
| (WebCore::Widget::lockDrawingFocus): |
| (WebCore::Widget::unlockDrawingFocus): |
| (WebCore::Widget::paint): |
| (WebCore::Widget::enableFlushDrawing): |
| (WebCore::Widget::isEnabled): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setIsSelected): |
| (WebCore::Widget::disableFlushDrawing): |
| (WebCore::Widget::setEnabled): |
| (WebCore::Widget::focusPolicy): |
| |
| 2006-08-19 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| First chunk of the implementation for: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10467 |
| |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support |
| |
| * platform/qt/ColorQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Color::Color): |
| (WebCore::Color::operator QColor): |
| * platform/qt/FloatPointQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FloatPoint::FloatPoint): |
| (WebCore::FloatPoint::operator QPointF): |
| * platform/qt/FloatRectQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FloatRect::FloatRect): |
| (WebCore::FloatRect::operator QRectF): |
| * platform/qt/IntPointQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::IntPoint::IntPoint): |
| (WebCore::IntPoint::operator QPoint): |
| * platform/qt/IntRectQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::IntRect::IntRect): |
| (WebCore::IntRect::operator QRect): |
| * platform/qt/IntSizeQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::IntSize::IntSize): |
| (WebCore::IntSize::operator QSize): |
| |
| 2006-08-18 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10470 |
| The Qt platform needs a KCanvas device. |
| |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasClipperQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::KCanvasClipperQt::applyClip): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasClipperQt.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::KCanvasClipperQt::KCanvasClipperQt): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasPathQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::KCanvasPathQt): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::~KCanvasPathQt): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::isEmpty): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::moveTo): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::lineTo): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::curveTo): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::closeSubpath): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::boundingBox): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::strokeBoundingBox): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::strokeContainsPoint): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::containsPoint): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasPathQt.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPathQt::qtPath): |
| * kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::KRenderingDeviceContextQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::~KRenderingDeviceContextQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::concatCTM): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::ctm): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::mapFromVisual): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::mapToVisual): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::clearPath): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::addPath): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::createGraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::painter): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::pathBBox): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::setFillRule): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::fillPath): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQt::strokePath): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::KRenderingDeviceQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::~KRenderingDeviceQt): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::popContext): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::pushContext): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::qtContext): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::contextForImage): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::stringForPath): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::createResource): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::createPaintServer): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceQt::createFilterEffect): |
| |
| 2006-08-17 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10466 |
| WebKit should have Qt platform support. |
| |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| * platform/Cursor.h: |
| (WebCore::Cursor::Cursor): |
| * platform/FloatPoint.h: |
| * platform/FloatRect.h: |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advanceAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/ImageSource.h: |
| * platform/IntPoint.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| * platform/IntSize.h: |
| * platform/ListBox.h: |
| * platform/Path.h: |
| * platform/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoader.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderClient.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderInternal.h: |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| * platform/ScrollView.h: |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-17 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10465 |
| General WebKit Linux build fixes. |
| |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.cpp: |
| (WebCore::operator<<): |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::deleteBindingURIs): |
| * xml/DOMParser.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-08-17 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. Landed by rwlbuis. |
| |
| Fixes: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10464 |
| Offer a cmake build system for Qt platform. |
| |
| * CMakeLists.txt: Added. |
| |
| 2006-08-17 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4671069> REGRESSION: Popup buttons in web pages aren't exposed as AXPopupButtons |
| |
| Accessorized RenderMenuList objects. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject mouseButtonListener]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject actionElement]): |
| Return the HTMLSelectElement. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject firstChild]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject lastChild]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject previousSibling]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject nextSibling]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject parentObject]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject parentObjectUnignored]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject isAttachment]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject attachmentView]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject role]): |
| Return NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject subrole]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject roleDescription]): |
| Return NSAccessibilityPopUpButtonRole. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject textUnderElement]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject value]): |
| Return the RenderMenuList::text(). |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject position]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityIsIgnored]): |
| - Ignore popup menu items because AppKit does. |
| - Remove redundant check for buttonTag (earlier isControl() check suffices). |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeNames]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityActionNames]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeValue:]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject doAXTextMarkerRangeForUnorderedTextMarkers:]): |
| Removed old debugging code that is no longer needed. |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject doAXSentenceTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker:]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject doAXParagraphTextMarkerRangeForTextMarker:]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject removeAXObjectID]): |
| Trivial formatting. |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::accessKeyAction): |
| Call click() instead of focus(). |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::text): |
| Added for easy access to popup's current text. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::isMenuList): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::isMenuList): |
| Added so popups can be identified. |
| |
| 2006-08-17 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4527201> REGRESSION: AXTextMarkerRangeForUnorderedTextMarkers returns out of order range |
| |
| Test cases added: None. Manual AX testing is way too awkward, and automated testing |
| is not possible. See following bug... |
| <rdar://problem/4256882> Need automated testing support for accessibility APIs |
| |
| * bridge/mac/AXObjectCacheMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::AXObjectCache::visiblePositionForTextMarker): |
| Validate the marker by comparing the node and offset to those of the resulting VisiblePosition. |
| |
| 2006-08-17 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| Fixes: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10447 |
| AffineTransform should be multi-platform compatible |
| |
| * platform/AffineTransform.h: |
| * platform/cg/AffineTransformCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m11): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m12): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m21): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::m22): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::dx): |
| (WebCore::AffineTransform::dy): |
| |
| 2006-08-16 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix an issue with CSS2 system fonts where they did not respect text |
| zoom. This was most visible with the new control fonts used for form |
| controls (they stopped swapping between small/mini/regular as you zoomed). |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by thatcher |
| |
| First part of fix for: |
| <rdar://problem/4384589> |
| Mail hung on paste text |
| |
| Fixes: |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8592> |
| Extra line left after deleting whitespace:pre text |
| <rdar://problem/4128080> Paste as HTML does not yield equivalent style |
| <rdar://problem/4046469> Box styles on first element aren't copied/pasted |
| Copy/paste of arstechnica.com |
| |
| Here's how we avoid adding redundant style information on paste: insert |
| the fragment and do a test rendering, save away style information for |
| every node in the fragment, remove all style information from the fragment, |
| remove the fragment, insert it into the appropriate place in the document, |
| then restore only those styles gathered during the test insertion that aren't |
| redundant. Restoring the styles in this way results in an ApplyStyleCommand |
| and a layout for nearly every inserted node. |
| Instead we want to insert the fragment into the document without removing the |
| style information, then mark style nodes and inline style declarations for |
| removal if they are redundant, and sweep to remove them. This means that we |
| can't rely on ReplacementFragment::wasBlock anymore, because blocks will now |
| have style spans around them. This patch removes the use of wasBlock in |
| ReplaceSelectionCommand. |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): Added code |
| to remove the line placeholder left after a move from preserveNewline text. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Don't add a placeholder if |
| we're deleting a paragraph in preserveNewline text. |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Pass true to prevent nesting. |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: Removed wasBlock and friends. |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::ReplacementFragment): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::saveRenderingInfo): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderingInfo::RenderingInfo): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::ReplaceSelectionCommand): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldMergeStart): Combined the to/from |
| merging rules into one method. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldMergeEnd): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldMerge): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| Don't do nesting prevention when pasting into an empty paragraph, this |
| fixes 4046469, the common cause of paste fidelity bugs, but needs |
| to be tweaked a little because this can lead to margin/border build-up |
| on repeated copy/pastes. |
| Don't track startPos in addition to insertionPos. It was never used. |
| Fixed a bug where a fragment starting with an interchange newline would |
| cause content to be put outside of an editable region when pasting at the |
| very end of it. |
| Adjust insertionPos before insertion (not during) and do not consult wasBlock |
| to decide whether or not to do so. |
| Changed the way we do the start merge: insert the fragment, then stich |
| paragraphs together, in the same way that we do the end merge. This |
| doesn't require wasBlock and fixes bugs. |
| Replaced some uses of insertionPos with endOfInsertedContent. |
| Fixed a bug in the expansion of the last incoming br (a "collapsed" br |
| is one where !isStartOfParagraph([br,0])). |
| Removed the special case code that did the end merge for the preserveNewline |
| case, since this patch fixes the moveParagraph bug in the preserveNewline case. |
| Removed some unused variables. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldRemoveEndBR): An endBR that was |
| holding a line open should always be displaced by inserted content, unless |
| the inserted content ends with a br. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::updateNodesInserted): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderingInfo::style): |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): Only add mail blockquotes and list/table/pre when |
| annotate is true (when we're creating markup for the pasteboard). |
| |
| 2006-08-16 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady Eidson |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4637156> underlines appearing in white selection text |
| |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintDecorations): |
| bail out if phase is PaintPhaseSelection and forceWhiteText is true |
| |
| 2006-08-16 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John |
| |
| Updated the DB version number and added a helpful comment explaining its meaning |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-08-16 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Major refactoring of new iconDB: |
| -Instead of private browsing being handled by in-memory tables, it's now handled |
| by a separate in-memory database with the same table names. This allows us to |
| re-use the same SQL on either the main or private-browsing database |
| -So it follows, I broke out much of the SQL queries into seperate methods suffixed with |
| "Query" that take a database as the method's argument so the same language can run on |
| both private and main tables |
| -Now that we have two DBs, moved the retain/release count to the m_mainDB |
| -While I was at it, updated the schema to combine the Icon and IconResource table - cuts |
| down on some high-usage, low value queries which were too expensive |
| -Ditched the _url -> url convention for escaping urls for SQL. Now its url and escapedURL |
| -Pruned tons of unused methods from previous revisions |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: Removed isIconExpiredForPageURL as it was never used |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: Ditto |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): Updated initializer list |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): Sets up both databases |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::close): Closes both databases |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isEmpty): Queries both databases for at least 1 record |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isValidDatabase): Reflect the updated schema |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::clearDatabaseTables): Ditto - and takes DB as a parameter |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::createDatabaseTables): Ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): style cleanup, and using a query-function |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled): Resets private DB instead of private tables |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForIconURL): Uses a query-function on each DB |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconURLForPageURL): Uses a query-function on each DB |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForPageURL): Retain count DB changes |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForPageURL): Ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconURLRetained): Determine if it's time to prune a released icon yet |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::forgetIconForIconURLFromDatabase): Alot simpler |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): Style cleanup |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setHaveNoIconForIconURL): Ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): Ditto - and using a query-function |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForIconURL): Style cleanup |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnreferencedIcons): DB name change |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIcons): Ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasIconForIconURL): Simpler, using a query-function |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::~IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::pageURLTableIsEmptyQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::imageDataForIconURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::timeStampForIconURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::iconURLForPageURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::forgetPageURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::setIconIDForPageURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::getIconIDForIconURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::addIconForIconURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| (WebCore::hasIconForIconURLQuery): Self-explanatory SQL query |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: Some new/changed methods, pruned methods, and new comments |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isOpen): Changed our meaning of "isOpen" to reflect the 2 databases |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Jonas Witt <jonas.witt@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - added ObjC wrappers for the KeyboardEvent and WheelEvent initializers |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9736 |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.mm: |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent initKeyboardEvent::::::::::]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEventsNonstandard.mm: |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent initWheelEvent:::::::::::]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| |
| - added an initializer for the WheelEvent |
| |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::initWheelEvent): |
| * dom/WheelEvent.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim H. |
| |
| Build fix: DWARF and -gfull are incompatible with symbol separation. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim H. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10394 |
| Bug 10394: WebKit Release and Production configurations should enable dead code stripping |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - This patch reworks a previous fix for <rdar://problem/3524912> repro |
| crash in KHTMLParser::parseToken, due to parser's current element being |
| destroyed (www.gnnetcom.dk), along with subsequent adjustments to fix |
| leaks. |
| |
| The previous solutions caused a ~2% performance regression on iBench HTML, |
| due to RefPtr churn. The optimizations here gain back that ~2% plus ~1% more, |
| for a total win of ~3% vs current TOT. |
| |
| We can merge this fix to the branch to fix <rdar://problem/4661982> |
| (crash in KHTMLParser::popBlock). |
| |
| The solution here is: |
| (1) Don't let the parser ref document nodes -- that causes leaks. |
| (2) Handle ref/deref manually, to avoid RefPtr churn. Specifically, when |
| moving a node between stacks or to/from 'current', rather than deref'ing |
| and then ref'ing again, simply move the node, along with its refcount, to |
| its new location, and overwrite its old location. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::HTMLStackElem): |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::derefNode): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::HTMLParser): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::setCurrent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::insertNode): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popNestedHeaderTag): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::reopenResidualStyleTags): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::pushBlock): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popBlock): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popOneBlockCommon): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popOneBlock): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::moveOneBlockToStack): |
| * html/HTMLParser.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim H. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10384 |
| Bug 10384: Switch to DWARF for Release configuration |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| Tweaked and landed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10399 |
| Bug 10399: RenderTextArea is unused |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: |
| Removed RenderTextArea source files. |
| |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: Removed include of RenderTextArea.h. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: Removed forward declaration of RenderTextArea. |
| |
| * platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: (WebCore::Widget::paint): Updated a comment. |
| |
| * platform/TextBox.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/TextBoxMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.mm: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-08-15 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by THE OTHER Maciej... |
| |
| Two small fixes - |
| 1) Renamed retain/release methods to add PageUrl in - we're being consistent and clear in the WebCore API |
| 2) Fixed a bug where a null SiteIcon reference would be added into the pageURLToSiteIcon map causing a |
| null dereference later |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge retainIconForURL:]): Changed IconDatabase method name |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge releaseIconForURL:]): ditto |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForPageURL): Name change |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForPageURL): ditto |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): Added the null site-icon check when changing a PageURL's iconURL |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: Some renames |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| <mask>, <marker>, <pattern> inside <defs> do not work |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6548 |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGDefsElement::SVGDefsElement): moved to .cpp file |
| (WebCore::SVGDefsElement::isValid): moved to .cpp file |
| (WebCore::SVGDefsElement::rendererIsNeeded): Added. |
| (WebCore::SVGDefsElement::createRenderer): Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGGElement::SVGGElement): adjusted spacing |
| (WebCore::SVGGElement::parseMappedAttribute): adjusted spacing |
| (WebCore::SVGDummyElement::SVGDummyElement): adjusted spacing |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin and mjs. |
| |
| Add better SVGLoad event support. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6010 |
| There will still need to be additional support added for <link> and <script> elements. |
| Not all of the error -> loaded -> error transition cases work yet. |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchGenericEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::dispatchLoadEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::haveFiredLoadEvent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::setHaveFiredLoadEvent): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGImageLoader::SVGImageLoader): |
| (WebCore::SVGImageLoader::dispatchLoadEvent): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGAElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::SVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::haveLoadedRequiredResources): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::sendSVGLoadEventIfPossible): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::closeRenderer): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::svg_dynamic_cast): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| (SVGImageElement::SVGImageElement): |
| (SVGImageElement::haveLoadedRequiredResources): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::SVGScriptElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::executeScript): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener): use new Event() instead of createEvent |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10393 |
| Autogenerate NodeIterator and TreeWalker. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add new files. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSNodeIteratorCustom.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSNodeIterator::mark): |
| * bindings/js/JSTreeWalkerCustom.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSTreeWalker::mark): |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_traversal.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_traversal.h: |
| Remove implementations of DOMNodeIterator and DOMTreeWalker. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| Add "CustomMarkFunction" attribute for classes where mark() needs to be overridden. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMNodeIterator detach]): |
| * dom/NodeIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::NodeIterator::detach): |
| * dom/NodeIterator.h: |
| Get rid of exception in detach, it isn't used at all and this function can't throw an exception according to the spec. |
| * dom/NodeIterator.idl: Added. |
| * dom/TreeWalker.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John |
| |
| The changes are plentiful, but small, mostly to improve performance |
| 1) Add a bool flag to SiteIcon to stop it from querying the database over and over |
| 2) Added a pageURL->iconURL hashmap to cache database results, as an optimization |
| 3) Fix a bug in setIconURLForPageURL code where the pageURL would still point to an old icon |
| 4) Added isIconURLRetained() to optimize the retain count check |
| 5) Prune old, unused code |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconID): Removed unused code |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): Removed unused code |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForPageURL): Removed unused code |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForIconURL): Removed LOG msg |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForPageURL): Removed LOG msg |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconURLForPageURL): Added a hashmap cache to avoid common queries |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForURL): Changed to is isRetained() instead of retainCount() |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconURLRetained): Added - we don't care about the actual retain count |
| for an icon so much as whether or not it is retained |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): If the new and old iconURLs are the same, skip the |
| SQLite code |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: Added new methods/variables |
| * loader/icon/SiteIcon.cpp: |
| (SiteIcon::SiteIcon): Added a flag so it only queries the database for icon data once |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): Ditto |
| |
| 2006-08-14 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for bug 10385, add more support for crappy pseudo-XML-in-HTML. |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren |
| |
| Added fast/parser/bad-xml-slash.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseTag): |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10204 |
| REGRESSION: title tag parsing problem breaks Travelocity and Google Analytics pages |
| |
| Test: fast/parser/title-error-test.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleError): Fixed an error |
| handling case that was skipping until a </style> tag in code that was shared |
| between both <title> and <style>. Also rearranged the code a tiny bit. |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fixed some storage leaks |
| (part of http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10259) |
| |
| * platform/mac/ResourceLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceLoader::start): |
| Rearrange code so that "delete this" is called any time the function returns |
| false -- ownership was inconsistent before. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeChildNode): |
| Call deleteLineBoxWrapper even when documentBeingDestroyed() is true, because |
| some of what it does has to be done during destruction. A little awkward since |
| I preserved the order of operations. Perhaps we could structure this better later. |
| |
| 2006-08-14 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan and Geoff Garen. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/3854950> AX Seed: Blackboard Learning Systems - frame names need to be put in AXDescription AXAttribute |
| |
| Test cases added: None. Manual AX testing is way too awkward, and automated testing |
| is not possible. See following bug... |
| <rdar://problem/4256882> Need automated testing support for accessibility APIs |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityDescription]): |
| For a web area, return the name of the owning frame or iframe. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeNames]): |
| Advertize NSAccessibilityDescriptionAttribute. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject rendererForView:]): |
| Clean up some old naming. |
| |
| 2006-08-11 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10353 |
| XMLSerializer and DOMParser should have real implementations |
| |
| Make real implementation files for DOMParser and XMLSerializer and wrap them |
| using our bindings generation. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSDOMParser.cpp: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/JSDOMParser.h: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.cpp: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.h: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::getValueProperty): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.h: |
| (KJS::Window::): |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| * xml/DOMParser.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::DOMParser::parseFromString): |
| * xml/DOMParser.h: Added. |
| * xml/DOMParser.idl: Added. |
| * xml/XMLSerializer.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::XMLSerializer::serializeToString): |
| * xml/XMLSerializer.h: Added. |
| * xml/XMLSerializer.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-08-14 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| - removed WebKit-level dependencies from WebFormDataStream. Use WebCore version of system interface |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: export new functions |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: Added CFReadStream related functions |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: ditto |
| |
| 2006-08-13 Maks Orlovich <maksim@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed (and tweaked a little) by Maciej. |
| |
| - shrank the size of JSObject by 8 bytes and made the corresponding reduction to the cell size, resulting |
| in a 1.2% speed improvement on JS iBench (and probably overall memory savings). |
| |
| The WebCore part of this is to expect only FunctionImp to have a scope, not all JSObjects. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSLazyEventListener::parseCode): |
| |
| 2006-08-12 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt and mjs. |
| |
| Fix two missing null checks causing layout test crashes. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle): check e for null (null for pseudo styles) |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::requiresLayer): check parent()->element() for null |
| |
| |
| 2006-08-11 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| The outermost <svg> element needs to clip itself |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5358 |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle): adjust for SVG overflow rules |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::requiresLayer): only require layers for absolute/relative positioning of outermost SVG |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::paint): |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h: remove dead methods |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: remove dead methods |
| (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQuartz::KRenderingDeviceContextQuartz): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPaint.cpp: spacing changes |
| (WebCore::SVGPaint::SVGPaint): spacing cleanup |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): spacing cleanup |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: Added concatCTM |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::concatCTM): Added. |
| |
| 2006-08-11 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Renamed a method/parameter for clarity and consistency, as well as some style |
| cleanups and removing some ridiculously verbose log messages. |
| Also added an _isEmpty method to the database and bridge for WebKit's use. |
| Finally, added a central way for both WebKit and WebCore to get the icon database filename |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: Added _isEmpty and defaultDatabaseFilename |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: Removed an unnecessary semicolon off most of these methods |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge openSharedDatabaseWithPath:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge closeSharedDatabase]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge isOpen]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _isEmpty]): Added |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge setPrivateBrowsingEnabled:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge privateBrowsingEnabled]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconForPageURL:withSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconURLForPageURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge defaultIconWithSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge retainIconForURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge releaseIconForURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setIconData:forIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setHaveNoIconForIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setIconURL:forPageURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _hasIconForIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge defaultDatabaseFilename]): Added |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::defaultDatabaseFilename): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isEmpty): Added |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForURL): Removed log message |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForURL): Removed log message |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Eliminate RenderImageButton. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject isImageButton]): |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::createRenderer): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::isImage): |
| |
| 2006-08-11 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4656274> |
| REGRESSION: option elements are selected when added regardless of "selected" property |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/option-constructor-selected.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setOption): |
| When adding an option element, check that the option element is selected before calling setSelectedIndex. |
| |
| 2006-08-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for bug 10349, make sure to call setChanged when an anchor changes |
| from not being a link to being a link (and vice versa). |
| |
| Test is in fast/dynamic/link-href-change.html |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::HTMLAnchorElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLAreaElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| |
| 2006-08-09 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Revert an over-optimization step that messed up the HashSet lookup. |
| |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-08-12 Oliver <ojh16@student.canterbury.ac.nz> |
| |
| Rubber stamped by tim |
| |
| Removed commented out code |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::paint): |
| |
| 2006-08-12 Oliver <ojh16@student.canterbury.ac.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by geoff |
| |
| Fixed regression in SVG image layout |
| (see bug #10346) |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::paint): |
| |
| 2006-08-10 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Rubber-stamped by Maciej. |
| |
| Move xpath to xml. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.idl: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.idl: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.idl: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathResult.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathResult.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/XPathResult.idl: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathGrammar.y: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.h: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.cpp: Removed. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-08-10 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4600112> REGRESSION: VO no longer able to review text within an edit field on web pages |
| |
| Test cases added: None. Manual AX testing is way too awkward, and automated testing |
| is not possible. See following bug... |
| <rdar://problem/4256882> Need automated testing support for accessibility APIs |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject value]): |
| Add handling for text input fields. |
| |
| 2006-08-09 Graham Dennis <graham.dennis@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10247 |
| REGRESSION: Unable to build webkit without SVG/XPATH |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| (KJS::setDOMException): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: |
| (raiseDOMException): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPathInternal.h: |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (+[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedNonImageMIMETypes]): |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::propertyID): |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * css/cssparser.h: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::loadDefaultStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::Document): |
| (WebCore::Document::~Document): |
| (WebCore::Document::createElementNS): |
| (WebCore::Document::implicitClose): |
| (WebCore::Document::recalcStyleSelector): |
| (WebCore::Document::createEvent): |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| * dom/Document.idl: |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::createRendererIfNeeded): |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::insertErrorMessageBlock): |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasCreator.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasCreator.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasImage.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResourceListener.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingFillPainter.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingFillPainter.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServer.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingStrokePainter.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingStrokePainter.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasMaskerQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasPathQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasResourcesQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.mm: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSParser.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h: |
| * ksvg2/ecma/GlobalObject.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/ecma/GlobalObject.h: |
| * ksvg2/events/JSSVGLazyEventListener.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/events/JSSVGLazyEventListener.h: |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.h: |
| * ksvg2/ksvg.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGDocumentExtensions.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGDocumentExtensions.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/DOMList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedColor.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedString.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedString.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTemplate.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstance.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstance.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFELightElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFELightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpace.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpace.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatable.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumber.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumber.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumberList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumberList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPaint.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPaint.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSeg.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSeg.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegArc.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegArc.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLineto.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLineto.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPointList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPointList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRect.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRect.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStringList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStringList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStylable.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStylable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTests.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTests.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformList.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReference.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReference.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.h: |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| (WebCore::Frame::pauseTimeouts): |
| (WebCore::Frame::resumeTimeouts): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::isTransparent): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::containingBlock): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::RenderStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::inheritFrom): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::operator==): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::inheritedNotEqual): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff): |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::write): |
| (WebCore::externalRepresentation): |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.h: |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.h: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.h: |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.h: |
| * xpath/XPathResult.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathResult.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathGrammar.y: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.h: |
| |
| Change all #if SVG_SUPPORT to #ifdef SVG_SUPPORT and |
| (except for one #if !SVG_SUPPORT to a #ifndef SVG_SUPPORT |
| in RenderTreeAsText.cpp) |
| |
| 2006-08-08 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10230 |
| SVGDOMImplementation should die (and be rolled into DOMImplementation) |
| |
| Delete SVGDOMImplementation and references to it. The |
| svg specific functionality is now in DOMImplementation. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (WebCore::svgFeatureSet): |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::hasFeature): |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::createDocument): |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::createSVGDocument): |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.h: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGDocument::SVGDocument): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::isSupported): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFELightElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTests.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGTests::isValid): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| |
| 2006-08-07 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders and John |
| |
| Icons can now refresh when new data is sent from WebKit, both on disk and in memory |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::loadIconFromURL): Allows WebCore/Kit to kick off a load |
| outside of any greater context |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge isIconExpiredForIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge isIconExpiredForPageURL:]): Allows WebKit |
| to get whether or not an icon has expired |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): Changed database schema slightly |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::createPrivateTables): Changed database schema slightly |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForIconURL): Get if an icon has expired |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isIconExpiredForPageURL): Get if an icon has expired |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): Force a refresh of the in memory |
| image when new icon data is loaded |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): added a check for null iconID |
| |
| * loader/icon/IconDatabase.h: added/changed some methods |
| * loader/icon/SiteIcon.cpp: |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): simplified/removed debugging code |
| (SiteIcon::manuallySetImageData): allow the image data to be changed when new icon |
| data is loaded |
| |
| 2006-08-05 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric Seidel. |
| |
| - fix a storage leak |
| |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: (WebCore::RenderView::setSelection): |
| Delete the values if we are going to exit without using the maps. |
| Otherwise all the values leak. |
| |
| 2006-08-05 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10213 |
| REGRESSION: Crash in WebCore::RenderLayer::isTransparent involving <iframe> and <select> |
| |
| Test: fast/frames/iframe-option-crash.xhtml |
| |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: (WebCore::RenderView::paintBoxDecorations): |
| Check for a nil renderer. |
| |
| 2006-08-04 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for Radar bug #4644045, regression where dragging selection no longer |
| works for floats contained inside layers. I added an optimization to |
| refine dirty rect checking for layers, and it incorrectly excluded floats |
| from the paint bounds since PaintPhaseSelection was not considered when |
| analyzing the floatRect(). |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::paint): |
| |
| 2006-08-04 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix remove() so that it is equivalent to calling removeChild on the |
| parent. This involved moving three operations that remove did. |
| |
| (1) Move the accessibility object cache removal into the destroy methods, |
| since this really should just happen when a render object is going away. |
| |
| (2) removeFromObjectLists shifted into removeChild, which means it will |
| now be called more often (this is a correct change). Note that there is |
| also now a new guard on removeFromObjectLists so that it won't do any |
| work unless the document is not being destroyed. |
| |
| (3) The big one. deleteLineBoxWrapper was not getting called to clean up |
| the line box tree. This moved right into RenderContainer's removeChildNode so |
| that it is now done even in the lowest level RenderContainer removal primitive. |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeChildNode): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeChild): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::removeFromObjectLists): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::destroy): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::remove): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::destroy): |
| |
| 2006-08-04 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Back out the fix for list marker crashes. The actual bug here is that |
| there is a confusing mismatch between remove() and removeChild() in the |
| render tree. remove() does a little bit of extra work that removeChild |
| should be doing instead (so that remove() can just be a shorthand for |
| removeChild). |
| |
| This conservative fix does not solve the remove/removeChild mismatch |
| but instead just changes the list marker updating code to use remove |
| instead. |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| Test Case: fast/lists/dynamic-marker-crash.html |
| |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::updateMarkerLocation): |
| |
| 2006-08-04 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10192 |
| Make WebCore (and friends) compile with -Wshorten-64-to-32 |
| |
| * Adds -Wshorten-64-to-32 flag to Xcode project. |
| * Adds 'f' to float literals where expecting a float. |
| * Use cosf() instead of cos() when assigning to a float. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKDiffuseLightingFilter.m: |
| (+[WKDiffuseLightingFilter initialize]): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKDiscreteTransferFilter.m: |
| (-[WKDiscreteTransferFilter outputImage]): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKDisplacementMapFilter.m: |
| (+[WKDisplacementMapFilter initialize]): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKSpecularLightingFilter.m: |
| (+[WKSpecularLightingFilter initialize]): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKSpotLightFilter.m: |
| (-[WKSpotLightFilter outputImage]): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/filters/WKTableTransferFilter.m: |
| (-[WKTableTransferFilter outputImage]): |
| |
| 2006-08-03 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for bug 10229, don't bother trying to clear when no floats are |
| present. I suspect there's still a bug in the math that follows, but |
| this fix is safer in that it just does the obvious thing (and doesn't |
| compute any clearance if no floats are even around). |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej |
| |
| * ChangeLog: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::getClearDelta): |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4641033/4515463/4052426/4046570/4053718/4053724/4060115/4062858> |
| Copy/Paste fidelity was bad. |
| |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyInlineStyle): |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startMarkup): We were not adding non-inheritable styles |
| to the markup for an element unless they were in the elements inline |
| style declaration. |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10176 |
| Make WebCore compile with -Wundef |
| |
| * Adds -Wundef flag to Xcode project |
| * Converts #ifs to #ifdef and #ifndefs where needed. |
| * Replaces #ifdef WIN32 with #if PLATFORM(WIN_OS) or PLATFORM(WIN) |
| (and in one instance in config.h with #if !COMPILER(MSVC)) |
| * Added #define YYMAXDEPTH 10000 in XPathGrammar.y and CSSGrammar.y |
| to fix a warning from within Bison. |
| * Cleaned up style a little in surrounding code. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject doAXTextMarkerRangeForUnorderedTextMarkers:]): |
| * config.h: |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/MediaFeatureNames.cpp: |
| * css/MediaFeatureNames.h: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| * dom/ContainerNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ContainerNode::setActive): |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::attach): |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| * dom/EventNames.cpp: |
| * dom/EventNames.h: |
| * dom/NamedAttrMap.h: |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| * dom/QualifiedName.cpp: |
| * dom/QualifiedName.h: |
| * dom/Range.h: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::error): |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptExecution): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseTag): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::continueProcessing): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::timerFired): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::notifyFinished): |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h: |
| * ksvg2/scripts/make_names.pl: |
| * loader/CachedResource.h: |
| * loader/LoaderFunctions.h: |
| * loader/loader.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/FrameTree.cpp: |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::clear): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layoutTimerFired): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::scheduleRelayout): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::unscheduleRelayout): |
| * platform/AtomicString.cpp: |
| * platform/AtomicString.h: |
| * platform/Cursor.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedArray.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: |
| (WebCore::allocateHandle): |
| (WebCore::initializeHandleNodeBlock): |
| (WebCore::freeHandle): |
| * platform/FloatPoint.h: |
| * platform/FloatRect.h: |
| * platform/FloatSize.h: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/Image.h: |
| * platform/IntPoint.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| (WebCore::IntRect::inflateX): |
| (WebCore::IntRect::inflateY): |
| * platform/IntSize.h: |
| * platform/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoader.h: |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderInternal.h: |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| * platform/ScrollView.h: |
| * platform/StaticConstructors.h: |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoderICU.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::convert): |
| * platform/StringImpl.h: |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| * platform/mac/BlockExceptions.mm: |
| * platform/mac/ColorMac.mm: |
| (+[WebCoreControlTintObserver WebCore]): |
| * platform/mac/FloatPointMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FloatRectMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FloatSizeMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing): |
| * platform/mac/IntPointMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/IntRectMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/IntSizeMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::appendRun): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::parseErrorFunc): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathGrammar.y: |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Adam Roben <aroben@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej and Beth. |
| |
| Fix use-after-dispose heap corruption bug. |
| |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ListMarkerBox::destroy): Only call removeChild if we're not |
| destroying the document |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Adam Roben <aroben@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - Fixed Windows build. |
| |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::makeRGBAFromHSLA): Whitespace change |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Add new method stubs |
| (PlatformScrollBar::PlatformScrollBar): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::~PlatformScrollBar): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::width): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::height): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::setEnabled): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::paint): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::setScrollBarValue): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::setKnobProportion): |
| (PlatformScrollBar::setRect): |
| (ScrollBar::ScrollBar): |
| (ScrollBar::scroll): |
| (ScrollBar::setValue): |
| |
| 2006-08-02 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10225> |
| GMail Editor: Change Hilite Color doesn't work |
| |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Added support for execCommand("HiliteColor", ...). |
| It's what GMail uses to implement text hiliting. It's just a synonym for BackColor. |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::nodeWillBeRemoved): Moved a comment |
| a more appropriate place. |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele and Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10177 |
| REGRESSION: Successfully dragging text into a disabled field |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/textfield-drag-into-disabled.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::createDivStyle): Changed to set -webkit-user-modify |
| to read-only on the inner div if the control is disabled. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::updateFromElement): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10198 |
| REGRESSION: WebKit r15750 crashes while loading anthem.com |
| |
| Test: fast/overflow/generated-content-crash.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout): Added a null check for |
| the renderer's element. Generated content does not have an element and |
| therefore does not need to maintain overflow status. |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10202 |
| REGRESSION: Repro crash when loading an empty image document |
| |
| Test: fast/tokenizer/image-empty-crash.html |
| |
| * loader/ImageDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::stopParsing): Added null check for m_imageElement. |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::finish): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-08-03 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - clean up "flip"-related code a tiny bit |
| |
| * platform/Screen.h: Removed redundant parameter names. |
| * platform/mac/ScreenMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::flipScreenRect): Changed to call flipScreenPoint so we only have one |
| copy of the flipping code. |
| (WebCore::flipScreenPoint): Fixed indentation. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (globalPoint): Removed type casts and |
| simplified a bit. |
| |
| * platform/mac/PlatformMouseEventMac.mm: (WebCore::globalPositionForEvent): |
| * platform/mac/WheelEventMac.mm: (WebCore::globalPositionForEvent): |
| Removed unneeded local variable. |
| |
| 2006-08-02 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Abstract RenderLayer scrollbar creation and destruction so that there |
| is a clean spot in which to drop in engine scrollbar stuff. |
| |
| Reviewed by timo |
| |
| * platform/ScrollBar.h: |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::hasPlatformScrollBars): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::createScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::destroyScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasHorizontalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasVerticalScrollbar): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| |
| 2006-08-02 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3438 |
| incorrect display of transparent 1x1 PNGs |
| |
| Test: fast/replaced/image-solid-color-with-alpha.html |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::checkForSolidColor): Changed to divide each color component |
| by the alpha component. You need to do that since the bitmap context has |
| premultiplied alpha but m_solidColor should be non-premultiplied. |
| |
| 2006-08-02 Adam Roben <aroben@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| - Remove redundant #include |
| |
| * loader/loader.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9955 |
| Colors scaled from [0, 1] range to [0, 255] incorrectly |
| |
| Fixes scaling issue and fixes Color to follow style guidelines. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::getColorFromPrimitiveValue): |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::calcHue): |
| (WebCore::makeRGBAFromHSLA): |
| (WebCore::Color::Color): |
| (WebCore::Color::name): |
| (WebCore::Color::setNamedColor): |
| (WebCore::Color::light): |
| (WebCore::Color::dark): |
| (WebCore::blend): |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| (WebCore::Color::Color): |
| (WebCore::Color::isValid): |
| (WebCore::Color::red): |
| (WebCore::Color::green): |
| (WebCore::Color::blue): |
| (WebCore::Color::alpha): |
| (WebCore::Color::rgb): |
| (WebCore::Color::setRGB): |
| (WebCore::operator==): |
| (WebCore::operator!=): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::drawBorder): |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10158 |
| REGRESSION: Selection highlight is dark and opaque when solid-color images are used |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Pixel test: fast/backgrounds/solid-color-context-restore.html |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::draw): Added calls to preserve the graphics context |
| around the painting of a solid color image. |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Rubber-stamped by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - renamed TransferJob to ResourceLoader |
| |
| * Projects/gdk/webcore-gdk.bkl: |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreResourceLoaderImp redirectedToURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreResourceLoaderImp addData:]): |
| (-[WebCoreResourceLoaderImp finishJobAndHandle:]): |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::openFunc): |
| * loader/Cache.cpp: |
| * loader/LoaderFunctions.h: |
| * loader/loader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Loader::servePendingRequests): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedAllData): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedResponse): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedData): |
| (WebCore::Loader::cancelRequests): |
| (WebCore::Loader::jobForRequest): |
| * loader/loader.h: |
| * loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest): |
| * platform/ResourceLoader.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::ResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::isErrorPage): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::error): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::setError): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::queryMetaData): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::addMetaData): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::kill): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::url): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::postData): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::method): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::client): |
| * platform/ResourceLoader.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::getInternal): |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderClient.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderClient::~ResourceLoaderClient): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderClient::receivedRedirect): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderClient::receivedResponse): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderClient::receivedData): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderClient::receivedAllData): |
| * platform/ResourceLoaderInternal.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| * platform/TransferJob.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/TransferJob.h: Removed. |
| * platform/TransferJobClient.h: Removed. |
| * platform/TransferJobInternal.h: Removed. |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameGdk::openURL): |
| (WebCore::FrameGdk::urlSelected): |
| (WebCore::FrameGdk::receivedData): |
| (WebCore::FrameGdk::receivedAllData): |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.h: |
| * platform/gdk/ResourceLoaderCurl.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::~ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::start): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::cancel): |
| * platform/gdk/ResourceLoaderManager.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::ResourceLoaderManager): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::get): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::useSimpleTransfer): |
| (WebCore::writeCallback): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::downloadTimerCallback): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::remove): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::add): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderManager::cancel): |
| * platform/gdk/ResourceLoaderManager.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::assembleResponseHeaders): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::retrieveCharset): |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobCurl.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/ResourceLoaderMac.mm: Added. |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::~ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::start): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::assembleResponseHeaders): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::retrieveCharset): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::setLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::receivedResponse): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::cancel): |
| * platform/mac/TransferJobMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/win/ResourceLoaderWin.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::addToOutstandingJobs): |
| (WebCore::lookupResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderWndProc): |
| (WebCore::initializeOffScreenResourceLoaderWindow): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoaderInternal::~ResourceLoaderInternal): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::~ResourceLoader): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::start): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::fileLoadTimer): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::cancel): |
| * platform/win/ResourceLoaderWin.h: Added. |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::assembleResponseHeaders): |
| (WebCore::ResourceLoader::retrieveCharset): |
| * platform/win/TransferJobWin.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/win/TransferJobWin.h: Removed. |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::docLoaderFunc): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::send): |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::receivedAllData): |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::receivedRedirect): |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::receivedData): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - removed obsolete cell margin hack |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::calcVerticalMargins): |
| Set top and bottom margins to 0 for table cells instead of -16384. |
| No effect on layout (including layout tests). |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| Added a few comments about differences between this class and the |
| what the CSS specification says about computed style. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9738 |
| Bug 9738: Unqualified :hover selector ignored in strict parsing mode |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkSelector): Restrict the :hover and :active |
| exclusion based on onlyHoverActive to quirks mode. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for bug 10179, digg.com scrolls slowly. Improve fixed positioning |
| and fixed backgrounds so that a count of them is kept on the FrameView. |
| This allows us to switch slow scrolling on and off as these objects come |
| and go. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::reset): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::useSlowRepaints): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::setUseSlowRepaints): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::addSlowRepaintObject): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::removeSlowRepaintObject): |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle): |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderView::paintBoxDecorations): |
| |
| 2006-07-31 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Begin disentangling of scrollbar logic in preparation for engine-implemented |
| scrollbars. Split ScrollBar into two classes, an abstract base (still named |
| ScrollBar) and a new PlatformScrollBar subclass. This subclass is used only |
| by platforms that want to continue to use a platform scrollbar (rather than |
| the engine one). |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * platform/PlatformScrollBar.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::isWidget): |
| * platform/ScrollBar.h: |
| (WebCore::ScrollBarClient::~ScrollBarClient): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::~ScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::orientation): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::value): |
| (WebCore::ScrollBar::client): |
| * platform/mac/PlatformScrollBarMac.mm: Added. |
| (-[WebCoreScrollBar initWithPlatformScrollBar:]): |
| (-[WebCoreScrollBar detachPlatformScrollBar]): |
| (-[WebCoreScrollBar scroll:]): |
| (-[WebCoreScrollBar widget]): |
| (-[WebCoreScrollBar mouseDown:]): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::PlatformScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::~PlatformScrollBar): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setScrollBarValue): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setKnobProportion): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::scrollbarHit): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::width): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::height): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setRect): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::setEnabled): |
| (WebCore::PlatformScrollBar::paint): |
| * platform/mac/ScrollBarMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::isPointInScrollbar): |
| * rendering/RenderFormElement.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::horizontalScrollbarWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::verticalScrollbarWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::valueChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasHorizontalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasVerticalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::positionScrollbars): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John and Anders. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4380576> onChange does not get called when field changed by return key |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/onchange-enter-submit.html |
| |
| Blur (which will fire onChange appropriately) before submitting a form when pressing Enter. |
| This matches the sequence of events fired in WinIE. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Kevin. |
| |
| Moved string debug function outside of the WebCore namespace so that it's |
| easier to call in the debugger. I will never doubt Darin again (x100). |
| |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (string): |
| |
| 2006-07-31 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Partial fix for 5453. Improve overflow so that when it changes |
| dynamically from scroll/auto to hidden that we properly hide the |
| scrollbars. Also refine the dirty dashboard region updating so that |
| it only happens if the scrollbars genuinely come and go. |
| |
| Also eliminate the extra repaint of the entire block. This should not be |
| necessary, since the scrollbars repaint themselves already and children |
| will repaint already if they move. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| Adding test case from bug into fast/overflow/dynamic-hidden.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasHorizontalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setHasVerticalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout): |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Graham Dennis <graham.dennis@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9507> |
| Empty style spans created in applyInlineStyle |
| |
| Improves paste fidelity because some of these empty font/style spans had a non-zero |
| size and were messing up the layout of pasted content: |
| <rdar://problem/4515463> |
| REGRESSION: Blot and Mail both do a very poor job of pasting the main www.apple.com page |
| |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyInlineStyle): Use the adjusted start node instead |
| of start.node(). Don't do any application if the endpoints are swapped. Adjust |
| endNode if the start node is a descendant of it, so that the pre-order traversal will |
| terminate properly. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::string): Added a debugging function to create a String from a |
| const char*. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp: |
| Fix windows build. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reinstating my last change. Everything builds now. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Backing out my last change because it causes a build failure in some |
| configurations. This seems to be the cleanest way to get svn to cooperate. |
| |
| 2006-07-31 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Moved files around to make WebCore's structure clearer |
| and easier to explain. |
| |
| DerivedSources/JS* -> bindings/js/DerivedSources/ (so JS* files |
| show up when you search inside bindings/js/, but are marked, at |
| the same time, as files that you should not edit manually) |
| |
| WebCore+SVG/DOMList.h -> ksvg2/svg/ (only files inside ksvg2/svg/ |
| use DOMList.h) |
| |
| icon -> loader/icon |
| |
| I tested that everything still builds. |
| |
| 2006-07-30 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - some improvements for the benefit of the style pane of the inspector |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: Removed background-position |
| and border-spacing from the list of properties that show up in |
| computed style, because of background-position-x, background-position-y, |
| -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing and -webkit-border-vertical-spacing. |
| (WebCore::valueForLength): Added handling for undefinedLength, intrinsic, |
| and min-intrinsic. |
| (WebCore::primitiveValueFromLength): Removed code that would add a |
| space to the string for no good reason. |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): Added a |
| special case for a line clamp of -1, which should come back as "none" |
| rather than an actual "-1". |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::length): Return 0 if the |
| declaration has no corresponding node or no renderer. |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::item): Check against length() |
| so that the two stay consistent rather than using a constant. |
| |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isCSSTokenizerIdentifier): Added. |
| (WebCore::isCSSTokenizerURL): Added. |
| (WebCore::quoteString): Added. |
| (WebCore::quoteStringIfNeeded): Changed to quote strings in many more |
| cases -- any cases where they would not parse in the CSS parser otherwise. |
| The main case this affects is font names with spaces in them. |
| (WebCore::quoteURLIfNeeded): Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::cssText): Use quoteURLIfNeeded in the case |
| where we're making the text form of a URI. |
| |
| * css/tokenizer.flex: Whitespace tweaks to line things up better. |
| |
| 2006-07-30 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by gramps! |
| |
| Remove some unused SVG code. |
| |
| * ksvg2/ecma/Ecma.cpp: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/ecma/Ecma.h: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/ecma/GlobalObject.cpp: remove a couple dead functions. |
| * ksvg2/ecma/GlobalObject.h: add a comment about this dead code. |
| * ksvg2/ecma/SVGLookup.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - Removed tabs from these source files that still had them. |
| We don't use them; that way source files look fine in editors |
| that have tabs set to 8 spaces or to 4 spaces. |
| - Removed allow-tabs Subversion property from the files too. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/WebScriptObject.h: |
| * bindings/objc/WebScriptObject.mm: |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10080 |
| Adopt pedantic changes from the Unity project to improve |
| cross-compiler compatibility |
| |
| Changes include: |
| * Removing trailing semicolon from namespace braces. |
| * Removing trailing comma from last enum declaration. |
| * Updating to match style guidelines. |
| * Adding missing newline to the end of the file. |
| * Turning on gcc warning for missing newline at the end of a source file |
| (GCC_WARN_ABOUT_MISSING_NEWLINE in Xcode, -Wnewline in gcc). |
| * Alphabetical sorting of Xcode source list files. |
| * Use abs() function from <math.h> instead of ABS() macro. |
| * Use C-style comments instead of C++ comments in files that might |
| be included by either C or C++ files. |
| * Use -numeric_limits<double>::infinity() instead of -HUGE_VAL. |
| |
| * WebCore+SVG/DOMList.h: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * WebCorePrefix.h: |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/JSXSLTProcessor.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_domnode.h: |
| (KJS::DOMNode::): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.h: |
| (-[DOMCSSValue enum]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCore.h: |
| (-[DOMImplementation createDocument:::]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.h: |
| (-[DOMOverflowEvent enum]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMRange.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMTraversal.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.h: |
| (-[DOMXPathNSResolver lookupNamespaceURI:]): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreKeyboardAccess.h: |
| * css/makeprop: |
| * css/makevalues: |
| * dom/ChildNodeList.h: |
| * dom/DocPtr.h: |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| (WebCore::Document::): |
| * dom/DocumentMarker.h: |
| (WebCore::DocumentMarker::): |
| (WebCore::DocumentMarker::operator==): |
| (WebCore::DocumentMarker::operator!=): |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.h: |
| * dom/KeyboardEvent.h: |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::): |
| * dom/NameNodeList.h: |
| (WebCore::NameNodeList::rootNodeChildrenChanged): |
| * dom/QualifiedName.cpp: |
| * editing/TypingCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::): |
| * editing/UnlinkCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::UnlinkCommand::editingAction): |
| * html/FormDataList.h: |
| (WebCore::FormDataListItem::FormDataListItem): |
| (WebCore::FormDataList::appendData): |
| * html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLDivElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLHRElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLHeadingElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLMarqueeElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLParagraphElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLPreElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::State::): |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasPoint3F::KCanvasPoint3F): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFilter::KCanvasFilter): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFilter::~KCanvasFilter): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFilterEffect::~KCanvasFilterEffect): |
| (WebCore::KCComponentTransferFunction::KCComponentTransferFunction): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEConvolveMatrix::KCanvasFEConvolveMatrix): |
| (WebCore::KCLightSource::KCLightSource): |
| (WebCore::KCDistantLightSource::KCDistantLightSource): |
| (WebCore::KCPointLightSource::KCPointLightSource): |
| (WebCore::KCSpotLightSource::KCSpotLightSource): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEDiffuseLighting::KCanvasFEDiffuseLighting): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEDisplacementMap::KCanvasFEDisplacementMap): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEImage::KCanvasFEImage): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFESpecularLighting::KCanvasFESpecularLighting): |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyle.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::InheritedFlags::): |
| (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::NonInheritedFlags::): |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.h: |
| * ksvg2/ksvg.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/scripts/make_names.pl: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedString.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTemplate.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp: |
| (SVGAnimationElement::calculateCurrentValueItem): |
| (SVGAnimationElement::calculateRelativeTimePercentage): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::svg_dynamic_cast): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstance.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDisplacementMapElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFELightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLangSpace.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLengthList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumber.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumberList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPaint.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSeg.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegArc.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLineto.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPointList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRect.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStringList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStylable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::canvasResource): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTests.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformList.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGURIReference.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.h: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * platform/AffineTransform.h: |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKey::FontPlatformDataCacheKey): |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::FontData): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/TextBox.h: |
| (WebCore::TextBox::): |
| * platform/Timer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TimerBase::heapPop): |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/GlyphMapMac.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/WebFontCache.mm: |
| (betterChoice): |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::setWidgetWritingDirection): |
| * rendering/EllipsisBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBR.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderBR::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderBR::width): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::RenderFlow): |
| * rendering/RenderFrame.cpp: |
| * rendering/bidi.h: |
| * rendering/break_lines.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10151 |
| ghostmap XHTML + SVG fails due to javascript undefined exception |
| |
| Make sure document.URL works when called from a non-HTML document. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getValueProperty): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::): |
| * dom/Document.idl: |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Mike Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and tweaked by Darin. |
| |
| - fixes for Linux build |
| (still might not compile, since Darin tweaked but was unable to test). |
| |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Added some new sources, removed some obsolete ones. |
| * Projects/gdk/webcore-gdk.bkl: Added RenderPopupMenuGdk.cpp |
| |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.h: Removed incorrect syntax with class name |
| before ::. |
| |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.h: |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp: Updated parameters of constructor. Moved a couple stubs |
| out of this file. |
| * platform/gdk/RenderPopupMenuGdk.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/RenderPopupMenuGdk.cpp: Added. Just a file full of empty stubs. |
| * platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.h: |
| * platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::createPopupMenu): Added. |
| |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Add some new stubs. |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10022 |
| Bug 10022: REGRESSION: Crash in WebCore::XMLTokenizer::characters |
| |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::resumeParsing): If the write() call resulted in new callbacks being |
| added, don't call through to end() just yet. |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - manual test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9984 |
| ASSERTION FAILURE: _private->mouseDownEvent != nil |
| (WebKit/WebView/WebHTMLView.m:4863 -[WebHTMLView(WebInternal) _delegateDragSourceActionMask]) |
| |
| * manual-tests/subview-click-assertion.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Andrew Wellington <proton@wiretapped.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8587 / <rdar://problem/4631844> |
| REGRESSION: {display:list-item} items outside an ol or ul element don't number correctly |
| |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.cpp: |
| (WebCore::enclosingList): If no real list element is found, use parent instead. |
| (WebCore::previousListItem): Check list elements to see if they are list items -- the |
| old code assumed that a list would never be a list item but this is entirely possible |
| with CSS and especially with the new rule that means any DOM element could act as a list. |
| |
| 2006-07-29 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10147 |
| REGRESSION: custom attribute values set via javascript are not persistent |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/Element/setAttribute-case-insensitivity.html |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::setAttribute): Use the lowercased localName for retrieving the old value, too. |
| |
| 2006-07-28 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Suggested by Darin. |
| |
| Moving the implementation of isContentEditable to the |
| the WebPrivate category. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMNode isContentEditable]): |
| |
| 2006-07-28 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| First part of: |
| <rdar://problem/4515463> |
| REGRESSION: Blot and Mail both do a very poor job of pasting the main www.apple.com page |
| |
| Migrate to isBlock and enclosingBlock. |
| Changed RendereringInfo::isBlock and ReplacementFragment::isBlock |
| to wasBlock so that they don't conflict with isBlock and because |
| it's more descriptive. |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::mergeStartNode): |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::wasBlock): |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::saveRenderingInfo): |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::renderedBlocks): |
| (WebCore::RenderingInfo::RenderingInfo): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldMergeStart): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderingInfo::wasBlock): |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| More changes for: |
| <rdar://problem/4242293> |
| Poor paste fidelity of http://www.google.com/ |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::needInterchangeNewlineAfter): Added. |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): |
| Only add an interchangeNewline if we're annotating for interchange. Can't test |
| this until we expose createMarkup in non-annotate mode (I'd expose Range::toHTML). |
| Remove the FIXME about prepending the interchangeNewline before creating the rest |
| of the markup. Its correct to surround the interchangeNewline in ancestors of the |
| adjusted startNode. |
| Fixed the check to see if an interchangeNewline is needed (!inSameBlock). This would |
| add an interchangeNewline for a selection that started before a table. |
| Removed the workaround for the bug where markup for a table was not included when |
| selecting the contents of a table, since this change fixes the general problem of |
| markup for ancestors of the startNode being left out. |
| Don't leave out ancestors of the startNode as we leave their subtrees. Execute the |
| code to include them even if we closed ancestors in the ancestorsToClose list. |
| |
| 2006-07-28 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| Adding isContentEditable to DOMNode's private category. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-28 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Rolling out http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6010 because of failing layout tests. |
| Add better SVGLoad event support. |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchGenericEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::dispatchLoadEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGImageLoader::SVGImageLoader): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGAElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::SVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::adjustViewportClipping): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::closeRenderer): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::isClosed): |
| (WebCore::svg_dynamic_cast): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| (SVGImageElement::SVGImageElement): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp: |
| (SVGScriptElement::SVGScriptElement): |
| (SVGScriptElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (SVGScriptElement::executeScript): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener): |
| |
| 2006-07-28 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Rolling out http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9753 because of failing layout tests. |
| SVG with width and height 100% leaves room for scrollbar on the right. |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::layout): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| Add better SVGLoad event support. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6010 |
| There will still need to be additional support added for <link> and <script> elements. |
| Not all of the error -> loaded -> error transition cases work yet. |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchGenericEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::dispatchLoadEvent): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::haveFiredLoadEvent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::setHaveFiredLoadEvent): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGImageLoader::SVGImageLoader): |
| (WebCore::SVGImageLoader::dispatchLoadEvent): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGAElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::SVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::haveLoadedRequiredResources): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::sendSVGLoadEventIfPossible): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::closeRenderer): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::svg_dynamic_cast): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| (SVGImageElement::SVGImageElement): |
| (SVGImageElement::haveLoadedRequiredResources): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::SVGScriptElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGScriptElement::executeScript): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::callReadyStateChangeListener): use new Event() instead of createEvent |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10135 |
| Cleanup: remove useless parameters from RenderObject::position() |
| |
| No test possible (no functionality change) |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::position): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::position): |
| * rendering/RenderTableRow.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableRow::position): |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::position): |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::position): |
| * rendering/RenderText.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::constructLine): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::computeVerticalPositionsForLine): |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9753 |
| SVG with width and height 100% leaves room for scrollbar on the right. |
| |
| Relayout children of svg containers, except svg shapes that do not depend on percentages. |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPath::hasPercentageValues): |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::layout): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.cpp: (SVGCircleElement::hasPercentageValues): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGEllipseElement::hasPercentageValues): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.cpp: (SVGLineElement::hasPercentageValues): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGRectElement::hasPercentageValues): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::hasPercentageValues): |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4242293> |
| Poor paste fidelity of http://www.google.com/ |
| |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyInlineStyle): Fixed crasher with nil-check. |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startMarkup): Style information wasn't added to an element if it had |
| attributes but no style attribute. |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Alexander Kellett <lypanov@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9867 |
| REGRESSION: code that modifies form element in Firefox modifies form attribute in WebKit |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: add new attribute - HasOverridingNameGetter |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.idl: |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8992 |
| Some HTML DOM attributes have incorrect types |
| |
| Adjust idl and dom source code for HTMLImageElement and |
| HTMLBaseFontElement to choose correct type for |
| HTMLImageElement::border and HTMLBaseFontElement::size |
| attributes. |
| |
| * html/HTMLBaseFontElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLBaseFontElement::size): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBaseFontElement::setSize): |
| * html/HTMLBaseFontElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLBaseFontElement.idl: |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::border): |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::setBorder): |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.idl: |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4628409> |
| Safari crashes in CompositeEditCommand::removeBlockPlaceholder entering text in a web page form |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::removeBlockPlaceholder): |
| A script on the page shrinks the textarea down to zero rows just |
| before insertion. That gives the shadow div a zero height, removing |
| [div, 0] as a candidate for a VisiblePosition. Then |
| InsertTextCommand::input() tries to create a VisiblePosition from |
| [div, 0] and fails. A nil check is a quick fix. Another might |
| be to make positions where there is a caret selection candidates. |
| Another might be to make any [div, 0] where div is a shadow div inside |
| a form element a candidate. |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Graham Dennis <graham.dennis@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10094 |
| Japanese characters improperly rendering in TOT |
| |
| Test: fast/encoding/denormalised-voiced-japanese-chars.html |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): pass currentCharacter to normalizeVoicingMarks |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::normalizeVoicingMarks): turn the currentCharacter variable |
| into an argument as WidthIterator::advance doesn't update m_currentCharacter while |
| looping |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ap. |
| |
| Complex entities seem to fail on TOT |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6390 |
| Use an alternative work-around to an XML Entity parsing bug. |
| |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::hackAroundLibXMLEntityBug): added. |
| (WebCore::startElementNsHandler): |
| (WebCore::endElementNsHandler): |
| (WebCore::charactersHandler): |
| (WebCore::processingInstructionHandler): |
| (WebCore::cdataBlockHandler): |
| (WebCore::commentHandler): |
| (WebCore::getEntityHandler): |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9938 |
| Fix viewBox issues in Hixie's test |
| |
| Do a more accurate and quicker job of parsing the viewBox |
| attribute. Handle properly on negative width/height and |
| invalid syntax in general. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.cpp: |
| (SVGFitToViewBox::parseViewBox): |
| |
| 2006-07-27 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ap. |
| |
| Enables getSVGDocument() support for HTMLObjectElement and HTMLEmbedElement |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9237 |
| This patch does not try to autogenerate anything, but enables the SVG functionality. |
| Also fix HTMLObjectElement vspace and hspace to be numbers instead of strings to match IE & Firefox. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::objectGetter): |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::objectSetter): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| (WebCore::Document::isSVGDocument): |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::contentDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::getSVGDocument): |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::HTMLObjectElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::getInstance): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::contentDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::rendererIsNeeded): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setCode): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setArchive): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setBorder): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setCodeBase): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setCodeType): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setData): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::hspace): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setHspace): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setStandby): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setType): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setUseMap): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::vspace): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::setVspace): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::getSVGDocument): |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGDocument::isSVGDocument): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::frameView): |
| |
| 2006-07-26 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9901 |
| XSLTProcessor cannot parse text nodes for INPUT ELEMENTS in an XSLT stylesheet |
| |
| Test: fast/js/xhtml-serialize.html |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::endMarkup): If the element has child nodes, write a closing tag even if it |
| is not permitted in HTML, to make it valid XML. |
| |
| 2006-07-26 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan (and Kevin and Timo). |
| |
| landing this patch for John et al. |
| Fixed <rdar://problem/4651380> REGRESSION (9A232->9A234): existing web clips don't render if you restart Dashboard |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| moved the call to didFirstLayout to above the check for needsLayout |
| because we need to call didFirstLayout for every webview, not just |
| ones we think need layout. |
| |
| 2006-07-26 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4652788> |
| REGRESSION: Can't change size or style of any text in message body |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::isContentRichlyEditable): Mimic Node::isContentEditable. |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLElement::isContentRichlyEditable): First check |
| the frame for editability, then userModify, like what |
| HTMLElement::isContentEditable() does. |
| * html/HTMLElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-26 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ap. |
| |
| - fix debug-only information() string for table cells |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::information): |
| |
| 2006-07-25 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by timo and Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4618584> "Paste and Match Style" is not working in Mail (add SPI) |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceSelectionWithNode:selectReplacement:smartReplace:matchStyle:]): |
| Add matchStyle parameter for use by WebKit. |
| |
| 2006-07-25 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by adele |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4649560> |
| REGRESSION: Can't Select All when the body is contentEditable="true" |
| |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition): Allow descent from a non-editable html |
| element into an editable body as a convenience. |
| |
| 2006-07-25 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4468458> Incoming HTML message is editable <body contenteditable="true"> |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::inDesignMode): Removed some spaces. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::applyEditingStyleToElement): Just add CSS properties needed for editing. |
| (WebCore::Frame::removeEditingStyleFromElement): Made this a no-op, we'll remove |
| it eventually. |
| |
| 2006-07-25 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9717 |
| Replace IDL ConvertUndefinedToTrue parameter attribute with Optional attribute |
| |
| No test added because there is no change in functionality. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: Removed valueToBooleanTreatUndefinedAsTrue() method. |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.h: Ditto. |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Removed support for ConvertUndefinedToTrue parameter attribute. |
| * dom/Element.h: Set default value to true for scrollIntoView() and scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() arguments. |
| * dom/Element.idl: Replaced ConvertUndefinedToTrue attribute with Optional attribute. |
| Fixed name of scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() argument to match implementation. |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: Replaced ConvertUndefinedToTrue attribute with Optional attribute. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Dan Waylonis <waylonis@google.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and tweaked a bunch by Darin. |
| |
| Test: plugins/bindings-test.html |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9902 |
| jsNull and NSNull not properly converted between JS and ObjC |
| |
| * bindings/objc/WebScriptObject.mm: |
| (+[WebScriptObject _convertValueToObjcValue:originExecutionContext:executionContext:]): |
| Added case that converts jsNull to NSNull. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele and Justin. |
| |
| - fix <rdar://problem/4613616> REGRESSION: some spaces typed in <textarea> are posted as non-breaking spaces (9630) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9630 |
| - also fixes http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9939 |
| REGRESSION: Pasting text into native text area with newline at end does not preserve newline |
| - removed some uses of DeprecatedPtrList in the markup code |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/textarea-type-spaces.html |
| Test: fast/forms/textarea-paste-newline.html |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: (-[DOMHTMLDocument createDocumentFragmentWithText:]): |
| Updated call to pass a range -- in this case it is the range of the entire document, |
| so this will not handle the whitespace properly. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: Added range context parameter to the |
| documentFragmentWithText: method, so we can handle whitespace properly. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge nodesFromList:]): Changed from DeprecatedPtrList to Vector. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markupStringFromNode:nodes:]): Ditto. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markupStringFromRange:nodes:]): Ditto. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge documentFragmentWithText:inContext:]): Added range context |
| parameter -- pass it on to createFragmentFromText. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge documentFragmentWithNodesAsParagraphs:]): Changed from |
| DeprecatedPtrList to Vector. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceSelectionWithText:selectReplacement:smartReplace:]): |
| Pass the range of the current selection as context when creating the fragment. |
| |
| * dom/Position.cpp: (WebCore::Position::inRenderedText): Replace range check with |
| a call to the new containsCaretOffset function -- helps make the caret work right when |
| it is past the end of the last line in a textarea. |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::rebalanceWhitespaceAt): Don't do anything if the |
| style does not call for collapsing whitespace. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::rebalanceWhitespace): Call replaceWhitespaceAt |
| to share code, including the new logic mentioned above. |
| |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): |
| Use a text node instead of a break element when inserting and the style is preserveNewline. |
| |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: (WebCore::execRemoveFormat): Pass the selection range |
| to createFragmentFromText. |
| |
| * editing/RebalanceWhitespaceCommand.cpp: (WebCore::RebalanceWhitespaceCommand::doApply): |
| Assert that we're in a style that collapses whitespace. It's the caller's responsibility |
| not to call otherwise. |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: Removed unused destructor, type, isSingleTextNode, |
| isTreeFragment, m_type, and added a context parameter to inertFragmentForTestRendering. |
| Also changed the constructor to take a selection rather than a pointer to the root |
| editable element, replaced removeEndBRIfNeeded with shouldRemoveEndBR and removed an |
| unused parameter from shouldMergeEnd. |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::ReplacementFragment): Removed code to set up m_type. |
| Compute root editable element from passed-in selection. Used the start of the selection |
| as a base node for style purposes for the test rendering. Removed the special case |
| "single text node" alternative to createFragmentFromText in the plain text case, since |
| createFragmentFromText now handles that correctly. |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::insertFragmentForTestRendering): Copy the whitespace |
| property from the source location when creating a temporary element for test rendering. |
| (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::shouldMergeEnd): Removed unneeded boolean |
| parameter fragmentHadInterchangeNewlineAtEnd, which is always false. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): Update for ReplacementFragment changes, |
| change code to not remove end BR when it can be re-used instead, don't call the |
| paragraph separator insertion when the position is at the start of a paragraph already, |
| removed redundant computation of identical "next" value, removed unneeded boolean |
| parameter to shouldMergeEnd, add case for merging when all we need to do is to delete |
| a newline character, removed unneeded code to set insertionPos after all code that uses |
| it, and use spaces instead of non-breaking spaces when doing smart paste if the |
| context is one where we do not collapse white space. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldRemoveEndBR): Renamed and changed to return |
| a boolean instead of doing the removal. |
| |
| * editing/markup.h: Use Vector instead of DeprecatedPtrList. Change the |
| createFragmentFromText function to take a range for context instead of a document. |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::markup): Use Vector instead of DeprecatedPtrList. |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::createParagraphContentsFromString): Remove unneeded document parameter |
| and changed a couple places to use isEmpty instead of comparing with "". |
| (WebCore::createFragmentFromText): Given the new context parameter, if the context |
| is one that preserves newlines, then use "\n" instead of <br> elements. |
| (WebCore::createFragmentFromNodes): Use Vector instead of DeprecatedPtrList. |
| |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLElement::setInnerText): Do not use <br> |
| elements if the context of this node is one where we preserve newlines. |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.h: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::containsCaretOffset): |
| Added. Implements the appropriate rule for determining if a caret position is |
| in this line or not. Returns true for both one line and the next in cases where |
| affinity must be considered to determine which line the caret is on. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderText.h: Make atLineWrap no longer be a member function. |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::atLineWrap): Remove special rule about preserveNewline and isLineBreak, |
| which will no longer apply due to the new containsCaretOffset function logic. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::caretRect): Use containsCaretOffset. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::inlineBox): Ditto. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::updateFromElement): Make a placeholder <br> element |
| after calling setInnerText so that the last newline in the string has the effect |
| we expect outside the HTML world (an additional line). |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::setSelectionRange): Set granularity of the selection |
| too. The layout tests caught this problem, which needs a better solution long term. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::text): Call textContent with the parameter false |
| so it will not include newlines for <br> elements. Now the only <br> element |
| that will ever be in the shadow DOM tree is the one to prevent collapsing, and |
| that one should not show up in the text value. |
| |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak): Took a rule |
| that specifically called out the pre whitespace mode and made it work for all |
| the modes that preserve newlines. This makes sure we get a last line box for |
| text after the last "\n" even in cases where there is no <br> afterward. |
| |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::fixupWhitespace): |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): |
| Added assertions to make sure we don't do anything when we're not collapsing |
| whitespace. |
| |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue): |
| Changed to use Vector instead of DeprecatedPtrList. |
| |
| * editing/HTMLInterchange.cpp: Removed obsolete comment. |
| |
| * loader/Cache.h: Removed a stray include. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4632132> Changing style of content with mixed editability fails |
| |
| Test: * editing/style/apple-style-editable-mix.html |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: (WebCore::Node::isContentRichlyEditable): Doesn't need to check the editable root. It now just |
| checks the user modify property of its own renderer, since that is inherited. |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyInlineStyle): If the end position is in a table, |
| Adjust the end node to the last descendant of the table, so we don't skip over any runs. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - implement String::createCFString |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added StringImplMac.mm and StringMac.mm. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: Moved NSString conversion functions out of here. |
| |
| * platform/mac/StringImplMac.mm: Added. Moved NSString conversion members here |
| and added the CFStringRef ones. |
| * platform/mac/StringMac.mm: Added. Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Two bug fixes. |
| |
| (1) Make sure to mark positioned objects that depend on line position to |
| mark themselves as needing layout when their line box placeholder gets |
| repositioned. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::position): |
| |
| (2) Improve highlighting to factor the inflation into overflow so that |
| invalidation and repainting will work properly. |
| |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::addHighlightOverflow): |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4641824> REGRESSION: Wikipedia widget fails to complete a search after pressing return key |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| Don't eat enter events for search fields that have no enclosing form; they need to be passed to AppKit so |
| that onsearch can be invoked. |
| |
| * manual-tests/onsearch-enter.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Dave MacLachlan <dmaclach@mac.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin and Alexey. |
| |
| Fix for: <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8425> |
| and <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6947> |
| |
| Test: svg/custom/non-opaque-filters.svg |
| |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::prepareFilter): |
| We create an autorelease pool so we can control the deallocation of the |
| CIContext that we're creating. The CIContext retains the CGContext that |
| you pass it internally so when the CIContext is released, the |
| CGContext is released as well. |
| This is all fine and dandy unless you wrap the creation of the CIFilter |
| with a pair of CGBegin/EndTransparencyLayer calls which swap the context |
| out from underneath you. So if you start with context A, |
| CGBeginTransparencyLayer swaps it out and gives you B. You create a CIFilter |
| with it and add a reference to B. CGEndTransparencyLayer swaps out B and |
| gives you back A. Autorelease pool comes and cleans up the Filter, and calls |
| release on A, but A never got the refcount in the first place. B did. BOOM! |
| So we create a pool, then do a retain, then release the pool so that we |
| don't have to worry about the pool releasing it at a later time. |
| See <rdar://problem/4647735> for reduction of CGEndTransparencyLayer case |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9669 |
| Incomplete repaint when changing an inline's border |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/line-overflow.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): Added repaintTop and repaintBottom |
| variables to track the vertical edges of the area that changed, accounting for |
| lines that were deleted, inserted or moved. Removed unnecessary updating of |
| m_overflowHeight. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::determineStartPosition): Removed unnecessary updating of |
| m_overflowHeight. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::determineEndPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::matchedEndLine): Added repaintTop and repaintBottom |
| arguments, which this method updates to account for deleted lines. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::checkLinesForOverflow): Removed outdated FIXME. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10075 |
| REGRESSION: Reversed pop-up text in visually-ordered Hebrew pages |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/select-visual-hebrew.html |
| |
| * css/html4.css: Set "-webkit-rtl-ordering: logical" on select elements. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10009 |
| REGRESSION: Schubert-IT PDF Plug-in not working for full page (works in frames) |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): Give PDF plugins a chance to handle frame content, before ImageDocument |
| claims it. |
| |
| 2006-07-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10083 |
| REGRESSION (r15584): editing/selection/select-from-textfield-outwards failing |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): Added back change from the fix |
| for bug 9312: For coordinates outside a replaced object, return the position |
| just before (after) the element if the coordinates are above or to the left (below |
| or to the right). |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej. |
| |
| Bug 9686: [Drosera] Need the ability to break into Drosera on Javascript exceptions |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9686 |
| |
| WebCore portion of the fix. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.h: |
| (-[WebScriptDebugger exceptionRaised:sourceId:line::]): Add delegate method. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| (WebCoreScriptDebuggerImp::exception): Call delegate method when an exception is raised. |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| Actually Adele figured out how to fix the layout test failures. Landing this patch for her. Layout test failures exposed but not caused by r15584 (my patch earlier today). |
| |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::previousLinePosition): |
| When setting selection endpoints, don't traverse down into nodes where editing would ignore its contents. Use the parent node instead. |
| (WebCore::nextLinePosition): |
| same as above |
| |
| 2006-07-23 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by timo. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4646759> Mail crash editing To Do - WebCore::InsertTextCommand::prepareForTextInsertion |
| |
| * Test: editing/deleting/delete-mixed-editable-content-001.html |
| |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startOfParagraph): |
| Respect editable boundary the same way endOfParagraph does. |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. (Patch by me, Maciej, and Harrison.) |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4529398> WebCore crashes when pasting rich |
| text - WebCore::InlineBox::root() |
| |
| The initial rendering crash was due to a render object having a |
| stale reference to an inline box that had already been deleted and |
| then recreated in the exact same location in memory. (Crazy, I |
| know.) The situation seemed pretty specific to list markers |
| according to Hyatt according to Maciej, so that is what I patched |
| specifically. Fixing this crash unearthed a separate editing crash |
| where we were trying to insert a block into itself. I worked on |
| that with Maciej and Harrison, and Harrison came up with a fix. |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary): This is the fix for the editing crash. If paragraphStart is an atomic |
| node, insert the new block into the parent instead. |
| * rendering/InlineBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineBox::isChildOfParent): This function is for |
| posterity. It will help keep the linebox tree in check. |
| * rendering/InlineBox.h: |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::addToLine): Added assert. |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::deleteLine): Added assert. |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ListMarkerBox::destroy): If this has a parent, call |
| removeChild on this. |
| (WebCore::ListMarkerBox::operator delete): |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| fixed <rdar://problem/4617841> REGRESSION (NativeTextField): You can move keyboard focus to a field without getting insertion point |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): |
| removed some unnecessary vertical position checks and added a fudge factor to be more forgiving for clicks near lines. |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::nodeAtPoint): |
| added implementation |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.h: |
| added function protocol |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Updating fix from last checkin. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutVerticalBox): |
| Only tell the view about this flexbox if there isn't another flexbox already cached. |
| |
| 2006-07-23 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4644614> REGRESSION: Typing, pasting or dragging in new text areas causes unnecessary scrolling |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): Don't updateScrollInfoAfterLayout if an ancestor flexible box is just on |
| its first layout. |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutBlock): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutVerticalBox): Let the view know if this flex box is doing its first pass at layout. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: (WebCore::RenderView::RenderView): Caches a flexible box that's doing its first layout. |
| * rendering/RenderView.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderView::setFlexBoxInFirstLayout): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::flexBoxInFirstLayout): |
| |
| 2006-07-22 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10038 |
| REGRESSION: Length of navigator.mimeTypes collection returns number of installed plugins, not number |
| of registered mime types |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_navigator.cpp: |
| (KJS::MimeTypes::getValueProperty): Return the length of the mime types vector, not the plugins one. |
| (KJS::MimeTypes::getOwnPropertySlot): Fixed another typo, which prevented MimeTypes::getValueProperty() |
| from even being called. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele and Tim Omernick. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4641004> 9A224: Safari crashes in WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup when changing a input select field to input text field |
| |
| Couldn't figure out how to make layout test, here's a manual test: |
| * manual-tests/remove-select-onchange.html: Added. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): Don't add the RenderPopupMenu to the render |
| tree so it doesn't get destroyed if we do. |
| |
| The remaining changes are to let the RenderPopupMenu know its menu list w/o having |
| to be in the render tree: |
| |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::RenderPopupMenu): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::menuList): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::RenderPopupMenuMac): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuWin.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuWin::RenderPopupMenuWin): |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::createPopupMenu): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::createPopupMenu): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for: <rdar://problem/4643238> REGRESSION: Can't set insertion point at the end of a line of text |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/textarea-scrolled-endline-caret.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): |
| When looking for the closest line box, take the scroll offset into account. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff & Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4632505> REGRESSION: Crash at WebCore::Widget::getView() const + 6 |
| |
| Geoff is working on a layout test for this. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::focusWindow): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::unfocusWindow): |
| Check for a NULL view. The view can be NULL if the frame has not yet loaded any data. This fixes the crash, but the behavior is still |
| wrong -- we should focus the frame once it gets a view. I've filed <rdar://problem/4645685> to track that. It's not as urgent as this |
| crasher. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4523976> REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Crash occurs when choosing "Undo Typing" after typing and setting the value |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextControl::updateFromElement): Clear the undo |
| chain when the text control contents have been set |
| programmatically. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::clearUndoRedoOperations): Before clearing undo |
| stack, close all open undo groups and then open an equal number, |
| since otherwise NSUndoManager ends up in an inconsistent state |
| leading to uncaught ObjC exceptions. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Just moving this assertion down a couple of lines. It was hitting |
| every time you try to print a page because we put it too early in |
| the function. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge drawRect:]): |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4548238> |
| REGRESSION: Can't remove the first OL/UL list item in a Mail's compose window |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::breakOutOfEmptyListItem): |
| Moved from InsertParagraphSeparator. Does its own typing style restoration. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): Call breakOutOfEmptyListItem. |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): Call breakOutOfEmptyListItem if |
| the endingSelection is at the start of an editable region. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::embeddedSublist): Moved from InsertParagraphSeparator. |
| (WebCore::appendedSublist): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::enclosingEmptyListItem): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| === Safari-521.20 === |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth Dakin & John Sullivan. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4633717> 9A218: Reproducible crash in -[NSScroller mouseDown:] |
| |
| Beth is in the middle of making a layout test for this; she will land it soon. |
| |
| * platform/mac/ScrollBarMac.mm: |
| (ScrollBar::~ScrollBar): |
| Call Widget::removeFromSuperview() rather than -removeFromSuperview directly on the scroll bar view. |
| Widget::removeFromSuperview() obeys the "mustStayInWindow" flag, which is set while tracking the mouse |
| in view-based widgets to prevent their destruction while the tracking is in progress. |
| I searched around WebCore and this is the only Widget subclass that directly removes its view rather |
| than using removeFromSuperview(). |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9312 |
| REGRESSION: Selection bug in new text fields when selecting past the first letter |
| |
| Test: editing/selection/select-from-textfield-outwards.html |
| |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent): Added code to handle the case |
| where the selection starts (resp. ends) in the last (resp. first) visual position |
| inside an editable root. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::comparePositions): Fixed the case of comparing a position inside a shadow |
| tree with a position in the shadow ancestor. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): For coordinates outside a replaced |
| object, return the position just before (after) the element if the coordinates are above or |
| to the left (below or to the right). |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::caretMaxOffset): Changed to return 1 for replaced objects. |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::positionForCoordinates): Changed to return the last position |
| in the lowest text box if the y coordinate is below all text boxes. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - Fixed <rdar://problem/4507265> REGRESSION: overlays don't work on |
| HousingMaps.com (Google Maps-based site) |
| |
| - Made style.filter undetectable, like document.all. |
| |
| Unfortunately, the SVG spec-makers invented a CSS attribute named 'filter', |
| which conflicts with IE's custom CSS attribute by the same name. Web programs |
| like the Google maps API test for style.filter, and assume it's the IE |
| style.filter if they find it, so we need to make style.filter undetectable |
| to avoid breaking them. |
| |
| An alternative solution would be to hotwire a delorean, go back in time, |
| and beg the web standards makers to make standards that work on the web. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::cssPropertyGetter): |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by john |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4641033> |
| REGRESSION: Pasting from web pages into Mail (or Blot) often loses most of the content |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): We surround the currently accumulated markup with markup |
| for ancestors of the startNode when the pre-order traversal leaves the trees rooted |
| at those ancestors. We assumed that any ancestors of the current node not in the |
| ancestorsToClose list were those kind of ancestors. But we don't add renderer-less |
| containers to the ancestorsToClose list. So, we were incorrectly surrounding the |
| currently accumulated markup with markup for render-less containers. Most of the |
| content at apple.com was being put inside an <optgroup> inside a <select> element. |
| Then on Paste createContextualFragment would drop it. |
| |
| 2006-07-21 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| (WebCore::Document::): |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::addEventListener): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout): |
| Only dispatch overflowchanged events if overflowchanged event listeners have been registered on the document. |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4637807> REGRESSION: "Features & Options" page at volvocars.us fails |
| |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::xsltParamArrayFromParameterMap): |
| Turns out parameters never worked. String parameters need to be escaped so we create a transform context, |
| add the parameters to it quoted and then use xsltApplyStylesheetUser which lets us pass the transform context to it. |
| This also works around a bug in libxslt where a hash table isn't allocated. |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Omernick. |
| |
| Fixed <rdar://problem/4621649> repro crash: Upload link causes crash on pages.google.com in Frame::nodeForWidget |
| added manual test because there is no way to change the value of an <input type=file> via the DOM. It's not supported because it's a security risk. |
| |
| * manual-tests/remove-input-file-onchange.html: Added. |
| * platform/mac/FileButtonMac.mm: |
| (-[WebFileChooserButton chooseFilename:]): |
| swapped the calls to changeFilename and bridgeForWidget because changeFilename will destroy the widget that is accessed in bridgeForWidget |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| Fixed <rdar://problem/4532113> REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Crash occurs after modifying field then reloading page -[FormDelegate frameLayoutHasChanged:] |
| added a manual test because of the need to use AutoFill. |
| |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| (WebCore::Node::aboutToUnload): |
| added virtual function prototype |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::aboutToUnload): |
| added implementation that sends textFieldDidEndEditing notification |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: |
| added virtual function prototype |
| * manual-tests/input-type-file-autocomplete-frame-1.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/input-type-file-autocomplete-frame-2.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/input-type-file-autocomplete-refresh.html: Added. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::stopLoading): |
| before unloading, call aboutToUnload on the current focused node |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| fixed <rdar://problem/4611303> REGRESSION: repro crash in WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchWindowEvent at aeropostale.com |
| There was an attempt to deref an EventListener that got cleaned up in GC. Changing Document's EventListener list from |
| vanilla ptrs to refptrs to prevent GC, following EventTargetNode's proven example. |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::Document): |
| (WebCore::Document::clear): |
| (WebCore::Document::handleWindowEvent): |
| (WebCore::Document::getHTMLWindowEventListener): |
| (WebCore::Document::removeHTMLWindowEventListener): |
| (WebCore::Document::removeWindowEventListener): |
| (WebCore::Document::hasWindowEventListener): |
| Changed all of the list iterators to work with RefPtrs instead of vanilla ptrs |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| Changed the EventListener list to be a vanilla pointer list to a refptr list |
| |
| 2006-07-20 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| - WebCore part of fix for: |
| <rdar://problem/4557386> REGRESSION (419.3-521.19): repro Safari world leak involving |
| closing tabs after clicking in a web page |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge textViewWasFirstResponderAtMouseDownTime:]) |
| renamed to be more specific (formerly wasFirstResponderAtMouseDownTime:) |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::passMouseDownEventToWidget): |
| updated for name change |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8272 |
| Use of window.open & window.close can cause crash |
| |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: |
| (WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| * platform/mac/PlatformMouseEventMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| The default constructor now creates a "zero" event, and a new one was added to create the "current" one. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::handleMouseMoveEvent): |
| * rendering/RenderFormElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::clicked): |
| Updated for the above changes. |
| |
| * platform/gdk/MouseEventGdk.cpp: |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| * platform/win/MouseEventWin.cpp: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| Trying not to break other platforms. |
| |
| * manual-tests/invalid-mouse-event.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - delete line that I only commented in the last patch - meant to do this before landing |
| |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::close): |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4634484> REGRESSION: Project Change Request form should have vertical scroll bar, but doesn't |
| |
| I couldn't figure out how to make an automated test case for this, |
| or even a manual one. It seems to be timing-related in some way. |
| |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::close): detach the child frame from |
| its element, not the frame containing this element. |
| |
| 2006-07-20 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::nextKeyViewInFrame): |
| Hold a ref to the node in case it gets destroyed by an event handler. |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Mark Rowe <opendarwin.org@bdash.net.nz> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10021 |
| Bug 10021: REGRESSION: Stack overflow due to infinite recursion in |
| Image::checkForSolidColor |
| |
| * platform/Image.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::cacheFrame): Don't call checkForSolidColor unless |
| the frame was decoded successfully. |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fix for: |
| <rdar://problem/4422657> REGRESSION: member name field or password field should have focus after loading webmail.mac.com (7405) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7405 |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4614181> REGRESSION: Crash in WebCore::RenderTextField::text() when quoting post at the Ars Technica forum (9707) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9707 |
| |
| Needs an http test. (http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10020) |
| |
| These bugs were both cases where focus() was called on an element which didn't have a renderer yet because stylesheets hadn't finished loading yet. |
| Now, we detect this case and let setFocusNode be called. And when the stylesheet finishes loading, and the element attaches, a timer will fire, |
| which will cause the correct selection & scrolling behavior to occur. |
| |
| This fix removes selection and scrolling behavior from the focus method. This code is now in a new method, updateFocusAppearance. |
| updateFocusAppearance can now be called directly from focus(), but it can also be called when a timer fires. This timer gets set |
| up when an element attaches, and its already been focused by the focus method. We have to use a timer, because updateFocusAppearance can cause |
| a layout to happen, and we don't want that to happen in the middle of attach(). |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: (-[DOMElement isFocused]): Added SPI for autofill. |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::Element): Initializes timer and needFocusAppearanceUpdate bool. |
| (WebCore::Element::attach): Checks needsFocusAppearanceUpdate, and if the node is focused, then starts the timer. |
| (WebCore::Element::focus): Updated to check supportsFocus before calling setFocusNode, |
| and only requiring the element to be focusable now before updating focus appearance. |
| (WebCore::Element::updateFocusAppearance): Added. Separates the selection, and the scrolling from focusing the node. |
| (WebCore::Element::updateFocusAppearanceTimerFired): Stops the timer, and if the element is focusable, calls updateFocusAppearance. |
| (WebCore::Element::stopUpdateFocusAppearanceTimer): Cancels timer, and setsNeedsFocusAppearanceUpdate(false). |
| (WebCore::Element::detach): Calls stopUpdateFocusAppearanceTimer. |
| (WebCore::Element::blur): ditto. |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| (WebCore::Element::needsFocusAppearanceUpdate): Added so the timer only fires when focus() methods have caused an element to be focused. |
| (WebCore::Element::setNeedsFocusAppearanceUpdate): Added so focus methods can set this flag. |
| |
| * dom/Node.h: (WebCore::Node::supportsFocus): Added. Base class just calls isFocusable. |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: Added supportsFocus. |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::supportsFocus): Added. Checks for the case where stylesheets haven't loaded yet, |
| so we can still focus the node without a renderer, and when it gets a renderer, we'll update the focus appearance. |
| * html/HTMLGenericFormElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::supportsFocus): ditto. |
| * html/HTMLGenericFormElement.cpp: Removed include of Document.h since this is now in the header. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::focus): Updated to check supportsFocus before calling setFocusNode, |
| and only requiring the element to be focusable now before updating focus appearance. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::updateFocusAppearance): Added. Separates the selection, and the scrolling from focusing the node. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: |
| |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::focus): Updated to check supportsFocus before calling setFocusNode, |
| and only requiring the element to be focusable now before updating focus appearance. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::updateFocusAppearance): Added. Separates the selection, and the scrolling from focusing the node. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4631972> |
| REGRESSION: Mail crashes when pasting entire contents of http://www.apple.com/support/ into a new mail message |
| |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Position::upstream): Deployed isBlock and enclosingBlock. |
| (WebCore::Position::downstream): Ditto. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::canHaveChildrenForEditing): Added !iframe. |
| (WebCore::isBlock): Added, returns !node->renderer()->isInline() |
| (WebCore::enclosingBlock): Added. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4631272> REGRESSION: Crash tabbing out of hostname field at autorestore.apple.com |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::nextKeyViewInFrame): |
| Take into account that focus handlers can cause a node's renderer to be destroyed. |
| |
| 2006-07-19 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for 4638376. The 1x1 solid color image optimization was broken when |
| I re-architected image. This patch restores the optimization for CG. Cairo |
| will still need the optimization. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| WARNING: NO TEST CASES ADDED OR CHANGED (need test cases still) |
| |
| * platform/Image.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::Image): |
| (WebCore::Image::invalidateData): |
| (WebCore::Image::cacheFrame): |
| * platform/Image.h: |
| (WebCore::Image::setIsPDF): |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::checkForSolidColor): |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::initNativeData): |
| (WebCore::Image::invalidateNativeData): |
| (WebCore::Image::checkForSolidColor): |
| (WebCore::Image::draw): |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): |
| |
| 2006-07-19 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4613519> |
| REGRESSION: Pasting text in native text area inserts text one character before it should (9527) |
| |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): Turn into an InsertLineBreakCommand instead of bailing |
| if the enclosingBlockFlowElement doesn't have a parent. |
| |
| 2006-07-19 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4629307> -[DOMRange markupString] does not include the initial table element if it is at the beginning of the range |
| <rdar://problem/4062218> pasting in contents of web.apple.com strips off the <table> element from the first table |
| |
| Better patch than previous checkin. |
| |
| * test: editing/pasteboard/paste-table-003.html |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): |
| Make sure to include the table when including a tbody. |
| |
| === Safari-521.19 === |
| |
| 2006-07-19 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4629307> -[DOMRange markupString] does not include the initial table element if it is at the beginning of the range |
| |
| No test case as this can only be reproduced through ObjC APIs. |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): |
| Adjust the range for ancestor markup handling when main loop skips first node. |
| |
| 2006-07-18 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for radar 4611287, make resizable text fields opt-in rather than |
| opt-out. Open source users will need to write the pref into their defaults |
| to see the resizers on textareas now. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs and adele |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreSettings setTextAreasAreResizable:]): |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| * css/html4.css: |
| |
| 2006-07-18 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9959 |
| REGRESSION: iframes stop rendering after 200th one on successive reloads |
| |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::attach): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::close): |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::insertedIntoDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::willRemove): |
| Remove calls to incrementFrameCount and decrementFrameCount. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| Call incrementFrameCount here. |
| |
| (WebCore::Frame::~Frame): |
| Call disconnectOwnerElement. |
| |
| (WebCore::Frame::disconnectOwnerElement): |
| Call decrementFrameCount here. |
| |
| 2006-07-18 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9013 |
| Let correct CSS custom cursor declarations parse |
| |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): Ignore any values following a custom CSS cursor URI, instead of |
| requiring that it is the only one in the list (which is actually illegal, according to the spec). |
| This is only a temporary hack, with a real implementation to follow in bug 6001/6002. |
| |
| * manual-tests/custom-cursors.html: Added a test for this issue. |
| * manual-tests/resources/helpCursor.tiff: A cursor image used in the test. |
| |
| 2006-07-18 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4636216> NetNewsWire fails to launch on 9A224 - missing symbols |
| |
| WebCore needs to add -sub_library libobjc to maintain |
| backwards compatibility with binaries linked with WebKit |
| before JavaScriptCore moved out of WebKit. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-07-18 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9978 |
| REGRESSION (r12949-r12988): Clicking the first letter on a line places the caret at the end of the previous line |
| |
| Test: editing/selection/click-start-of-line.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::positionForCoordinates): Changed to return downstream |
| affinity if the x coordinate is to the left of the middle of the first character |
| in the text box. |
| |
| 2006-07-18 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9695 |
| <rdar://problem/4614085> |
| TOT REGRESSION: NativeTextArea: Text area does not respond to Cmd-UpArrow/Cmd-DownArrow (9695) |
| |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyExtendingRightForward): |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyMovingRightForward): |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyExtendingLeftBackward): |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyMovingLeftBackward): |
| If the caret is inside an editable region, the beginning/end of the document should actually be the |
| beginning/end of the editable region. |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4612079> need a way to prevent pages from scrolling to reveal elements that are focused |
| by script |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge setProhibitsScrolling:]): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::prohibitsScrolling): |
| (WebCore::Frame::setProhibitsScrolling): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::scrollPointRecursively): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::setContentsPos): |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * platform/ScrollView.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Dave Harrison. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4618089> Blot crashes when I paste in all the contents of http://www.apple.com/startpage/ |
| |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::editingIgnoresContent): |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4621728> |
| REGRESSION: Selecting by dragging down creates selection in wrong direction, with certain steps |
| <rdar://problem/4604932> |
| REGRESSION: Dragging too far left on a line will select all lines above it. |
| |
| No layout test because of 9980. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): Don't return positions inside editable roots |
| for coordinates outside those roots, except for coordinates outside a document that is entirely |
| editable. |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4635281> JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage needs to initialize the exception code to zero |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): initialize ec to zero |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): initialize ec before earlier return |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4634874> WebScriptObject and WebUndefined are no longer defined by WebKit |
| |
| Moves WebScriptObject and WebUndefined to WebCore. |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCore.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMUtility.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/WebScriptObject.mm: Added. |
| (+[WebUndefined allocWithZone:]): |
| (-[WebUndefined initWithCoder:]): |
| (-[WebUndefined encodeWithCoder:]): |
| (-[WebUndefined copyWithZone:]): |
| * bindings/objc/WebScriptObjectPrivate.h: Added. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| |
| 2006-07-17 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Back out the fix for 5564, since it turns out font:x-small; is a pretty |
| prominent IE-specific CSS hack. Because Web sites rely on IE's incorrect |
| font parsing as a means of also correcting IE's incorrect font size rules. |
| |
| This fixes Yahoo.com. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseFont): |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4618389> REGRESSION: After applying a link to the last word of a sentence, a new selection is created at the start of the sentence |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::updateSelection): |
| |
| 2006-07-17 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4604946> REGRESSION: 'checkboxRef.checked = true' fires onchange event in Leopard |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setChecked): |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::preDispatchEventHandler): |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-16 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9954 |
| REGRESSION: document.dir should return empty string in <head> |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/document-dir-property.html |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getValueProperty): Return an empty string instead of an |
| undefined value for an unset document.dir property. |
| |
| 2006-07-16 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * dom/NodeFilter.idl: |
| Removed "No newline at end of file" that snuck in as part of the "apply patch" process. |
| * manual-tests/input-empty-on-focus.html: |
| Removed "Property changes" that snuck in as part of the "apply patch" process. |
| |
| 2006-07-16 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9943 |
| <rdar://problem/4590613> |
| REGRESSION (Tiger-TOT): menus are offset to the right at http://movies.aol.com/movie-photo-bts/superman-returns |
| |
| The problem turns out to be the fact that body.offsetLeft is returning a non-zero value. |
| I have no idea why the menus worked in Tiger Safari, because body.offsetLeft behavior has not changed. |
| Presumably some other bug that we fixed had been compensating. |
| |
| Test: fast/html/body-offset-properties.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::offsetLeft): Always return 0 for any object without an offsetParent. |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::offsetTop): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::offsetParent): Return 0 for the body (treat as a special case). |
| |
| 2006-07-16 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4616595> REGRESSION: Problems with world |
| clock widget clock hand motion on 9A211 + 4604574 |
| |
| The second hand on the widget was jiggling because the rotation was |
| messing up the use of the affine transformation matrix while |
| rounding to pixel boundaries in device space. We are mainly |
| concerned with rounding to pixel boundaries with the scale in mind, |
| so this patch extracts the scale to device space from the matrix, |
| and rounds to pixel boundaries using only the scale. This doesn't |
| seem like it is a perfect solution, but it definitely solves the |
| immediate problem. We will probably need to re-address what should |
| happen to avoid pixel cracks with rotations at non-integral scale |
| factors. |
| |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - fix mistake from fix for 8952 that was breaking layout tests |
| |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: (WebCore::SelectionController::nodeWillBeRemoved): |
| Justin was right! I changed the behavior of the function by accident. Changed it |
| back so that it doesn't blow away the selection on the DOM side in the case where |
| it didn't before. |
| |
| I will write 100 times on the blackboard: "When Justin says something about editing, |
| assume he is right." |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Added StreamingTextDecoderICU.cpp/h. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8952 |
| <rdar://problem/4575185> |
| REGRESSION: crash on drag of highlighted Google custom home page modules |
| |
| Test: fast/dynamic/move-node-with-selection.html |
| |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: (WebCore::SelectionController::nodeWillBeRemoved): |
| Call updateRendering before calling clearSelection(), since it's important to do any |
| work beforehand, and there are calls inside clearSelection that will indirectly do an |
| updateRendering. Also change code to make fewer assumptions about object lifetime. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8587 |
| <rdar://problem/4631844> |
| REGRESSION: {display:list-item} on items outside an ol or ul element no longer causes incremental numbering |
| |
| Test: fast/lists/numeric-markers-outside-list.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.cpp: (WebCore::previousListItem): |
| Look for list items, even when we're outside any list. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4593970> REGRESSION (NativeTextField): autofill menu disappears after typing a 2nd character |
| |
| This was caused by composite editing commands, (like typing or pasting) that include a DeleteCommand, being |
| interpreted by the form delegate as an actual delete. This fix doesn't notify the form delegate if the deletion is |
| part of an editing command to replace the selected text. |
| |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h: Added m_replace to keep track of whether this deletion is |
| part of a composite command to replace the text being deleted. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::DeleteSelectionCommand): Initialize m_replace. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Only notify the form delegate of the deletion if the text is not being replaced. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::deleteSelection): |
| Added replace argument to construct DeleteSelectionCommand. |
| |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp: (WebCore::InsertTextCommand::input): Call deleteSelection with replace argument. |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej, tweaked to match Darin's patch. |
| |
| - Fixed <rdar://problem/4631837> REGRESSION: Reproducible crash on |
| FCKeditor demo (9911) |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::putValueProperty): Check for a null body element before |
| forwarding the put request to it. I confirmed that no other parts of the |
| file use 'body' or 'bodyElement' without checking for null. |
| |
| Also, use 'body' rather than 'bodyElement' because dir can bet set on |
| any element, not just HTMLBodyElement. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8871 |
| <rdar://problem/4575417> |
| REGRESSION: Pressing Enter/Return in a text input removes the selected text |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9743 |
| <rdar://problem/4614228> |
| REGRESSION: crash dispatching JavaScript-created keyboard event to input element |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::doTextFieldCommandFromEvent): |
| Add a null check to fix the crash, and a FIXME explaining why this is not necessarily |
| enough for the future. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| Consume Enter key keypress events even if the element is not in a form. |
| |
| * platform/mac/KeyEventMac.mm: (WebCore::keyIdentifierForKeyEvent): Added \n to the |
| characters that turn into "Enter". Actual keyboard events always are \r or \003 on |
| the Macintosh, but in layout tests we can use \n, and everything other than the |
| code path here works, so worth fixing. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9883 |
| <rdar://problem/4631821> |
| REGRESSION: NativePopups don't work correctly in some forum software |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/select-selected.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateFromElement): Added code to map the selected option |
| index to a list index before using it to index into the list. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): Added code to map the selection option index |
| to a list index before passing it to the menu renderer. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::valueChanged): Added code to map the list index back to a |
| option index before calling setSelectedIndex (that function takes an option index). |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9928 |
| REGRESSION: Text Encoding menu inoperative (after gcc protocol build fix) |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMNode addEventListener:::]): Moved into DOMEventTarget category. |
| (-[DOMNode removeEventListener:::]): Ditto. |
| (-[DOMNode dispatchEvent:]): Ditto. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Allow Xcode to do its thing. |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4632144> REGRESSION: table column tests failing as a result of very recent fix |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::addChild): columns and colgroups are valid children of a table too, not |
| just table sections! |
| |
| 2006-07-15 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9866 |
| <rdar://problem/4631561> |
| REGRESSION: Repro crash from mangleme using iframe, only from server. |
| |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::attach): |
| Add null check for contentFrame() since content frames won't be created for invalid URLs. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4195 |
| REGRESSION: KOI8-U encoding no longer supported. |
| |
| Tests: |
| * http/tests/misc/BOM-override.pl |
| * http/tests/misc/BOM-override-script.html |
| * fast/encoding/charset-koi8-u.html |
| * fast/encoding/charset-x-nextstep.html |
| |
| Restored a TEC code path for encodings that are not supported by ICU (but which currently |
| passes all layout tests even by itself with ICU disabled). A lot of refactoring is |
| still needed - most importantly, round-tripping encoding names via CFStringEncoding |
| makes little sense now. |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreTextDecoder.h: Removed. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreTextDecoder.mm: Removed. |
| WebCoreTextDecoder was not used anywhere since WebTextView was moved into WebCore. |
| |
| * loader/Decoder.cpp: |
| (Decoder::Decoder): |
| (Decoder::setEncodingName): |
| (Decoder::decode): |
| Use StreamingTextDecoder::create(). |
| |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoder.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoder::create): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoder::~StreamingTextDecoder): |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoder.h: |
| StreamingTextDecoder is just an abstract interface to implementations now. |
| |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoderICU.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::StreamingTextDecoderICU): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::~StreamingTextDecoderICU): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::releaseICUConverter): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::textEncodingSupported): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::convertUTF16): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::convertIfASCII): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::createICUConverter): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::appendOmittingBOM): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::convertUsingICU): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::convert): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::toUnicode): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderICU::fromUnicode): |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoderICU.h: Added. |
| Renamed from StreamingTextDecoder; added a way to tell whether the encoding is actually |
| supported by the decoder; minor cleanup. |
| |
| * platform/TextEncoding.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextEncoding::effectiveEncoding): Moved from StreamingTextDecoder. |
| (WebCore::TextEncoding::toUnicode): Use StreamingTextDecoder::create(). |
| (WebCore::TextEncoding::fromUnicode): Moved to StreamingTextDecoderICU. |
| |
| * platform/TextEncoding.h: Changed __APPLE__ to PLATFORM(MAC); added effectiveEncoding(). |
| |
| * platform/mac/StreamingTextDecoderMac.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::StreamingTextDecoderMac): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::~StreamingTextDecoderMac): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::releaseTECConverter): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::textEncodingSupported): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convertUTF16): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convertIfASCII): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::createTECConverter): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::appendOmittingBOM): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convertOneChunkUsingTEC): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convertUsingTEC): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convert): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::toUnicode): |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::fromUnicode): |
| * platform/mac/StreamingTextDecoderMac.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoderMac::convert): |
| This is a TEC+CFString code path for decoding, basically restored from a year-old revision. |
| |
| * platform/mac/TextEncodingMac.cpp: Removed. Code moved to StreamingTextDecoderMac. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| === Safari-521.17 === |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4623957> SWB: gcc-5412 (new?) objc warning causes WebCore project failure |
| |
| Made a DOMNode category in DOMEvents.h that lets DOMNode conform to the |
| DOMEventTarget protocol that works with GCC 5412. |
| |
| Removed forward declarations of WebCoreWidgetHolder and imported WebCoreWidgetHolder.h. |
| |
| Removed all <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> and <Foundation/Foundation.h> imports in other headers, |
| we import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> in the prefix header for ObjC. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCore.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FormDataMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreCache.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreEncodings.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameNamespaces.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreJavaScript.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageState.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreResourceLoader.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreStringTruncator.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreStringTruncator.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreTextDecoder.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebDashboardRegion.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: |
| * platform/mac/CookieJar.mm: |
| * platform/mac/DeprecatedStringMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontDataMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FoundationExtras.h: |
| * platform/mac/TextBoundaries.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreHistory.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreHistory.m: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreKeyGenerator.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextRenderer.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreView.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreWidgetHolder.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Updated ScriptInterpreter to work with Interpreter ref-counting in |
| JavaScriptCore. |
| |
| (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::~ScriptInterpreter): Now protected to catch |
| manual delete. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele and Justin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9658 |
| <rdar://problem/4613948> |
| REGRESSION: Check Spelling does not work in textarea elements |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::advanceToNextMisspelling): |
| Don't use setStartBefore or setEndAfter on the search range because for shadow trees, there |
| is no notion of before and after. Instead, use setStart and setEnd and pass in the start and end |
| indices respectively. |
| |
| * dom/Range.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Range::checkNodeBA): |
| Allow range operations on shadow trees. |
| |
| * manual-tests/form-element-spelling.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4621660> REGRESSION: Safari crashing in |
| WebCore::FrameView::updateOverflowStatus |
| |
| m_viewportRenderer is never initialized for framesets, and it |
| shouldn't be. So we just need to nil-check for it in |
| updateOverflowStatus() and return early. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::updateOverflowStatus): Nil check. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| RS by Darin. |
| |
| Backing out fix for <rdar://problem/4604703> |
| REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Focus is not removed from password field after I ctrl-click into a different field |
| |
| Darin had a better fix in WebKit for this. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::sendContextMenuEvent): |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4614054> REGRESSION: Safari submits forms when the Return key is hit to complete inline inputs |
| |
| * page/Frame.h: (WebCore::Frame::inputManagerHasMarkedText): Added. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: ditto. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::inputManagerHasMarkedText): Added. Asks the input manager if there's marked text. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): For text fields, don't submit the form on Enter |
| if the input manager says there's marked text. I added this code for all text field paths. For widgets, WebCoreTextField.mm |
| has code to deal with this case. But as we convert search, password, and isindex, they will need to do this check too. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9907 |
| REGRESSION (r15418): editing/pasteboard/paste-table-001 fails in pixel mode |
| |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::caretRect): Fixed the calculation of the max/min allowed caret |
| position. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9905 |
| REGRESSION (r15404-r15415): Repro crash when pressing delete in an empty editable div |
| |
| Test: editing/deleting/delete-at-start-or-end.html |
| |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): Added null check. |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoffrey. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9903 |
| Simplify logic in JSHTMLOptionsCollection::setLength() by using no-arg getNumber() |
| |
| No test cases since there is no change in functionality. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionsCollectionCustom.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionsCollection::setLength): Simplified logic by using the |
| no-argument getNumber() method. |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - Build fix: don't need BLOCK_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS because we already have |
| one surrounding this function, and the nested one makes the compiler |
| think our local variable is volatile (seems like a compiler bug to me). |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::sendContextMenuEvent): |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Make JavaScriptCore a public framework. Adjusted the paths. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-07-14 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4567031> REGRESSION: Crash at WebCore::RenderBlock::createLineBoxes (seems to be a security hole?) |
| |
| I also fixed all the similar crash / assertion failure cases I could think of. |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::nextRendererWithSameParent): Helper function for some of the above. |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::addChild): Don't allow inserting forms when not in |
| an HTML document, since we don't need that quirk and because parsing won't |
| do certain render tree fixups. Also watch out for case when inserting before |
| the renderer of a misnested child. |
| * rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableRow::addChild): ditto |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::addChild): ditto |
| |
| 2006-07-13 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4604703> |
| REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Focus is not removed from password field after I ctrl-click into a different field |
| |
| Test: |
| * manual-tests/password-ctrl-click-lose-focus.html: Added. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::sendContextMenuEvent): |
| If we're about to set a selection in the current view, make sure its the first responder. |
| In this case, this will cause the password field to resign first responder at the right time. |
| |
| 2006-07-13 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9670 |
| REGRESSION: RTL white-space:pre-wrap text is offset to the right |
| |
| Test: fast/text/international/rtl-white-space-pre-wrap.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::caretRect): Fixed LTR case and added the RTL case |
| of clipping the caret position to the text box when the caret is after |
| the trailing space of an autowrapped line. |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::computeHorizontalPositionsForLine): Changed to truncate- |
| to-fit the logically last text box if it contains the trailing spaces of an |
| autowrapped line. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::bidiReorderLine): Remember the logically last text run. |
| In the case of autowrapped text with white space that overflows beyond the line, |
| the last text run is the one containing the overflowing white space. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak): Split overflowing white space on a |
| line that autowraps only after white space into a separate text run. |
| |
| 2006-07-13 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Dave Hyatt. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4624203> -webkit-highlight should be behind images |
| |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::paint): |
| Call custom highlighter before painting the image, marker, or widget. |
| |
| 2006-07-13 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin and Levi. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4620743> REGRESSION: Option-Delete doesn't delete words during typing |
| |
| * Tests: |
| editing/deleting/delete-by-word-001.html |
| editing/deleting/delete-by-word-002.html |
| |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/TypingCommand.h: |
| Delete and forward delete to use specified granularity. |
| Undo of delete and forward delete to select what had been deleted (non-char granularity only). |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::setSelection): |
| Close typing and end style even if selection is not changing. |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| Remove unused setSelection parameter keepTypingStyle. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4622763> Deleting from beginning of paragraph following a table deletes rather than selects the table |
| |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializeStartEnd): Added selection expansion for HRs. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData): Now uses enclosingBlockFlowOrTableElement |
| instead of enclosingBlockFlowElement. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::removeNode): Use to identify that we need a placeholder |
| when the start or end block is removed. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): Added check for canHaveChildrenForEditing |
| to keep things like HRs from being given children. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Switched to use member variable for needPlaceholder. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h: Made needPlaceholder a member variable. |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): Fixed selection bug for tables and open typing commands. |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::editingIgnoresContent): Added check for HRs, since it's not considered a widget. |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startOfParagraph): Fix for HRs and tables. |
| (WebCore::endOfParagraph): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-13 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9880 |
| Memory leaks running DOM-Hanoi |
| |
| No change in behavior, thus no test included. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::setStatusBarText): Use a local autorelease pool to release the temporaries - |
| the test runs non-stop, and the enclosing pool doesn't get a chance to be drained. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9862 |
| REGRESSION: GMail: Crash in RenderView::repaintViewRectangle when spoofing as FF |
| - see also <rdar://problem/4622407> |
| |
| Test: fast/frames/repaint-display-none-crash.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderView::repaintViewRectangle): Added null checking of the owner element's |
| renderer, which can be null if the iframe is set to display:none. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4509393> |
| selected DOM range starts with <object>, 0 offset but selection should include the <object> |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::shouldMergeStart): |
| Don't pull content out of a table cell. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::editingIgnoresContent): Added <select> nodes. |
| (WebCore::rangeCompliantEquivalent): Convert [node, 0] positions to positionBeforeNode(node) |
| for more types of nodes. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates): |
| Fix a crasher when right clicking on an anonymous table. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady Eidson |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4611164> REGRESSION: Crash occurs when undoing a series of |
| misspelled words (WebCore::RenderObject::repaint(bool) |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| put (it - markers.begin()) in a local variable before altering markers, in every case where this was |
| happening. One of the cases like this was fixed a while back, but other cases were |
| either missed at that time or crept in since. |
| |
| 2006-07-13 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9663 |
| REGRESSION (r14948-r14956): Selection in text field remains highlighted when the text field loses focus |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::updateSelection): |
| Don't return early if the selection is empty. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4614656> REGRESSION: onpaste() handlers don't run for textarea elements |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::dispatchCPPEvent): |
| If the element is a shadow node, dispatch the event to its real parent. |
| |
| * manual-tests/textarea-onpaste.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| Fix for layout test regressions after my check-in last night. Just |
| a silly mistake where I should have asked if we were NOT printing |
| instead of if we were in the listbox code. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Project file wars. Back to |
| XCode 2.3 |
| * platform/mac/ListBoxMac.mm: |
| (itemTextRenderer): Inverted check. |
| (groupLabelTextRenderer): Inverted check. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9806 |
| <rdar://problem/4622622> |
| REGRESSION: Large rowspan causes WebKit to call abort() |
| |
| Test: fast/table/large-rowspan-crash.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::ensureRows): |
| Use sizeof(RowStruct) instead of sizeof(int). |
| Clearly we'll need something better to solve this completely. |
| I expect another smaller, but still huge, value will still cause a problem. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4586665> REGRESSION: autorestore.apple.com: Crashes Safari in WebCore::Widget::client() const |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| Add focusCallResultedInViewBeingCreated argument. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::nextKeyViewInFrame): |
| If the call to focus() caused the node to get a native widget, set focusCallResultedInViewBeingCreated to true. |
| |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::nextKeyViewInFrameHierarchy): |
| Don't reset the focus node if focusCallResultedInViewBeingCreated is true. Also, add magic to prevent setting |
| a text field as the first responder if its field editor already is the current first responder. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMousePressEvent): |
| In some cases, get the event target node again after dispatching the mouse event. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4615765> Input[type='search' fields |
| initially render too large in Widgets |
| |
| Fundamentally, the problem here is that we were miscalculating |
| things because [NSGraphicsContext currentContextDrawingToScreen] |
| was evaluating to false when widgets first load. We only ever used |
| this check, however, to determine if we were printing or not, so it |
| should not have evaluated to false for loading in Dashbaord. |
| Instead, if we query the RenderView about whether or not we are |
| printing, we will get the right answer. |
| |
| No test case added since this appears only to affect Dashboard. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge drawRect:]): Ask the RenderView if we are |
| printing instead. This is not part of the actual bug fix, but it |
| seems wise to get rid of all calls to [NSGraphicsContext |
| currentContextDrawingToScreen] when we are just trying to determine |
| if we are printing or not. |
| * platform/mac/ListBoxMac.mm: |
| (itemTextRenderer):This function now takes a boolean, isPrinting. |
| (groupLabelTextRenderer): Same as above. |
| (ListBox::sizeForNumberOfLines): Ask the RenderView if we are |
| printing. |
| (-[WebCoreTableView drawRow:clipRect:]): Same as above. |
| * platform/mac/PopUpButtonMac.mm: |
| (PopUpButton::sizeHint): Same as above. |
| * platform/mac/TextFieldMac.mm: |
| (-[NSSearchFieldCell _addStringToRecentSearches:]): |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: Same as above. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9813 |
| OPTION text can paint over select element's scrollbar |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/option-text-clip.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: (WebCore::RenderMenuList::paintObject): |
| When calculating the clip to apply to the button text, also consider padding. |
| In the future, we may have separate renderers for the text part, and the arrow part |
| of the control, and then the separation should be natural. For now, we use padding. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Windows build fix. Reviewed by NOBODY. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Added JSHTMLOptionsCollection.cpp/h |
| and JSHTMLOptionsCollectionCuston.cpp. VC++ Express realphabetized the file list. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9809 |
| <rdar://problem/4619515> |
| focus ring fails to appear on select element after choosing item from popup |
| |
| - includes http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9853 |
| improvements to select element, including some storage leak fixes |
| |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::index): Use a const |
| reference for the list items, so we don't have to copy a vector. |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::selectedIndex): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setSelectedIndex): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::length): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::remove): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::value): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setValue): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::stateValue): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::restoreState): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::appendFormData): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::optionToListIndex): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listToOptionIndex): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcListItems): Made const, with the appropriate |
| fields mutable. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): Use a const reference for |
| the list items, so we don't have to copy the vector. Remove the call to |
| setSelectionChanged for the RenderMenuList case. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): Ditto, on both counts. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): Call focus() before showing |
| the pop-up. |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: The RenderMenuList class is no longer a friend. |
| Changed the listItems function to return a const reference to the vector so |
| it no longer copies the vector. Removed the const_cast to the call to |
| recalcListItems and changed it to a const member function. Made m_recalcListItems |
| mutable. |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateFromElement): Removed an unnecessary call |
| to recalcListItems, which is called automatically. Use a const reference for the |
| list items so we don't have to copy a vector. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::layout): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::selectionChanged): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateSelection): Ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::RenderMenuList): Updated for renamed data members. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::createInnerBlock): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::addChild): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::removeChild): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setStyle): Ditto. Also removed code to set the style |
| on the pop-up menu, because it's created with the correct style and destroyed |
| before it a style change could occur. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateFromElement): Rearranged code to compute the |
| maximum width in a simpler fashion, and to not bother trying to maintain |
| the "selected" flags on the elements, since the HTMLSelectElement class |
| takes care of that. Store the width as an int. Call setText to set the text |
| based on the selected element's option text. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::paintObject): Don't check m_inner when setting |
| up the clip -- always set up the clip. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::calcMinMaxWidth): Use m_optionsWidth directly |
| instead of calling ceilf on m_longestWidth. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): Don't use m_popupMenu to store the |
| menu -- instead keep the pointer in a local variable. Get the selected |
| index from the HTMLSelectElement. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::valueChanged): Call HTMLSelectElement::setSelectedIndex |
| to do most of the work. |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: Renamed m_inner to m_innerBlock. Removed |
| m_popupMenu, m_size, m_selectionChanged, and m_selectedIndex. Renamed |
| m_longestWidth to m_optionsWidth and changed it to be an int. Removed |
| unneeded override of removeLeftoverAnonymousBoxes function. Removed |
| unneeded selectionChanged, setSelectionChanged, updateSelection, and |
| hasPopupMenu functions. Removed extra includes. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::populate): |
| Change to iterate the list items instead of iterating all children |
| of the select node. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.h: Renamed getRenderMenuList to menuList. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::populate): Moved code to clear and create |
| the pop-up here from the caller. Removed an extra retain that would cause |
| the NSPopUpButtonCell to leak. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::showPopup): Removed unnecessary code to |
| create the pop-up, which is now in populate, and also the call to the |
| clear function, for the same reason. Reorganized code to make it a bit |
| more readable. Removed an unnecessary if to check if frame is nil. |
| Used a RefPtr to make sure we don't make a call on a frame after it's |
| deleted. As part of the reorganization fixed a problem where we'd retain |
| the event and then return early without releasing it in one case. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addSeparator): Tweaked a little. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addGroupLabel): Grouped all the code to |
| manage the NSMenu at the bottom of the function. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addOption): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4620686> |
| REGRESSION: Mispelling markers are still displayed when using the delete key to place caret into a misspelled word |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::respondToChangedSelection): Remove markers from newAdjacentWords |
| even if oldAdjacentWords is equal to newAdjacentWords. This happens during a deletion. |
| |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by NOBODY (build fix) |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| Don't @class NPObject; that breaks files that actually #import <JavaScriptCore/npruntime.h>, since the NPObject |
| there is of a different type. |
| Also clarified a highly misleading comment from my last commit. I meant to clarify the comment |
| before landing. |
| |
| 2006-07-12 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9635 |
| REGRESSION: Crash when adding to cart at <http://www.yemeksepeti.com/> |
| |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): |
| Don't load external scripts if the parser is stopped. |
| |
| * manual-tests/open-close-tokenizer-crash.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/resources/empty-file.js: Added. |
| * manual-tests/resources/open-close-tokenizer-crash.html: Added. |
| Add manual test. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Kevin, Timo O, Brady, Darin, and Hyatt (whee!) |
| |
| - added support for creating a selection image with white text |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| add PaintRestriction enum |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::PaintInfo::PaintInfo): |
| add forceWhiteText boolean to PaintInfo struct |
| |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| replaced m_selectionOnly bool with m_paintRestriction, which also handles forcing the |
| text to white |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::paint): |
| updated to use & pass m_paintRestriction where it used to use & pass just m_selectionOnly |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::selectionImage): |
| now takes forceWhiteText parameter, stored in FramePrivate as part of PaintRestriction |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge selectionImageForcingWhiteText:]): |
| renamed from selectionImage, now takes forceWhiteText parameter, which is passed |
| down into Frame |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paint): |
| use a PaintRestriction value where we used to use a selectionOnly bool |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintLayer): |
| ditto; also stores forceWhiteText in PaintInfo struct |
| |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasMarker::draw): |
| updated for changed signature of PaintInfo constructor |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGMaskElement::drawMaskerContent): |
| ditto |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::drawPatternContentIntoTile): |
| ditto |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| paint with white text color if forceWhiteText is set in PaintInfo struct |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9843>: |
| Give Netscape plug-ins access to their own DOM element |
| |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.h: |
| Just import JSC headers on Mac. The NPObject and Bindings::Instance stuff is only used on Mac anyway. |
| Changed __APPLE__ to PLATFORM(MAC). |
| Added m_NPObject ivar. |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::HTMLPlugInElement): |
| Initialize the NPObject. |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::~HTMLPlugInElement): |
| Release the NPObject when the element is destroyed. |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::createNPObject): |
| Creates an NPObject for the element. |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::getNPObject): |
| Returns the NPObject for the element, creating and caching it if necessary. |
| |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.h: |
| Changed __APPLE__ to PLATFORM(MAC). |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp: |
| ditto |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.h: |
| ditto |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: |
| ditto |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.h: |
| ditto |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| ditto |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| Added -[DOMElement _NPObject]. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMElement _NPObject]): |
| Returns the NPObject for the element. Since this is only needed by the Netscape plug-in API, you can only get |
| the NPObject for applet, embed, and object elements. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9861 |
| REGRESSION: Can't dynamically change list box to popup |
| |
| and updated fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9859 |
| REGRESSION: Can't dynamically change popup to list box |
| |
| The original fix for 9859 was in the renderer, and I think we can catch the change |
| earlier in the element to detach and reattach. |
| |
| I also did some cleanup to remove the PopupButton code path from DeprecatedRenderSelect |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/select-change-listbox-to-popup.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::parseMappedAttribute): If the new attribute value is going to require us to change from listbox to popup or vice versa, |
| and we're already attached, then detach and reattach to create the correct renderer. If we're not attached, then we'll create the correct renderer |
| when we attach. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcStyle): Updated shouldUseMenuList since it no longer takes a RenderStyle. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isKeyboardFocusable): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isMouseFocusable): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::createRenderer): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setRecalcListItems): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): ditto. |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::shouldUseMenuList): |
| This method no longer takes a RenderStyle. That was leftover from when we used to use the appearance |
| to determine whether or not to use the new menu list implementation. |
| |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.h: Removed PopupButton code path. |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::DeprecatedRenderSelect): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::setWidgetWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::layout): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateSelection): |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateFromElement): |
| Backed out previous fix since this is now done in HTMLSelectElement. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9859 |
| REGRESSION: Can't dynamically change popup to list box |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/select-change-popup-to-listbox.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateFromElement): |
| If the select element has the multiple property set, or has a size > 1, then it |
| really should be a list box, so we detach and attach the element so it creates the |
| correct type of renderer. |
| |
| 2006-07-11 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth Dakin and Tim Omernick |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4622794> HiDPI: dragging the selection in Safari can show pixel cracks |
| at non-integral scale factors |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::imageFromRect): |
| round image rect in window coordinate space |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9811 |
| rdar://problem/4619572 |
| OPTION text contained in OPTGROUP appears at the wrong size |
| |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/Node.cpp: (WebCore::Node::renderStyle): Made a const member function. |
| The derived classes were overriding with const member functions, and I could |
| change either this or the derived -- decided to do this. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9810 |
| rdar://problem/4619534 |
| OPTGROUP label text is using the default font instead of Lucida Grande |
| |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::setFontFromControlSize): |
| Code wants the family name, but was calling fontName, which is not the same thing. |
| Also removed the unneeded conversion to DeprecatedString. |
| |
| === Safari-521.16 === |
| |
| 2006-07-10 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9179 |
| Implement select.options.add() method |
| |
| Tests: |
| - fast/dom/select-selectedIndex-multiple.html |
| - fast/dom/select-selectedIndex.html |
| - fast/js/select-options-add.html |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: Added JSHTMLOptionsCollection.h. |
| * ForwardingHeaders/kjs/operations.h: Added. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added new source files. |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionsCollectionCustom.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionsCollection::length): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionsCollection::setLength): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionsCollection::indexSetter): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: Removed JSHTMLOptionsCollection implementation. |
| Renamed classes and methods for consistency. |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::selectGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::put): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::selectSetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollection::JSHTMLCollection): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollectionProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::getHTMLOptionsCollection): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: Ditto. |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Added support for HasCustomIndexSetter class attribute. |
| Added support for Optional parameter attribute, which makes generated code assume overloaded |
| implementation methods are available for a JavaScript function with optional arguments. Changed |
| local 'impl' variables to 'imp' so that impl() methods could be called without class designation. |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.idl: Added GenerateNativeConverter attribute. |
| * html/HTMLOptionsCollection.cpp: Added methods used by generated JSHTMLOptionsCollection class. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::HTMLOptionsCollection): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::add): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::selectedIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::setSelectedIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::setLength): |
| * html/HTMLOptionsCollection.h: Ditto. |
| * html/HTMLOptionsCollection.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Dave Hyatt. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4602408> -webkit-highlight needs to support images and elements other than text |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintCustomHighlight): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| Utility for subclasses. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| Custom highlight in front of images. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| Custom highlight in front of list markers. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::paint): |
| Custom highlight in front of objects. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4620557> REGRESSION: In a mail message, text isn't painted |
| correctly after choosing Redo Typing |
| |
| Better fix for repainting issue with positioned objects when height |
| changes. Optimize when only a positioned child changes so that we don't |
| incorrectly do normal flow layout. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutBlock): |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::layout): |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderView::layout): |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth. |
| |
| - Fix for <rdar://problem/4621442> REGRESSION (NativePopup) : Popup menus aren't drawn correctly on page at orbitz.com; cheaptickets.com |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/select-style.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::isControlStyled): |
| Don't let popups be style-able for now. We'll allow it later, when we |
| have a good way to handle border & backgrounds and still having it look like a control. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4619260> |
| 9A213 + Safari 521.15.1 Crash with To Do's alarm icon (WebCore::maxDeepOffset(WebCore::Node const*) ) |
| <rdar://problem/4619841> |
| REGRESSION: Dragging selection over input field results in a crash (WebCore::maxDeepOffset(WebCore::Node const*) |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent): Iterate using next/previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate |
| instead of traverseNext/Previous node because we were skipping positions. Jump out of shadow trees. |
| Migrate to isEditablePosition instead of isContentEditable. |
| |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| Shuffling comments around from my last check-in to make things read |
| more clearly. |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.h: |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4621095> The should be a way to |
| access the user interface scale factor through the DOM |
| |
| window.devicePixelRatio returns the user interface scale factor. |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DOMWindow::devicePixelRatio): |
| * page/DOMWindow.h: |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Alexey |
| |
| Resolved the console error messages people got from the new DB even if they didn't have it enabled |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnreferencedIcons): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIcons): |
| Added quick check to bail if the DB isn't open |
| |
| 2006-07-10 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher |
| |
| Partial fix for... |
| <rdar://problem/4619260> 9A213 + Safari 521.15.1 Crash with To Do's alarm icon (WebCore::maxDeepOffset(WebCore::Node const*) ) |
| |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent): |
| Allow for node being 0. This is a bandaid fix to prevent the crash. It will still assert in a debug build. See bug for more info. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9808 |
| REGRESSION: Incorrect layout (and ERROR) when forcing ATSU For All Text |
| |
| * manual-tests/ATSU-bad-layout.html: Added. |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): Return 0 immediately for empty runs. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix the no-SVG build |
| |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: Move namespace brace inside the #if. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9833 |
| REGRESSION: Reproducible crash: RenderMenuList.cpp:58: failed assertion `!m_first' |
| |
| * manual-tests/empty-title-popup.html: Added. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: Add createInnerBlock. |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::createInnerBlock): Factored out of addChild. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::addChild): Call createInnerBlock. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setText): Changed parameter type. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): Call createInnerBlock before calling |
| the parent class's addChild. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej via IRC. |
| |
| Make sure the attributes are calculated against viewport width value, |
| as defined in the spec. http://paste.lisp.org/display/22342 |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGEllipseElement::rx): Changed LM_HEIGHT to LM_WIDTH. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.cpp: |
| (SVGLineElement::x2): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4610314> Support the CSS3 content property |
| for images |
| |
| This patch provides initial support for the CSS3 content property. |
| It lacks support for any content other than images, and only allows |
| content for elements that seemed safe for now. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): Remove restrictions for |
| just :before and :after |
| * html/HTMLBRElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLBRElement::createRenderer): |
| * html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::createRenderer): |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::createRenderer): |
| * html/HTMLLegendElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLLegendElement::createRenderer): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::RenderImage): |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::setCachedImage): Don't allow the image to be |
| set this way if it was already set with the content property. |
| * rendering/RenderImage.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::setIsAnonymousImage): Anonymous images are |
| those set through the content property. |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::isAnonymousImage): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::createObject): If there is content |
| specified, create a RenderImage with the content and initialize the |
| cached image to whatever was specified in the CSS. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by NOBODY (Build Fix!) |
| |
| * icon/SiteIcon.cpp: |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): |
| Release build made an "unused variable" warning, which is, of course, an error. fixed that. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| SQLite Icon DB now fully replicates functionality of the old DB, including pruning to keep unused |
| information out to keep down disk usage. For now, it is still off by default, as the critical |
| feature of importing old icons into the new DB is still unrealized. |
| If you'd like to test, add #define ICONDEBUG to your WebKitPrefix.h |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| -Sets up a timer for initial pruning |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| -Switched away from "dirty blob hack" as the problem is provisionally solved |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForURL): |
| -Same as found in WebKit |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::totalRetainCountForIconURL): |
| -Adds up all retainers of icon |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::forgetIconForIconURLFromDatabase): |
| -Wipes an Icon table entry out |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishTemporaryIconIDForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishTemporaryIconIDForEscapedIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForEscapedIconURL): |
| -Added ability to get an iconID without creating a new one if a lookup is all |
| that is genuinely wanted |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnreferencedIcons): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnretainedIcons): |
| -Called on a timer on DB startup to clean it out |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| * icon/SiteIcon.cpp: |
| (SiteIcon::SiteIcon): |
| (SiteIcon::~SiteIcon): |
| -Deletes the image on deletion |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): |
| -Cut down on no-longer-necessary debug info |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9245 |
| Quirksmode: Incorrect handling of disabled BUTTON elements |
| |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLButtonElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| Don't call prepareSubmit if the element is disabled. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| Don't call prepareSubmit if the element is disabled. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Put a few functions in the WebCore namespace. |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fix failures seen in layout tests |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: (KJS::toJS): Restore one of the few WebCore:: prefixes |
| that really needed to be there -- because we have two classes named JSHTMLDocument |
| at the moment! (One in KJS and one in WebCore namespace.) |
| |
| 2006-07-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: Correct a forward declaration of ScrollBar. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4463835> Switch to use new popup menu implementation for <select> |
| |
| * css/html4.css: Added style for new selects, and for list boxes. |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::shouldUseMenuList): Removed check for appearance so new popups can be styled. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setStyle): Removed padding. This is now set by the theme. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::calcMinMaxWidth): Now takes minimum text size into account. |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: Removed baselinePosition since we're letting the theme calculate that. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTheme::isControlContainer): Added menuList as a ControlContainer, |
| so RenderThemeMac will compute its baseline. |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: (WebCore::RenderTheme::minimumTextSize): Added. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: Added minimumTextSize, setPopupPaddingFromControlSize, popupButtonSizes, popupButtonMargins, popupButtonPadding. |
| Removed sizeOfArrowControl. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::): Added enum for padding. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect): Now inflates rect to account for control shadow. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::baselinePosition): Now calculates baseline for menulist. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::popupButtonMargins): Tweaked values. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::popupButtonSizes): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::popupButtonPadding): Added, so different padding can be set for different control sizes. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::setPopupPaddingFromControlSize): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintMenuList): Now inflates rect to account for control shadow. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustMenuListStyle): Resets border, sets padding, sets control size. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::setPopupButtonCellState): Removed unnecessary class name. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::minimumTextSize): Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - add back "unused code" for plain text fields, still used by <isindex>! |
| |
| * platform/TextField.h: |
| * platform/mac/TextFieldMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - put more into the WebCore namespace |
| - removed unused code for plain text fields |
| |
| Put more classes, class templates, enums, functions, and constants into |
| the WebCore namespace, including all the headers in the platform directory. |
| |
| Removed lots of unneeded "WebCore::" qualifiers and "using" directives. |
| |
| Added some "WebCore::" qualifiers in a few places. |
| |
| Removed "uses WebCore::" in headers that we said we'd remove "when |
| everything is in the WebCore namespace". |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSDOMParser.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/JSXSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| * bridge/History.h: |
| * bridge/JavaAppletWidget.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FormDataMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FormDataMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreEncodings.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageState.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.h: |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/CSSPageRule.cpp: |
| * css/CSSPageRule.h: |
| * css/MediaList.cpp: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/Clipboard.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.h: |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/Position.h: |
| * dom/Range.cpp: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| * editing/AppendNodeCommand.h: |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/BreakBlockquoteCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/BreakBlockquoteCommand.h: |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/CreateLinkCommand.h: |
| * editing/DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.h: |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h: |
| * editing/FormatBlockCommand.h: |
| * editing/HTMLInterchange.cpp: |
| * editing/HTMLInterchange.h: |
| * editing/IndentOutdentCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertListCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.h: |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: |
| * editing/JSEditor.h: |
| * editing/JoinTextNodesCommand.h: |
| * editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.h: |
| * editing/ModifySelectionListLevel.h: |
| * editing/MoveSelectionCommand.h: |
| * editing/RebalanceWhitespaceCommand.h: |
| * editing/RemoveNodeAttributeCommand.h: |
| * editing/RemoveNodeCommand.h: |
| * editing/RemoveNodePreservingChildrenCommand.h: |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: |
| * editing/SetNodeAttributeCommand.h: |
| * editing/SplitElementCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/SplitElementCommand.h: |
| * editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.h: |
| * editing/SplitTextNodeContainingElementCommand.h: |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/TypingCommand.h: |
| * editing/UnlinkCommand.h: |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| * editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.h: |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| * editing/markup.h: |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLCollection.h: |
| * html/HTMLDocument.h: |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLKeygenElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLLabelElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLTableElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTablePartElement.cpp: |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServer.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStylable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.h: |
| * loader/Cache.h: |
| * loader/DocLoader.h: |
| * loader/LoaderFunctions.h: |
| * loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * page/Page.h: |
| * page/Settings.h: |
| * platform/AffineTransform.cpp: |
| * platform/AffineTransform.h: |
| * platform/Arena.cpp: |
| * platform/Arena.h: |
| * platform/CookieJar.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedCString.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedCString.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrQueue.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedStringList.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedStringList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueListImpl.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueListImpl.h: |
| * platform/FileButton.h: |
| * platform/FloatPoint.h: |
| * platform/FloatRect.h: |
| * platform/FloatSize.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/FontFallbackList.h: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/IntPoint.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| * platform/IntSize.h: |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| * platform/KURL.h: |
| * platform/ListBox.h: |
| * platform/Logging.cpp: |
| * platform/Logging.h: |
| * platform/Pen.h: |
| * platform/PopUpButton.h: |
| * platform/RegularExpression.cpp: |
| * platform/RegularExpression.h: |
| * platform/SSLKeyGenerator.h: |
| * platform/ScrollBar.h: |
| * platform/SegmentedString.h: |
| * platform/Shared.h: |
| * platform/Slider.h: |
| * platform/StringImpl.h: |
| * platform/TextBox.h: |
| * platform/TextField.h: |
| * platform/TextStream.cpp: |
| * platform/TextStream.h: |
| * platform/TransferJob.h: |
| * platform/TransferJobClient.h: |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| * platform/cg/AffineTransformCG.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/DeprecatedStringListMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/KURLMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/ListBoxMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/PopUpButtonMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/SSLKeyGeneratorMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/TextBoxMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/TextFieldMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.mm: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.h: |
| * rendering/RenderArena.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderArena.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.h: |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTextFragment.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h: |
| * rendering/RenderView.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.h: |
| * xml/XSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::clear): Garbage collect after reinitalizing the global |
| object, not before, since the reinitialization tends to create garbage. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Bug 9820: Move new DOM API that has been through API review to public headers |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9820 |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMElement focus]): |
| (-[DOMElement blur]): |
| (-[DOMRange text]): |
| (-[DOMRange _text]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.mm: |
| (-[DOMRGBColor color]): |
| (-[DOMRGBColor _color]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCore.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMExtensions.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement titleDisplayString]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument createDocumentFragmentWithMarkupString:baseURL:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument createDocumentFragmentWithText:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument _createDocumentFragmentWithMarkupString:baseURLString:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument _createDocumentFragmentWithText:]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.mm: |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9749 A |
| nested content editable div causes unnecessary screen redraws. |
| |
| We were repainting too much because we were deciding that we needed |
| a full layout because we didn't have a first line box. Our code |
| used to hold a lot of assumptions that positioned elements would |
| always have line boxes, but I fixed a few bugs a while back that |
| appeared because this assumption isn't true. This assumption was |
| also causing the extra redraws because the check meant that we |
| would decide to do a full layout for any positioned element that |
| did not have any line boxes in the first place. Maciej and I talked |
| about this, and we couldn't figure out why the check for line boxes |
| was part of determining if we need a full layout in the first |
| place. After hunting around the code, we decided to assume that |
| this check is antiquated. Removing it fixes the bug and doesn't |
| seem to break any layout tests. So, fingers crossed! |
| |
| Will add layout test so soon. |
| |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): Remove firstLineBox |
| check. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4598149> Deleting the contents of a DOMRange and then inserting a node into it crashes in WebCore::Font::canUseGlyphCache |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/delete-contents.html |
| |
| * dom/Range.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Range::processContents): |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - another round of renaming; and KWQ is dead |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Remove paths for kwq and khtml directories. |
| Move files to their new locations. Did rename. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Move files to their new locations. Did rename. |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Did rename. |
| * webcore-base.bkl: Removed kwq. |
| |
| * kwq/AccessibilityObjectCache.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/AccessibilityObjectCache.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/FormDataMac.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/FormDataMac.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreEditCommand.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreEditCommand.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCorePageState.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCorePageState.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.mm: Removed. |
| |
| * bridge/AXObjectCache.h: Added. |
| * bridge/mac/AXObjectCacheMac.mm: Added. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.h: Added. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: Added. |
| |
| * loader/CachedObject.cpp: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedObject.h: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedObjectClient.h: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedObjectClientWalker.cpp: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedObjectClientWalker.h: Removed. |
| |
| * loader/CachedResource.cpp: Added. |
| * loader/CachedResource.h: Added. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClient.h: Added. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.cpp: Added. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.h: Added. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| * css/CSSImageValue.h: |
| * css/CSSImportRule.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| * dom/Notation.h: |
| * dom/ProcessingInstruction.h: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| * html/CanvasPattern.h: |
| * html/HTMLDocument.h: |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.h: |
| * loader/Cache.cpp: |
| * loader/Cache.h: |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/CachedImage.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedImage.h: |
| * loader/CachedScript.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedScript.h: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.h: |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/DocLoader.cpp: |
| * loader/DocLoader.h: |
| * loader/LoaderFunctions.h: |
| * loader/Request.cpp: |
| * loader/Request.h: |
| * loader/loader.cpp: |
| * loader/loader.h: |
| * loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderImage.h: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.h: |
| * xml/XSLImportRule.h: |
| Did renaming. |
| |
| * platform/mac/can-convert.mm: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim O. |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| Add wkPathFromFont. |
| |
| * platform/mac/FontDataMac.mm: |
| (-[NSFont WebCore]): |
| Use wkPathFromFont. |
| |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: |
| Declare wkPathFromFont. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Set the stage to remove the workaround for the SQLite BLOB corruption. A few other small cleanups, and |
| preparation for pruning unreferenced and unretained icons. |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): Added another trigger to assist in icon removal |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::deletePrivateTables): Cleaned up logging messages |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconID): #ifdefed the blobbing hack for impending removal, use the real blob by default |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): same |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForPageURL): same |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::pruneUnreferencedIcons): Will delete any icons and their data that are not referenced |
| by any PageURL |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.h: Changed BlobAsVector to be unsigned char as thats the most reasonable type for |
| a byte-buffer, and is what CFData expects |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlobAsVector): |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - move all but the last 12 files out of kwq directory |
| - removed a few unused source files I discovered |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Update for new file locations. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| * loader/Cache.cpp: |
| * loader/Cache.h: |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/CachedImage.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedImage.h: |
| * loader/CachedObject.h: |
| * loader/CachedScript.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedScript.h: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.h: |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/DocLoader.cpp: |
| * loader/DocLoader.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedSlider.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| Updated includes as needed for file location changes. Changed |
| CachePolicy uses to match new filename and enum names. |
| |
| * loader/CachedResource.cpp: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedResource.h: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClient.h: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.cpp: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.h: Removed. |
| The above files were checked in by accident a while back. The rename of |
| CachedObject to CachedResource is now reflected in do-webcore-rename, |
| and will be done soon. |
| |
| * kwq/AffineTransform.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/AffineTransform.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/CacheControl.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/DeprecatedPtrQueue.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/FileButton.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/FileButton.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/ListBox.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/ListBox.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/LoaderFunctions.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/LoaderFunctions.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/PopUpButton.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/PopUpButton.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/SSLKeyGenerator.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/SSLKeyGenerator.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/Settings.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextBox.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextBox.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextField.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextField.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreScrollBar.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreScrollBar.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreSlider.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreSlider.mm: Removed. |
| |
| * loader/CachePolicy.h: Added. |
| * loader/LoaderFunctions.h: Added. |
| |
| * loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: Added. |
| |
| * page/Settings.h: Added. |
| |
| * platform/AffineTransform.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/AffineTransform.h: Added. |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrQueue.h: Added. |
| * platform/FileButton.h: Added. |
| * platform/ListBox.h: Added. |
| * platform/PopUpButton.h: Added. |
| * platform/SSLKeyGenerator.h: Added. |
| * platform/ScrollBar.h: Added. |
| * platform/Slider.h: Added. |
| * platform/TextBox.h: Added. |
| * platform/TextField.h: Added. |
| |
| * platform/cg/AffineTransformCG.cpp: Added. |
| |
| * platform/mac/FileButtonMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/ListBoxMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/PopUpButtonMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/SSLKeyGeneratorMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/ScrollBarMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/ScrollBarMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/SliderMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/SliderMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/TextBoxMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/TextFieldMac.mm: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - move 4 files out of kwq directory |
| - make some minor project adjustments for the WebCore project |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Link libsqlite3 the same way we do other |
| libraries, rather than using a custom linker option. Moved the files from their |
| old locations to the new ones. Removed "khtml" from the list of header search |
| paths since that directory doesn't exist any more. Eliminated STYLE_LDFLAGS |
| and just put -umbrella WebKit in OTHER_LDFLAGS in the Production configuration |
| (was a leftover from "build styles" in Xcode 1). Changed to use EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE |
| instead of using -exported_symbols_list directly again now that Xcode has fixed the |
| "strip twice" bug. Removed unneeded explicit SECTORDER_FLAGS = "" settings. |
| Removed the explicit -Y,3 option now that Xcode does that by default. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Removed some obsolete uneeded files, |
| many of which didn't exist any more. Moved the files from their old locations |
| to the new ones. |
| |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Moved the files from their old locations to the new ones. |
| |
| * kwq/DeprecatedCString.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/DeprecatedCString.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextStream.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/TextStream.h: Removed. |
| * platform/DeprecatedCString.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/DeprecatedCString.h: Added. |
| * platform/TextStream.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/TextStream.h: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Rubber stamped by Maciej (kinda). |
| |
| - did the next pass of renaming (used do-webcore-rename script) |
| this takes care of most of the remaining KWQ names (almost all) |
| |
| * WebCore+SVG/DOMList.h: |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.mm: |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp: |
| * css/CSSValueKeywords.in: |
| * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/CharacterData.cpp: |
| * dom/CharacterData.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.h: |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| * dom/ProcessingInstruction.cpp: |
| * dom/QualifiedName.cpp: |
| * dom/QualifiedName.h: |
| * dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: Removed. |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.h: Removed. |
| * editing/EditAction.h: |
| * editing/HTMLInterchange.cpp: |
| * editing/HTMLInterchange.h: |
| * editing/Selection.h: |
| * editing/SelectionController.h: |
| * editing/TextAffinity.h: |
| * editing/TextIterator.cpp: |
| * editing/TextIterator.h: |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| * editing/markup.h: |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| * editing/visible_units.h: |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFontElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLKeygenElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTextFieldInnerElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.cpp: Removed. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.h: Removed. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasCreator.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasMatrix.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasResources.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: Added. |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGContainer.h: Added. |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.h: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServer.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasResourcesQuartz.h: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm: |
| * ksvg2/css/CSSValueKeywords.in: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KSVGTimeScheduler.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransformable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElement.cpp: |
| * kwq/AffineTransform.cpp: Added. |
| * kwq/AffineTransform.h: Added. |
| * kwq/DeprecatedCString.cpp: Added. |
| * kwq/DeprecatedCString.h: Added. |
| * kwq/DeprecatedPtrQueue.h: Added. |
| * kwq/FileButton.h: Added. |
| * kwq/FileButton.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/FormDataMac.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/KWQCString.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQCString.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQComboBox.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQComboBox.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQEditCommand.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQEditCommand.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQFileButton.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQFileButton.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQFormData.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQFormData.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQKHTMLSettings.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQKIOGlobal.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQKSSLKeyGen.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQKSSLKeyGen.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQLineEdit.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQLineEdit.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQListBox.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQListBox.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQLoader.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQLoader.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQPageState.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQPageState.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQPtrQueue.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQResourceLoader.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQResourceLoader.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQScrollBar.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQScrollBar.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQSlider.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQSlider.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQTextEdit.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQTextEdit.mm: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQTextStream.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQTextStream.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQWMatrix.cpp: Removed. |
| * kwq/KWQWMatrix.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/ListBox.h: Added. |
| * kwq/ListBox.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/LoaderFunctions.h: Added. |
| * kwq/LoaderFunctions.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/PopUpButton.h: Added. |
| * kwq/PopUpButton.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/SSLKeyGenerator.h: Added. |
| * kwq/SSLKeyGenerator.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/Settings.h: Added. |
| * kwq/TextBox.h: Added. |
| * kwq/TextBox.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/TextField.h: Added. |
| * kwq/TextField.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/TextStream.cpp: Added. |
| * kwq/TextStream.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreEditCommand.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreEditCommand.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCorePageState.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCorePageState.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreResourceLoaderImp.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreScrollBar.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreScrollBar.mm: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreSlider.h: Added. |
| * kwq/WebCoreSlider.mm: Added. |
| * loader/Cache.h: |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedImage.cpp: |
| * loader/CachedObject.h: |
| * loader/CachedObjectClientWalker.h: |
| * loader/CachedResource.h: |
| * loader/CachedResourceClientWalker.h: |
| * loader/CachedScript.h: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.h: |
| * loader/Decoder.h: |
| * loader/DocLoader.cpp: |
| * loader/DocLoader.h: |
| * loader/FormData.h: |
| * loader/ImageDocument.cpp: |
| * loader/PluginDocument.cpp: |
| * loader/TextDocument.cpp: |
| * loader/loader.cpp: |
| * loader/loader.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| * page/Page.cpp: |
| * page/Page.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedPtrListImpl.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedStringList.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedStringList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueList.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueListImpl.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueListImpl.h: |
| * platform/FloatSize.h: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| * platform/RegularExpression.cpp: |
| * platform/RegularExpression.h: |
| * platform/SegmentedString.h: |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoder.cpp: |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| * platform/StringImpl.cpp: |
| * platform/TextEncoding.cpp: |
| * platform/TransferJob.cpp: |
| * platform/TransferJob.h: |
| * platform/TransferJobInternal.h: |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp: |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/CursorMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/DeprecatedStringMac.mm: Added. |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FoundationExtras.h: |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/KURLMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/MouseEventMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/QStringListMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/QStringMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/TransferJobMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * rendering/DataRef.h: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.h: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedSlider.cpp: |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderApplet.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFileButton.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFormElement.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.h: |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderInline.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderPartObject.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.cpp: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderStyle.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTable.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCol.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCol.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.h: |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderText.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderTextControl.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.h: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.h: |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_style.h: Removed. |
| * xml/XSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-09 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8251 |
| navigator.platform incorrect in WebKit.app on Intel Macs |
| |
| For navigator.platform return "MacIntel" for Intel processors, "MacPPC" |
| otherwise. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_navigator.cpp: |
| (KJS::Navigator::getValueProperty): |
| |
| 2006-07-08 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Bug 5312: comments aren't available via DOM |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5312 |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4564414> getting comments via DOM isn't working (5312) |
| <rdar://problem/4545691> DOM_COMMENT node masking out real DOM elements |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): set m_documentElement to 0 |
| (WebCore::Document::childrenChanged): invalidate the document element we have cached in case it was replaced |
| (WebCore::Document::documentElement): cache the first element as the document node if m_documentElement is 0 |
| * dom/Document.h: added m_documentElement |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: removed documentElement(), HTML documents just use Document's documentElement() |
| * html/HTMLDocument.h: ditto |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleError): make a new HTML node is the document's firstChild is NULL or |
| the firstChild is not a HTML element (like a comment) |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseComment): removed the #ifdef to include comment nodes |
| |
| 2006-07-08 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, tweaked slightly and landed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9787 |
| fast/frames tests failing (bad pointer to owner element) under MallocScribble |
| |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::close): |
| Disconnect the owner element of our frame. |
| |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::attach): |
| Don't call setFrame here. |
| |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::detach): |
| Disconnect the owner element of our frame. |
| |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLPlugInElement::setFrameName): |
| New function. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| Don't call setFrame. |
| |
| (WebCore::Frame::~Frame): |
| Null out the owner element. |
| |
| (WebCore::Frame::requestObject): |
| When an object creates a child frame, assign it a name so it can be |
| accessed from HTMLPlugInElement. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderPart.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::RenderPart): |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::~RenderPart): |
| * rendering/RenderPart.h: |
| Get rid of setFrame. |
| |
| 2006-07-08 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - better fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9622 |
| REGRESSION: showModalDialog returnValue ignored, function result is always "undefined" |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::showModalDialog): Set the return value after returning from the function if the |
| window is not cleared; this is a better way to handle the case where the window does |
| not get cleared before returning, and handles some new cases created by slight changes |
| in the latest Safari properly too. |
| (KJS::Window::clear): Changed logic slightly so we always store the result of getDirect |
| into the return value slot -- the old code left the storage untouched if it was 0. |
| Also made it only overwrite the return value slot if it's 0. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| Roll the previous fix out. |
| |
| 2006-07-08 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Add missing source files. |
| |
| === Safari-521.15 === |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| Fix Mail ToDo crashers. |
| |
| * dom/Range.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Range::compareBoundaryPoints): Added an ASSERT that both |
| containers are non-null and an early return. |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::validate): Fix a dangling start/end. |
| (WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent): Added an early return if |
| m_start or m_end are null. |
| (WebCore::Selection::isContentEditable): Use isRichlyEditablePosition. |
| (WebCore::Selection::isContentRichlyEditable): Ditto. |
| * editing/Selection.h: |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::next): Use the new highestEditableRoot. |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::previous): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::highestEditableRoot): Takes in a position. |
| (WebCore::isEditablePosition): Added. |
| (WebCore::isRichlyEditablePosition): Added. |
| (WebCore::rootEditableElement): Added. |
| (WebCore::nextCandidate): Moved and split out from nextVisiblePosition. |
| (WebCore::nextVisuallyDistinctCandidate): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::previousCandidate): Moved and split out from previousVisiblePosition. |
| (WebCore::previousVisuallyDistinctCandidate): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::firstEditablePositionAfterPositionInRoot): Iterate over positions, |
| using nextVisuallyDistinctCandidate, skipping atomic nodes that are non-editable. |
| (WebCore::lastEditablePositionBeforePositionInRoot): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startOfWord): Added a FIXME. |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| Allowed deletion typing commands to take in a granularity |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: Pass granularity across the bridge |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: Ditto |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge deleteKeyPressedWithSmartDelete:granularity:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge forwardDeleteKeyPressedWithSmartDelete:granularity:]): |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: Constructors take in a granularity |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::TypingCommand): |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): |
| * editing/TypingCommand.h: ditto |
| * page/Frame.h: Fixed bug that shouldDeleteSelection wasn't virtual |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders and Tim Hatcher |
| |
| Added an accessor to a SQLite config option to change its disk-syncing behavior. |
| Used this accessor to significantly speed up writes to the Icon DB. |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): Disable full syncing to the SQLite db to speed up writes to the icondb |
| |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: |
| (SQLDatabase::setFullsync): |
| (SQLDatabase::setSynchronous): |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::SQLDatabase::): Added accessor to the SQLite config pragma "synchronous" |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - fixed a storage leak noticed by the buildbot |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): |
| Call delete on the markers before clearing the map containing them. |
| |
| 2006-07-08 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9777 |
| Reproducible crash in Loading/Frames in ToT. |
| |
| The problem was that the renderpart destructor resets the frame's |
| owner element. For iframes, this should only be done when the element is |
| going to be removed from the document. |
| |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::~HTMLIFrameElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::willRemove): |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::removedFromDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::detach): |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.h: |
| Remove the frame in willRemove instead. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderPart.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::RenderPart): |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::~RenderPart): |
| * rendering/RenderPart.h: |
| Don't call setFrame(0) in the destructor when the element is an iframe element. |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fixed a storage leak noticed by the buildbot |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::~FrameViewPrivate): |
| Delete m_scheduledEvents. |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fixed a couple of storage leaks noticed by the buildbot |
| |
| * html/HTMLOptGroupElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::attach): |
| Call deref on the style after calling setRenderStyle, since styleForRenderer |
| returns us a "ref'd" RenderStyle object. |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::attach): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix some license mistakes |
| |
| * LICENSE-APPLE: Added more years of publication to the copyright here. |
| |
| * html/CanvasGradient.idl: Corrected license on this file. It had the wrong one. |
| * html/CanvasPattern.idl: Ditto. |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl: Ditto. |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.idl: Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| Improved table editing: pressing delete directly before or after a table will now select |
| the table first, then delete it, instead of just deleting it. Useful for when the table's |
| existence is non-obvious. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: Added shouldDeleteSelection, which allows WebCore to trigger |
| deletion editing deligates |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: ditto |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::shouldDeleteSelection): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: ditto |
| * editing/TypingCommand.cpp: Implemented check for a caret position next to a table, and |
| subsequent selection (as opposed to removal) |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::deleteKeyPressed): |
| (WebCore::TypingCommand::forwardDeleteKeyPressed): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: shouldDeleteSelection added |
| (WebCore::Frame::shouldDeleteSelection): |
| * page/Frame.h: ditto |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9768 |
| Split XSLImportRule out of XSLStyleSheet.* into separate |
| files (one class per file). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * xml/XSLImportRule.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::XSLImportRule::XSLImportRule): |
| (WebCore::XSLImportRule::parentStyleSheet): |
| (WebCore::XSLImportRule::loadSheet): |
| * xml/XSLImportRule.h: Added. |
| * xml/XSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| * xml/XSLStyleSheet.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8300 |
| REGRESSION: First mouse click is randomly ignored when clicking on checkbox and radio buttons |
| |
| * css/html4.css: |
| Set "-webkit-user-select: ignore" on radio buttons and check boxes . |
| |
| 2006-07-07 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - fix 20 Node leaks on fast/events tests - these should be the last ones |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.mm: |
| (-[DOMEvent dealloc]): implement - deref the event! |
| (-[DOMEvent finalize]): ditto |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - fix 26 Node leaks on fast/dom tests |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): delete tokenizer - if we are still parsing at this point, we don't |
| want nodes held by the parser to keep the document alive. |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::RefNonDocNodePtr): Smart pointer that acts like RefPtr for Node, |
| but avoids refing document nodes to avoid cycles. |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::~RefNonDocNodePtr): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::get): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::operator*): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::operator->): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::operator!): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::operator UnspecifiedBoolType): |
| (WebCore::RefNonDocNodePtr::operator=): |
| (WebCore::operator==): |
| (WebCore::operator!=): |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem): Use a RefNonDocNodePtr instead of RefPtr<Node> |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks): Use a RefPtr here to avoid crashing |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fixed new popup control to open up when the spacebar and the up and down arrows are pressed. |
| |
| - Fixed http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9762 |
| [Native pop up] Highlighted item text is black instead of white |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isKeyboardFocusable): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isMouseFocusable): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): Updated to showPopup for up and down arrow keys and spacebar. |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::shouldUseMenuList): Made this const. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::populate): Added FIXME. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::showPopup): Updated to save the NSEvent that triggers the popup, so we can send |
| fake mouseUp and keyUp events when the NSMenu returns. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addGroupLabel): Only set the NSForegroundColorAttributeName attribute if the text isn't black. |
| Follow-up bug about other colors: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9769 |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addOption): ditto. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: (WebCore::FrameMac::currentEvent): Returns the current NSEvent. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4609184> |
| Mail crashes at WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent |
| <rdar://problem/4609140> |
| Crash at WebCore::Range::compareBoundaryPoints |
| |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::adjustForEditableContent): |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::next): Moved code into a helper function. |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::previous): Ditto. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::comparePositions): Moved from Selection.cpp. |
| (WebCore::lowestEditableAncestor): Added. Returns rootEditableElement |
| for a node in editable content and the rootEditableElement for the first |
| ancestor that's editable for a node in non-editable content. |
| (WebCore::firstEditablePositionAfterPositionInRoot): |
| (WebCore::lastEditablePositionBeforePositionInRoot): |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9528 |
| REGRESSION: arrow key skips '>' in Bugzilla replies due to '\n' in text nodes |
| |
| Patch by Darin, tweaked by Anders. |
| |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLElement::setInnerText): |
| Convert newline characters to <br> elements. I've verified that what's done here is what WinIE does when setting innerText. |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLElement::setOuterText): |
| Fix comment. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks): |
| Remove assert. m_div->firstChild() can be null now because setInnerText doesn't create |
| text nodes for empty strings anymore. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| - Speculative fix for <rdar://problem/4605532> unrepro crash at cnn.com after upgrading to 10.4.7 (but happening with 10.4.6 too) |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameView::layout): Ref's the view during layout, since a recalcStyle could cause the view to be deleted. |
| If we get back from recalcStyle, and there's only one ref, return early since the the view will be deleted when we exit layout. |
| * page/FrameView.h: (WebCore::FrameView::hasOneRef): Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4610891> Support overflow events |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| Add generated sources. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add new files. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| Support creating wrappers for overflow events.. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.mm: |
| (+[DOMEvent _eventWith:]): |
| (-[DOMOverflowEvent _overflowEvent]): |
| (-[DOMOverflowEvent orient]): |
| (-[DOMOverflowEvent horizontalOverflow]): |
| (-[DOMOverflowEvent verticalOverflow]): |
| Add Objective-C wrapper for overflow events. |
| |
| * dom/Event.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Event::isOverflowEvent): |
| * dom/Event.h: |
| * dom/EventNames.h: |
| * dom/OverflowEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::OverflowEvent): |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::isOverflowEvent): |
| * dom/OverflowEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::): |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::orient): |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::horizontalOverflow): |
| (WebCore::OverflowEvent::verticalOverflow): |
| * dom/OverflowEvent.idl: Added. |
| Add overflow events. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::FrameViewPrivate): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::applyOverflowToViewport): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| Dispatch any scheduled events when layout is done. |
| |
| (WebCore::FrameView::scheduleEvent): |
| New function which schedules an event. |
| |
| (WebCore::FrameView::updateOverflowStatus): |
| Update overflow status for the viewport. |
| |
| (WebCore::FrameView::dispatchScheduledEvents): |
| New function which dispatches all scheduled events. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| Add declarations. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::RenderLayer): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateOverflowStatus): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| Schedule overflow events when overflow status changes. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4610881> Expose scroll-related JS properties to ObjC DOM interface |
| <rdar://problem/4519675> offsetLeft, offsetTop, offsetHeight, and offsetWidth |
| properties are not exposed to ObjC |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement offsetLeft]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement offsetTop]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement offsetWidth]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement offsetHeight]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement offsetParent]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement clientWidth]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement clientHeight]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement scrollLeft]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement setScrollLeft:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement scrollTop]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement setScrollTop:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement scrollWidth]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement scrollHeight]): |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix 435 more layout tests Node leaks |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): fix more instances of leaked DOM ranges |
| |
| 2006-07-06 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4565031> innerHTML of XMP tag returns special characters like '>' instead of '>' |
| |
| Test: fast/innerHTML/006.html |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startMarkup): |
| (WebCore::createMarkup): |
| Do not special quote content of XMP nodes. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Not reviewed - build fix. |
| |
| - back out earlier leak fix, as it caused a crash on one of the fast/invalid layout tests |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::HTMLStackElem): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popNestedHeaderTag): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::reopenResidualStyleTags): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popBlock): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popOneBlock): |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix ~3000 Node leaks on the editing tests |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): put a newly created Range in a RefPtr |
| to avoid leaking it, as this leaks the whole document. |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix 26 Node leaks on various fast/dom tests |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): Delete the tokenizer here, since if we are in mid-parse, |
| the parser might hold refs on some of our children that have self-only refs. |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::HTMLStackElem): don't ref the node if it is a document to avoid ref cycles |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::~HTMLStackElem): ditto |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::node): changed interface a bit to support the above |
| (WebCore::HTMLStackElem::setNode): ditto |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popNestedHeaderTag): use new interface to HTMLStackElem |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::handleResidualStyleCloseTagAcrossBlocks): ditto |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::reopenResidualStyleTags): ditto |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popBlock): ditto |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::popOneBlock): ditto |
| |
| 2006-07-06 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::createsAnonymousWrapper): This method replaces |
| allowsReusingAnonymousChild() and has the opposite meaning. |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Build fixes. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuWin.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuWin::RenderPopupMenuWin): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix 308 Node leaks on the editing layout tests |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::removedLastRef): Clear the markers once there |
| are no real refs on the document, otherwise a self-only reference cycle w/ the document |
| can occur. |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej and Hyatt. |
| |
| Initial implementation of popup menu control. This can be turned on by setting -webkit-appearance: menulist on a select element. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added RenderMenuList.h, RenderMenuList.cpp, RenderPopupMenu.h, RenderPopupMenu.cpp, |
| RenderPopupMenuWin.h, RenderPopupMenuMac.h, RenderPopupMenuMac.mm, |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::renderStyle): Added. Returns the renderer's style. If there's no renderer, returns's a RenderStyle that's kept by the node. |
| This is important for HTMLOptGroupElement and HTMLOptionElement, which don't have renderers. |
| (WebCore::Node::setRenderStyle): Added. |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::recalcStyle): Updated to use renderStyle so recalcStyle will work for HTMLOptionElements and HTMLOptGroupElements. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: Updated to call renderStyle method on the node, so resolving style works on elements w/o renderers that cache style. |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::initForStyleResolve): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::locateCousinList): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::canShareStyleWithElement): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::locateSharedStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector): |
| |
| * css/html4.css: Removed display:none from options and optgroups, since we're now caching style for these elements. |
| Added font-weight styles for option and optgroup. |
| |
| * html/HTMLOptGroupElement.h: Added m_style to keep track of a RenderStyle for the element, even though we aren't creating a renderer. |
| This will allow us to honor style for optgroups and options for popup menus (and eventually list boxes too). |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::rendererIsNeeded): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::renderStyle): Added. |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.h: ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::rendererIsNeeded): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::renderStyle): Added. |
| |
| * html/HTMLOptGroupElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::HTMLOptGroupElement): Initialize m_style. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::attach): Set the renderStyle. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::detach): Clear m_style. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::setRenderStyle): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptGroupElement::groupLabelText): Added. |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::HTMLOptionElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::attach): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::detach): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::setRenderStyle): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::optionText): |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: Added code to use the new RenderMenuList if the appearance is set to MenuListAppearance, |
| and if we're not creating a list box renderer. |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcStyle): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setRecalcListItems): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: Added _wkPopupMenu. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: Added wkPopupMenu to get the NSMenu to pop up. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: |
| |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Added stubs for RenderPopupMenuWin. |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::RenderPopupMenuWin): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::~RenderPopupMenuWin): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::clear): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::populate): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::showPopup): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::addSeparator): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::addGroupLabel): |
| (RenderPopupMenuWin::addOption): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuWin.h: Added. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::RenderPopupMenu): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::~RenderPopupMenu): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::clear): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::populate): Walks the DOM tree, and adds separators, options, and group labels to the RenderPopupMenu. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::showPopup): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::addSeparator): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::addGroupLabel): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::addOption): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenu.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenu::getRenderMenuList): |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderPopupMenuMac.mm: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::RenderPopupMenuMac): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::~RenderPopupMenuMac): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::clear): Removes all items from the menu. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::populate): Disables menuChangedMessages before populating the menu. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::showPopup): Calculates the right position, and calls wkPopupMenu. |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addSeparator): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addGroupLabel): |
| (WebCore::RenderPopupMenuMac::addOption): |
| |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::RenderMenuList): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::addChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::removeChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateFromElement): If the options have changed, iterate through the children to find the menu item with the widest text. |
| Set the button text to the selected item's text. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setText): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::paintObject): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::showPopup): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::updateSelection): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::valueChanged): |
| * rendering/RenderMenuList.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::removeLeftoverAnonymousBoxes): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::allowsReusingAnonymousChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::canHaveChildren): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setOptionsChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::selectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::setSelectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderMenuList::hasPopupMenu): |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: Added cases for MenuListAppearance. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::paint): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintBorderOnly): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::isControlStyled): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustMenuListStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::createPopupMenu): creates platform-specific RenderPopupMenu. |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::sizeOfArrowControl): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintMenuList): Added. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintMenuList): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustMenuListStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::setPopupButtonCellState): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::createPopupMenu): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::sizeOfArrowControl): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::createPopupMenu): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.h: |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Omernick. |
| |
| IconDatabase now respects private browsing via the use of in memory, temporary tables |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconForPageURL:withSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconURLForPageURL:]): Renamed WebCore::IconDatabase methods, changes reflected here |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::clearDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::deletePrivateTables): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconID): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::performSetIconDataForIconID): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishTemporaryIconIDForEscapedIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForEscapedIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setHaveNoIconForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::performSetIconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasIconForIconURL): |
| -Some style/comment cleanups, but mainly putting private browsing handling in place |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: Some methods added, others renamed, some comments added |
| |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText16): |
| -The above 4 had changes to return String() for empty results instead of "" as it's less expensive; |
| |
| 2006-07-05 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin and Adele. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4609162> REGRESSION: When tabbing between links on a page, |
| the window doesn't scroll to link that's not in view |
| |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: |
| removed HTMLAnchorElement::focus and HTMLAnchorElement::blur. |
| |
| HTMLAnchorElement::focus just called document()->setFocusNode(). The scroll-to-reveal |
| code used to be inside document()->setFocusNode(), but now it's in Element::focus, and this override |
| was preventing that code from running. |
| |
| HTMLAnchorElement::blur was exactly the same implementation as Element::blur (and there aren't any |
| other implementations of ::blur in the class hierarchy in between). This change has no practical |
| effect, other than removing duplicate code. |
| |
| Adele and I think that it was an oversight not to remove these two methods on 12/20/05 |
| these methods were removed from HTMLButtonElementImpl and HTMLInputElementImpl. |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::FrameWin): |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.h: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (FrameWin::createFrame): |
| Fix Win32 build. |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Revert accidental change of debug format to DWARF. |
| |
| 2006-07-05 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3581 |
| iFrames set to display:none are Missing from frames array |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::FrameMac): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::createFrame): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge initSubframeWithOwnerElement:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge installInFrame:]): |
| Modify to pass the owner element instead of the owner renderer. |
| |
| * dom/ContainerNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ContainerNode::insertBefore): |
| (WebCore::ContainerNode::replaceChild): |
| (WebCore::ContainerNode::appendChild): |
| Dispatch the node inserted events before attaching the nodes. This is what the |
| tokenizer does. |
| |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::openURL): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::attach): |
| Pass the element to requestFrame. |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::setLocation): |
| Don't call attach/detach on an iframe. |
| |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::insertedIntoDocument): |
| Load the frame here (using openURL). |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::removedFromDocument): |
| Call frameDetached. |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::attach): |
| If there's a renderer, attach the content frame to it. |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::detach): |
| Reset the renderer's frame. |
| |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::openURL): |
| Modify to request the frame. |
| |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.h: |
| Add detach. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::parentFromOwnerElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| (WebCore::Frame::~Frame): |
| (WebCore::Frame::requestFrame): |
| (WebCore::Frame::requestObject): |
| (WebCore::Frame::loadSubframe): |
| (WebCore::Frame::ownerElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::ownerRenderer): |
| (WebCore::Frame::disconnectOwnerElement): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| * rendering/RenderPart.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::setFrame): |
| Modify to keep an owner element around instead of the renderer. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderPartObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPartObject::updateWidget): |
| Don't do anything for iframes. |
| |
| 2006-07-04 Kevin Ollivier <kevino@theolliviers.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej, reworked a bit by Darin. |
| |
| Compile fixes for wx port / gcc 4.0.2 |
| |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/StringImpl.h: |
| Include CoreFoundation for CF-specific code. |
| |
| * dom/DocPtr.h: |
| * doc/EventTargetNode.h: |
| Silence warnings about 'extra tokens' after #endif on gcc 4.0.2. |
| (Not an error but warnings appear frequently.) |
| |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: |
| * webcore-base.bkl: |
| Synching ports sources file with TOT. Also, making sure SRCDIR variable |
| overrides any previous values. |
| |
| * loader/ImageDocument.cpp: |
| Use PLATFORM(MAC) for the parts that are specific to the Macintosh version, |
| and move the Objective-C parts to another file. |
| |
| * loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.h: Added. |
| * loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.mm: Added. |
| |
| 2006-07-04 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Build fix. |
| |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::makeRGBAFromHSLA): |
| |
| 2006-07-02 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - Added HSL color support as specified in CSS3 spec. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9506 |
| Added parsing support of hsl(h,s,l) and hsla(h,s,l,a) |
| Added converting code to convert HSL to RGB |
| |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseColorParameters): |
| Moved common code to parse RGB/RGBA values into it's |
| own function. This code was duplicated in the parseColorFromValue() |
| method. |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseHSLParameters): |
| Common code to parse HSL/HSLA values. |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseColorFromValue): |
| Moved RGB/RGBA parsing out to seperate function as the code was |
| duplicated. |
| Added parsing support for hsl( and hsla( |
| * css/cssparser.h: |
| Added two new functions parseColorParameters() and |
| parseHSLParameters(). |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::calcHue): |
| Added Hue parameter to RGB color. |
| (WebCore::makeRGBAFromHSLA): |
| New function to convert HSLA to RGBA. |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| Added new functions makeRGBAFromHSLA() and calcHue(). |
| |
| 2006-07-02 Mike Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by ggaren. |
| |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.cpp |
| Fixed broken dowload logic |
| * platform/gdk/ScrollViewGdk.cpp |
| Add comment that scrollbarSize is a temporary variable |
| * Projects/gdk/webcore-gdk.bkl |
| Defined NDEBUG build executable is miscompiled otherwise |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl |
| added icon/SiteIcon.cpp editing/IndentOutdentCommand.cpp |
| html/HTMLViewSourceDocument.cpp |
| |
| 2006-07-02 Shawn Stricker <kb1ibt@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher. Build fix for Linux. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9684 |
| [GDK] multiple little fixes and a few new things for Templinkstubs |
| |
| * platform/gdk/ScrollViewGdk.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ScrollView::setDrawable): Changed SCROLLBAR_SIZE to scrollbarSize. |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (Image::drawTiled): Added missing parameter to argument list. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.cpp: |
| (WebCore::writeCallback): Added missing parenthesis to static_cast. |
| |
| 2006-07-02 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9674 |
| REGRESSION (r15075): Blank or incomplete pages on digg.com |
| |
| Replaced the requestingScript state bit added in the fix for bug 9317 |
| with a m_requestingScript bool that is set before and restored |
| after calling ref() on a CachedScript. |
| |
| Test: fast/tokenizer/nested-cached-scripts.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::HTMLTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::begin): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::notifyFinished): |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::State::): |
| |
| 2006-07-01 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by NOBODY (build fix). |
| |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.cpp: |
| (WebCore::writeCallback): Changed 'static_cat' to 'static_cast'. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Mike Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and worked over a lot by Darin. |
| |
| - check in first set of GDK-specific sources |
| |
| * platform/gdk/BrowserExtensionGdk.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/CookieJarGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/CursorGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FontCacheGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FontDataGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FontGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FontPlatformData.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FontPlatformDataGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/FrameGdk.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/GlyphMapGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/KeyEventGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/KeyboardCodes.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/MouseEventGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/PageGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/ScreenGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/ScrollViewGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/SharedTimerLinux.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/SystemTimeLinux.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobCurl.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/TransferJobManager.h: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/WheelEventGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/WidgetGdk.cpp: Added. |
| * platform/gdk/gdk-encodings.txt: Added. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Mike Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Updated for recent file changes. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Mike Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and enhanced by Darin. |
| |
| Compilation fixes for Linux/Gdk. |
| |
| * WebCore/platform/FontData.h: Added forward declaration of a class. |
| * WebCore/platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: Fixed case on include. |
| * WebCore/bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: Added <math.h> include. |
| |
| * WebCore/css/maketokenizer: Fixed incorrect check for Linux that was |
| already true even on Mac OS X. Added some additional includes and |
| defines to the Linux extra generated code. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7204 |
| float inserted in fixed height block via DOM not repainted |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/float-move-during-layout.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlockChildren): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::repaintOverhangingFloats): Renamed repaintFloatingDescendants() |
| to this and limited it to repainting overhanging floats. Added a boolean parameter that forces |
| all descendant overhanging floats (that don't have their own layer) to paint. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::repaintDuringLayoutIfMoved): Changed to paint all descendant |
| floats. |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::repaintOverhangingFloats): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: Removed is[Not]EqualIgnoringAffinity and made operator== use the logic that ignores affinity. |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: Ditto. |
| (WebCore::operator==): |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isStartOfParagraph): Changed to compare VisiblePositions using ==. |
| (WebCore::isEndOfParagraph): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::isStartOfBlock): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::isEndOfBlock): Ditto. |
| |
| === Safari-521.14 === |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::canHaveChildrenForEditing): Don't insert children into |
| object tags while editing. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4598309 |
| Caret gets stuck when it hits non editable content within an editable body |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9510> |
| Caret will jump out of an editable region |
| |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Position::upstream): Don't move into a new editable region so that |
| candidates that that straddle an editable/non-editable boundary will |
| correspond to different VisiblePositions. |
| (WebCore::Position::downstream): Ditto. |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyMovingRightForward): Use VisiblePosition::next(true) |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::modifyMovingLeftBackward): Use VisiblePosition::previous(true) |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::next): Added code to jump to the next editable region as long |
| as it has the same highest editable root. |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::previous): Ditto. |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::highestEditableRoot): Added, returns the highest editable root of a node if that |
| node is in editable content, otherwise 0. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-30 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9358 |
| REGRESSION: Assertion failure in HTMLInputElement::setValueFromRenderer |
| (value == constrainValue(value)) when deleting all text |
| |
| Test: editing/deleting/delete-all-text-in-text-field-assertion.html |
| |
| Bug 9661 filed to fix the follow-up issue: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9661 |
| textContent returns "\n" for a <br> even if it is collapsed |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setValueFromRenderer): Work around "\n" value |
| when all characters are deleted from a text field. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Omernick |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4609481> Crash calling -[WebScriptObject valueForKey:] when JS disabled |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::executionContextForDOM): |
| Early return if JS is not enabled. |
| |
| 2006-06-30 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim H. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9664 |
| REGRESSION (r15106): Crash in fast/events/mouseover-mouseout2.html |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMouseMoveEvent): Added a check that oldSubframe is |
| still a subframe of the view's frame before passing the event to it. |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/3694163> -[KWQPageState finalize] is incorrect; design change needed |
| <rdar://problem/3694165> -[WebCoreFrameBridge finalize] is incorrect; design change needed |
| |
| Added close methods that need to be called before these |
| objects can be released. This ensures proper tear-down under GC. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge dealloc]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge finalize]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge close]): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge setMainFrame:]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge dealloc]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge finalize]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge close]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge mainFrame]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge setGroupName:]): |
| (-[WebCorePageBridge groupName]): |
| * kwq/KWQPageState.h: |
| * kwq/KWQPageState.mm: |
| (-[KWQPageState dealloc]): |
| (-[KWQPageState finalize]): |
| (-[KWQPageState close]): |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4874 |
| Table with absolute bottom positioning is positioned incorrectly |
| |
| Note: patch originally from Mitz, spruced up by Weinig. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalValues): |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::layout): |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Graham Dennis <Graham.Dennis@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9505 |
| moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary creates a new block outside the current position |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| Added sanity checking to prevent modifying nodes outside of |
| where we should be |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary): |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Levi. |
| |
| In addition to a few small details, logging changes, and style cleanups, this is a stop-gap hack |
| for a problem in SQLite's blob handling. Querying for a blob in a void* form is reproducibly |
| returning a corrupt buffer. The temporary solution is to query for the blob as "quoted text" and |
| manually convert the return string into a character buffer. |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::createPrivateTables): |
| |
| (WebCore::hexToUnsignedChar): These two functions are the text-to-character-data converters for the time being |
| (WebCore::hexStringToVector): |
| |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconID): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasIconForIconURL): |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: changes the icon data accessors to return a Vector<unsigned char> instead of void* |
| |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::columnCount): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlob): |
| * icon/SiteIcon.cpp: |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9652 |
| Assertion failure when changing an RTL table cell to display:none |
| |
| Test: fast/table/rtl-cell-display-none-assert.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::layoutRows): Corrected the index used as |
| the last index in the columnPos vector. |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9622 |
| showModalDialog returnValue ignored, function result is always "undefined" |
| |
| * manual-tests/modal-dialog.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/show-modal-dialog-test.html: Added. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::clear): Call KJSProxy::clear with the |
| clearWindowProperties parameter instead of not calling it at all when |
| clearWindowProperties is false. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.h: Add boolean clearWindowProperties parameter. |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: (WebCore::KJSProxy::clear): Pass clearWindowProperties |
| variable through to Window::clear instead of not calling it at all. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.h: Add boolean clearWindowProperties parameter. |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::Window::clear): If clearWindowProperties |
| is false, do only the returnValue work, not the rest of the work. |
| |
| * manual-tests/modal-dialog.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/show-modal-dialog-test.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4450615> Add composite mode to background |
| styles |
| |
| -webkit-background-composite will set a composite mode on a |
| background image. |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| * css/CSSPropertyNames.in: Add -webkit-background-composite |
| * css/CSSValueKeywords.in: Add all possible values (clear, copy, |
| source-over, source-in, source-out, source-atop, destination-over, |
| destination-in, destination-out, destination-atop, xor, plus- |
| darker, highlight, and plus-lighter) |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseBackgroundProperty): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::mapBackgroundComposite): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawTiledImage): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: drawTiledImage() now takes a |
| composite operator. |
| * platform/Image.h: drawTiled() now takes a composite operator. |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Set the composite operator. |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Set the composite operator. |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (Image::drawTiled): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): Send the composite |
| operator in the render style over to the graphics context. |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::BackgroundLayer): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::operator=): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::operator==): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::fillUnsetProperties): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::cullEmptyLayers): |
| * rendering/render_style.h: |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::backgroundComposite): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::isBackgroundCompositeSet): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::setBackgroundComposite): |
| (WebCore::BackgroundLayer::clearBackgroundComposite): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::backgroundComposite): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::initialBackgroundComposite): |
| |
| 2006-06-29 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9649 |
| The no-svg build broke after r15091 |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.h: Added #if XPATH_SUPPORT/#endif. |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: Ditto. |
| (raiseDOMException): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.h: Ditto. |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.mm: Ditto. |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPathInternal.h: Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-29 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim O. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4599760> Objective-C XPath support |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add files. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: |
| (raiseDOMException): |
| Handle XPath exceptions |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.h: Added. |
| (-[DOMXPathNSResolver lookupNamespaceURI:]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPath.mm: Added. |
| (-[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver finalize]): |
| (-[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver _xpathNSResolver]): |
| (-[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver _initWithXPathNSResolver:]): |
| (+[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver _xpathNSResolverWith:]): |
| (-[DOMNativeXPathNSResolver lookupNamespaceURI:]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult finalize]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult resultType]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult numberValue]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult stringValue]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult booleanValue]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult singleNodeValue]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult invalidIteratorState]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult snapshotLength]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult iterateNext]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult snapshotItem:]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult _xpathResult]): |
| (-[DOMXPathResult _initWithXPathResult:]): |
| (+[DOMXPathResult _xpathResultWith:]): |
| (-[DOMXPathExpression evaluate:::]): |
| (-[DOMXPathExpression _xpathExpression]): |
| (-[DOMXPathExpression _initWithXPathExpression:]): |
| (+[DOMXPathExpression _xpathExpressionWith:]): |
| (-[DOMDocument createExpression::]): |
| (-[DOMDocument createNSResolver:]): |
| (-[DOMDocument evaluate:::::]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMXPathInternal.h: Added. |
| Add Objective-C XPath API. |
| |
| 2006-06-28 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Add support for custom highlighting to paint at the root line box level |
| (and to inflate the box it uses so that it can go outside the bounds of |
| the line if necessary). |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::customHighlightLineRect): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::paintCustomHighlight): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintCustomHighlight): |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paintCustomHighlight): |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paint): |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4592005> FormatBlock inserts in the wrong place, disregarding editable content |
| <rdar://problem/4590763> FormatBlock for paragraph style doesn't work |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::rootEditableElement): Return inline nodes |
| * editing/FormatBlockCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FormatBlockCommand::doApply): Keep from inserting before editable content |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Support html braces (<>) around tag names |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| svg/custom/text-hit-test.svg was failing |
| |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates): Don't skip child |
| renderers that have a height of 0 when looking for the closest child |
| renderer, they may contain content that overflows. |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::positionForCoordinates): Fixed typos. |
| |
| 2006-06-28 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Make the view source document properly handle <script>. We don't syntax |
| highlight the JS yet, but it shows up properly now. |
| |
| Reviewed by john |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Prefer the Stabs debugging symbols format until DWARF bugs are fixed. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| Fixed EditActions for InsertHorizontalRule and RemoveFormat. |
| |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::ReplaceSelectionCommand): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::editingAction): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Build Fix. Reviewed by NOBODY |
| |
| * editing/IndentOutdentCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::indentRegion): |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7568 |
| Bug 7568: Implement Indent/Outdent |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Added IndentOutdentCommand.h/cpp |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto. |
| * editing/IndentOutdentCommand.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::IndentOutdentCommand): |
| (WebCore::enclosingListOrBlockquote): |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::splitTreeToNode): Splits the DOM tree from a |
| descendent node to an ending ancestor, duplicating nodes when necessary. Returns |
| the last node split. Used to insert blockquotes at the topmost level. |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::indentRegion): |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::outdentParagraph): |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::outdentRegion): |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/IndentOutdentCommand.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::): |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Added the execCommands Indent and Outdent |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::enclosingNodeWithTag): Finds the enclosing node with any specified tag. |
| (WebCore::enclosingListChild): Added checks for nill and editable boundaries. |
| (WebCore::outermostEnclosingListChild): Returns the highest ancestor list child. |
| (WebCore::highestAncestor): Added. |
| (WebCore::createElement): Changed the passed in string to a const reference. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin and Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9561 |
| REGRESSION: Content property on :before of button causes hang on click or hover |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/button-generated-content.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::setStyle): |
| * rendering/RenderButton.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderButton::updatePseudoChild): Added. Calls updatePseudoChildForObject() |
| on the button itself or on its inner div, if it has one. |
| * rendering/RenderButton.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderButton::createsAnonymousWrapper): Added. Returns true. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::pseudoChild): Added. Returns the child containing |
| generated content of the requested type if there is one, or otherwise the |
| child before/after which such generated content should come. |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::updatePseudoChild): Removed the child parameter and moved the guts |
| of this method into updatePseudoChildForObject, which this method calls unless the object |
| is an anonymous wrapper. |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::updatePseudoChildForObject): Added. Does the what |
| updatePseudoChildForObject did previously, but fetches the pseudo style from |
| the styledObject parameter. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderInline.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderInline::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderInline::addChildToFlow): |
| (WebCore::RenderInline::splitInlines): |
| (WebCore::RenderInline::splitFlow): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::createsAnonymousWrapper): Added. This method replaces |
| allowsReusingAnonymousChild and returns the opposite of what that method used to |
| return. Returns true if the object creates an anonymous child to contain all its |
| other children. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Hookup the new semi-functional SQLite icon database. |
| For now, it is living side-by-side with the old DB so one can compare the |
| two for debugging purposes. Also, it is disabled (in WebKit) by default unless you |
| compile with ICONDEBUG #defined. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added file SiteIcon.cpp |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge privateBrowsingEnabled]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconForPageURL:withSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconURLForPageURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setIconData:forIconURL:]): |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isValidDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::createPrivateTables): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::deletePrivateTables): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconID): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::imageDataForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconURLForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconDataForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::establishIconIDForEscapedIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setHaveNoIconForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasIconForIconURL): |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::SiteIcon::getIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::getPrivateBrowsingEnabled): |
| |
| * icon/SiteIcon.cpp: Added. |
| (SiteIcon::SiteIcon): |
| (SiteIcon::~SiteIcon): |
| (SiteIcon::getImage): |
| (SiteIcon::resetExpiration): |
| (SiteIcon::getExpiration): |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9605 |
| REGRESSION: pageX and pageY are both 0 for events created with initMouseEvent |
| |
| Calculate pageX/pageY and clientX/clientY values when using initMouseEvent. |
| |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::initMouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::initCoordinates): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej and Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9317 |
| REGRESSION: crash in HTML tokenizer at Japanese Apple support page |
| |
| Test: fast/tokenizer/write-unclosed-script.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): Changed to reset the inScript flag |
| and scriptCodeSize before possible script execution, but not afterwards. |
| This way, if script execution write()s a <script> tag without closing it, |
| the tokenizer is left in inScript state. Added code to set the requestingScript |
| flag around the request for the cached script, to let notifiyFinished() know |
| that it's being called under scriptHandler(). |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptExecution): Removed code that saved and restored |
| the inScript flag. This function is always entered now with inScript being false. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::notifyFinished): Changed to use the new requestingScript |
| state flag instead of the inScript flag, which is always false now when entering |
| this function. |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| Added the requestingScript state bit, used to tell notifyFinished() that it |
| is being called under scriptHandler() (which happens when the script is already |
| in cache). |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Added RemoveFormat. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Kevin Decker <kdecker@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by brady. |
| |
| Fixed: <rdar://problem/4597679> TOT REGRESSION: popup blocker DOA |
| |
| Need to add window.open() support to DumpRenderTree before landing an actual layout test. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): Because FrameTree::find() returns true for empty strings, |
| we must check for empty framenames. Otherwise, illegitimate window.open() calls with no name |
| will pass right through the popup blocker. |
| |
| 2006-06-28 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| Move FIXME comment here. |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DOMWindow::getComputedStyle): |
| Don't do a null check on the renderer here. Everything's handled by |
| CSSComputedStyleDeclaration anyway. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: Fixed #include formatting. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4599735> Clicking out of a table at the extremes of an editable document doesn't appear to work |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::positionForCoordinates): In the fall through case, |
| where we can't find a child block that contains (x, y), pass to RenderFlow |
| instead of the last visible child block. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates): Don't pass to the closest |
| child renderer if this is a table and (x, y) is outside the table. Return |
| a VisiblePosition before or after the table. |
| Fixed the code that finds the closest child renderer. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Preserve entity text in view source mode. This patch doesn't highlight the |
| the entities yet, but it at least prevents their resolution and removal. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseEntity): |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9623 |
| REGRESSION: getComputedStyle should do a relayout |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DOMWindow::getComputedStyle): |
| Do a relayout. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4550473> Reproducible hang on www.digg.com |
| |
| * dom/NodeList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::NodeList::recursiveItem): Make NodeList caching also |
| work for backwards iteration - if the requested index is before |
| the last cached, but closer to it than to the start of the list, |
| then search backwards from there. |
| (WebCore::NodeList::itemForwardsFromCurrent): Split this out as a |
| helper method. |
| (WebCore::NodeList::itemBackwardsFromCurrent): New helper, similar |
| to the above. |
| * dom/NodeList.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Levi |
| |
| Some SQLDatabase cleanup (style stuff) and enhancements |
| |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: |
| (SQLDatabase::open): |
| (SQLDatabase::executeCommand): |
| (SQLDatabase::returnsAtLeastOneResult): Accessor to see if this query returns results |
| (SQLDatabase::lastInsertRowID): Accessor for the rowid of the last insert |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::prepareAndStep): |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::bindInt64): |
| -All of the following used to require the user to manually prepare and step a statement |
| before asking for the result. Now it will prepare and step itself so you can use a temporary |
| object to get a quick result |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnDouble): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt64): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlobAsVector): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlob): |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Ada Chan <adachan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by sfalken. |
| |
| Fixed build. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4602635> Media queries must be extended to |
| address CSS pixel scaling factor |
| |
| * css/MediaFeatureNames.h: Add -webkit-device-pixel-ratio, -webkit- |
| min-device-pixel-ratio, and -webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio to the |
| list of feature names. |
| * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::cmpvalue): Added a version of cmpvalue that compares |
| floats. |
| (WebCore::device_pixel_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_device_pixel_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_device_pixel_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - finish with http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9606 |
| REGRESSION: some callers are still using clientX/Y to get pageX/Y |
| |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::userResize): |
| Change to use pageX/Y, but this really doesn't matter since framesets |
| can't be scrolled -- it's the frames that are scrolled. So this change |
| has no user-visible effect, but it's still better this way. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fix 2/3 of http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9606 |
| REGRESSION: some callers are still using clientX/Y to get pageX/Y |
| |
| Test: fast/events/anchor-image-scrolled-x-y.html |
| Test: fast/events/input-image-scrolled-x-y.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::defaultEventHandler): Use pageX/Y. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-27 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Added functionality to WebCore::Image to get multiple representations/sizes into TIFF data |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::getTIFFRepresentation): |
| |
| 2006-06-26 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for 9538, support syntax highlighted HTML source. Lots of loose |
| ends still (script/style/comments/doctype/entities/accurate whitespace). |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge setInViewSourceMode:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge inViewSourceMode]): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::loadDefaultStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::matchUARules): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * css/view-source.css: Added. |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::implicitClose): |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.h: |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::Tokenizer): |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::~Tokenizer): |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::inViewSourceMode): |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::setInViewSourceMode): |
| * html/HTMLAttributeNames.in: |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::init): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::attach): |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::viewSourceMode): |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::HTMLTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptExecution): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::parseTag): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::continueProcessing): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::timerFired): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::end): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::processToken): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::notifyFinished): |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| * html/HTMLViewSourceDocument.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLViewSourceDocument::HTMLViewSourceDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLViewSourceDocument::createTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLViewSourceDocument::addViewSourceToken): |
| (WebCore::HTMLViewSourceDocument::addViewSourceAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLViewSourceDocument::addSpanWithClassName): |
| * html/HTMLViewSourceDocument.h: Added. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| (WebCore::Frame::inViewSourceMode): |
| (WebCore::Frame::setInViewSourceMode): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| * rendering/RenderPartObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPartObject::updateWidget): |
| |
| 2006-06-26 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9031 |
| REGRESSION: Crash when closing tabs on newegg.com |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::pageDestroyed): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| Add new method which is invoked when the frame's page has been destroyed. |
| Currently this function disassociates the JS Window object with the frame, |
| stopping any running JS timers. |
| |
| * page/Page.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Page::~Page): |
| Call pageDestroyed on all frames. |
| |
| 2006-06-26 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed and reworked by Darin. |
| |
| Code cleanup, calculate clientX/clientY in one central place. |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.h: |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchMouseEvent): |
| Renamed parameters to pageX/Y since they aren't clientX/Y values. |
| Removed code to compute clientX/Y (was a bit confused in naming before), |
| because that's now done inside MouseEvent. |
| |
| * dom/MouseEvent.h: |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent): Removed clientX/Y parameters. |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::initMouseEvent): Added comments about problems I noticed. |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::which): Fixed comment that confusingly mentioned KHTML, |
| when it was talking about the DOM standard. |
| |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::contentsX): Added helper function. |
| (WebCore::contentsY): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent): Removed clientX/Y parameter, |
| and added code to compute clientX/Y based on pageX/Y. |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::receivedTarget): Fixed comments. |
| |
| * dom/WheelEvent.h: |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: (WebCore::WheelEvent::WheelEvent): Removed clientX/Y |
| parameter. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameView::dispatchDragEvent): Removed the code |
| to compute coordinates, and renamed the confusingly named clientPos (which was |
| a page-relative position) to contentsPos. |
| |
| 2006-06-25 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and tweaked by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9185 |
| REGRESSION: UserID field appears with an incorrect height |
| on americanexpresslogin page |
| - Height and Width attribute only applies to IMAGE and HIDDEN |
| types. |
| |
| * dom/NamedMappedAttrMap.h: |
| (WebCore::NamedMappedAttrMap::getAttributeItem): |
| Added to static_cast method. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setInputType): |
| Update the style decl if input type has changed. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::mapToEntry): |
| Only Cache height and width if it is an IMAGE or HIDDEN |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| Check type before adding height and width style. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::attach): |
| Remove code for discarding width. |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::respectHeightAndWidthAttrs): |
| New method added to report if this input type uses height & width. |
| |
| 2006-06-25 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9537 |
| REGRESSION: Reproducible crash in WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks() |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/textarea-hard-linewrap-empty.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks): Added null check for |
| m_div->firstChild()->renderer(). |
| |
| 2006-06-25 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9388 |
| REGRESSION: outlines don't get erased when removed in some cases |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/outline-shrinking.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle): Always repaint with the old style if the outline is |
| becoming narrower, even if we are going to relayout. |
| |
| 2006-06-25 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8707: |
| event.clientX and event.clientY should be relative to the viewport, not the canvas |
| |
| Make sure clientX and clientY take into account the scroll offsets |
| of the view. |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchMouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.h: |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::initCoordinates): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::WheelEvent): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::dispatchDragEvent): |
| |
| 2006-06-25 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Bug 9574: Drosera should show inline scripts within the original HTML |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9574 |
| |
| * Pass the starting line number and error message to the debugger. |
| * Call parsedSource even if there was a script parse error so the |
| debugger can show the parse error. |
| * Pass NSURL objects to the ObjC delegate for the script URLs. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| (toNSURL): |
| (WebCoreScriptDebuggerImp::sourceParsed): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Build fix. Reviewed by NOBODY. |
| |
| - Backed out patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8707 |
| event.clientX and event.clientY should be relative to the viewport, not the canvas |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchMouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.h: |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::initCoordinates): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::WheelEvent): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8707: |
| event.clientX and event.clientY should be relative to the viewport, not the canvas |
| |
| Make sure clientX and clientY take into account the scroll offsets |
| of the view. |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/window-xy-properties.html |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchMouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.h: |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::initCoordinates): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::WheelEvent): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9352 |
| Webkit doesn't respect stroke-width in SVG for smaller <circle>s |
| |
| Make sure the stroke path is set before applying gradient transforms. |
| |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm: |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz::setup): |
| (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz::renderPath): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Rubber-stamped by Eric. |
| |
| Add a -h (do not follow symlinks) option to ln in derived sources build script (without it, |
| a symlink was created inside the source directory on second build). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-06-24 James G. Speth <speth@end.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. Copyrights tweaked by ddkilzer. |
| |
| Bug 8331: DOMNodeLists returned to Objective-C are not properly wrapped |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8331 |
| |
| DOMNodes were the only objects handled by createObjcInstanceForValue. |
| now it handles all of these: DOMNode, DOMNodeList, DOMNamedNodeMap, DOMStyleSheetList, |
| DOMStyleSheet, DOMMediaList, DOMCSSRuleList, DOMCSSRule, DOMCSSStyleDeclaration, and DOMCSSValue |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: added file DOMCSSInternal.h to project |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::): changed ClassInfo for DOMCSSStyleSheet to have DOMStyleSheet as its parent class |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMDocumentType :]): moved DOMNamedNodeMap (WebCoreInternal) interface to DOMInternal.h |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.mm: moved WebCoreInternal interfaces to DOMCSSInternal.h |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSSInternal.h: Added file, contains WebCoreInternal interface for CSS classes |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.h: added DOMNamedNodeMap (WebCoreInternal) interface |
| * bindings/objc/DOMUtility.mm: |
| (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::createObjcInstanceForValue): support for more classes |
| |
| 2006-06-24 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Timothy. |
| |
| * Info.plist: Fixed copyright to include 2003-2006. |
| * manual-tests/NPN_Invoke/Info.plist: Added copyright statement. |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9547 |
| Resize corner does not track the mouse accurately |
| |
| Test: fast/css/resize-corner-tracking.html |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMousePressEvent): Store the offset from the layer's |
| resizing corner where dragging has started. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMouseMoveEvent): Pass the stored offset to the |
| layer's resize method. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::resize): Added an offset parameter, which is added to |
| the mouse location. |
| For objects that may have intrinsic margins applied to them, |
| added code to lift the margins into the object's style in order to keep them |
| constant. |
| Changed to take the content size as the base size if the box-sizing property |
| is content-box. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::offsetFromResizeCorner): Added. Returns the offset of the |
| given point from the corner that tracks the mouse when resizing. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9316 |
| REGRESSION: text field width shrinks on first keystroke |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/floating-textfield-relayout.html |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layoutRoot): Added. During subtree relayout, returns |
| the subtree root. Otherwise returns 0. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layoutPending): Made const. |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcWidth): Added early return if this is the root |
| of a subtree being laid out. |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9531 |
| Pages that need only a horizontal scroll bar get a vertical one as well |
| |
| The change affects many existing tests. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): Mark the body renderer as needing layout if |
| the view's height has changed and the body stretches to the view's height. |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcHeight): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::stretchesToViewHeight): Added. Moved the logic for when |
| the HTML block needs to stretch to the view's height from calcHeight() here. |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7461 |
| Always encode the path part of an URI as UTF-8 |
| |
| Test: http/tests/uri/utf8-path.html |
| |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| (encodeRelativeString): Always set pathEncoding to UTF-8. |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Graham Dennis <Graham.Dennis@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9467 |
| TreeWalker/NodeIterator do not restrict the traversal |
| |
| Test: traversal/stay-within-root.html |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::traversePreviousNode): |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| Add a stayWithin argument to traversePreviousNode just like the other |
| traversal functions |
| * dom/NodeIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::NodeIterator::findNextNode): |
| (WebCore::NodeIterator::findPreviousNode): |
| Ensure that when moving forward or backward that the root node is not |
| exited |
| * dom/TreeWalker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TreeWalker::previousNode): |
| (WebCore::TreeWalker::nextNode): |
| Ditto |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphContentsToNewBlockIfNecessary): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Jonas Witt <jonas.witt@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren, landed by ap. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9181 |
| Complete DOMUIEvent Obj-C API to reflect UIEvent |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: add new classes DOMKeyboardEvent and DOMWheelEvent to the exported |
| symbols list of WebCore.framework |
| |
| Updated DOMUIEvent to include all DOM Level 2 properties |
| Added DOMKeyboardEvent (DOM Level 3) |
| Added two non-W3C accessors (keyCode, charCode) of DOMKeyboardEvent to a separate file (DOMEventsNonstandard) |
| Added DOMWheelEvent (non-W3C) in separate file (DOMEventsNonstandard) |
| Added this file (DOMEventsNonstandard) to the build process |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.h: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.mm: |
| (+[DOMEvent _eventWith:]): |
| (-[DOMUIEvent _UIEvent]): |
| (-[DOMUIEvent view]): |
| (-[DOMUIEvent detail]): |
| (-[DOMUIEvent initUIEvent:::::]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent _keyboardEvent]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent keyIdentifier]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent keyLocation]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent ctrlKey]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent shiftKey]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent altKey]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent metaKey]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent getModifierState:]): |
| (-[DOMMouseEvent button]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEventsNonstandard.mm: Added. |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent _wheelEvent]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent screenX]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent screenY]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent clientX]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent clientY]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent ctrlKey]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent shiftKey]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent altKey]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent metaKey]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent isHorizontal]): |
| (-[DOMWheelEvent wheelDelta]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent _keyboardEvent]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent keyCode]): |
| (-[DOMKeyboardEvent charCode]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by ap. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9563 |
| Remove unused layoutSuppressed field and inLayout() method |
| |
| No test added because there is no change in functionality. |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::reset): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderView::layout): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8177 |
| Javascript search incredibly slow |
| |
| No change in functionality, thus no test. |
| |
| Use info sharing for named collections, too. Moved shared HTMLCollection infos from HTMLDocument |
| to Document. Renamed collection types to use the preferred WebKit style. Replaced direct |
| HTMLCollection creation with using accessors from Document in a few places. |
| |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement children]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument images]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument applets]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument links]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument forms]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument anchors]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLMapElement areas]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableSectionElement rows]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement rows]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement tBodies]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableRowElement cells]): |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::images): |
| (WebCore::Document::applets): |
| (WebCore::Document::embeds): |
| (WebCore::Document::objects): |
| (WebCore::Document::scripts): |
| (WebCore::Document::links): |
| (WebCore::Document::forms): |
| (WebCore::Document::anchors): |
| (WebCore::Document::all): |
| (WebCore::Document::windowNamedItems): |
| (WebCore::Document::documentNamedItems): |
| (WebCore::Document::nameCollectionInfo): |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| (WebCore::Document::collectionInfo): |
| * html/HTMLCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::HTMLCollection): |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::traverseNextItem): |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::checkForNameMatch): |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::updateNameCache): |
| * html/HTMLCollection.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::): |
| * html/HTMLDocument.h: |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLElement::children): |
| * html/HTMLMapElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLMapElement::areas): |
| * html/HTMLNameCollection.h: |
| * html/HTMLNameCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLNameCollection::HTMLNameCollection): |
| (WebCore::HTMLNameCollection::traverseNextItem): |
| * html/HTMLFormCollection.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLOptionsCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionsCollection::HTMLOptionsCollection): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::collectionInfo): |
| * html/HTMLTableElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::rows): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::tBodies): |
| * html/HTMLTableRowElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableRowElement::cells): |
| * html/HTMLTableSectionElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableSectionElement::rows): |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeValue:]): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::gotoAnchor): |
| |
| 2006-06-24 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9418 |
| WebKit will not build when Space exists in path |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Enclose search paths in quotes; create symlinks to |
| avoid passing paths with spaces to make. |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4560947> Leopard REGRESSION: Dragging to TileGame Widget is broken |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::updateDragAndDrop): |
| Use the passed mouse event, instead of the "current" event. There is no such thing as |
| a "drag event". Asking for the current event during a drag returns a weird system- |
| internal event with an invalid mouse location. |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| Manual test added: cursor.html |
| |
| Bug 9560: should support new CSS3 cursor types to get more resizing directions |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9560 |
| |
| Adds support for ew-resize, ns-resize, nesw-resize, nwse-resize, |
| col-resize and row-resize CSS3 cursor values. |
| |
| Also converted some of the cursor images to grayscale tiffs, |
| some were RGB but had no color data. |
| |
| * Resources/eastResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/eastWestResizeCursor.tiff: Added. |
| * Resources/helpCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/moveCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/northEastResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/northEastSouthWestResizeCursor.tiff: Added. |
| * Resources/northResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/northSouthResizeCursor.tiff: Added. |
| * Resources/northWestResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/northWestSouthEastResizeCursor.tiff: Added. |
| * Resources/southEastResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/southResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/southWestResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/textAreaResizeCorner.tiff: |
| * Resources/waitCursor.tiff: |
| * Resources/westResizeCursor.tiff: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| * css/CSSValueKeywords.in: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * manual-tests/cursor.html: Added. |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::selectCursor): |
| * platform/Cursor.h: |
| * platform/mac/CursorMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::northSouthResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::eastWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northEastSouthWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northWestSouthEastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::columnResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::rowResizeCursor): |
| * platform/win/CursorWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::northSouthResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::eastWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northEastSouthWestResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::northWestSouthEastResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::columnResizeCursor): |
| (WebCore::rowResizeCursor): |
| * rendering/render_style.h: cursor needs 5 bits now |
| |
| 2006-06-23 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Omernick |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4597685> stale rects for document markers can be left behind in certain cases |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::setRenderedRectForMarker): |
| changed parameter from IntRect to const IntRect& at Darin's request |
| (WebCore::Document::invalidateRenderedRectsForMarkersInRect): |
| new method, tests whether the rendered rect for each marker intersects the |
| passed rect. If so, sets the rendered rect back to the placeholder rect that |
| means that the rect for this marker isn't known. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::paint): |
| call invalidateRenderedRectsForMarkersInRect on the rect we're about to paint. |
| This ensures that old stale rects won't be preserved if the associated marker |
| has moved such that it is out of the painted area. |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4527702> |
| REGRESSION: Quote bars go away on first paragraph when I delete reply text |
| |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): |
| Add a rule for when to merge into empty blocks. |
| |
| === WebCore-521.13 === |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Patrick Beard <beard@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4223619> Safari crashed in -[NSFont __isSystemFont] |
| CFRetain and CFRelease NSFont's when FontPlatformData has a reference. |
| We only do this when GC is enabled for performance reasons. |
| No tests possible. |
| |
| * platform/mac/FontPlatformData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData): |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8074> |
| Caret before/after block tables is too small |
| <rdar://problem/4598331> |
| right arrow out of a table shows cursor in a weird place |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::caretRect): Don't propagate to children, |
| VisiblePositions inside containers don't refer to children. |
| Don't use the font height for tables. |
| |
| 2006-06-23 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Kevin. |
| |
| Added 64-bit String::number() functions |
| |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::String::number): |
| |
| 2006-06-22 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9497 |
| REGRESSION: Incomplete repainting when scrolling thumbnails on Flickr |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/clipped-relative.html |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::removePositionedObjects): Removed call to computeRepaintRects(). |
| Previously, it was needed to update the cached rects before RenderBox::setStyle() |
| called updateLayerPositions(). |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::setStyle): Changed to call updateLayerPositions() for a newly- |
| created layer only if it does not need layout. Otherwise, updateLayerPositions() will |
| be called after layout. This saves a repaint in some cases. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::checkForRepaintOnResize): Renamed computeRepaintRects() to |
| this and deleted the code that cached the absolute position and repaint rects. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): Added code to cache the absolute |
| position and repaint rects right after updating the layer's position. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-22 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4599015> REGRESSION: Hand on clock widget |
| don't appear at all |
| |
| This regression was caused by <rdar://problem/4567520> HIDPI: pixel |
| cracks in weather widget at 1.83 scaling |
| |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): Do the contains |
| check before rounding to integral device pixels. |
| |
| 2006-06-22 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4529334> REGRESSION: Can't configure RadarInMotion widget for U.S. locations on Leopard (Javascript errors) |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::completeURL): |
| Check if both the URL and base URL are empty instead of using URL() which returns "about:blank" if the URL is empty. |
| |
| 2006-06-22 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4499675> Package Tracker widget always crashes in WebCore::Frame::jScriptEnabled() const + 0 |
| |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::noscriptCreateErrorCheck): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::canvasCreateErrorCheck): |
| (WebCore::HTMLParser::isInline): |
| Add null-checks for document->frame() since it can be 0 for documents created using createHTMLDocument. |
| |
| 2006-06-22 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4524840> Entities contained in DOCTYPE referenced DTD in XSLT source document are unknown |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::shouldAllowExternalLoad): |
| Use correct path for the catalog. |
| |
| (WebCore::errorFunc): |
| Add error function to keep parser errors from going to the console. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::write): |
| Remove if (0 &&) |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::end): |
| Pass DocLoader to xmlDocPtrForString. |
| |
| (WebCore::xmlDocPtrForString): |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.h: |
| Add DocLoader argument to xmlDocPtrForString so external DTDs and entities can be loaded. |
| |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::xmlDocPtrFromNode): |
| Pass DocLoader to xmlDocPtrForString |
| |
| 2006-06-21 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Back out -webkit-overlay and just rename it back to overlay. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| * css/CSSValueKeywords.in: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData): Fix a bug in the code |
| to stop merges across table cells. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): Move the code to stop merges |
| across table cells to initializePositionData so that its changes to |
| m_mergeBlocksAfterDelete can take effect on the endingPosition. |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): Turn into an InsertLineBreak |
| instead of splitting/cloning a table cell. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/3914965> Misspelled text underline doesn't |
| look right at non-standard scale factors |
| |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): We need to call |
| into our previously-created SPI for pattern-drawing so that the |
| phase is right at all scale factors. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for 7362, implement the CSS3 overflow-x and overflow-y properties. |
| |
| Reviewed by adele |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| * css/CSSPropertyNames.in: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::applyOverflowToViewport): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::determineHorizontalPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlockChildren): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::rightOffset): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::rightmostPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::contentWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::contentHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::sizesToIntrinsicWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcPercentageHeight): |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutBlock): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::scrollToOffset): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::shouldAutoscroll): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateScrollInfoAfterLayout): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::styleChanged): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::clientWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::clientHeight): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::hasAutoVerticalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::hasAutoHorizontalScrollbar): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scrollsOverflow): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scrollsOverflowX): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scrollsOverflowY): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::includeVerticalScrollbarSize): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::includeHorizontalScrollbarSize): |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::setStyle): |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::createDivStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff): |
| * rendering/render_style.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::NonInheritedFlags::operator==): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setBitDefaults): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::overflowX): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::overflowY): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setOverflowX): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setOverflowY): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::initialOverflowX): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::initialOverflowY): |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4590366> |
| REGRESSION: Selection incorrectly paints gaps on TOT |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::updateSelection): Use the leftmost candidate for the end of the |
| selection and the rightmost candidate for the start of the selection. |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Position::upstream): Cross line wraps so that we can use upstream/downstream |
| to get to candidates before/after linewraps. |
| (WebCore::Position::downstream): |
| (WebCore::Position::inRenderedContent): |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): |
| Ensure that the leftmost candidate is used. We should sample the style from that one. |
| When the block to insert is after a br, a br should be inserted even in strict mode. |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertTextCommand::input): |
| Insert at the leftmost candidate, get rid of a use of trailingWhitespacePosition. |
| Don't apply a style if its unnecessary. |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): "pos" can be invalidated, don't use it. |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| Renamed initDeepPosition and made it return the canonical position. |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::init): |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::canonicalPosition): |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::characterBefore): Added. |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startOfParagraph): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionState): When a selection ends at a line wrap, it shouldn't extend |
| onto the next line. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and committed by Beth. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4595337> Resizing a containing block |
| strictly vertically does not cause contained height:100% element to |
| also be resized. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlockChildren): Also layout if the |
| child's min or max height is a percent. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6058 |
| XMLTokenizer runs all <script> tags at once instead of as they're encountered |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer): |
| Initialize new members. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): |
| If we've encountered a script tag, execute the script here. If the script |
| tag refers to an external resource, pause the parser while loading it. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::end): |
| Move code from finish() to here |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::finish): |
| Only call end() if the parser isn't paused. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::notifyFinished): |
| Evaluate the script here and resume the parser. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::resumeParsing): |
| If finish() was called, call end() after writing all data. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix build break |
| |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (FrameWin::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Move FrameWin::shouldInterruptJavaScript to TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (FrameWin::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Ben Goodger <bengoodger@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9523 |
| More Win32 build bustage. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8948 |
| Switch to use new text field implementation for <textarea> |
| |
| * css/html4.css: |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionStart): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::select): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionRange): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::appendFormData): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::isKeyboardFocusable): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::isMouseFocusable): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::focus): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::updateValue): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setValue): |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej |
| |
| Fixed capitalization mistake that I made, someone else fixed, then I accidentally made it go back to the old way |
| |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| More changes/additions setting the stage for the major IconDatabase hookup. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added SQLTransaction.cpp |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: Added call-throughs and translations to pass WebKit DB to WebCore DB |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (+[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge sharedBridgeInstance]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge setPrivateBrowsingEnabled:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconForURL:withSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge iconURLForURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge defaultIconWithSize:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge retainIconForURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge releaseIconForURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setIconData:forIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setHaveNoIconForIconURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _setIconURL:forURL:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge _hasIconForIconURL:]): |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.mm: Added WebCore's IconDatabase logging channel to the user-prefs check |
| (initializeLoggingChannelsIfNecessary): |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: Added stubs and basic SQL usage to create the sqlite DB and respond to WebKit calls |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::close): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isValidDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setPrivateBrowsingEnabled): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::iconURLForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::defaultIcon): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::retainIconForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::releaseIconForURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setHaveNoIconForIconURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::setIconURLForPageURL): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::hasIconForIconURL): |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: WebIcon will be an internal class used in IconDatabase but is not complete yet |
| (WebCore::WebIcon::getExpiration): |
| (WebCore::WebIcon::getTouch): |
| |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: Added more SQLite convenience methods |
| (SQLDatabase::setFullsync): |
| (SQLDatabase::setBusyTimeout): |
| (SQLDatabase::setBusyHandler): |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.h: |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnsAtLeastOneResult): |
| |
| * icon/SQLTransaction.cpp: Added basic commit/rollback support with this simple class |
| (SQLTransaction::SQLTransaction): |
| (SQLTransaction::~SQLTransaction): |
| (SQLTransaction::begin): |
| (SQLTransaction::commit): |
| (SQLTransaction::rollback): |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fixes for: |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8724 |
| REGRESSION: onSelect handler doesn't work for text fields |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7676 |
| REGRESSION: Selection methods on new text fields don't work if text field is hidden |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8867 |
| REGRESSION: selectionStart/End return 0 for input element once it no longer has focus |
| |
| Implemented onSelect for new text fields and textareas. Also fixed selection restore |
| behavior to better match other browsers and Safari 2.0 behavior. |
| |
| Tests: |
| * fast/forms/input-selection-restore.html |
| * fast/forms/input-selection-hidden.html |
| * fast/forms/onselect-textarea.html |
| * fast/forms/onselect-textfield.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::cacheSelection): Added. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::init): Initializes cached selection. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::selectionStart): If this element doesn't have focus, return the cached selection value. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::selectionEnd): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setValue): Restore a caret at the starting point of the old selection. Matches Safari 2.0 behavior. |
| |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::cacheSelection): Added. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::HTMLTextAreaElement): Initializes cached selection. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionStart): If this element doesn't have focus, return the cached selection value. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionEnd): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::focus): If this is the first focus, set a caret at the end of the text. Otherwise, |
| restore the cached selection. This matches other browsers' behavior. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setValue): Restore a caret at the starting point of the old selection. Matches Safari 2.0 behavior. |
| |
| * page/Frame.h: Added notifyRendererOfSelectionChange method. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::notifyRendererOfSelectionChange): Added. Calls selectionChanged for text fields and textareas. Forwards a userTriggered |
| argument so selectionChanged knows whether or not to fire onSelect. |
| (WebCore::Frame::setSelection): Calls notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(false). This gets called for all selection changes, so the renderer |
| can always update its cached selection values. |
| (WebCore::Frame::handleMouseReleaseEvent): Calls notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(true) so onSelect will get fired when the user is done |
| making a selection with the mouse. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge alterCurrentSelection:direction:granularity:]): Calls notifyRendererOfSelectionChange(true) so onSelect gets |
| fired when the user makes a selection with the keyboard. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge alterCurrentSelection:verticalDistance:]): ditto. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.h: Add userTriggered parameter to selectionChanged. |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::setSelectionRange): For visibility:hidden, cache the selection and |
| return early since we won't be able to actually set the selection. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::selectionChanged): Caches the selection. |
| If the selection is a range, and its triggered by user action, then fire the onSelect event. |
| |
| 2006-06-21 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.h: |
| Try fixing the Windows build. |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| RS by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| Renamed RenderSelect to DeprecatedRenderSelect to prepare for new popup menu and list menu implementations. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcStyle): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setRecalcListItems): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::DeprecatedRenderSelect): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::setWidgetWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::layout): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::valueChanged): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::selectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::setOptionsChanged): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::createListBox): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::updateSelection): |
| * rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedRenderSelect::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderSelect.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderSelect.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9509 |
| Would like a way to pause/resume XML parsing |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCallbacks): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendStartElementNSCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendEndElementNSCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendCharactersCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendProcessingInstructionCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendCDATABlockCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendCommentCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendInternalSubsetCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::appendErrorCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::callAndRemoveFirstCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::isEmpty): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCallback::~PendingCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingStartElementNSCallback::~PendingStartElementNSCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingStartElementNSCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingEndElementNSCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCharactersCallback::~PendingCharactersCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCharactersCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingProcessingInstructionCallback::~PendingProcessingInstructionCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingProcessingInstructionCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCDATABlockCallback::~PendingCDATABlockCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCDATABlockCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCommentCallback::~PendingCommentCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingCommentCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingInternalSubsetCallback::~PendingInternalSubsetCallback): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::PendingInternalSubsetCallback::call): |
| (WebCore::PendingCallbacks::): |
| New classes which manage a list of pending SAX callbacks that have not yet |
| been sent to the tokenizer. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::XMLTokenizer): |
| Initialize new member variables. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::~XMLTokenizer): |
| Delete PendingCallbacks object. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::write): |
| If the parser is paused, queue the data to be written. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::startElementNs): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::characters): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::error): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::processingInstruction): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::cdataBlock): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::comment): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::internalSubset): |
| If the parser has been paused, queue the callbacks instead. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::handleError): |
| New function, called by both ::error and :PendingCallbacks::callAndRemoveFirstCallback |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::finish): |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::pauseParsing): |
| Set m_parserPaused to true. |
| |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::resumeParsing): |
| Call the pending callbacks and then parse the pending source. |
| |
| 2006-06-20 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Don't send the custom highlighter callback when painting is disabled. |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4592244> REGRESSION (417.9.3 - 420+): (some?) plain text files have all lines concatenated into one line |
| |
| * loader/TextDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextTokenizer::checkBuffer): |
| (WebCore::TextTokenizer::TextTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::TextTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::TextTokenizer::finish): |
| Add a text buffer which is used for translation of CR and CRLF to plain LF, |
| like the HTML tokenizer does. |
| |
| 2006-06-20 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| - fix crasher on one of the layout tests caused by my recent checkin |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGText::paint): |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5499 |
| Page reload does not send any cache control headers |
| |
| Test: http/tests/misc/refresh-headers.php |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::LocationFunc::callAsFunction): Call scheduleRefresh() for Location::Reload. |
| |
| * page/Frame.h: Add scheduleRefresh(). Don't derive from TransferJob or implement its methods - that was |
| used only for storing response HTTP headers, which was an overkill. |
| |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: Replace TransferJob with a HashMap for storing response headers. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::didOpenURL): Don't needlessly change d->m_cachePolicy. Don't create a TransferJob. |
| (WebCore::Frame::stopLoading): Directly access the metadata map, instead of going through a TransferJob. |
| (WebCore::Frame::receivedFirstData): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::Frame::addMetaData): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::Frame::scheduleRefresh): A new function that schedules a refresh, similarly to what |
| scheduleRedirection() does. |
| (WebCore::Frame::changeLocation): Set request.reload attribute based on the current cache policy. |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Ben Goodger <bengoodger@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9501 |
| Windows build fails with link error CharsetTable not defined |
| |
| * platform/make-charset-table.pl: |
| (process_iana_charsets): Move test for equality to alias "None" until after |
| normalization steps to ensure escape characters in the input data don't |
| interfere with processing. Convert nearby tabs to 4 spaces in this function. |
| |
| 2006-06-18 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fixed http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9488 |
| "Animated GIFs do not respect transforms in SVG" |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6946 |
| "SVG shows invalidation issues in WebKit" |
| |
| http://www.treebuilder.de/default.asp?file=441875.xml |
| "Invalidation issues with "SVG 3d" demo" |
| |
| http://code.google.com/webstats/2005-12/pages.html |
| "SVG text doesn't repaint correctly" |
| |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasContainer::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect): Override base class, and apply |
| appropriate transforms, so damage rects in transformed SVG content get propagated up properly. |
| (WebCore::KCanvasContainer::getAbsoluteRepaintRect): note a FIXME; this method |
| seems wrong. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasContainer.h: Prototype new method. |
| |
| * css/svg.css: Don't apply overflow:hidden to foreignObject, since that makes it a RenderLayer |
| so it paints twice. |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::paint): Transform the damage rect before passing it down to HTML content, |
| so everything paints that is supposed to. Also handle opacity here since we won't get layers. |
| (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect): Override base class, and apply |
| appropriate transforms, so damage rects in HTML embedded in SVG get propagated up properly. |
| (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::requiresLayer): Never use a RenderLayer. |
| (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::layout): Make sure to dirty our previous bounds when layout |
| changes, as by transform. |
| * kcanvas/RenderForeignObject.h: |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::paint): Transform the damage rect when painting. Also handle opacity |
| here since we won't get layers. |
| (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect): Override base class, and apply |
| appropriate transforms, so damage rects in SVG images get propagated up properly. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::translationForAttributes): New helper method, factored out of below. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::translateForAttributes): Use above. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::requiresLayer): Never use a RenderLayer. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::layout): Make sure to properly dirty the old bounds, accounting |
| for transforms. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::relativeBBox): Correct bbox computation. |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.h: |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGText::paint): Transform incoming damage rect. Handle opacity here since we |
| won't get a layer. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGText::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect): Apply transforms. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGText::requiresLayer): Never use a RenderLayer. |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGText::layout): Make sure to dirty the old bounds. |
| |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): Instead of transforming rect to device space |
| and back to user space, do this for the origin and lower right corner of the rect. Otherwise the |
| rect will get inflated if user space is rotated or skewed. |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPath::layout): Make sure to dirty the old bounds. |
| (WebCore::RenderPath::paint): Hhandle opacity here. |
| |
| Bonus fix: |
| |
| * kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::nodeAtPoint): Fix hit testing. Wasn't applying the x/y |
| attribute transform. |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9500 |
| Split dom2_eventsimpl.* into separate files (one class per file). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMEvents.mm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * dom/BeforeTextInsertedEvent.h: |
| * dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::BeforeUnloadEvent::result): |
| * dom/CharacterData.cpp: |
| * dom/Clipboard.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::Clipboard::~Clipboard): |
| * dom/ClipboardEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ClipboardEvent::ClipboardEvent): |
| * dom/ClipboardEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::ClipboardEvent::clipboard): |
| * dom/ContainerNode.cpp: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/Event.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Event::Event): |
| (WebCore::Event::initEvent): |
| * dom/Event.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::Event::): |
| (WebCore::Event::type): |
| (WebCore::Event::target): |
| (WebCore::Event::currentTarget): |
| (WebCore::Event::setCurrentTarget): |
| (WebCore::Event::eventPhase): |
| (WebCore::Event::setEventPhase): |
| (WebCore::Event::bubbles): |
| (WebCore::Event::cancelable): |
| (WebCore::Event::timeStamp): |
| (WebCore::Event::stopPropagation): |
| (WebCore::Event::propagationStopped): |
| (WebCore::Event::defaultPrevented): |
| (WebCore::Event::setDefaultHandled): |
| (WebCore::Event::defaultHandled): |
| (WebCore::Event::preventDefault): |
| (WebCore::Event::setDefaultPrevented): |
| (WebCore::Event::setCancelBubble): |
| (WebCore::Event::getCancelBubble): |
| (WebCore::Event::dispatched): |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| * dom/KeyboardEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::KeyboardEvent): |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::initKeyboardEvent): |
| * dom/KeyboardEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::): |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::keyIdentifier): |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::keyLocation): |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::altGraphKey): |
| (WebCore::KeyboardEvent::keyEvent): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::MouseEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::initMouseEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::isDragEvent): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::toElement): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::fromElement): |
| * dom/MouseEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::button): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::relatedTarget): |
| (WebCore::MouseEvent::clipboard): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::MouseRelatedEvent): |
| * dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::screenX): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::screenY): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::clientX): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::clientY): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::layerX): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::layerY): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::offsetX): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::offsetY): |
| (WebCore::MouseRelatedEvent::isSimulated): |
| * dom/MutationEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::MutationEvent): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::initMutationEvent): |
| * dom/MutationEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::relatedNode): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::prevValue): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::newValue): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::attrName): |
| (WebCore::MutationEvent::attrChange): |
| * dom/RegisteredEventListener.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::RegisteredEventListener): |
| (WebCore::operator==): |
| * dom/RegisteredEventListener.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::eventType): |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::listener): |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::useCapture): |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::removed): |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::setRemoved): |
| (WebCore::operator!=): |
| * dom/UIEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::UIEvent::UIEvent): |
| (WebCore::UIEvent::initUIEvent): |
| * dom/UIEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::UIEvent::view): |
| (WebCore::UIEvent::detail): |
| * dom/UIEventWithKeyState.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState::UIEventWithKeyState): |
| (WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState::ctrlKey): |
| (WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState::shiftKey): |
| (WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState::altKey): |
| (WebCore::UIEventWithKeyState::metaKey): |
| * dom/WheelEvent.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::WheelEvent): |
| * dom/WheelEvent.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::isHorizontal): |
| (WebCore::WheelEvent::wheelDelta): |
| * dom/dom2_eventsimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * dom/dom2_eventsimpl.h: Removed. |
| * editing/EditCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| * platform/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: |
| (WebCore::PlatformMouseEvent::PlatformMouseEvent): |
| * platform/PlatformWheelEvent.h: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Brady. |
| |
| - removed a few empty/unused files Brady found by tracking down the nm error message |
| |
| * editing/VisibleRange.cpp: Removed. |
| * editing/VisibleRange.h: Removed. |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasImage.cpp: Removed. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Removed VisibleRange.cpp/h. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed VisibleRange.cpp/h and KCanvasImage.cpp. |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Removed VisibleRange.cpp. |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9492 |
| Fix or remove window.debug. |
| |
| It was only available in newly created windows, and became undefined after changing the URL |
| or reloading. Let's try removing it; hopefully, no-one will notice. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KJSProxy::initScriptIfNeeded): Don't add window.debug. |
| |
| 2006-06-19 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8972 |
| REGRESSION: invalid UTF-8 sequences are not displayed |
| |
| Test: LayoutTests/fast/encoding/invalid-UTF-8.html |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::getXHTMLEntity): Properly null-terminate the result. This didn't matter |
| before, because the garbage at the end was guaranteed to be invalid UTF-8, and was |
| omitted in appendOmittingUnwanted(); |
| |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoder.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoder::appendOmittingBOM): Only omit BOM characters. |
| Renamed back from appendOmittingUnwanted(); |
| |
| (WebCore::StreamingTextDecoder::convertUsingICU): |
| * platform/StreamingTextDecoder.h: |
| Update for the above function renaming. |
| |
| 2006-06-18 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9498 |
| Remove dead code left in JSHTMLDocument::getOwnPropertySlot() from r14298 (Bug 7838) |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getOwnPropertySlot): Remove dead code. |
| |
| 2006-06-18 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren. |
| |
| * manual-tests/redraw-page-cache-visited-links.html: Changed to use DOM mouse event. |
| |
| 2006-06-18 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren. |
| |
| - Update a manual test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9150 |
| DumpRenderTree should be able to keep URL history during runs |
| |
| * manual-tests/redraw-page-cache-visited-links.html: Added note about window.history hack. |
| Fixed coordinates for mouse events. Added call to keepWebHistory(). |
| * manual-tests/resources/redraw-page-cache-visited-links-2.html: Added note about |
| window.history hack. |
| |
| 2006-06-17 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::ScriptInterpreter): |
| Set the default script timeout. |
| |
| (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::shouldInterruptScript): |
| New function which asks the frame if the script should be interrupted. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.h: |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSAbstractEventListener::handleEvent): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: |
| (WebCore::KJSProxy::evaluate): |
| Add calls to startTimeoutCheck/stopTimeoutCheck |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): |
| Add calls to pauseTimeoutCheck/unpauseTimeoutCheck |
| |
| (KJS::ScheduledAction::execute): |
| Add calls to startTimeoutCheck/stopTimeoutCheck |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::shouldInterruptJavaScript): |
| New function which asks the bridge if the script should be interrupted. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| Add function declarations. |
| |
| 2006-06-17 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8131 |
| Some properties and methods of window and document objects cannot be converted to a string |
| |
| Most of the properties were already fixed, this just adds adds a prototype to window.debug. |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/everything-to-string.html |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TestFunctionImp::TestFunctionImp): |
| (WebCore::KJSProxy::initScriptIfNeeded): |
| |
| 2006-06-17 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fix capitalization issue for case-sensitive filesystems. |
| |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: Change assertions.h to Assertions.h. |
| |
| 2006-06-17 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7395 |
| Table not properly re-flowed when floated div removed from layout |
| |
| Test: fast/block/float/table-relayout.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout): Added marking |
| of children that use lineWidth. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: Added a FIXME. |
| |
| 2006-06-17 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6282: |
| Adding new Option with new Option(text, value, defaultSelected, selected) fails to update selectedIndex |
| |
| Update selectedIndex when a new option is added using javascript. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLSelectCollection::put): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setSelectedIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setOption): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setLength): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-17 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9466 |
| Assertion failure when dragging an image from the document into Safari's address bar |
| |
| * manual-tests/reset-initiatedDrag.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-06-16 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9463 |
| REGRESSION (r14879): Assertion failure in CSSParser::sinkFloatingSelector() |
| (m_floatingSelectors.contains(selector)) in some CSS tests |
| |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: Create CSSSelector for FUNCTION using CSSParser::createFloatingSelector() |
| instead of the bare constructor. |
| |
| 2006-06-16 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hatcher. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4565312> Mail has a weird drawing artifact with dotted red lines running across the window |
| |
| Problem was that revision lost a check to not draw the markers |
| when paintingDisabled(). This led the markers to be drawn when |
| the window deactivated, at which time the view happens to be flipped. |
| |
| It is similar but not the same as the Mail ToDo highlighting |
| issue, which is due to the custom highlight method |
| drawing when the focusView is nil. Mail team knows this |
| and has tested the fix. |
| |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): |
| Early return if paintingDisabled(). |
| |
| 2006-06-16 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Adjust padding of inner div so text lines up with text fields. |
| Adjust height of textarea so it only leaves room for the horizontal |
| scrollbar if overflow is set to scroll, or if overflow is set to |
| auto and there's no word wrap. |
| |
| These changes will be tested by current layout tests when the |
| new textarea implementation takes effect. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::createDivStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcHeight): |
| |
| 2006-06-16 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4590062> crash in marker code with particular set of steps on daringfireball.net |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::addMarker): |
| Store [it - markers.begin()] in a local variable before modifying markers, since modifying markers can |
| change value of [it - markers.begin()]. |
| |
| 2006-06-16 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Alice. |
| |
| Added code to draw Cocoa-like border for textareas instead of just using CSS. |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| * css/html4.css: Sets a 1px solid border. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: Formatting changes. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintTextArea): |
| Uses new wkDrawBezeledTextArea to draw border. |
| |
| 2006-06-16 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9432 |
| REGRESSION: crash in capitalization code due to empty-string generated content |
| |
| Test: fast/text/capitalize-empty-generated-string.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::setText): Skip empty-string text renderers when |
| looking for the previous character. |
| |
| 2006-06-15 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8637> |
| REGRESSION (11-16-05): Selection gaps left behind after delete |
| |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SelectionController::nodeWillBeRemoved): Invalidate the selection so that |
| selection gaps are invalidated. |
| |
| 2006-06-15 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff and Darin. |
| |
| Prefer the DWARF debugging symbols format for use in Xcode 2.3. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-06-15 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::hasARenderedDescendant): |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::prune): Ascend using the DOM |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): Placeholder insertion |
| during deletion is fixed, removing the fall back. |
| |
| 2006-06-15 Nicholas Shanks <contact@nickshanks.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, landed by Joost de Valk. |
| |
| Fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3233 |
| |
| Add support for the :lang pseudo-class. |
| |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/CSSSelector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSSelector::operator == ): |
| * css/CSSSelector.h: |
| (WebCore::CSSSelector::CSSSelector): |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::lex): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector): |
| * css/tokenizer.flex: |
| |
| 2006-06-15 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9456> |
| REGRESSION (417.9.2-420+): Cmd-G doesn't work in Safari after double-click and Cmd-E |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::findString): When comparing the found range with |
| what's currently selected a) build a selection with the found |
| range to remove collapsed whitespace and b) compare ranges |
| instead of selection objects to ignore the way that the |
| current selection was made (to ignore the base and extent). |
| |
| 2006-06-15 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9382 |
| IDL files missing copyright/license headers |
| |
| Add Apple BSD license and copyright to IDL files. |
| |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/GetSVGDocument.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedString.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimationElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGCircleElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGClipPathElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGCursorElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDefsElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDescElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGElementInstance.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGEllipseElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGEvent.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGException.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEImageElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFETileElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFilterElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGGElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGGradientElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGICCColor.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGImageElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLangSpace.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLengthList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLineElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLocatable.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGMarkerElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGNumberList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPaint.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSeg.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegArc.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLineto.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPatternElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPointList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPolygonElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPolylineElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRectElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRenderingIntent.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGScriptElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSetElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStopElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStringList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStylable.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStyleElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSwitchElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSymbolElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTSpanElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTests.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextContentElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTitleElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTransformList.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTransformable.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGURIReference.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGUnitTypes.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGUseElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGViewElement.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.idl: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGZoomEvent.idl: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.idl: |
| |
| 2006-06-14 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4439248> |
| REGRESSION(412-417): [RTL] Serious problem with RTL signatures in Mail.app in 10.4.4 (7766) |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::renderedText): Use plainText so that we'll pull rendered text but in DOM order. |
| |
| 2006-06-14 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7580> |
| TinyMCE: Implement execCommand(formatBlock, ...) |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added FormatBlock.{h,cpp} to the project. |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Ditto. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: Added WebUndoActions |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraph): Added a preserveStyle bool. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): Ditto. downstream() the start |
| or else we'll move collapsed whitespace and uncollapse it. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleSpecialCaseBRDelete): Don't update m_endingPosition |
| because that's removeNode's responsibility. |
| (WebCore::updatePositionForNodeRemoval): Added. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::removeNode): Turned removeFullySelectedNode into a virtual |
| overload of removeNode so that we can update positions as we remove nodes. |
| (WebCore::updatePositionForTextRemoval): Added. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::deleteTextFromNode): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::fixupWhitespace): Got rid of m_trailingWhitespaceValid |
| since m_trailingWhitespace is always valid (we update it as we remove nodes). |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Leading and trailing spaces should |
| be fixed if they have collapsed before merging paragraphs. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h: |
| * editing/EditAction.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * editing/FormatBlockCommand.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FormatBlockCommand::FormatBlockCommand): |
| (WebCore::FormatBlockCommand::modifyRange): Similar to InsertListCommand::modifyRange(). |
| (WebCore::FormatBlockCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/FormatBlockCommand.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::FormatBlockCommand::editingAction): |
| * editing/InsertListCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::editingAction): |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: |
| * editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MergeIdenticalElementsCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::validBlockTag): |
| (WebCore::createElement): |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-14 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4586051> 10.4.7 regression: 'Saved and recent' button on mapquest.com does not work |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchWindowEvent): |
| |
| 2006-06-14 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rename RenderSlider to DeprecatedSlider, so that I can start work on |
| the new NSView-less slider. |
| |
| Reviewed by john |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::createRenderer): |
| * rendering/DeprecatedSlider.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedSlider::DeprecatedSlider): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedSlider::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedSlider::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedSlider::valueChanged): |
| * rendering/DeprecatedSlider.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::DeprecatedSlider::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderSlider.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderSlider.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fixed <rdar://problem/4562192> Creating a new DOMHTMLDocument |
| appears challenging. |
| |
| - Added createHTMLDocument to Objc bindings, fixed up implementation |
| to comply with the DOM 2 Candidate Recommendation in which is was defined. |
| (It never made the final spec.) Also removed use of deprecatedString, |
| to avoid unnecessary killing of puppies. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| (-[DOMImplementation createHTMLDocument:]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h: |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::createDocument): |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::createHTMLDocument): |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| fixed <rdar://problem/4457902> HTMLSelectElement.remove() can't handle an option obj being passed to it, results in hang on http://www.ibc-solar.de/www_ibc/fst_solarmonitoring.jsp |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| support this by converting the argument to an options object |
| before passing to remove() |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - fix <rdar://problem/4585333> Changing location for weather on yahoo.com home page redirects to another page |
| |
| This patch fixes a bug where the event listener cache does not distinguish |
| HTML and non-HTML listeners. Incorrect behavior where stopPropagation also |
| prevented default masked a case of this bug on the yahoo.com home page until |
| we fixed bug 5180 on 2005-10-03. |
| |
| Test: fast/events/event-listener-html-non-html-confusion.html |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.h: Add additional listener maps for HTML event listeners. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::~Window): Go through the additional maps when clearing the window object |
| pointer in event listeners. |
| (KJS::Window::getJSEventListener): Look in the HTML or non-HTML map depending on the |
| argument passed. |
| (KJS::Window::getJSUnprotectedEventListener): Ditto. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSUnprotectedEventListener::JSUnprotectedEventListener): Add to either the HTML |
| or non-HTML map depending on the argument passed. |
| (KJS::JSUnprotectedEventListener::~JSUnprotectedEventListener): Remove from either the |
| HTML or non-HTML map depending on whether the HTML flag is set. |
| (KJS::JSEventListener::JSEventListener): More of the same. |
| (KJS::JSEventListener::~JSEventListener): Ditto. |
| (KJS::JSLazyEventListener::parseCode): Same thing here. In a lazy event listener there |
| is not a listener at construction time, thus the code here to put the listener into a |
| map needs the HTML vs. non-HTML logic. |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4583892> 10.4.7 regression: Hang occurs when attempting to load search results at mapquest.com |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchGenericEvent): Don't allow |
| "load" events to propagate up to the window. We need this quirk to |
| avoid site hangs, because they depend on an old Mozilla bug. |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Antti Koivisto <koivisto@iki.fi> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9314 |
| Relative positioned block size doesnt update root layer size |
| |
| - take relative positioning into account in leftmost/rightmost/lowestPosition() |
| - ignore zero width/height boxes in leftmost/rightmost/lowestPosition() |
| - split relativePositionOffset() to x and y functions |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::absolutePosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::relativePositionOffsetX): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::relativePositionOffsetY): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::lowestPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::rightmostPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::leftmostPosition): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::lowestPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::rightmostPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::leftmostPosition): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::offsetLeft): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::offsetTop): |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Dave Hyatt. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9427 |
| xml-stylesheet processing instructions outside of the prolog should have no effect. |
| |
| * dom/ProcessingInstruction.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ProcessingInstruction::checkStyleSheet): |
| Remove todo comment. |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::processingInstruction): |
| Only check for style sheet if the root element hasn't yet been encountered. |
| |
| 2006-06-13 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9406 |
| REGRESSION: fix for bug 9390 broke two layout tests |
| |
| * loader/PluginDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::writeRawData): |
| Call finished() after setting up the document structure so we'll emit onload events. |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| build fix -- forgot to svn add this file |
| |
| * ForwardingHeaders/kjs/SavedBuiltins.h: Added. |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fixed a bug in append(char) and append(UChar) where our intended copy-on-write semantics was ignored! |
| |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::String::append): |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by TimO, Maciej. |
| |
| - WebCore part of merging InterpreterImp into Interpreter. No test |
| because there's no behavior change. |
| |
| A substantive change here is that ScriptInterpreter::mark must now chain to |
| Interpreter::mark, since Interpreter needs to mark the things that |
| InterpreterImp used to mark. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::put): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreScriptCallFrame evaluateWebScript:]): |
| * kwq/KWQPageState.mm: |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Changed String::ascii() to return a Vector<char> instead of const char* |
| This allows us to use it "regularly" as the returned vector will destruct |
| and not leak memory like the previous approach. |
| We can now do a String.ascii().data() to get a char* buffer instead of |
| String.deprecatedString().ascii(). It doesn't improve the style much but |
| dumping the memory-leak issue is a plus. |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::clearDatabase): |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: |
| (SQLDatabase::open): |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::prepare): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::step): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnTextResults): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnTextResults16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnIntResults): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnInt64Results): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnDoubleResults): |
| In addition to the changes to the string classes, changed my database code over to the new |
| preferred method. |
| |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::String::ascii): |
| * platform/StringImpl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StringImpl::ascii): |
| * platform/StringImpl.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Add the notion of a selection foreground color to the engine for |
| Win32. Rename existing selectionColor methods to be |
| selectionBackgroundColor instead. |
| |
| Change the 60% alpha blend rule for transparent selection to |
| instead be a range from 60-80%, with less transparency being |
| used as needed to ensure the transformed color more closely |
| approximates the original operating system color when blended |
| with a white background. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::blend): |
| (WebCore::Color::blendWithWhite): |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillHorizontalSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillVerticalSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillLeftSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillRightSelectionGap): |
| * rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderHTMLCanvas::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::selectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::selectionForegroundColor): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::activeSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor): |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.h: |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::paint): |
| |
| 2006-06-12 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin Adler. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::markAllMatchesForText): |
| Do a "fake" paint here so that the rectangles for the text matches will have been |
| computed by the time this method returns. |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Levi and Tim Omernick. |
| |
| -Added a skeleton sqlite3 icon database file to IconDatabase |
| -Added functionality to validate and recreate this icon.db file |
| -Fixed some buggys in SQLDatabase.cpp |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isValidDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::clearDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::recreateDatabase): |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::columnCount): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnDouble): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt64): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlob): |
| -Added checks to make sure we had a valid working sqlite3_statement as the sqlite3_* |
| function calls weren't as error-tolerant as documentation advertised |
| (maybe differences between the 3.3 docs I looked at and the 3.1.3 version installed on OSX) |
| |
| 2006-06-12 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Levi. |
| |
| -Added SQLite helper wrappers to ease use of SQLite in the IconDatabase. |
| -Changed the base IconDatabase over to this new framework. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge closeSharedDatabase]): |
| -By popular request, removed an annoying log message I'd accidentally left in |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::close): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::~IconDatabase): |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isOpen): |
| -Changed over IconDatabase from direct sqlite3_* calls to the new SQLDatabase calls |
| |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: Added. |
| (SQLDatabase::SQLDatabase): |
| (SQLDatabase::open): |
| (SQLDatabase::close): |
| (SQLDatabase::executeCommand): |
| (SQLDatabase::tableExists): |
| * icon/SQLDatabase.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::SQLDatabase::isOpen): |
| (WebCore::SQLDatabase::getPath): |
| (WebCore::SQLDatabase::lastError): |
| (WebCore::SQLDatabase::lastErrorMsg): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::isPrepared): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::lastError): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::lastErrorMsg): |
| * icon/SQLStatement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::SQLStatement): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::~SQLStatement): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::prepare): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::step): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::finalize): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::reset): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::executeCommand): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::bindBlob): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::bindText): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::columnCount): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnName16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnText16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnDouble): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnInt64): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::getColumnBlob): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnTextResults): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnTextResults16): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnIntResults): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnInt64Results): |
| (WebCore::SQLStatement::returnDoubleResults): |
| -Initial checking of SQLDatabase framework |
| |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::String::String): |
| -Added an explicit UChar* constructor to our string class as much of sqlite3's UTF16 handling is based on |
| null-terminated UTF16 which we didn't yet support. |
| |
| 2006-06-11 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9408 |
| Clean build fails with "make: *** No rule to make target `SVGElementFactory.cpp', needed by `all'. Stop" |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: Fix clean builds. |
| |
| 2006-06-11 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - another try at fixing Windows |
| |
| * loader/CachedResource.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| * platform/image-decoders/ImageDecoder.h: |
| (WebCore::ImageDecoder::setData): |
| * platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageDecoder.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GIFImageDecoderPrivate::decode): |
| (WebCore::GIFImageDecoder::setData): |
| * platform/image-decoders/gif/GIFImageDecoder.h: |
| * platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JPEGImageReader::decode): |
| (WebCore::JPEGImageDecoder::setData): |
| * platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.h: |
| * platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp: |
| (WebCore::PNGImageReader::decode): |
| (WebCore::PNGImageDecoder::setData): |
| * platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.h: |
| s/DeprecatedByteArray/Vector<char>/ |
| |
| 2006-06-11 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: (WebCore::Image::loadResource): |
| Use Vector<char> instead of DeprecatedByteArray. |
| |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (KWQServeSynchronousRequest): |
| Don't try to return 0 from a function that returns a Vector<char>. |
| |
| 2006-06-11 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, tweaked quite a bit and landed by Darin. |
| |
| - Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8039 |
| Remove use of DeprecatedArray in favor of new Vector class |
| |
| This removes most of the uses of DeprecatedArray and |
| DeprecatedByteArray, with the exception of DeprecatedCString. |
| |
| No test cases added because there is no change in |
| functionality. |
| |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::data): |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/CachedImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedImage::bufferData): |
| (WebCore::CachedImage::data): |
| (WebCore::CachedImage::checkNotify): |
| (WebCore::CachedImage::shouldStopAnimation): |
| * loader/CachedImage.h: |
| * loader/CachedObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedObject::bufferData): |
| (WebCore::CachedObject::setExpireDate): |
| * loader/CachedObject.h: |
| (WebCore::CachedObject::setCharset): |
| * loader/CachedScript.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedScript::data): |
| * loader/CachedScript.h: |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedXBLDocument::data): |
| (WebCore::CachedXBLDocument::checkNotify): |
| * loader/CachedXBLDocument.h: |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CachedXSLStyleSheet::data): |
| * loader/CachedXSLStyleSheet.h: |
| * loader/Request.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Request::Request): |
| (WebCore::Request::~Request): |
| * loader/Request.h: |
| (WebCore::Request::buffer): |
| (WebCore::Request::cachedObject): |
| (WebCore::Request::docLoader): |
| (WebCore::Request::isIncremental): |
| (WebCore::Request::setIsIncremental): |
| (WebCore::Request::isMultipart): |
| (WebCore::Request::setIsMultipart): |
| * loader/loader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::crossDomain): |
| (WebCore::Loader::Loader): |
| (WebCore::Loader::load): |
| (WebCore::Loader::servePendingRequests): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedAllData): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedResponse): |
| (WebCore::Loader::receivedData): |
| (WebCore::Loader::numRequests): |
| (WebCore::Loader::cancelRequests): |
| (WebCore::Loader::removeBackgroundDecodingRequest): |
| (WebCore::Loader::jobForRequest): |
| * platform/Image.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::setData): |
| * platform/Image.h: |
| (WebCore::Image::dataBuffer): |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::init): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::matchRules): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::matchRulesForList): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::sortMatchedRules): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::initForStyleResolve): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::createStyleForElement): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::createPseudoStyleForElement): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::addMatchedRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::addMatchedDeclaration): |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::OffsetBuffer::OffsetBuffer): |
| (WebCore::openFunc): |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::index): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::selectedIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setSelectedIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::length): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::remove): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::value): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setValue): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::state): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::restoreState): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::appendFormData): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::optionToListIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listToOptionIndex): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcListItems): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listItems): |
| * kwq/KWQLoader.h: |
| * kwq/KWQLoader.mm: |
| (KWQServeSynchronousRequest): |
| * kwq/KWQTextStream.cpp: |
| (QTextStream::operator<<): |
| * kwq/KWQTextStream.h: |
| * loader/FormData.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FormData::flatten): |
| (WebCore::FormData::flattenToString): |
| * loader/FormData.h: |
| (WebCore::FormDataElement::FormDataElement): |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: |
| * platform/DeprecatedString.h: |
| * platform/IntPointArray.cpp: Removed. |
| * platform/IntPointArray.h: Removed. |
| * platform/TextEncoding.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextEncoding::toUnicode): |
| * platform/TextEncoding.h: |
| * platform/cairo/pixman/src/pixregion.c: |
| * platform/cg/PathCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Path::Path): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::drawBorder): |
| * rendering/RenderTable.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::colToEffCol): |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::effColToCol): |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::ensureRows): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::addCell): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::setCellWidths): |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.h: |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::addMidpoint): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| * rendering/render_form.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::valueChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::selectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::updateSelection): |
| * rendering/table_layout.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::layout): |
| * rendering/table_layout.h: |
| * xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::docLoaderFunc): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::send): |
| (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::processSyncLoadResults): |
| * xml/xmlhttprequest.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-11 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9394 |
| Fix no-SVG build |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: Removed tabs. Create empty SVGElementFactory.cpp on no-svg build. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.cpp: Added #if SVG_SUPPORT/#endif. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGElementWrapperFactory.h: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAElement.idl: Add "Conditional=SVG" to all interfaces. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedAngle.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedBoolean.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedEnumeration.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedInteger.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedLengthList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedNumber.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedNumberList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedRect.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedString.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedTransformList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimationElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGCircleElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGClipPathElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGCursorElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDefsElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDescElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGElementInstance.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGElementInstanceList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGEllipseElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGEvent.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGException.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEImageElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFETileElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFilterElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGFitToViewBox.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGGElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGGradientElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGICCColor.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGImageElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLangSpace.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLengthList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLineElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLocatable.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGMarkerElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGNumberList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPaint.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSeg.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegArc.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLineto.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPatternElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPointList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPolygonElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPolylineElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRectElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRenderingIntent.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGScriptElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSetElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStopElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStringList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStylable.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGStyleElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSwitchElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSymbolElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTSpanElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTests.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextContentElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTitleElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTransformList.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTransformable.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGURIReference.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGUnitTypes.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGUseElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGViewElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGZoomAndPan.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGZoomEvent.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEvent.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumber.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRect.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.idl: Ditto. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.idl: Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-11 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9390 |
| Move full-frame plugins to WebCore |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add PluginDocument |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::redirectDataToPlugin): |
| Call the bridge. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| Add redirectDataToPlugin which is used to redirect incoming data |
| to a plugin. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreViewFactory.h: |
| Add pluginSupportsMIMEType which returns whether any plugins support a given MIME type. |
| |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.h: |
| Get rid of createTextDocument and just create a text document explicitly when needed. |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| (WebCore::Document::isPluginDocument): |
| * loader/PluginDocument.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::PluginTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::wantsRawData): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::createDocumentStructure): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::writeRawData): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::stopParsing): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::finish): |
| (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::isWaitingForScripts): |
| (WebCore::PluginDocument::PluginDocument): |
| (WebCore::PluginDocument::createTokenizer): |
| * loader/PluginDocument.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::PluginDocument::isPluginDocument): |
| Add PluginDocument. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| Possibly create a plugin document. |
| |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| (WebCore::Frame::redirectDataToPlugin): |
| Add declaration. |
| |
| * platform/PlugInInfoStore.h: |
| * platform/mac/PlugInInfoStoreMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::PlugInInfoStore::supportsMIMEType): |
| Ask WebCoreViewFactory if the MIME type is supported. |
| |
| 2006-06-10 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9334 |
| Incomplete repaint when changing block from non-positioned to positioned |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/static-to-positioned.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle): If changing from static to positioned, repaint |
| as static. |
| |
| 2006-06-10 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9193 |
| REGRESSION: setting an opacity on an element with an outline causes the outline to disappear completely |
| |
| Test: fast/layers/opacity-outline.html |
| |
| - fix repainting of layer children's outlines that extend beyond the layer |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/layer-child-outline.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::intersectsDamageRect): Account for outlines. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::absoluteBoundingBox): Ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::maximalOutlineSize): Changed to return the view's maximal |
| outline size rather than 0 for PaintPhaseChildOutlines. |
| |
| 2006-06-10 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix build break |
| |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (GraphicsContext::scale): |
| |
| 2006-06-10 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8515 |
| Linux porting compile bug |
| |
| Fix by Mike Emmel, Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * Projects/gdk/webcore-gdk.bkl: |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: |
| * css/maketokenizer: |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.h: |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: |
| * make-generated-sources.sh: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| * platform/Cursor.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontData::getGlyphIndex): |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advanceAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: |
| * platform/PlatformWheelEvent.h: |
| * platform/ScrollView.h: |
| * platform/TransferJob.h: |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::getInternal): |
| * platform/TransferJobInternal.h: |
| (WebCore::TransferJobInternal::TransferJobInternal): |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): |
| * webcore-base.bkl: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-06-09 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Omernick and Dave Hyatt. |
| |
| WebCore support for computing but not highlighting rects for text matches. |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| added setRenderedRectForMarker() and renderedRectsForMarkers(), and redefined |
| MarkerMap to be a hashtable of node -> (pair of vectors), one vector of markers |
| and one vector of rects |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (placeholderRectForMarker()): |
| new function, returns a recognizable degenerate rect used until a real rect has been set |
| (WebCore::Document::addMarker): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure; now adds parallel placeholder rect |
| along with marker |
| (WebCore::Document::copyMarkers): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure; now removed corresponding rect along |
| with marker |
| (WebCore::Document::markersForNode): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure |
| (WebCore::Document::renderedRectsForMarkers): |
| New method, returns an array of all non-placeholder rects for the given marker type |
| (WebCore::Document::repaintMarkers): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure |
| (WebCore::Document::setRenderedRectForMarker): |
| New method, sets the rendered rect for a given marker |
| (WebCore::Document::shiftMarkers): |
| Reworked for new MarkerMap data structure; resets rendered rects to placeholders. |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| removed markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted guard; we always want to call paintTextMatchMarker |
| now, but sometimes we will end up only computing the rect, not actually highlighting it. |
| (Maybe some names should be improved here?) |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker): |
| Reorganized to move all the code that actually draws into a block that's guarded by |
| markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted. The rest of the code computes where the highlight will |
| go, and now we always use that computation in order to call setRenderedRectForMarker. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge rectsForTextMatches]): |
| New method, returns an array of NSValues representing NSRects. Gets them |
| from Document::renderedRectsForMarkers |
| |
| 2006-06-10 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::put): |
| Call WebCore::JSHTMLElement::put so that autogenerated setters will work |
| for HTMLElement. |
| |
| 2006-06-09 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| - Build fix after last JSC check-in (oops!) |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreScriptDebugger.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreScriptCallFrame scopeChain]): |
| (-[WebCoreScriptCallFrame functionName]): |
| (-[WebCoreScriptCallFrame evaluateWebScript:]): |
| |
| 2006-06-09 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rename m_isFocused on the frame to m_isActive, since it isn't really |
| about focus but is instead about whether or not the top-level window is |
| active. |
| |
| Pull code that was incorrectly factored into Mac-only code out of FrameMac |
| and back up into Frame. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::setFocusNodeIfNeeded): |
| (WebCore::Frame::isActive): |
| (WebCore::Frame::setIsActive): |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| |
| 2006-06-09 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rework selection coloring. Rename displaysWithFocusAttributes |
| to isActive. Move the white-blending code onto the Color API to make |
| it more convenient to mutate colors for selection blending. Eliminate all |
| the selection state from the GraphicsContext and move it to the RenderTheme. |
| Implement both Win32 and Mac theme selection colors. |
| |
| Reviewed by sfalken |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::setIsActive): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge drawRect:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge setIsActive:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge selectionColor]): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::isActive): |
| (WebCore::Frame::setIsActive): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * platform/Color.cpp: |
| (WebCore::blend): |
| (WebCore::Color::blendWithWhite): |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| (WebCore::Color::hasAlpha): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContextPrivate::GraphicsContextPrivate): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (GraphicsContext::endTransparencyLayer): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillHorizontalSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillVerticalSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillLeftSelectionGap): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillRightSelectionGap): |
| * rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderHTMLCanvas::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::selectionColor): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::activeSelectionColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::inactiveSelectionColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformActiveSelectionColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::platformInactiveSelectionColor): |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::platformActiveSelectionColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::platformInactiveSelectionColor): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformActiveSelectionColor): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::platformInactiveSelectionColor): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.h: |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::paint): |
| |
| 2006-06-09 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4549980> |
| REGRESSION: "Find Again" can get stuck when searching for string with a trailing space |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: Moved findString to Frame. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: Ditto. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge searchFor:direction:caseSensitive:wrap:]): |
| Convert the NSString to a String. |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: Added execCommand(FindString, ...) |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: Added a constructor for Ranges |
| (WebCore::Selection::Selection): |
| * editing/Selection.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::findString): Moved from FrameMac. Compare a selection created |
| using the found range with the current selection in case the current selection is |
| the found range minus some collapsed whitespace on the edges. |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-09 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix build break |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip): |
| (GraphicsContext::addInnerRoundedRectClip): |
| (WebCore::screenDepthPerComponent): |
| (WebCore::screenIsMonochrome): |
| |
| 2006-06-09 Kimmo Kinnunen <kimmo.t.kinnunen@nokia.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. Tweaked by Maciej. Tweaks reviewed by Beth. |
| Landed by Beth. |
| |
| CSS3 Media Queries implementation. |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4127> |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMMediaList::put): |
| (KJS::KJS::DOMMediaListProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.mm: |
| (-[DOMMediaList setMediaText:]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList deleteMedium:]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList appendMedium:]): |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/MediaFeatureNames.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaFeatureNames::init): |
| * css/MediaFeatureNames.h: Added. |
| * css/MediaList.cpp: |
| (WebCore::MediaList::MediaList): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::~MediaList): |
| (WebCore::parseMediaDescriptor): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::deleteMedium): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::mediaText): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::setMediaText): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::item): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::appendMedium): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::appendMediaQuery): |
| * css/MediaList.h: |
| (WebCore::MediaList::MediaList): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::length): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::mediaQueries): |
| * css/MediaQuery.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::MediaQuery): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::~MediaQuery): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::operator==): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::cssText): |
| * css/MediaQuery.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::restrictor): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::expressions): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::mediaType): |
| (WebCore::MediaQuery::append): |
| * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryEvaluator): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryEvaluator::~MediaQueryEvaluator): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryEvaluator::mediaTypeMatch): |
| (WebCore::applyRestrictor): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryEvaluator::eval): |
| (WebCore::parseAspectRatio): |
| (WebCore::cmpvalue): |
| (WebCore::numberValue): |
| (WebCore::colorMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::monochromeMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::device_aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::gridMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::device_heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::device_widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_colorMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_colorMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_monochromeMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_monochromeMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_device_aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_device_aspect_ratioMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_device_heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_device_heightMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::min_device_widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::max_device_widthMediaFeatureEval): |
| (WebCore::createFunctionMap): |
| * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h: Added. |
| * css/MediaQueryExp.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryExp::MediaQueryExp): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryExp::~MediaQueryExp): |
| * css/MediaQueryExp.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryExp::mediaFeature): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryExp::value): |
| (WebCore::MediaQueryExp::operator==): |
| * css/StyleSheet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StyleSheet::setMedia): |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::CSSParser): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::~CSSParser): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::setupParser): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseMediaQuery): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::createFloatingMediaQueryExp): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::sinkFloatingMediaQueryExp): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::createFloatingMediaQueryExpList): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::sinkFloatingMediaQueryExpList): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::createFloatingMediaQuery): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::sinkFloatingMediaQuery): |
| * css/cssparser.h: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::CSSStyleSelector): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::init): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::~CSSStyleSelector): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::loadDefaultStyle): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::matchUARules): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::styleForElement): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::pseudoStyleForElement): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::updateFont): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::cacheBorderAndBackground): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::styleRulesForElement): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleSet::addRulesFromSheet): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * css/maketokenizer: |
| * css/tokenizer.flex: |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DOMImplementation::createCSSStyleSheet): |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::process): |
| (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::setStyleSheet): |
| * html/HTMLStyleElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLStyleElement::childrenChanged): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (SVGDOMImplementation::createCSSStyleSheet): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGStyleElement::childrenChanged): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| * platform/Screen.h: |
| * platform/mac/ScreenMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::screenDepthPerComponent): |
| (WebCore::screenIsMonochrome): |
| |
| 2006-06-08 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4468> |
| Implement execCommand(Insert{Un}OrderedList) |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added InsertListCommand.{h,cpp} to the project. |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| (WebCore::hasRenderedNonAnonymousDescendantsWithHeight): |
| Added. A block with height is only a candidate if this is false. This should fix the problems |
| getting carets into empty blocks. |
| (WebCore::Position::inRenderedContent): |
| * editing/AppendNodeCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::AppendNodeCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::hasARenderedDescendant): |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::prune): A node can have DOM descendants that are rendered, yet |
| have a renderer with no descendants. Fixed the pruning rule to avoid removing a node like this. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::mergeIdenticalElements): Put the two elements next to |
| each other if they aren't already, as a convenience. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraph): Added code to preserve the current selection. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraphs): Ditto. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializeStartEnd): Expansion for special elements should |
| continue to happen until it is no longer possible. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): The code to adjust the start node |
| wouldn't always avoid removing the start block. |
| * editing/InsertListCommand.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::fixOrphanedListChild): Puts a list item that isn't inside a list |
| into a list. |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::InsertListCommand): |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::modifyRange): |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/InsertListCommand.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::InsertListCommand::): |
| * editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertNodeBeforeCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: |
| * editing/TextIterator.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextIterator::advance): Don't handle a node if the end of the range used to create the |
| iterator ends at the start of that node. |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::next): |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::previous): |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.h: |
| Added a parameter to next/previous that can prevent them from leaving the current editable region. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::highestAncestor): |
| (WebCore::enclosingList): |
| (WebCore::enclosingListChild): |
| (WebCore::outermostEnclosingList): |
| (WebCore::createListItemElement): |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::selectionListState): Added. |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-08 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff and John. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4558879> -[DOMCSSPrimitiveValue setStringValue:] throws an exception (12) |
| |
| Problem was the primitive value was getting reset to a generic state before the parameter |
| check that relies on that state. |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/setPrimitiveValue.html |
| |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::setFloatValue): |
| (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::setStringValue): |
| Move parameter checks ahead of call to cleanup(). |
| |
| 2006-06-08 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4578115> support Range.isPointInRange |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4578123> support Range.comparePoint |
| |
| * dom/Range.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Range::isPointInRange): |
| added implementation |
| (WebCore::Range::comparePoint): |
| added implementation |
| * dom/Range.h: |
| added prototypes |
| * dom/Range.idl: |
| added bindings |
| |
| 2006-06-08 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8616 |
| REGRESSION: TinyMCE: Crash on Undo |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getInnerNonSharedNode:innerNode:URLElement:atPoint:allowShadowContent:]): |
| Changed to call nodeInfoAtPoint directly. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge _visiblePositionForPoint:]): Changed to call nodeInfoAtPoint directly. |
| Also added code to convert coordinates so it works for points that are in nodes in subframes. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::setMark): Added assertions to catch if we attempt to set selection |
| endpoints in another document. |
| (WebCore::Frame::setSelection): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-07 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| Fixed some comments and removed an unused variable. |
| |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::removeBlockPlaceholder): |
| Don't remove a br if it isn't at the start of a block, since |
| it isn't really a "block placeholder". |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::completeHTMLReplacement): |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-06-07 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Add support for custom highlighting. This is all ifdefed to be Mac-only. |
| |
| Reviewed by justin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::paintCustomHighlight): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintCustomHighlight): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-07 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt |
| |
| Added support for cross-platform resize property. |
| |
| * platform/PlatformMouseEvent.h: Removed isMouseButtonDown, since we |
| already cache this info when we handle mouse down and mouse up. |
| * platform/mac/MouseEventMac.mm: ditto. |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: ditto. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::autoscrollTimerFired): Use d->m_bMousePressed instead of isMouseButtonDown. |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMouseMoveEvent): Passes event to layer resize method. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::mousePressed): Added. |
| * page/FrameView.h: Added mousePressed. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: Removed paintResizeControl. |
| Since its not dependent on the theme, the layer can just paint this. |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::RenderLayer): Initializes m_resizeCornerImage. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::~RenderLayer): Deletes m_resizeCornerImage. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::resize): Uses passed in event instead of creating a new one. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintResizeControl): Now loads and paints the resize image. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: Added m_resizeCornerImage. Important to have one per-layer for when we allow |
| more customization. |
| |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Image::loadResource): Loads image resources. |
| |
| 2006-06-07 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Add support for a new property for custom highlighting. This patch just |
| adds support for the parsing of the property. It doesn't do anything yet. |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): |
| * css/CSSPropertyNames.in: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StyleCSS3InheritedData::StyleCSS3InheritedData): |
| (WebCore::StyleCSS3InheritedData::operator==): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff): |
| * rendering/render_style.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::highlight): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setHighlight): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::initialHighlight): |
| |
| 2006-06-07 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Fix suggested by Rob Buis. Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9341 |
| REGRESSION: Repro crash caused by style="font:bold" |
| |
| Test: fast/css/font-shorthand-weight-only.html |
| |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::CSSParser::parseFont): Revert part of the change |
| made to fix bug 5564. |
| |
| 2006-06-07 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9122 |
| REGRESSION: Incorrect vertical position for text fields in a "display: table" block |
| |
| Test: fast/table/text-field-baseline.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::baselinePosition): Do not descend into replaced objects, just |
| use their baseline. |
| |
| 2006-06-07 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt (concept) and Darin (some coding details). |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4334 |
| REGRESSION: Flickering when css-hover should change opacity on floating elements |
| |
| Pixel test: fast/block/float/nopaint-after-layer-destruction.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::setPaintsFloatingObject): Added. Changes the noPaint flag |
| in the block's FloatingObject for the given float and calls setChildNeedsLayout. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::blockThatPaintsFloat): Added this helper function. |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::setStyle): Added. Calls to setPaintsFloatingObject when a float |
| gains or loses its layer. |
| |
| 2006-06-06 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9121 |
| REGRESSION: [Incremental Repaint] DHTML movement test failures |
| |
| Test (repaint): fast/repaint/containing-block-position-change.html |
| |
| * manual-tests/containing-block-position-chage.html: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): Unrelated change: fixed typo from |
| the RenderCanvas to RenderView rename. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::removePositionedObject): Added a return immediately |
| after removing the object. |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::removePositionedObjects): Added. |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle): Added code to remove absolutely positioned |
| descendants from the positioned objects list of their current containing block |
| when they are going to have a new one as a result of this block's position |
| property changing. |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::removePositionedObjects): |
| |
| 2006-06-06 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::firstDescendant): Added. |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| * dom/Range.cpp: Added a constructor that takes in Positions. |
| (WebCore::Range::Range): |
| * dom/Range.h: |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::insertNodeAt): |
| Let this function insert children into empty containers. |
| Calls canHaveChildrenForEditing. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::appendNode): Assert that the parent canHaveChildrenForEditing. |
| (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraph): Tell ReplaceSelectionCommand to select the |
| replacement so that moveParagraph's callers have a valid destination after the move. |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: Moved removeFullySelectedNode to DeleteSelectionCommand, |
| made deleteTextFromNode virtual so that DeleteSelectionCommand can update it's endingPosition. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::DeleteSelectionCommand): |
| Removed m_startNode, used a local variable. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializeStartEnd): Fixed special element expansion. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::initializePositionData): Compute the endingPosition up |
| front and keep track of it as nodes and text are removed. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleSpecialCaseBRDelete): Removed use of m_startNode. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::removeFullySelectedNode): Moved from CompositeEditCommand. |
| Update m_endingPosition as we remove nodes. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::deleteTextFromNode): |
| Update m_endingPosition as we delete text. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): Retain the start block. Cleaned up. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::mergeParagraphs): Recompute m_endingPosition since moveParagraph |
| clobbers the old one. |
| (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Fixed the logic for placeholder insertion after |
| deletion. Make the placeholder decision before we do special element expansion. |
| * editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): Fixed a bug where an extra br was inserted and cleaned |
| up the code. |
| * editing/InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertParagraphSeparatorCommand::doApply): Deletion of the current selection should do |
| a merge (added a testcase). |
| * editing/RebalanceWhitespaceCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RebalanceWhitespaceCommand::doUnapply): Remove/insert in a way that will trigger a layout. |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): Ditto. |
| Merge even when the incoming fragment has interchange newlines (added a testcase). |
| Merge when the selection being pasted into starts at the start of a block because not |
| doing so would leave one or more hanging empty blocks. |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::completeHTMLReplacement): |
| Rebalance whitespace using rebalanceWhitespaceAt because rebalanceWhitespace requires |
| a selection, and a selection can't be created until whitespace has been rebalanced. |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::canHaveChildrenForEditing): Added. |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-06 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4570475> Dashboard regions do not scale for |
| non-1.0 scale factors. |
| |
| No test cases added since this only affects non-1.0 resolution |
| scale factors. |
| |
| * platform/FloatRect.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FloatRect::scale): Added new function that scales a |
| rect's origin and size by a given factor. |
| * platform/FloatRect.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.cpp: |
| (WebCore::IntRect::scale): Same as above. |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::addDashboardRegions): After the bounds and |
| clip rects on the Dashboard region have been calculated, get the |
| user space scale factor, and if it is not 1.0, scale the rects. |
| |
| 2006-06-06 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin Adler. |
| |
| - fixed <rdar://problem/4566087> REGRESSION (420+): Crash occurs while completing a find again query at |
| http://www.apple.com/ (RenderObject::repaint(bool)) |
| |
| This wasn't a new problem in the code, but the recent use of DocumentMarkers for find results brought |
| it to the surface. |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| Use a RefPtr<Node> instead of a Node* in MarkerMap, so the node will be retained |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| Add a .get() to compensate for using RefPtr. Also, only repaint if this node actually had a marker |
| removed. |
| (WebCore::Document::repaintMarkers): |
| Add a .get() to compensate for using RefPtr. |
| |
| 2006-06-06 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9325 |
| clientWidth/clientHeight on document element in strict mode should return visible frame size |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::clientWidth): |
| (WebCore::Element::clientHeight): |
| If we're the document element, and in strict mode, return the visible size of the frame. |
| |
| 2006-06-06 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge containsPlugins]): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::containsPlugins): |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| Add containsPlugins function which returns whether a frame contains plugins |
| or not. |
| |
| 2006-06-05 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5564 |
| 'font' shorthand parsing should be more tolerant in quirks mode |
| |
| When not in strict mode accept font property specifications |
| lacking a font family part, like WinIE does. |
| |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseFont): |
| |
| 2006-06-05 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4567520> Pixel cracks in weather widget at |
| 1.83 scaling |
| |
| To prevent pixel cracks at non-integral scaling factors, before we |
| call into CG to draw an image, we have to convert the rect to |
| device space, round the origin and size to integers in device |
| space, and convert back to user space. |
| |
| No test cases added since this only affects non-1.0 resolution |
| scale factors. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): drawImage() now |
| takes FloatRects. |
| * html/CanvasPattern.cpp: |
| (WebCore::patternCallback): Call roundToDevicePixels() |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): drawImage() now |
| takes FloatRects and call roundToDevicePixels() |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h: drawImage() now takes |
| FloatRects. |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::paint): Call roundToDevicePixels() |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.mm: |
| (WebCore::debugDumpCGImageToFile): Same as above. |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): Takes care of |
| converting between coordinate spaces and rounding. |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForText): |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: Call roundToDevicePixels() |
| (WebCore::Image::draw): Same as above. |
| (WebCore::drawPattern): Same as above. |
| |
| 2006-06-05 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9310 |
| Add missing DOM prototypes and other DOM cleanup |
| |
| - Added the built-in object prototype to DOM objects that were missing it |
| so that primitive operations like == work on them. |
| |
| - Removed dead EventConstructor class (it's autogenerated now) |
| |
| - Changed HTML collections to describe themselves as "[object Collection]", |
| to match IE. |
| |
| - Made DOMCSSRule constructor private because JSCSSRule is the class |
| to use. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMStyleSheet::DOMStyleSheet): |
| (KJS::DOMStyleSheetList::DOMStyleSheetList): |
| (KJS::DOMCSSRule::DOMCSSRule): |
| (KJS::DOMCSSValue::DOMCSSValue): |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| (KJS::DOMRGBColor::DOMRGBColor): |
| (KJS::getDOMRGBColor): |
| (KJS::DOMRect::DOMRect): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::DOMNodeList): |
| (KJS::DOMExceptionConstructor::DOMExceptionConstructor): |
| (KJS::DOMExceptionConstructor::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::DOMNamedNodesCollection): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.h: |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::classInfo): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9031 |
| REGRESSION: Crash when closing tabs on newegg.com |
| - removed a no-longer-needed Win32-specific workaround (not reviewed) |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: Added include of <wtf/MathExtras.h>. |
| (WebCore::floatFeature): Remove WIN32 ifdef around isnan. |
| (WebCore::toJS): Add null checks. |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9176 |
| REGRESSION: repro crash in WebCore::StringImpl::hash() const + 28 (StringImpl.h:67) |
| |
| Test: fast/loader/link-no-URL.html |
| |
| * loader/Cache.h: |
| * loader/Cache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Cache::updateCacheStatus): Removed the URL parameter. Instead get the URL |
| from the cached object itself. Callers were passing in the wrong URL. When it was a |
| null string, it caused the crash mentioned above. But in other cases it may have |
| caused some other minor problems as well. Added an assert to catch cases where the |
| URL is null (should never happen). |
| (WebCore::Cache::requestImage): Changed call site to not pass URL. |
| (WebCore::Cache::requestStyleSheet): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::Cache::requestScript): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::Cache::requestXSLStyleSheet): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::Cache::requestXBLDocument): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7291 |
| REGRESSION: delete key does not work in isIndex fields |
| |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.mm: |
| (inputElement): Added. Helper function to get the Objective-C wrapper for an |
| input element associated with a QTextEdit. Returns nil if the element is not |
| an input element. The bug was caused by passing a non-input element to the |
| delegate methods. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController controlTextDidBeginEditing:]): Use inputElement |
| and don't make the delegate call at all if there is none. This happens only |
| with isindex elements; it's not important to have auto-fill work with those. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController controlTextDidEndEditing:]): Ditto. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController controlTextDidChange:]): Ditto. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController control:textShouldEndEditing:]): Ditto. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController control:textView:doCommandBySelector:]): Ditto. |
| (-[KWQTextFieldController textView:shouldHandleEvent:]): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8995 |
| memory leak in XPath code -- seen in layout tests |
| - fixed malloc error on exit due to SVGDOMImplementation destructor |
| - attempted to fix the no-XPATH_SUPPORT build by adding an #if |
| - changed around includes and header-file formatting in XPath code |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Include PlatformString.h when |
| generating the bindings for XPathNSResolver. |
| |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.h: Added a virtual destructor for the benefit of |
| SVGDOMImplementation. |
| * dom/DOMImplementation.cpp: (WebCore::DOMImplementation::~DOMImplementation): Added. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.h: Reformatted a bit, removed unneeded declarations. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (SVGDOMImplementation::~SVGDOMImplementation): Remove commented-out code. |
| (SVGDOMImplementation::createDocument): Remove a reference to KDOMView. |
| |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPathExpression::createExpression): Called release to avoid a tiny bit of |
| reference count churn. |
| (WebCore::XPathExpression::evaluate): Set exception code explicitly, because the code |
| relies on it being 0 when the function succeeds. |
| |
| * xpath/XPathResult.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InvalidatingEventListener::InvalidatingEventListener): Removed |
| unneeded target node data member. |
| (WebCore::XPathResult::XPathResult): Updated for enum name changes and |
| InvalidatingEventListener name change. Added an assertion. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.h: Removed the FunctionLibrary class. Changed the parameter |
| for createFunction to be a String instead of char*. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.cpp: Got rid of local implementation of "round", and |
| used <wtf/MathExtras.h> instead. Also removed unused Interval::asString. Marked all |
| the Interval functions inline. |
| (WebCore::XPath::FunSubstring::doEvaluate): Use lround() instead of (long)round(). |
| (WebCore::XPath::FunLang::doEvaluate): Removed some unneeded temporary String variables. |
| Use equalIgnoringCase() instead of calling lower() on two strings. |
| (WebCore::XPath::createFunctionMap): Changed how this works so that it's all local to |
| this function. Also removed a duplicate entry for the "last" function. |
| (WebCore::XPath::createFunction): Changed from a member function to a separate function. |
| Also changed so that if the args are not used in the function they are deleted. |
| This was one of the sources of the storage leaks. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathGrammar.y: Put XPATH_SUPPORT ifdef in. Replaced <num> with values of |
| specific types (numop, eqop). Updated for name change from AxisType to Axis. Changed |
| tokens that were declared as <str> but weren't actually using the string to be |
| declared with no type (PLUS, MINUS, OR, AND, DOTDOT, SLASHSLASH). Replaced use of |
| unregisterString, unregisterPredicateVector, and unregisterExpressionVector to |
| call delete functions instead that both unregister and delete. Change call sites for |
| createFunction to just use the String, removing the deprecatedString().latin1() call |
| that is no longer needed. Added a call to unregisterParseNode that was missing in the |
| "FilterExpr DescendantOrSelf RelativeLocationPath" production. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.h: Changed Token to hold a String, Step::Axis, NumericOp::Opcode, |
| and EqTestOp::Opcode. The token ID number tells us which to use. Rearranged to put the private |
| part of the Parser class last. Moved a number of private things inside the cpp file. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::charCat): Made this a separate function, instead of a static member. |
| (WebCore::XPath::isAxisName): Ditto. Also put the global axis map inside the function, |
| allowing use of a map instead of a map pointer. |
| (WebCore::XPath::isNodeTypeName): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::isOperatorContext): Made this const. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::makeTokenAndAdvance): Got rid of the "int" version of this. |
| By using the actual types, we can safely use overload instead. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::lexString): Use substring() instead of deprecatedString().mid(). |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::lexNumber): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::lexNCName): Changed to return a bool and a String instead of a |
| Token. This avoids the hack of using a token value of "ERROR + 1" which I found quite |
| confusing and is also a bit more explicit. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::lexQName): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::nextTokenInternal): Changed to adapt to the changes above and |
| to remove some unneeded else statements. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::lex): Changed the logic that sets up yylval to use the token ID |
| to decide what the type is. This matches what the grammar expects, and removes the need |
| for the token object to track which part of the value is good and the need to reserve 0 |
| to have a special meaning. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::parseStatement): Added code to delete the predicates and the |
| expressions in the predicate and expression vectors. Before, we were only deleting |
| the vectors. This was one of the sources of the storage leaks. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::deletePredicateVector): Renamed, and changed to delete |
| the vector. However this does not delete the predicates in the vector. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::deleteExpressionVector): Renamed, and changed to delete |
| the vector. However this does not delete the expressions in the vector. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::deleteString): Renamed, and changed to delete the string. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::NumericOp::NumericOp): Changed opcode from an int to an enum, and |
| renamed to "opcode" instead of "opCode". |
| (WebCore::XPath::NumericOp::doEvaluate): More of the same. |
| (WebCore::XPath::EqTestOp::EqTestOp): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::EqTestOp::doEvaluate): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::LogicalOp::LogicalOp): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::LogicalOp::shortCircuitOn): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::XPath::Predicate::evaluate): Removed an unneeded "new". |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.cpp: Renamed AxisType to Axis. Removed unused axisAsString |
| function and default constructor. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.h: Renamed the type constants to have a Value suffix, |
| instead of the underscore suffix used before on NodeVector and String. |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.cpp: Updated for name change. Added asserts. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.cpp: (WebCore::XPath::VariableReference::doEvaluate): |
| Use a reference instead of a pointer. |
| |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.h: |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.h: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.h: |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.h: |
| * xpath/XPathResult.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.cpp: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathUtil.h: |
| * xpath/impl/XPathVariableReference.h: |
| Reformatted and changed includes around; no substantive changes. |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9213 |
| Absolutely positioned objects with relatively positioned inline |
| containing blocks are rendered incorrectly |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::containingBlockWidthForPositioned): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::containingBlockHeightForPositioned): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontal): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalValues): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVertical): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalReplaced): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalReplaced): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-04 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9035 |
| document.evaluate and createNSResolver miss on namespaced elements |
| |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPathExpression::createExpression): |
| Pass the resolver to the parser. |
| |
| * xpath/XPathResult.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPathResult::iterateNext): |
| Fix off-by-one error. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathExpressionNode.h: |
| (WebCore::XPath::EvaluationContext::EvaluationContext): |
| Get rid of the resolver in the evaluation context. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathGrammar.y: |
| Fetch the resolver from the parser. Only return the local name. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::parseStatement): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathParser.h: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Parser::resolver): |
| Update to hold the resolver. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Step::Step): |
| If the parser has stored a namespace URI, set it. |
| |
| (WebCore::XPath::Step::nodeTestMatches): |
| Check namespace URIs. |
| |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.h: |
| Add m_namespaceURI. |
| |
| 2006-06-03 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. Tweaked and landed by ddkilzer. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7281 |
| With java disabled wrong information is displayed. |
| |
| Test: fast/replaced/applet-rendering-java-disabled.html |
| |
| Match WinIE, render applet content inline when java is |
| disabled. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Removed RenderEmptyApplet.cpp and RenderEmptyApplet.h. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto. |
| * WebCoreSources.bkl: Ditto. |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLAppletElement::createRenderer): |
| * rendering/RenderEmptyApplet.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderEmptyApplet.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-06-03 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9252 |
| REGRESSION: Very odd roll-over issues (content disappearing) |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/HTMLLinkElement/pending-stylesheet-count.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::~HTMLLinkElement): If the stylesheet was being |
| loaded, call stylesheetLoaded() on the document, to keep the pending stylesheet |
| count correct. |
| |
| 2006-06-03 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - fix Windows build |
| |
| * platform/Widget.h: Moved scaleFactor function out of Apple-specific |
| section of the header into the common part. |
| |
| 2006-06-03 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for <rdar://problem/4537274> HiDPI: <canvas> needs to apply a |
| scale. <canvas> needs to scale itself along with whatever scale |
| factor is set on the window. |
| |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::createDrawingContext): Get the scale |
| factor and use it to create a larger buffer and to scale the |
| CGContext. |
| * platform/Widget.h: Provide a new function that returns the user |
| space scale factor. |
| * platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Widget::scaleFactor): Get the scale factor from the |
| window and return it. |
| * platform/win/WidgetWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Widget::scaleFactor): Just return 1.0f for now. |
| |
| 2006-06-03 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| Don't send empty referrers. Fixes image load fail on Spinneret default content. |
| |
| * platform/win/TransferJobWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::start): |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Windows theme for textareas. Also made some formatting changes. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::supportsFocus): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::getThemeData): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::adjustButtonStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::adjustTextFieldStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::adjustTextAreaStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintTextArea): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeWin.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::supportsHover): |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Krzysztof Kowalczyk <kkowalczyk@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, checked in by Tim H. |
| |
| Explicitly run perl on *.pl files instead of relying |
| on Windows shell figuring out which program to run for |
| this extention. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| |
| 2006-06-02 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, checked in by Tim H. |
| |
| fixes http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9115 |
| Changed RenderLayer to only render layers that are not |
| totally transparent. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp |
| (RenderLayer::paintLayer): |
| Changed function to also check if the layer is totally transparent |
| and if it is, don't bother painting it. |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, checked in by Tim H. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8223 |
| WebKit fails to update style on element via DOM |
| |
| Handle !important by detecting it and using a different code |
| path from normal priority. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMCSSStyleDeclaration::put): |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleDeclaration::setProperty): |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.h: |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff, checked in by Maciej. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9236 |
| REGRESSION: focus method does not work on some elements before they are laid out |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::focus): Do the updateLayout call before |
| calling isFocusable, since isFocusable looks at the size of the renderer. |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| Platform hookup fixes |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::urlSelected): |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::setTitle): |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::setStatusBarText): |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.h: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (FrameWin::overrideMediaType): |
| * platform/win/TransferJobWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TransferJobWndProc): |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::start): |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::fileLoadTimer): |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::cancel): |
| |
| 2006-06-02 Rémi Zara <remi_zara@mac.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3379 |
| attr(X) does not work |
| |
| Test: fast/css-generated-content/016.html |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::canShareStyleWithElement): Don't share style |
| if the unique bit is set. |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): When applying the "attr" property, |
| set the unique bit and add to m_selectorAttrs. |
| |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: Did a lot of reformatting, and this one real change. |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::RenderStyle): Initialize m_unique to false. |
| |
| * rendering/render_style.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::unique): Added. Returns value of m_unique. |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setUnique): Added. Sets m_unique. |
| |
| 2006-06-02 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9183 |
| Finish renaming of RenderCanvas to RenderView |
| |
| * rendering/RenderView.h: Changed renderName from "RenderCanvas" to "RenderView". |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix Windows build |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: Added include of Decoder.h. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - WebCore doesn't need to load WebKit images any more; removed code for that |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: Removed WebCoreImageRendererFactory. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed WebCoreImageRendererFactory.h/mm. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: Removed include of WebCoreImageRendererFactory.h. |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: Removed include of WebCoreImageRendererFactory.h. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreImageRendererFactory.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreImageRendererFactory.m: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff, tweaked a bit by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9064 |
| Split dom2_traversalimpl.* into separate files (one class per file). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Updated for new files. |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Ditto. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_traversal.h: |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * bindings/objc/DOM.mm: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| Updated includes. |
| |
| * dom/NodeFilter.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/NodeFilter.h: Added. |
| * dom/NodeFilterCondition.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/NodeFilterCondition.h: Added. |
| * dom/NodeIterator.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/NodeIterator.h: Added. |
| * dom/Traversal.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/Traversal.h: Added. |
| * dom/TreeWalker.cpp: Added. |
| * dom/TreeWalker.h: Added. |
| |
| * dom/dom2_traversalimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * dom/dom2_traversalimpl.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej and Adele |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8398 |
| REGRESSION: LABEL in OPTION element is clobbering display #TEXT |
| Patch provided by Darin. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderSelect.cpp |
| (RenderSelect::updateFromElement): |
| Changed to use the containing text by default, and not the label text |
| |
| 2006-06-01 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8646 |
| Correcting the value returned for window.screen.pixelDepth and |
| window.screen.colorDepth |
| |
| * platform/mac/ScreenMac.mm |
| (screenDepth): |
| Changed to return the BitsPerPixelFromDepth rather than the WindowDepth |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Missed an initialization in my last checkin which caused too many |
| resizers to be drawn. |
| |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: (WebCore::resize): |
| Initialize resize to RESIZE_NONE. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Implement form POST using WinINet. This code is crazy... CRAZY! |
| |
| * platform/TransferJobInternal.h: |
| (WebCore::TransferJobInternal::TransferJobInternal): |
| * platform/win/CookieJarWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::setCookies): |
| (WebCore::cookies): |
| * platform/win/TransferJobWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TransferJobWndProc): |
| (WebCore::TransferJob::start): |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9216 |
| Implement CSS3 resize property |
| |
| * css/html4.css: Sets resize:both for textareas. This won't affect old-style textareas. |
| |
| * css/CSSPropertyNames.in: Added resize property. |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): Added case for CSS_PROP_RESIZE. |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): ditto. |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): ditto. |
| |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: (WebCore::StyleCSS3InheritedData): Initialize resize. |
| * rendering/render_style.h: |
| (WebCore::): Added EResize enum. |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::resize): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::setResize): |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::initialResize): |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::FrameViewPrivate): Added m_resizeLayer to keep track of a layer that has begun resizing. |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::reset): Reset m_resizeLayer. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMousePressEvent): If the mouse was pressed in a layer's resize control, then put the layer into resize mode. |
| (WebCore::selectCursor): Updated so we get a pointer cursor for the resize control. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMouseMoveEvent): If there's a layer currently resizing, then tell the layer to continue resizing. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::handleMouseReleaseEvent): If there's a layer currently resizing, then pull it out of resize mode. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::isPointInScrollbar): Updated so the resize control isn't considered part of the scrollbar. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::RenderLayer): Initialize m_inResizeMode |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): Calls positionResizeControl. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::resize): Added. Sets a new width and height based on the current mouse point. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::isPointInResizeControl): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::positionResizeControl): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::positionScrollbars): Calls positionResizeControl. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintScrollbars): Calls positionResizeControl. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintResizeControl): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintLayer): Calls paintResizeControl. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: Added m_inResizeMode. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::resizeControlRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setResizeControlRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::inResizeMode): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::setInResizeMode): Added. |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: (WebCore::Image::loadResource): Moved code from WebImageRendererFactory. Now loads images from WebCore's resources. |
| WebImageRendererFactory is no longer used and should be removed. |
| * Resources/missingImage.tiff: Added. Copied from WebKit. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added missingImage.tiff |
| * loader/Cache.cpp: (WebCore::Cache::init): Updated name from missing_image to missingImage. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintResizeControl): Added. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::RenderThemeMac): Initialize resizeCornerImage. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintResizeControl): Paints resizeCornerImage. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Brady Eidson <beidson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Added the beginnings of sqlite-based code in a WebCore |
| based version of the Icon Database. Right now the code |
| is very loosely hooked up through a Bridge and only |
| creates an sqlite3 database. |
| |
| There are also changes to our String classes to allow appending |
| a single character to a String without creating a temporary object. |
| |
| * WebCore.exp: |
| -Added a symbol export |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.h: Added. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge.mm: Added. |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge openSharedDatabaseWithPath:]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge closeSharedDatabase]): |
| (-[WebCoreIconDatabaseBridge isOpen]): |
| -This class will eventually shadow WebIconDatabase but for now |
| is a minimal interface to make the sql code live |
| |
| * icon: Added. |
| * icon/IconDatabase.cpp: Added. |
| -This class will eventually resemble WebIconDatabase but for now |
| is minimal just to make the sql code live |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::sharedIconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::IconDatabase): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::open): |
| -This method calls a mkdir to make sure the target directory |
| exists |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::close): |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::~IconDatabase): |
| |
| * icon/IconDatabase.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::IconDatabase::isOpen): |
| * platform/Logging.cpp: |
| * platform/Logging.h: |
| -Added an IconDatabase logging channel |
| |
| * platform/PlatformString.h: |
| * platform/String.cpp: |
| (WebCore::String::append): |
| * platform/StringImpl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StringImpl::append): |
| * platform/StringImpl.h: |
| -Added append(char) and append(UChar) to allow appending a |
| single character without creating a temporary object. Required |
| to facilitate manually adding a null character to a unicode 16 |
| string |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by Anders. |
| |
| - fixed all places in the Canvas to RenderView rename patch where |
| view() should have been changed to frameView(). |
| |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject position]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeValue:]): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| (externalRepresentation): |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix by Mitz. Reviewed, tweaked, tested, landed by me. |
| |
| - Fixed http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9113 |
| REGRESSION (14581): XMLHttpRequest never calls onreadystatechange with |
| a readystate == 4 |
| |
| An XMLHttpRequest must be added to the DOMObject cache so that its |
| DOM implementation object can protect it, and by extension, its event |
| listeners. |
| |
| This design seems slightly backwards to me -- the bindings should know |
| about the DOM, not the other way around -- but I'm restoring it for |
| now to fix the regression. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequest.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSXMLHttpRequest::JSXMLHttpRequest): |
| (KJS::JSXMLHttpRequest::~JSXMLHttpRequest): |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| (equalIgnoringRef): |
| Whoops. Fix build. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6309 |
| multiple problems prevent bookmarking/back button technique for AJAX/DHTML applications from working |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Location::put): |
| Handle the case where the hash starts with a "#". Also, don't do anything if the previous and new hashes |
| are equal. |
| |
| * bridge/BrowserExtension.h: |
| * bridge/mac/BrowserExtensionMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/BrowserExtensionMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionMac::historyURL): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| New function historyURL which returns the complete URL for a given item in the history. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::scheduleLocationChange): |
| (WebCore::Frame::scheduleHistoryNavigation): |
| If the URL of the new location only differs in the hash, don't schedule the load. Instead, load it |
| directly. |
| |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| * platform/KURL.h: |
| Add equalsIgnoringRef which returns whether two URLs are equal, ignoring the ref. |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9212 |
| dispatchEvent13.html crashes under GuardMalloc |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::addEventListener): |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::removeEventListener): |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::handleLocalEvents): |
| |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::removeHTMLEventListener): |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::getHTMLEventListener): |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.h: |
| Make the list of registered event listeners refcount the listeners |
| by using a value list of RefPtr objects. |
| |
| Set removed flag to true in removeEventListener |
| Only invoke event listeners if they don't have the removed flag. |
| |
| * dom/dom2_eventsimpl.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::RegisteredEventListener): |
| * dom/dom2_eventsimpl.h: |
| Make RegisteredEventListener refcounted. |
| |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::removed): |
| (WebCore::RegisteredEventListener::setRemoved): |
| Add removed flag and getter and setter |
| |
| 2006-06-01 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by harrison |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4567752> When forwarding a message, pressing TAB key to place caret in body actually selects the entire message instead |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::focus): |
| |
| 2006-06-01 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9144 |
| Test for Bug 8079 (REGRESSION: Redraw from page cache does not show visited links) |
| |
| * manual-tests/redraw-page-cache-visited-links.html: Added. |
| * manual-tests/resources/redraw-page-cache-visited-links-2.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9124 |
| Drop shadow obscures "add more stuff" bubble at live.com |
| |
| Test: fast/css/find-next-layer.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::findNextLayer): Fixed a bug where this function could reach |
| two levels down in the layer tree and return 0. |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9109 |
| Remove bogus assertion in RenderBlock::tabWidth |
| |
| Changed the uninitialized value of m_tabWidth to -1 and removed the |
| assertion that it cannot be 0. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore:::RenderBlock::RenderBlock): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::setStyle): |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::tabWidth): |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9100 |
| Absolutely positioned replaced elements with all non-auto |
| values are rendered incorrectly |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalReplaced): Add support for case when all values are specified. |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalReplaced): ditto |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9012 |
| Row height not updated when cell heights change |
| |
| Test: fast/table/row-height-recalc.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::setStyle): Mark the section as needing recalculation |
| if the height property changed. |
| * rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableRow::setStyle): Ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::recalcCells): Initialize the grid row height |
| to the height of the row element (like addChild() does). |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8969 |
| REGRESSION: typing in textfield repaints whole web page at gamefaqs.com |
| |
| No test possible (no functionality change) |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::updateLayout): Changed to ensure that pending subtree |
| layouts are performed too. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::forceLayout): Force a full layout. |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameViewPrivate::reset): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): Changed to relayout only the subtree rooted |
| at d->layoutRoot if it's non-zero and allowSubtree is true. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::scheduleRelayout): Change pending subtree relayout into |
| normal relayout by clearing d->layoutRoot and propagating needsLayout to the |
| root. |
| (WebCore::FrameView::scheduleRelayoutOfSubtree): Added. |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::markContainingBlocksForLayout): Added scheduleRelayout |
| parameter. FrameView passes false to force marking all the way to the root |
| when turning a pending subtree relayout into a full relayout. Otherwise, |
| marking stops at the first textField (or at the root) and |
| relayout of the last object reached is scheduled. |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scheduleRelayout): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| patch for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8910> |
| Bug 8910: Various code cleanups in RenderBox |
| |
| Clean up with some slight optimizations. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::contentWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::contentHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::setPos): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcWidthUsing): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| patch for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8899> |
| Bug 8899: Removes some unneeded code from RenderBox |
| |
| Removes the use of WidthType where not needed to simplify |
| the code a little. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcWidthUsing): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::sizesToIntrinsicWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcReplacedWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcReplacedWidthUsing): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcReplacedHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcReplacedHeightUsing): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::calcReplacedWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::calcReplacedHeight): |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8455 |
| selectedIndex for a select after a Form reset() has wrong value |
| |
| Make sure the list items are reset properly by selecting |
| the first option in case no options have the selected attribute |
| set. |
| |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::reset): |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8024 |
| "Go" button (search) doesn't work at fifa.com (document.all.FormName) |
| |
| Allow input elements with name attributes as possible named |
| items for document.all. |
| |
| * html/HTMLCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::checkForNameMatch): |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::updateNameCache): |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Adding stubs for BMP/ICO/XBM image decoders. They don't |
| do anything yet though. |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * platform/cairo/ImageSourceCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createDecoder): |
| * platform/image-decoders/bmp: Added. |
| * platform/image-decoders/bmp/BMPImageDecoder.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::BMPImageDecoder::isSizeAvailable): |
| (WebCore::BMPImageDecoder::frameBufferAtIndex): |
| * platform/image-decoders/bmp/BMPImageDecoder.h: Added. |
| * platform/image-decoders/ico: Added. |
| * platform/image-decoders/ico/ICOImageDecoder.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ICOImageDecoder::isSizeAvailable): |
| (WebCore::ICOImageDecoder::frameBufferAtIndex): |
| * platform/image-decoders/ico/ICOImageDecoder.h: Added. |
| * platform/image-decoders/xbm: Added. |
| * platform/image-decoders/xbm/XBMImageDecoder.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::XBMImageDecoder::isSizeAvailable): |
| (WebCore::XBMImageDecoder::frameBufferAtIndex): |
| * platform/image-decoders/xbm/XBMImageDecoder.h: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-31 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for the gmail tab-focus-stealing bug. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): |
| * bridge/mac/BrowserExtensionMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionMac::createNewWindow): |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::focusWindow): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::unfocusWindow): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * platform/Widget.h: |
| * platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| (FrameWin::focusWindow): |
| * platform/win/WidgetWin.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-31 Beth Dakin <bdakin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6755 CSS3: |
| Borders rounded with border-radius don't draw the roundings |
| |
| This patch does not draw all of the different border styles |
| perfectly, so I have filed a few followup bugs that I will |
| reference from this Bugzilla. |
| |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawArc): drawArc() has different |
| parameters now, but mostly this needs to be implemented to match |
| the Mac side later. |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip): Just a stub. |
| Implement this later. |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addInnerRoundedRectClip): Just a stub. |
| Implement this later. |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawArc): drawArc() now handles drawing |
| elliptical arcs as well as circular arcs, it also takes a thickness |
| parameter to draw an arc of a given thickness and draws with the |
| appropriate pen style. |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addInnerRoundedRectClip): Adds a clip to |
| the inside of an arc instead of to the outside which is already |
| done by addRoundedClipRect() |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::drawBorderArc): Draws the border arcs in |
| the appropriate styles. |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::paintBorder): Calls drawBorderArc() when |
| border arcs are needed. |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Add first-cut SVG JS bindings autogeneration. |
| SVGSVGElement and various other support classes are generated. |
| Various small style fixes. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4249 |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore+SVG/RGBColor.cpp: Removed. |
| * WebCore+SVG/RGBColor.h: Removed. |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createJSHTMLWrapper): renamed from createJSWrapper |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMNode::DOMNode): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::toBoolean): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::put): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::putValueProperty): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::toPrimitive): |
| (KJS::DOMNode::toString): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::toEventTargetNode): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::put): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::putValueProperty): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::setListener): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::getListener): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNode::pushEventHandlerScope): |
| (KJS::DOMEventTargetNodeProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::toPrimitive): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::indexGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::nameGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeList::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::DOMNodeListFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::toElement): |
| (KJS::toDocumentType): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::DOMNamedNodeMap): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::~DOMNamedNodeMap): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::lengthGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::indexGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::nameGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMapProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| (KJS::checkNodeSecurity): |
| (KJS::getRuntimeObject): |
| (KJS::DOMExceptionConstructor::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::DOMExceptionConstructor::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::getDOMExceptionConstructor): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::DOMNamedNodesCollection): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::lengthGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::indexGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodesCollection::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGenerator.pm: |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::implicitClose): |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| * dom/StyledElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAngle.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGColor.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGDocument.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGElement.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGLength.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGMatrix.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGNumber.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGPoint.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGRect.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGSVGElement.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/SVGTransform.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/idl/svg/kdomdefs.idl: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js: Added. |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGNumber.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGNumber::~JSSVGNumber): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGNumber::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGNumber::getValue): |
| (WebCore::getJSSVGNumber): |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGNumber.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSSVGNumber::JSSVGNumber): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGNumber::classInfo): |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGPoint.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::~JSSVGPoint): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::getValueProperty): |
| (WebCore::getJSSVGPoint): |
| (WebCore::toFloatPoint): |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGPoint.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::JSSVGPoint): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::classInfo): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGPoint::impl): |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGRect.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::~JSSVGRect): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::getValueProperty): |
| (WebCore::getJSSVGRect): |
| (WebCore::toFloatRect): |
| * ksvg2/bindings/js/JSSVGRect.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::JSSVGRect): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::classInfo): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::): |
| (WebCore::JSSVGRect::impl): |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSVGValue): |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applySVGProperty): |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.cpp: |
| (SVGZoomEvent::SVGZoomEvent): |
| (SVGZoomEvent::zoomRectScreen): |
| (SVGZoomEvent::previousTranslate): |
| (SVGZoomEvent::newTranslate): |
| * ksvg2/events/SVGZoomEvent.h: |
| * ksvg2/ksvg.h: |
| (WebCore::): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGDocumentExtensions.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::SVGDocumentExtensions): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::~SVGDocumentExtensions): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::addTimeContainer): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::removeTimeContainer): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::startAnimations): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::pauseAnimations): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocumentExtensions::unpauseAnimations): |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGDocumentExtensions.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGAngle::): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAngle.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateColorElement::SVGAnimateColorElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateColorElement::handleTimerEvent): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateColorElement::clampColor): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElement.cpp: |
| (SVGAnimateElement::SVGAnimateElement): |
| (SVGAnimateElement::handleTimerEvent): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::SVGAnimateTransformElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::handleTimerEvent): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::parseTransformValue): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::calculateRotationFromMatrix): |
| (WebCore::SVGAnimateTransformElement::initialMatrix): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimatedLength.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp: |
| (SVGAnimationElement::closeRenderer): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCircleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::SVGColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::rgbColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setRGBColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setRGBColorICCColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::color): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setRGBColor): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDefsElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDescElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::SVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::isSupported): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::id): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::setId): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::xmlbase): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::setXmlbase): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::ownerSVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::viewportElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::tryGetAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::tryGetAttributeNS): |
| (WebCore::SVGElement::childShouldCreateRenderer): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEllipseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGEvent.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEBlendElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFECompositeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEDistantLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFELightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEPointLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpecularLightingElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFESpotLightElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETileElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGForeignObjectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGHelper::PercentageOfViewport): |
| (WebCore::SVGHelper::ParseSeperatedList): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGImageElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGLength::): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatable.cpp: |
| (SVGLocatable::getBBox): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLocatable.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.cpp: |
| (SVGMatrix::inverse): |
| (SVGMatrix::rotateFromVector): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGNumber.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGPathElement::getPointAtLength): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::x): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::y): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::width): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::height): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::pushAttributeContext): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::fillAttributesFromReferencePattern): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::drawPatternContentIntoTile): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::notifyClientsToRepaint): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::notifyAttributeChange): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::canvasResource): |
| (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::getCTM): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPoint.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolyElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolygonElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPolylineElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRect.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGRectElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::SVGSVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::~SVGSVGElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::viewport): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::currentTranslate): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::unsuspendRedraw): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::getIntersectionList): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::getEnclosureList): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::checkIntersection): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::checkEnclosure): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::createSVGNumber): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::createSVGPoint): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::createSVGRect): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::pauseAnimations): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::unpauseAnimations): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::animationsPaused): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::getCurrentTime): |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::setCurrentTime): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::timeScheduler): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGScriptElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSetElement::SVGSetElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGSetElement::handleTimerEvent): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSetElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStopElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.cpp: |
| (SVGStyledLocatableElement::getBBox): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp: |
| (SVGStyledTransformableElement::getBBox): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSwitchElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSymbolElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElement.cpp: |
| (SVGTextContentElement::getStartPositionOfChar): |
| (SVGTextContentElement::getEndPositionOfChar): |
| (SVGTextContentElement::getExtentOfChar): |
| (SVGTextContentElement::getCharNumAtPosition): |
| (SVGTextContentElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextContentElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGTextElement::getBBox): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.h: |
| (WebCore::SVGTransform::): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTransform.idl: Added. |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGUseElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGViewElement.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::Frame): |
| (WebCore::Frame::pauseTimeouts): |
| (WebCore::Frame::resumeTimeouts): |
| * platform/Color.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBR.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderCanvas.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderCanvas::view): |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::RenderFlow): |
| * rendering/RenderInline.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTextFragment.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextFragment::contentString): |
| * xml/xmlattrs.in: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fixed <rdar://problem/4559720> window sizing: make javascript window |
| and screen sizing methods and properties work @ HIDPI |
| |
| The general approach here is to change some ints to floats, make |
| a few key functions that scale between WebView and window/screen |
| coordinates, and change other functions that work with screen |
| coordinates to use the scaling functions for their underlying |
| implementations. |
| |
| * manual-tests/window-open-features.html: Removed. |
| * manual-tests/window-sizing.html: Added. More test coverage. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: Changed ints to floats and IntRects to |
| FloatRects, because window coordinates can be fractional when scaled |
| to WebView/DOM coordinates. |
| (KJS::floatFeature): |
| (KJS::showModalDialog): |
| (KJS::Window::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::constrainToVisible): |
| (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): |
| * bridge/BrowserExtension.h: |
| * bridge/mac/BrowserExtensionMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::BrowserExtensionMac::createNewWindow): Removed custom scaling |
| code and replaced with calls to Page::windowRect and |
| Page::setWindowRect. Renamed 'page' and 'bridge' to 'pageBridge' and |
| 'frameBridge,' respectively. |
| * bridge/mac/PageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Page::windowRect): Changed to use scaling |
| (WebCore::Page::setWindowRect): ditto |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (globalPoint): |
| * page/Page.h: |
| * platform/IntRect.h: |
| * platform/Screen.h: |
| * platform/mac/MouseEventMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::globalPositionForEvent): Changed to use flipScreenPoint |
| * platform/mac/ScreenMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::flipScreenRect): New key function |
| (WebCore::flipScreenPoint): New key function |
| (WebCore::scaleScreenRectToView): New key function |
| (WebCore::scaleViewRectToScreen): New key function |
| (WebCore::screenRect): Changed to use scaling |
| (WebCore::usableScreenRect): ditto |
| |
| Feeble attempt to preserve Windows build: |
| |
| * platform/win/ScreenWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::scaleScreenRectToWidget): stub -- doesn't actually scale |
| (WebCore::scaleWidgetRectToScreen): ditto |
| * bridge/win/PageWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Page::Page): |
| (WebCore::Page::widget): |
| |
| 2006-05-30 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rename RenderCanvas to RenderView. Rename canvas(), isCanvas() |
| to view(), isView(). Rename the frame view accessor on the old canvas |
| from view() to frameView() (to avoid view()->view(), since that just looks |
| stupid). :) |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge _setupRootForPrinting:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge computePageRectsWithPrintWidthScaleFactor:printHeight:]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge selectionColor]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge accessibilityTree]): |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::attach): |
| (WebCore::Document::updateSelection): |
| (WebCore::Document::prepareMouseEvent): |
| * editing/SelectionController.cpp: |
| * kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGClipPathElement.cpp: |
| (SVGClipPathElement::canvasResource): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEFloodElement.cpp: |
| (SVGFEFloodElement::filterEffect): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp: |
| (SVGGradientElement::rebuildStops): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGHelper.cpp: |
| (SVGHelper::PercentageOfViewport): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGPathElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGPathElement::getPointAtLength): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGSVGElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGSVGElement::currentTranslate): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::view): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::pushAttributeContext): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.h: |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityShouldUseUniqueId]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject role]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject value]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject position]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityIsIgnored]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeNames]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject topView]): |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject accessibilityAttributeValue:]): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::Frame::paint): |
| (WebCore::Frame::adjustPageHeight): |
| (WebCore::Frame::forceLayoutWithPageWidthRange): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameView::adjustViewSize): |
| (WebCore::FrameView::layout): |
| * page/FrameView.h: |
| * rendering/AutoTableLayout.cpp: |
| (WebCore::shouldScaleColumns): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::MarginInfo::MarginInfo): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::isSelfCollapsingBlock): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintChildren): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::setSelectionState): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::isSelectionRoot): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillInlineSelectionGaps): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::lowestPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::rightmostPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::leftmostPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::clearFloats): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::nodeAtPoint): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::calcBlocminMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::inRootBlockContext): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintRootBoxDecorations): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcPercentageHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::availableHeightUsing): |
| * rendering/RenderCanvas.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderCanvas.h: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeChildNode): |
| * rendering/RenderFileButton.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::RenderFileButton): |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::destroy): |
| (WebCore::RenderFlow::paintLines): |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::userResize): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::setResizing): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::stackingContext): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::enclosingPositionedAncestor): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::convertToLayerCoords): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::scrollToOffset): |
| (WebCore::isSubframeCanvas): |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::intersectsDamageRect): |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderLayer::isStackingContext): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scroll): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::containingBlock): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::repaint): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::repaintRectangle): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::draggableNode): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::selectionStartEnd): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::viewRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::view): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::container): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::removeFromObjectLists): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::scheduleRelayout): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::imageChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::maximalOutlineSize): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderObject::isRenderView): |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::RenderTextArea): |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintCheckbox): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintRadio): |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintButton): |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| (externalRepresentation): |
| * rendering/RenderView.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderView::RenderView): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::~RenderView): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::calcHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::calcWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::absolutePosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::paint): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::paintBoxDecorations): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::repaintViewRectangle): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::getAbsoluteRepaintRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::computeAbsoluteRepaintRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::absoluteRects): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::setSelection): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::clearSelection): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::selectionStartEnd): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::updateWidgetPositions): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::addWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::removeWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::viewRect): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::docHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::docWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::setBestTruncatedAt): |
| * rendering/RenderView.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderView::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::isRenderView): |
| (WebCore::RenderView::frameView): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::RenderWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::destroy): |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::updateWidgetPosition): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::widget): |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Tim Omernick <timo@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4567776> REGRESSION: window.open() links do not work at www.newarchery.com |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): |
| Set the URL in the ResourceRequest; otherwise, it'll be uninitialized and createNewWindow() will |
| not be able to load the URL into a pre-existing frame. |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Beth. |
| |
| - fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9137 |
| Children with percentage heights of absolutely positioned element |
| with height: auto and top and bottom non-auto does not lay out |
| correctly |
| |
| Adds special case. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcPercentageHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcReplacedHeightUsing): |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, landed by Beth. |
| |
| - Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9085 |
| Absolutely positioned objects with 'height': auto and 'top': and |
| 'bottom': non-auto should not be content based |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVertical): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalValues): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalReplaced): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalReplaced): |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Small amount of svg-related code cleanup. |
| No test case possible. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGLength.cpp: |
| (SVGLength::SVGLength): |
| (SVGLength::value): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMarkerElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.cpp: |
| (SVGMatrix::SVGMatrix): |
| (SVGMatrix::copy): |
| (SVGMatrix::postMultiply): |
| (SVGMatrix::inverse): |
| (SVGMatrix::postTranslate): |
| (SVGMatrix::postScale): |
| (SVGMatrix::postScaleNonUniform): |
| (SVGMatrix::postRotate): |
| (SVGMatrix::postRotateFromVector): |
| (SVGMatrix::postFlipX): |
| (SVGMatrix::postFlipY): |
| (SVGMatrix::postSkewX): |
| (SVGMatrix::postSkewY): |
| (SVGMatrix::multiply): |
| (SVGMatrix::translate): |
| (SVGMatrix::scale): |
| (SVGMatrix::scaleNonUniform): |
| (SVGMatrix::rotate): |
| (SVGMatrix::rotateFromVector): |
| (SVGMatrix::flipX): |
| (SVGMatrix::flipY): |
| (SVGMatrix::skewX): |
| (SVGMatrix::skewY): |
| (SVGMatrix::setMatrix): |
| (SVGMatrix::qmatrix): |
| (SVGMatrix::removeScale): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGMatrix.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-30 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Small amount of bindings-related code cleanup. |
| No test case possible. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLFormElementCustom.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLFormElement::nameGetter): |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializerConstructorImp::JSXMLSerializerConstructorImp): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializerConstructorImp::implementsConstruct): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializerConstructorImp::construct): |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializer::JSXMLSerializer): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializerProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.h: |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializer::toBoolean): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializer::classInfo): |
| (WebCore::JSXMLSerializer::): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::getValueProperty): |
| |
| 2006-05-27 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| Correct include file names. |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4564296> Mail crashes on Leopard9A184 when I attempt to compose a new message |
| |
| * dom/Position.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Position::inRenderedContent): |
| Removed a candidate at [html, 0]. |
| * editing/CreateLinkCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CreateLinkCommand::doApply): Added early return when there is no selection. |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): Ditto. |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertTextCommand::input): Ditto. |
| * editing/Selection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Selection::validate): If visible positions can't be created from the endpoints, |
| then create a null selection. Not doing this was making editing code think there was |
| a valid, editable selection even though there wasn't. |
| * editing/UnlinkCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::UnlinkCommand::doApply): Early return. |
| * editing/VisiblePosition.cpp: |
| (WebCore::VisiblePosition::initDeepPosition): Special case the html/body element boundary. |
| It looks like a non-editable/editable boundary since rootEditableElement stops at the body |
| even if the html element is editable. |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin. |
| |
| Fixes a mistake in my last checkin. Uses maxDeepOffset to get the end position for |
| the textarea's inner div. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks): |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Added support for wrap=hard for new textarea implementation. |
| |
| Tests: fast/forms/textarea-appearance-wrap.html |
| |
| * dom/Range.h: Added version of toString that will convert BRs to newlines. |
| * dom/Range.cpp: (WebCore::Range::toString): |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::ReplacementFragment): |
| When in plain-text mode, and a white-space mode that doesn't collapse whitespace, create a fragment with one text node. |
| * editing/visible_units.cpp: |
| (WebCore::previousLinePosition): Subtract scroll offset so the absolute position for the containing block is correct. |
| (WebCore::nextLinePosition): ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::positionForCoordinates): If the position is equal to the left edge of the box, |
| make the affinity downstream so the position doesn't jump back to the previous line. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::atLineWrap): The logic was reversed here in a recent change. |
| If the box is not at a line break, then its at a line wrap. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::caretRect): Only go to the next text box if its at a line wrap and the |
| affinity is also downstream. If its upstream, then the correct box is on the current line. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::inlineBox): ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::updateFromElement): multi line controls don't need to check |
| valueMatchesRenderer before updating the renderer. For textareas, the renderer should always try to update. |
| This matches our old textarea behavior. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::text): Pass true to textContent so it converts BRs to newlines. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks): Iterate through the RootLineBoxes to find the soft wraps and replace them with newlines. |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9127 |
| Invoke capturing event listeners when AT_TARGET |
| |
| * dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EventTargetNode::handleLocalEvents): |
| Invoke capturing event listeners for the AT_TARGET phase. This violates the |
| DOM spec but it's what Mozilla does. |
| |
| 2006-05-26 David Harrison <harrison@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by John Sullivan. |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4514529> Add a list type parameter and a return value to _increaseSelectionListLevel |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| - Renamed ModifySelectionListLevelCommand .cpp and .h to ModifySelectionListLevel .cpp and .h |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge canIncreaseSelectionListLevel]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge canDecreaseSelectionListLevel]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge increaseSelectionListLevel]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge decreaseSelectionListLevel]): |
| - Call functions in IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand or DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand instead |
| of ModifySelectionListLevelCommand. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge increaseSelectionListLevelOrdered]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge increaseSelectionListLevelUnordered]): |
| - Added. |
| |
| * editing/ModifySelectionListLevel.cpp: Added. |
| - Renamed from ModifySelectionListLevelCommand.cpp |
| - Made ModifySelectionListLevelCommand class into a useful base class for new |
| classes IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand and DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand. |
| |
| (WebCore::ModifySelectionListLevelCommand::ModifySelectionListLevelCommand): |
| (WebCore::getStartEndListChildren): |
| (WebCore::ModifySelectionListLevelCommand::insertSiblingNodeRangeBefore): |
| (WebCore::ModifySelectionListLevelCommand::appendSiblingNodeRange): |
| - ModifySelectionListLevelCommand is base class for IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand and DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand |
| |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::listElement): |
| (WebCore::canIncreaseListLevel): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::doApply): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::canIncreaseSelectionListLevel): |
| (WebCore::increaseSelectionListLevelWithType): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::increaseSelectionListLevel): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::increaseSelectionListLevelOrdered): |
| (WebCore::IncreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::increaseSelectionListLevelUnordered): |
| - Now a subclass of ModifySelectionListLevelCommand |
| - Added Ordered and Unordered increaser functions |
| - Increaser functions return the list element that the items were moved into |
| |
| (WebCore::DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand): |
| (WebCore::canDecreaseListLevel): |
| (WebCore::DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::doApply): |
| (WebCore::DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::canDecreaseSelectionListLevel): |
| (WebCore::DecreaseSelectionListLevelCommand::decreaseSelectionListLevel): |
| - No functional changes other than to become a subclass of ModifySelectionListLevelCommand |
| |
| * editing/ModifySelectionListLevel.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::): |
| - Renamed from ModifySelectionListLevelCommand.cpp |
| |
| * editing/ModifySelectionListLevelCommand.cpp: Removed. |
| - Renamed to ModifySelectionListLevel.cpp |
| |
| * editing/ModifySelectionListLevelCommand.h: Removed. |
| - Renamed to ModifySelectionListLevel.h |
| |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createOrderedListElement): |
| (WebCore::createUnorderedListElement): |
| * editing/htmlediting.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by adele. |
| |
| Build fixes/tweaks |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * config.h: |
| * ksvg2/scripts/make_names.pl: |
| |
| 2006-05-26 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by adele. |
| |
| Fix build |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * config.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Change default font size for fixed pitch to 13 to match Safari |
| on Mac (and every other browser on the planet too). |
| |
| Reviewed by adele |
| |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FrameWin::FrameWin): |
| * platform/win/FontCacheWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontLinkInterface): |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| added bindings |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| added case to handle namedItem for select elements |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| added enum value for bindings |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::namedItem): |
| implemented namedItem method |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.h: |
| added prototype for namedItem method |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Make soft hyphens work on Win32 by special casing them |
| along with normal hyphens. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * rendering/break_lines.cpp: |
| (WebCore::nextBreakablePosition): |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Implement the fallback method containsCharacters for |
| checking if a font has the necessary glyphs to be |
| selected as a fallback choide. |
| |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::containsCharacters): |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| For now eliminate the logical scale factor from Cairo. |
| This enables bitmap fonts like MS Sans Serif to work on |
| Win32. |
| |
| * platform/cairo/cairo/src/cairo-win32-font.c: |
| (cairo_win32_scaled_font_select_font): |
| * platform/cairo/cairo/src/cairo-win32-private.h: |
| * platform/cairo/font-bug-patch.txt: Removed. |
| * platform/cairo/scale-removal.txt: Added. |
| * platform/win/FontCacheWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformWidthForGlyph): |
| * platform/win/FontPlatformData.h: |
| * platform/win/GlyphMapWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::fillPage): |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. Landed by eseidel. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8848 |
| TFOOT borders are copied to THEAD and TBODY |
| |
| Test: fast/table/border-collapsing/border-collapsing-head-foot.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::sectionAbove): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::sectionBelow): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::cellAbove): Changed to call sectionAbove. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::cellBelow): Changed to call sectionBelow. |
| * rendering/RenderTable.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::collapsedTopBorder): Changed to call sectionAbove. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::collapsedBottomBorder): Changed to call sectionBelow. |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. Landed by eseidel. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3297 |
| height property is not honored on table rows |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::addChild): Assign the row renderer to the |
| grid row. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::calcRowHeight): Fix off-by-one index bug |
| and add vertical spacing only for grid rows that have a renderer. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::recalcCells): Assign row renderers to |
| grid rows. |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. Landed by eseidel. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5978 |
| WebKIt+SVG should use SVGDocumentImpl for image/svg+xml |
| |
| Make sure SVGDocument is created for standalone svg |
| documents. |
| |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.cpp: |
| (SVGDOMImplementation::instance): |
| (SVGDOMImplementation::createDocument): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDOMImplementation.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGDocument::SVGDocument): |
| (WebCore::SVGDocument::~SVGDocument): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGDocument.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTests.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGTests::isValid): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGTitleElement.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. Landed by eseidel. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5889 |
| HTMLNames.* should be generated using make_names.pl |
| |
| Use a patched make_names.pl to autogenerate HTMLNames.* |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLNames.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/HTMLNames.h: Removed. |
| * html/HTMLTagNames.in: Added. |
| * html/HTMLAttributeNames.in: Added. |
| * ksvg2/scripts/make_names.pl: |
| |
| 2006-05-25 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Add "HasIndexGetter" support to bindings autogen system. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9057 |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBase.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * css/CSSValueList.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-24 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Implement font aliasing of family names for Courier/Courier New, |
| Arial/Helvetica, and Times/Times New Roman. This behavior matches |
| WinIE and Firefox. |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej |
| |
| Test cases not really possible, since they would have to rely on people |
| not having the fonts installed (so not having installed Office). |
| |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::alternateFamilyName): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/FontCache.h: |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeLeftoverAnonymousBoxes): |
| |
| === WebCore-521.11 === |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by levi |
| |
| <rdar://problem/4549610> REGRESSION: No initial cursor in Mail reply or Blot document |
| <rdar://problem/4560698> Mail is very crashy in Leopard9A182, WebCore::Range::compareBoundaryPoints(WebCore::Node*, int, WebCore::Node*, int) |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::setSelectionFromNone): Find the body and stick a caret |
| in it. |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Rubber stamped by Anders. |
| |
| Removed meaningless 'dom::' prefix in IDL files. |
| |
| * dom/Range.idl: |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl: |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.idl: |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| - Fixed http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9095 |
| regression: can't select by setting option.selected to true |
| |
| 'text' and 'selected' were erroneously marked read-only for option elements. |
| |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.idl: |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| - WebCore half of fix for <rdar://problem/4557926> TOT REGRESSION: Crash |
| occurs when attempting to view image in slideshow mode at |
| http://d.smugmug.com/gallery/581716 ( KJS::IfNode::execute |
| (KJS::ExecState*) + 312) |
| |
| On alternate threads, DOMObjects remain in the |
| ScriptInterpreter's cache because they're not collected. So, they |
| need an opportunity to mark their children. |
| |
| I'm not particularly happy with this solution because it fails to |
| resolve many outstanding issues with the DOM object cache. Since none |
| of those issues is a crasher or a serious compatibility concern, |
| and since the behavior of other browsers is not much to go on in this |
| case, I've filed <rdar://problem/4561439> about that, and I'm moving |
| on with my life. |
| |
| Also added functionality for testing garbage collection from inside |
| DumpRenderTree. |
| |
| Also removed XMLHttpRequest from the DOM object cache because XMLHttpRequest |
| objects aren't accessed through the DOM. |
| |
| Also added JS locking around access to some shared data structures in |
| WebCoreJavaScript, even though it probably doesn't matter in practice. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequest.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSXMLHttpRequest::JSXMLHttpRequest): |
| (KJS::JSXMLHttpRequest::~JSXMLHttpRequest): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::mark): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreJavaScript.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreJavaScript.mm: |
| (collect): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript objectCount]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript interpreterCount]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript protectedObjectCount]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript garbageCollect]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript garbageCollectOnAlternateThread:]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript shouldPrintExceptions]): |
| (+[WebCoreJavaScript setShouldPrintExceptions:]): |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix the font cache corruption problems on Win32. Move the |
| native font destruction code out of FontPlatformData and |
| into FontData. Implement smallCaps. |
| |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformDestroy): |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| * platform/win/FontPlatformDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData): |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9093 |
| Implement document.scripts |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getValueProperty): |
| Return document.scripts() instead of a placeholder object. |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::scripts): |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| Add Document::scripts. |
| |
| * html/HTMLCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::traverseNextItem): |
| * html/HTMLCollection.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLCollection::): |
| Add scripts collection type which traverses all script elements. |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Geoff. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9092 |
| innerText is empty for elements without renderers |
| |
| * dom/Node.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Node::textContent): |
| * dom/Node.h: |
| Add optional convertBRsToNewlines argument for textContent. |
| |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLElement::innerText): |
| If the element doesn't have a renderer, return textContent. |
| |
| 2006-05-24 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix a bug with the computation of the Cairo glyph offsets |
| on the Win32 code path. |
| |
| * ChangeLog: |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs): |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Disable some code in Cairo that is attempting to clip |
| runs of text to their glyph boundaries, since: |
| |
| (a) Why re-measure text again when I just gave you |
| the glyph bounds anyway. |
| (b) It gets the measurements wrong. |
| |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/cairo/cairo/src/cairo-surface-fallback.c: |
| (_cairo_surface_fallback_show_glyphs): |
| * platform/cairo/clipping-cleartype-font-bug-patch.txt: Added. |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs): |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| Remove the recent idl files from the WebCore target to prevent them |
| from being copied into the framework resources. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| |
| 2006-05-23 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Justin Garcia and Levi Weintraub. |
| |
| - fixed Bug 9072: REGRESSION: Misspelling marker incorrect in editing/deleting/delete-and-undo.html |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| One more time to get this right, ugh. There is still one case where we don't want to advance the |
| iterator, and that's when we remove a marker and do not insert a replacement marker. So I undid |
| my previous patch, and added it++ to each of the two cases that insert a replacement marker. Now |
| the layout tests pass even with the pixel tests enabled. |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Do an initial implementation of CookieJar on Win32. No policy |
| checking yet and the cookies are just always on. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * platform/win/CookieJarWin.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::setCookies): |
| (WebCore::cookies): |
| (WebCore::cookiesEnabled): |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix the JS autogeneration for WebCore so that the hashtables |
| are correct on Win32. |
| |
| Switch to using GetCharWidthI so that we can obtain widths |
| for glyphs instead of having to obtain them from UChars. |
| |
| Reviewed by eric (autogeneration) and maciej (fonts) |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::widthForGlyph): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontDataMac.mm: |
| (-[NSFont WebCore]): |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformWidthForGlyph): |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Cleaned up changes to markup by adding the non-virtual |
| nodeNamePreservingCase accessor function. |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::nodeNamePreservingCase): |
| * dom/Element.h: |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startMarkup): |
| (WebCore::endMarkup): |
| |
| 2006-05-23 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| Fix to my previous checkin (which broke a layout test). |
| Advance the iterator position every time through the loop; formerly it was not advanced in the |
| case where a marker was actually removed, causing an infinite loop in certain cases. Also |
| modified a comment that was confusing the situation by falsely claiming that iterating over a |
| just-inserted node would always be OK. |
| |
| 2006-05-23 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9017 |
| Weather2.css incorrectly treated as JavaScript file @ www.live.com |
| |
| * dom/Element.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Element::getAttribute): |
| (WebCore::Element::setAttribute): |
| (WebCore::Element::removeAttribute): |
| (WebCore::Element::getAttributeNode): |
| (WebCore::Element::hasAttribute): |
| Use new getAttributeItem method. |
| |
| * dom/NamedAttrMap.cpp: |
| (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::getNamedItem): |
| (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::removeNamedItem): |
| Use new getAttributeItem method. |
| |
| (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::getAttributeItem): |
| * dom/NamedAttrMap.h: |
| New method which returns the attribute based on the nodeName. |
| |
| 2006-05-22 Eric Seidel <eric@eseidel.com> |
| |
| Rubber-stamped by adele. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: simple style cleanup. |
| |
| === WebCore-521.10 === |
| |
| 2006-05-22 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders Carlsson. |
| |
| - fixed Bug 9038: Rework Document::TextMarker mechanism to not use deprecated data structures |
| |
| Changed Document::markersForNode and Document::MarkerMap to use Vector rather than |
| DeprecatedValueList and DeprecatedValueListIterator. |
| |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::addMarker): |
| (WebCore::Document::copyMarkers): |
| (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): |
| (WebCore::Document::markersForNode): |
| (WebCore::Document::repaintMarkers): |
| (WebCore::Document::shiftMarkers): |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintAllMarkersOfType): |
| |
| 2006-05-22 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| - Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8393 |
| <br>s created by createMarkup aren't valid xhtml |
| Fixed uppered output from innerHTML |
| |
| * editing/markup.cpp: |
| (WebCore::startMarkup): |
| (WebCore::endMarkup): |
| |
| 2006-05-21 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix Win32 bustage. I forgot to add a bunch of files. |
| Also tweak some existing functions a bit (just cleanup). |
| |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontData): |
| * platform/FontCache.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformDestroy): |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| |
| 2006-05-21 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| - Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9016 |
| crash loading live.com in TreeShared::ref because accessing RenderTextField::text() can destroy the RenderTextField |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextField::text): |
| Reverting recent change to user innerText instead of textContent. For textareas, |
| we need a better solution than textContent that also takes newlines into account, |
| but this should fix this crasher. |
| |
| 2006-05-21 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix build. |
| |
| * ForwardingHeaders/wtf/MathExtras.h: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-20 Dave Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Switch on Cairo-based text rendering on Win32. This is tracked |
| by bug 9019. |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * config.h: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::normalizeVoicingMarks): |
| (WebCore::Font::width): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::Font::isRoundingHackCharacter): |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::computeHash): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKeyTraits::deletedValue): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKeyTraits::emptyValue): |
| (WebCore::FontDataCacheKeyTraits::deletedValue): |
| (WebCore::FontDataCacheKeyTraits::emptyValue): |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::widthForGlyph): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/FontPlatformData.h: Removed. |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::clear): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphs): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advances): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::swap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advanceAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/GlyphMap.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::locatePage): |
| * platform/cairo/cairo/src/cairo-win32-font.c: |
| (cairo_win32_scaled_font_select_font): |
| * platform/cairo/font-bug-patch.txt: Added. |
| * platform/mac/FontDataMac.mm: |
| (-[NSFont WebCore]): |
| * platform/mac/FontPlatformData.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData): |
| * platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformInit): |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformDestroy): |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::containsCharacters): |
| (WebCore::FontData::determinePitch): |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformWidthForGlyph): |
| * platform/win/FontPlatformDataWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_size): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::notImplemented): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText): |
| |
| 2006-05-20 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8991 |
| REGRESSION: missing or broken CSS custom cursors are displayed as |
| a missing image icon |
| |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::selectCursor): Fallback to CURSOR_AUTO if the image is an error image. |
| * manual-tests/custom-cursors.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-20 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by ap. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9009 |
| REGRESSION: ToT crash in WebCore at Zap2it |
| |
| Test: fast/table/empty-section-crash.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::paint): Return immediately if the section |
| has 0 rows or 0 columns. |
| |
| 2006-05-19 Levi Weintraub <lweintraub@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by justin. |
| |
| <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8931> |
| Drag caret not painted for editable sub-frames |
| |
| Moved the drag caret out of Frame and into Page. |
| Only the Frame that contains the drag caret will paint it. |
| |
| * editing/SelectionController.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::dragCaret): |
| (WebCore::Frame::setDragCaret): |
| (WebCore::Frame::paintDragCaret): |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| * page/Page.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Page::dragCaret): |
| (WebCore::Page::setDragCaret): |
| * page/Page.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-19 Alice Liu <alice.liu@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.idl: |
| added support for HTMLButtonElement.click() |
| |
| 2006-05-19 Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| - Fixed non-autogenerated global constructors to match autogenerated |
| ones and FF. (Found this bug while @ the GOOG.) |
| |
| (1) They're no longer read-only, so they can be overridden. |
| (2) They now have the default object prototype, so they can do things |
| like 'toString' and 'valueOf', necessary for general functionality, |
| including my layout test. |
| (3) Their prototype properties are now enumerable and not read-only. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSDOMParser.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMParserConstructorImp::DOMParserConstructorImp): |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequest.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSXMLHttpRequestConstructorImp::JSXMLHttpRequestConstructorImp): |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLHttpRequest.h: |
| * bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.cpp: |
| (KJS::XMLSerializerConstructorImp::XMLSerializerConstructorImp): |
| * bindings/js/JSXSLTProcessor.cpp: |
| (KJS::XSLTProcessorConstructorImp::XSLTProcessorConstructorImp): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::OptionConstructorImp::OptionConstructorImp): |
| (KJS::ImageConstructorImp::ImageConstructorImp): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-19 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8983 |
| Autogenerate another 22 HTML classes |
| |
| Already covered by existing DOM tests. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add new IDL files and generated sources. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImageFromRect): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::createPattern): |
| Use JSHTMLImageElement::info in inherits. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| Add macros for the functions and the code to populate the hash set. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| Delete old cruft. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| Add support for creating a JS object from a HTMLCollection. |
| |
| * html/HTMLAreaElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLBRElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLBaseFontElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::scrollLeft): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::setScrollLeft): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::scrollTop): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::setScrollTop): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::scrollHeight): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::scrollWidth): |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.h: |
| Add new functions that used to be implemented in kjs_html.cpp |
| |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLFieldSetElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLFontElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHRElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHeadingElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLIsIndexElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLLIElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLLabelElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLLegendElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLMapElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLMenuElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLModElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParagraphElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParamElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLPreElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLQuoteElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-18 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Turn off responding to font changes while running. It doesn't work |
| right anyway. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/FontCache.h: |
| * platform/GlyphMap.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::~GlyphMap): |
| * platform/GlyphWidthMap.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::~GlyphWidthMap): |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::platformInit): |
| |
| 2006-05-18 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - try to fix the Windows build |
| |
| * platform/TextEncoding.h: Changed a ";" to a ",". |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Removed |
| JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp and |
| JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.h. Added |
| JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp. |
| |
| 2006-05-18 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| Fix for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8896> |
| Bug 8896: Absolutely positioned elements should use their parent's |
| direction when left, right and width are auto in quirks mode. |
| |
| Use the parent's direction instead of the containing |
| block's in quirks mode for absolute positioning to match |
| WinIE. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontal): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalValues): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalReplaced): |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-18 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and tweaked (way too much) by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8937 |
| EncodingMap uses 0 as its empty value but 0 is a valid TextEncodingID |
| |
| * platform/CharsetNames.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextEncodingIDHashTraits::emptyValue): Added a non-zero empty value, |
| InvalidEncoding, and used InvalidEncoding2 for the deleted value. |
| (WebCore::buildCharsetMaps): Added an assertion that the deleted and empty |
| values are not valid encodings. |
| * platform/TextEncoding.h: Defined InvalidEncoding2. |
| |
| 2006-05-18 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Horrible glyph map performance regression fix. |
| The initial page of the map was being rebuilt over and over again. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * platform/GlyphMap.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::locatePage): |
| * platform/GlyphWidthMap.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::locatePage): |
| |
| 2006-05-18 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8964 |
| Autogenerate more HTML classes |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add new files. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createAnchorWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createAppletWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createDivWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createDirectoryWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createDListWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createHtmlWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createOListWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createUListWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| Add wrappers. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| Delete the old implementations. |
| |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::hash): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::host): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::hostname): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::pathname): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::port): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::protocol): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::search): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::text): |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: |
| Add some new accessor methods which used to be in kjs_html.cpp. |
| |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDListElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDirectoryElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDivElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHtmlElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLOListElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLUListElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Convert the width map for glyphs into the same new HashMap-style as the |
| glyph map for characters. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontData::~FontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::widthForGlyph): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/GlyphWidthMap.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::widthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::setWidthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::locatePage): |
| * platform/GlyphWidthMap.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::GlyphWidthMap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::~GlyphWidthMap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::GlyphWidthPage::widthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::GlyphWidthPage::setWidthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::GlyphWidthMap::GlyphWidthPage::setWidthForIndex): |
| |
| 2006-05-17 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rename FontData.mm to FontData.cpp, since it has no obj-c in it. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/FontData.cpp: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Split FontData.mm into platform-specific and cross-platform pieces. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontData::xHeight): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontData::widthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::m_smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontData::~FontData): |
| (WebCore::extendWidthMap): |
| |
| 2006-05-17 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin Adler |
| |
| Improvement to my previous patch, suggested by Darin |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::repaintMarkers): |
| new method, similar in structure to removeMarkers but just repaints each node that |
| has a marker of the specified type |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| declare new method, and tweak style in related method declarations |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted): |
| if the value changes, call repaintMarkers |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Autogenerate button, optgroup, option, input and textarea js bindings |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8953 |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createButtonWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createInputWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createOptGroupWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createOptionWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createTextAreaWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBase.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBaseProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBase::JSHTMLInputElementBase): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBase::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLInputElementBase.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBase::classInfo): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBase::): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLInputElementBase::impl): |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor::implementsConstruct): |
| (WebCore::JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor::construct): |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLOptionElementConstructor.h: Added. |
| * bindings/js/kjs_domnode.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::put): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::htmlSetter): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| (KJS::Window::getValueProperty): |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLOptGroupElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| First step for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8948 |
| Switch to use new text field implementation for <textarea> |
| |
| New textareas can be turned on by setting -webkit-appearance:textarea. |
| |
| Tests: |
| * LayoutTests/fast/block/float/032.html - Updated results. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: Added textDidChangeinTextArea to send notification over the bridge to form delegate. |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::textDidChangeInTextArea): ditto. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::textDidChangeInTextArea): ditto. |
| * page/Frame.h: ditto. |
| |
| * css/CSSValueKeywords.in: Added textarea. |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): Updates to check for textarea. |
| * css/html4.css: Added style for textarea. Leaved background-color and appearance values commented out. |
| * rendering/render_style.h: (WebCore::): Added TextAreaAppearance. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustStyle): Updated for textarea. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::paint): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintBorderOnly): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::isControlStyled): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::supportsFocusRing): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustTextFieldStyle): ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustTextAreaStyle): ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderTheme.h: (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintTextArea): Added. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: Added adjustTextAreaStyle. |
| Note- I didn't add a paintTextArea function for RenderThemeMac, since we can just paint the border |
| specified in html4.css to match the NSTextView border. Added a paintTextArea function to the Windows |
| theme can override that border. |
| * rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::isControlStyled): Updated for textarea. |
| (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustTextAreaStyle): ditto. |
| |
| * html/HTMLGenericFormElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::HTMLGenericFormElement): |
| Moved m_valueMatchesRenderer and its setters and getters into this class so HTMLInputElement and |
| HTMLTextArea can share. |
| * html/HTMLGenericFormElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::valueMatchesRenderer): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::setValueMatchesRenderer): Added. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::init): Remove m_valueMatchesRenderer intialization. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::isKeyboardFocusable): Updated spelling. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::createRenderer): Pass multiLine bool to RenderTextField constructor. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::parseMappedAttribute): Use setValueMatchesRenderer instead of m_valueMatchesRenderer. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::detach): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setValue): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::setValueFromRenderer): ditto. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.h: Remove setValueMatchesRenderer and valueMatchesRenderer and m_valueMatchesRenderer. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::HTMLTextAreaElement): Calls setValueMatchesRenderer to intialize m_valueMatchesRenderer. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionStart): Uses appearance to determine which renderer to use. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionEnd): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionStart): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionEnd): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::select): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionRange): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::createRenderer): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::appendFormData): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::updateValue): ditto. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::isKeyboardFocusable): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::isMouseFocusable): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::focus): Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::defaultEventHandler): Added to forward events to the inner div. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setValue): Calls setValueMatchesRenderer. |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: Added defaultEventHandler, isMouseFocusable, isKeyboardFocusable, and focus methods. |
| Removed invalidateValue and m_valueMatchesRenderer since those are now handled in the base class. |
| * html/HTMLTextFieldInnerElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLTextFieldInnerElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| Updated to handle textareas. |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextArea::valueChanged): |
| Calls setValueMatchesRenderer(false) instead of invalidateValue. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.h: Changed to be a RenderFlexibleBox instead of a RenderBlock. |
| This was necessary to get the inner div's height to grow and shrink with the size of the textarea. |
| Added m_multiLine bool, and calcHeight, canHaveChildren, baselinePosition, isTextArea, textWithHardLineBreaks, selectionChanged. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::canHaveChildren): Returns false now so that no renderer gets created for |
| the textarea's child text node for its initial contents. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::isTextField): Returns true if m_multiLine is false. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::isTextArea): Returns true if m_multiLine is true. |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::RenderTextField): Initializes m_multiLine. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::~RenderTextField): Notifies HTMLTextAreaElement that the renderer is being destroyed so the value gets updated. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::setStyle): Makes sure there's no overflow clip on the RenderTextField, since we're handling overflow on the inner div. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::createDivStyle): Sets white-space, box-flex, overflow, word-wrap styles needed for text area. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::updateFromElement): Updated for textarea elements. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::setSelectionRange): Optimized caret case by checking to see if start is equal to end before calculating |
| the same VisiblePosition twice. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::subtreeHasChanged): Updated for textarea elements. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::text): Use innerText so newlines are considered. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::textWithHardLineBreaks): Added. Not implemented yet. Just calls text method. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcHeight): Added. Sets initial height based on specified number of rows, and then calls the base class. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::baselinePosition): Added. Unlike text fields, textareas align to the bottom. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcMinMaxWidth): Updated for textareas. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::selectionChanged): Added. Not implemented yet. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for 8954, separate the glyph map out into its own files and make it |
| cross-platform. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontData::glyphDataForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::FontData::setGlyphDataForCharacter): |
| * platform/GlyphMap.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::glyphDataForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::setGlyphDataForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::locatePage): |
| * platform/GlyphMap.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::GlyphMap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::~GlyphMap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::GlyphPage::glyphDataForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::GlyphPage::setGlyphDataForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::GlyphPage::setGlyphDataForIndex): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (-[NSFont WebCore]): |
| (WidthMap::m_ATSUMirrors): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::~FontData): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::xHeight): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::platformInit): |
| (WidthMap::extendWidthMap): |
| * platform/mac/GlyphMapMac.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphMap::fillPage): |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8958 |
| Should be able to have custom implementations for JS methods |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.h: Removed. |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom.cpp: Added. |
| Remove JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase and add |
| JSCanvasRenderingContext2DCustom with custom implementations. |
| |
| (WebCore::toJS): |
| (WebCore::toHTMLCanvasStyle): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::strokeStyle): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setStrokeStyle): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::fillStyle): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setFillStyle): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setFillColor): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setStrokeColor): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::strokeRect): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImageFromRect): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setShadow): |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::createPattern): |
| Move implementations from JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| Add new "Custom" extended attribute for functions and attributes. When a function or |
| attribute has this attribute, a custom implementation is called instead of calling down to |
| the DOM object. |
| |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl: |
| Add bunch of custom attributes and functions. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 John Sullivan <sullivan@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| First step towards making text-matching mechanism more flexible; now caller can |
| control whether or not the matches are highlighted. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markAllMatchesForText:caseSensitive:]): |
| renamed from highlightAllMatchesForString: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted]): |
| new getter method |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted:]): |
| new setter method |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge unmarkAllTextMatches]): |
| renamed from clearHighlightedMatches |
| |
| * page/Frame.h: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::markAllMatchesForText): |
| renamed from highlightAllMatchesForString |
| (WebCore::Ferame::markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted): |
| new getter method, uses boolean ivar in FramePrivate |
| (WebCore::Frame::setMarkedTextMatchesAreHighlighted): |
| new setter method, uses boolean ivar in FramePrivate |
| |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate): |
| added boolean ivar m_highlightTextMatches, initialized to 0 |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| respect markedTextMatchesAreHighlighted |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| newer Xcode removed some obsolete settings |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Beth. |
| |
| * editing/htmlediting.cpp: (WebCore::editingIgnoresContent): |
| Reverting change that Darin made a few weeks ago. He was trying |
| to make editingIgnoresContent return true for the new text fields, but the code |
| actually didn't change that result. When the new text fields actually do return |
| true for editingIgnoresContent, other editing problems are exposed. For example, |
| moving the cursor around an editable area that contains a text field will cross the |
| text field boundary and descend into the shadow tree. So for now, we'll revert this |
| change. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej, tweaked by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8951 |
| AtomicString hash corrupted by high-bit Latin-1 |
| |
| Test: fast/encoding/high-bit-latin1.html |
| |
| * platform/AtomicString.cpp: (WebCore::CStringTranslator::equal): Use an |
| unsigned char local. |
| * platform/StringImpl.cpp: (WebCore::StringImpl::init): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7492 |
| CSS attribute selectors fail when the setAttribute() method is used |
| to create an attribute and the attribute name is not Class or ID. |
| |
| Keep track of attributes used in attribute selectors to |
| check after setAttribute whether a style recalc is needed. |
| |
| Test: fast/css/selector-set-attribute.html |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::hasSelectorForAttribute): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/StyledElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::StyledElement::attributeChanged): |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5264 |
| document.createElementNS() should not allow to insert a second <html> element |
| |
| Do extra checks for document nodes to detect multiple document elements |
| and document types. |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/createDocumentType2.html |
| Test: fast/dom/createElementNS.html |
| |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Document::childTypeAllowed): |
| * dom/Document.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-17 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| Conditionally generate the SVG and XPath related files based on the value of |
| FEATURE_DEFINES. Also, pass FEATURE_DEFINES to the bindings generator. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add FEATURE_DEFINES as a toplevel build setting and set it to "SVG_SUPPORT XPATH_SUPPORT" |
| to keep SVG and XPath support turned on. Add FEATURE_DEFINES to the CPP defines. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: |
| (KJS::setDOMException): |
| Add #ifdefs around the XPath code. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| Add "Conditional" extended attribute for interfaces. If this is set, the generated code will be |
| surrounded by an #if. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm: |
| Pass the define flags on to the preprocessor. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/generate-bindings.pl: |
| Add a --defines property and pass it on to the parser. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| Add DeprecatedString.h include. |
| |
| * dom/Document.idl: |
| Put back #if around the XPath functions |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| Put #if around the XPath constructors |
| |
| * xpath/XPathEvaluator.idl: |
| * xpath/XPathExpression.idl: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathNSResolver.idl: |
| * xpath/XPathNamespace.cpp: |
| * xpath/XPathResult.idl: |
| Add "Conditional=XPATH" to all interfaces. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Anders. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8940 |
| remove extra copy of image code |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed WebCoreImageRenderer.h. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreImageRenderer.h: Removed. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: Added supportedImageResourceMIMETypes. |
| Like supportedImageMIMETypes, but includes PDF and PostScript. |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (+[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedImageResourceMIMETypes]): Added. |
| Has code that came from -[WebImageRendererFactory supportedMIMETypes]. |
| (+[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedImageMIMETypes]): |
| |
| * platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Image::supportsType): Instead of calling the old |
| -[WebCoreImageRendererFactory supportedMIMETypes], call the new |
| +[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedImageResourceMIMETypes]. |
| (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Use wkSetPatternPhaseInUserSpace instead of |
| the WebCoreImageRendererFactory. |
| |
| * platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: Removed an unneeded include of |
| WebCoreImageRenderer.h. |
| |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreImageRendererFactory.h: Removed everything except |
| for the one remaining method, imageDataForName:, which gets resources |
| from the WebKit localized resources. We should figure out how to remove |
| that one too later. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreImageRendererFactory.m: Ditto. |
| |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: Added some new calls. |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: Ditto. |
| * WebCore.exp: Ditto. |
| |
| * platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: Moved a stub to the stubs file. If it's |
| here it has to have a FIXME comment and also it contains a big commented-out |
| pile of code. Better to have it in the stubs file with all the other stubs. |
| * platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (Image::drawTiled): Put stub here |
| instead of having it in ImageCairo.cpp. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Dave Hyatt. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8941 |
| document.cookie undefined for documents of type text/javascript |
| |
| * loader/TextDocument.cpp: |
| (WebCore::TextDocument::TextDocument): |
| * loader/TextDocument.h: |
| Inherit from HTMLDocument. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8898 |
| REGRESSION: Attempting to right-click image in own tab on website causes crash |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8919 |
| REGRESSION: image could not be dragged, subsequent click-drag activity caused crash |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge domain]): Removed unneeded check of isHTMLDocument. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getData:andResponse:forURL:]): Handle document() of 0. |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getAllResourceDatas:andResponses:]): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Autogenerate BASE, HEAD, LINK, STYLE and TITLE JS bindings. |
| |
| Already covered by existing dom tests. |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createBaseWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createHeadWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createLinkWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createStyleWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createTitleWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| * html/HTMLBaseElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHeadElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLStyleElement.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTitleElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8921 |
| Use WebCore to render full-frame images. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add ImageDocument. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| Add mainResourceURLResponse and imageTitleForFilename. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (+[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedNonImageMIMETypes]): |
| This used to be supportedMIMETypes but WebKit requires that we handle the |
| image MIME types separately. |
| |
| (+[WebCoreFrameBridge supportedImageMIMETypes]): |
| Add image types from WebCoreImageRendererFactory. |
| |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge canProvideDocumentSource]): |
| Return no for image types. |
| |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.h: |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::wantsRawData): |
| (WebCore::Tokenizer::writeRawData): |
| New virtual functions which tokenizers can override if they want to get |
| raw data (which isn't fed through the decoder) |
| |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::setLoadManually): |
| New function which calls HTMLImageLoader::setLoadManually |
| |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::HTMLImageLoader): |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::updateFromElement): |
| Don't request the image from the loader if the load is set to be manual. |
| |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::setLoadManually): |
| New function which decides if the image data should be fed manually or loaded |
| by the loader. |
| |
| * loader/DocLoader.h: |
| Add HTMLImageLoader as a friend. |
| |
| * loader/ImageDocument.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::ImageTokenizer): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::wantsRawData): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::write): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::writeRawData): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::stopParsing): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::finish): |
| (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::isWaitingForScripts): |
| (WebCore::ImageDocument::ImageDocument): |
| (WebCore::ImageDocument::createTokenizer): |
| * loader/ImageDocument.h: Added. |
| Add new ImageDocument class which will feed its data to a created image element. |
| |
| * loader/TextDocument.h: |
| Inherit from HTMLDocument here too, in case any broken web pages want to manipulate |
| the DOM of any plain text documents. |
| |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::begin): |
| (WebCore::Frame::write): |
| Don't create or use the decoder if the tokenizer is in "raw mode". |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Autogenerate JSHTMLMetaElement. |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8938 |
| |
| Test: fast/dom/HTMLMetaElement/meta-attributes.html |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createMetaWrapper): |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| * html/HTMLMetaElement.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-16 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8936, eliminate WebTextRendererFactory and convert it over to the |
| new FontCache. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreStringTruncator.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQComboBox.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQLineEdit.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQListBox.mm: |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::Font::bold): |
| * platform/FontCache.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKey::m_italic): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKey::operator==): |
| (WebCore::computeHash): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKeyHash::hash): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKeyHash::equal): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKeyTraits::deletedValue): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getCachedFontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontDataCacheKeyHash::hash): |
| (WebCore::FontDataCacheKeyHash::equal): |
| (WebCore::FontDataCacheKeyTraits::deletedValue): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getCachedFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::clearCommonCaches): |
| * platform/FontCache.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/FontFamily.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontFamily::FontFamily): |
| (WebCore::FontFamily::operator=): |
| (WebCore::FontFamily::setFamily): |
| * platform/FontFamily.h: |
| (WebCore::FontFamily::familyIsEmpty): |
| * platform/FontPlatformData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::hash): |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::operator==): |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::getAppDefaultValue): |
| (WebCore::getUserDefaultValue): |
| (WebCore::getLCDScaleParameters): |
| (WebCore::fontsChanged): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::registerForFontChanges): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::clearCaches): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getSimilarFontPlatformData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getLastResortFallbackFont): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (-[NSFont WebCore]): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::xHeight): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WidthMap::computeWidthForSpace): |
| (WidthMap::setUpFont): |
| (WidthMap::fillStyleWithAttributes): |
| (WidthMap::FontData::determinePitch): |
| * platform/mac/FontFallbackListMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::setPlatformFont): |
| * platform/mac/FontFamilyMac.mm: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextRenderer.mm: |
| (WebCoreFindFont): |
| * platform/mac/WebFontCache.h: Added. |
| * platform/mac/WebFontCache.mm: Added. |
| (acceptableChoice): |
| (betterChoice): |
| (+[WebFontCache fontWithFamily:traits:size:]): |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.h: Removed. |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.mm: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca. |
| |
| Add Rect.idl, even though it can't be used quite yet due to generator limitations. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * css/Rect.idl: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin. Landed by eseidel. |
| |
| Patch for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8924> |
| Bug 8924: re-apply the 'disabled type=file' change |
| from bug 5882 to RenderFileButton |
| |
| * rendering/RenderFileButton.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::updateFromElement): |
| |
| 2006-05-16 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| Split css_base.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8935 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| * css/CSSBorderImageValue.cpp: |
| * css/CSSBorderImageValue.h: |
| * css/CSSCharsetRule.h: |
| * css/CSSFontFaceRule.h: |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/CSSImportRule.h: |
| * css/CSSInheritedValue.cpp: |
| * css/CSSInitialValue.cpp: |
| * css/CSSMediaRule.h: |
| * css/CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h: |
| * css/CSSNamespace.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSNamespace::CSSNamespace): |
| (WebCore::CSSNamespace::namespaceForPrefix): |
| * css/CSSPageRule.h: |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h: |
| * css/CSSProperty.cpp: |
| * css/CSSProperty.h: |
| * css/CSSRule.h: |
| * css/CSSRuleList.cpp: |
| * css/CSSSelector.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSSelector.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSSelector::CSSSelector): |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.h: |
| * css/CSSStyleRule.cpp: |
| * css/CSSStyleRule.h: |
| * css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::~CSSStyleSheet): |
| * css/CSSStyleSheet.h: |
| * css/CSSValue.h: |
| * css/CSSValueList.cpp: |
| * css/CSSValueList.h: |
| * css/FontFamilyValue.cpp: |
| * css/FontValue.cpp: |
| * css/FontValue.h: |
| * css/MediaList.h: |
| * css/ShadowValue.cpp: |
| * css/ShadowValue.h: |
| * css/StyleBase.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::StyleBase::stylesheet): |
| * css/StyleBase.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::StyleBase::StyleBase): |
| * css/StyleList.cpp: Added. |
| * css/StyleList.h: Added. |
| * css/StyleSheet.h: |
| * css/css_base.cpp: Removed. |
| * css/css_base.h: Removed. |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::matchRulesForList): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::SVGColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setRGBColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setRGBColorICCColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::setColor): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::cssText): |
| (WebCore::SVGColor::color): |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGStyledElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::SVGStyledElement): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::className): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::notifyAttributeChange): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::attributeChanged): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::canvas): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::updateCanvasItem): |
| (WebCore::SVGStyledElement::pushAttributeContext): |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| Split css_valueimpl.* and css_ruleimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8934 |
| |
| * WebCore+SVG/RGBColor.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RGBColor::RGBColor): |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMCSSRule::classInfo): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.h: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.mm: |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| * css/CSSBorderImageValue.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSBorderImageValue::CSSBorderImageValue): |
| * css/CSSBorderImageValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSCharsetRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSCharsetRule::CSSCharsetRule): |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: |
| (WebCore::valueForShadow): |
| (WebCore::): |
| * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h: |
| * css/CSSFontFaceRule.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSFontFaceRule::CSSFontFaceRule): |
| * css/CSSFontFaceRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSFontFaceRule::isFontFaceRule): |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/CSSImageValue.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSImageValue::CSSImageValue): |
| * css/CSSImageValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSImportRule.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSImportRule.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSInheritedValue.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSInheritedValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSInitialValue.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSInitialValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSMediaRule.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::CSSMediaRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::~CSSMediaRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::append): |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::deleteRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::cssText): |
| * css/CSSMediaRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::media): |
| (WebCore::CSSMediaRule::cssRules): |
| * css/CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::CSSMutableStyleDeclaration): |
| (WebCore::CSSMutableStyleDeclaration::setChanged): |
| * css/CSSMutableStyleDeclaration.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSPageRule.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSPageRule::CSSPageRule): |
| * css/CSSPageRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSPageRule::isPageRule): |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSProperty.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSProperty::cssText): |
| * css/CSSProperty.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSProperty::CSSProperty): |
| * css/CSSQuirkPrimitiveValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSRule.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSRule::CSSRule): |
| * css/CSSRuleList.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::CSSRuleList): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::~CSSRuleList): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::deleteRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::append): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::insertRule): |
| * css/CSSRuleList.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleList::item): |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleDeclaration::CSSStyleDeclaration): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleDeclaration::diff): |
| * css/CSSStyleDeclaration.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSStyleRule.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleRule::CSSStyleRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleRule::selectorText): |
| * css/CSSStyleRule.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::ownerRule): |
| * css/CSSUnknownRule.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSUnknownRule::CSSUnknownRule): |
| * css/CSSValue.h: Added. |
| * css/CSSValueList.cpp: Added. |
| * css/CSSValueList.h: Added. |
| * css/Counter.h: Added. |
| * css/DashboardRegion.h: Added. |
| * css/FontFamilyValue.cpp: Added. |
| * css/FontFamilyValue.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontFamilyValue::genericFamilyType): |
| * css/FontValue.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontValue::cssText): |
| * css/FontValue.h: Added. |
| * css/MediaList.cpp: |
| * css/Pair.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::Pair::~Pair): |
| * css/RectImpl.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RectImpl::~RectImpl): |
| * css/ShadowValue.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ShadowValue::ShadowValue): |
| * css/ShadowValue.h: Added. |
| * css/css_base.cpp: |
| * css/css_ruleimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * css/css_ruleimpl.h: Removed. |
| * css/css_valueimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * css/css_valueimpl.h: Removed. |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseColor): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseFontFamily): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::locateCousinList): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::checkSelector): |
| (WebCore::CSSRuleSet::addRulesFromSheet): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::mapBackgroundImage): |
| * css/cssstyleselector.h: |
| * dom/CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration.h: |
| (WebCore::CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration::CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration): |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/CompositeEditCommand.h: |
| * editing/EditCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): |
| * editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.h: |
| * editing/InsertTextCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InsertTextCommand::input): |
| * editing/RemoveCSSPropertyCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RemoveCSSPropertyCommand::RemoveCSSPropertyCommand): |
| (WebCore::RemoveCSSPropertyCommand::~RemoveCSSPropertyCommand): |
| * editing/RemoveCSSPropertyCommand.h: |
| (WebCore::RemoveCSSPropertyCommand::styleDeclaration): |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLTokenizer.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.h: |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEColorMatrix::values): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEColorMatrix::setValues): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEConvolveMatrix::kernel): |
| (WebCore::KCanvasFEConvolveMatrix::setKernel): |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasPath.h: |
| * kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.h: |
| (WebCore::operator<<): |
| * kcanvas/RenderPath.h: |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSParser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSVGValue): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSVGStrokeDasharray): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSVGPaint): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::parseSVGColor): |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applySVGProperty): |
| * ksvg2/css/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h: |
| * ksvg2/ecma/Ecma.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.cpp: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGColor.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGCursorElement.h: |
| * ksvg2/svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp: |
| (SVGFEColorMatrixElement::filterEffect): |
| * page/DOMWindow.cpp: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * page/FramePrivate.h: |
| * platform/DeprecatedValueList.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Removed duplicate files that were |
| screwing up Xcode. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| * make-generated-sources.sh: Changed to be executable and removed |
| text in the file generated by "svn diff". |
| * move-js-headers.sh: Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| Split css_stylesheetimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8933 |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::CSSStyleSheet): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::addRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::deleteRule): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::parseString): |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::docLoader): |
| * css/CSSStyleSheet.h: Added. |
| * css/MediaList.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::MediaList::MediaList): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::contains): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::parentStyleSheet): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::parentRule): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::deleteMedium): |
| (WebCore::MediaList::setMediaText): |
| * css/MediaList.h: Added. |
| * css/StyleSheet.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::StyleSheet::StyleSheet): |
| (WebCore::StyleSheet::parentStyleSheet): |
| (WebCore::StyleSheet::setMedia): |
| * css/StyleSheet.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::StyleSheet::ownerNode): |
| * css/StyleSheetList.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::StyleSheetList::~StyleSheetList): |
| (WebCore::StyleSheetList::add): |
| (WebCore::StyleSheetList::remove): |
| (WebCore::StyleSheetList::item): |
| * css/StyleSheetList.h: Added. |
| * css/css_stylesheetimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * css/css_stylesheetimpl.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: build fix. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren. |
| |
| Split dom_xmlimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * dom/Entity.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Entity::Entity): |
| * dom/Entity.h: Added. |
| * dom/EntityReference.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::EntityReference::EntityReference): |
| * dom/EntityReference.h: Added. |
| * dom/Notation.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::Notation::Notation): |
| * dom/Notation.h: Added. |
| * dom/ProcessingInstruction.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ProcessingInstruction::ProcessingInstruction): |
| * dom/ProcessingInstruction.h: Added. |
| * dom/dom_xmlimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * dom/dom_xmlimpl.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher. |
| |
| Split html_imageimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8929 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * editing/JSEditor.cpp: |
| * html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAreaElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLAreaElement::HTMLAreaElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAreaElement::mapMouseEvent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAreaElement::getRect): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAreaElement::getRegion): |
| * html/HTMLAreaElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLCanvasElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFormCollection.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::HTMLImageElement): |
| * html/HTMLImageElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLImageLoader::HTMLImageLoader): |
| * html/HTMLImageLoader.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLMapElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLMapElement::mapMouseEvent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMapElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLMapElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/html_imageimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_imageimpl.h: Removed. |
| * ksvg2/misc/SVGImageLoader.h: |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreAXObject addChildrenToArray:]): |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::RenderImage): |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::nodeAtPoint): |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by beth. |
| |
| Split html_blockimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8927 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLBlockquoteElement::HTMLBlockquoteElement): |
| * html/HTMLBlockquoteElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDivElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDivElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLHRElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHRElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHeadingElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHeadingElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLMarqueeElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLMarqueeElement::HTMLMarqueeElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMarqueeElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLMarqueeElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParagraphElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParagraphElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLPreElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLPreElement::HTMLPreElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLPreElement::setWrap): |
| * html/HTMLPreElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTextFieldInnerElement.h: |
| * html/html_blockimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_blockimpl.h: Removed. |
| * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by ggaren. |
| |
| Split render_list.* and html_listimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8925 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::attributedString): |
| * html/HTMLDListElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLDListElement::HTMLDListElement): |
| * html/HTMLDListElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDirectoryElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLDirectoryElement::HTMLDirectoryElement): |
| * html/HTMLDirectoryElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLKeygenElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLLIElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLLIElement::HTMLLIElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLLIElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLLIElement::attach): |
| (WebCore::HTMLLIElement::setType): |
| * html/HTMLLIElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLMenuElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLMenuElement::HTMLMenuElement): |
| * html/HTMLMenuElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLOListElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOListElement::HTMLOListElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOListElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOListElement::setType): |
| * html/HTMLOListElement.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLOListElement::start): |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::HTMLOptionElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::checkDTD): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::text): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::setText): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::getSelect): |
| (WebCore::HTMLOptionElement::setLabel): |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.h: |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::HTMLSelectElement): |
| * html/HTMLUListElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLUListElement::HTMLUListElement): |
| * html/HTMLUListElement.h: Added. |
| * html/html_listimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_listimpl.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::ListMarkerBox::ListMarkerBox): |
| (WebCore::ListMarkerBox::isText): |
| * rendering/ListMarkerBox.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: |
| (WebCore::updateListMarkerNumbers): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::addChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::removeLeftoverAnonymousBoxes): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::positionForCoordinates): |
| (WebCore::RenderContainer::lineBoxRects): |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::RenderListItem): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::calcValue): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::markerStringValue): |
| * rendering/RenderListItem.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::setValue): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::setNotInList): |
| (WebCore::RenderListItem::notInList): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::RenderListMarker): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/RenderListMarker.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderObject.cpp: |
| * rendering/render_list.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_list.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by eseidel. |
| |
| Split render_form.* into separate files (one per class). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8889 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLButtonElement::HTMLButtonElement): |
| * html/HTMLFieldSetElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLLabelElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLLegendElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLLegendElement::createRenderer): |
| * html/HTMLOptionElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::selectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionStart): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setSelectionRange): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::createRenderer): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setValue): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setDefaultValue): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::setAccessKey): |
| * kwq/KWQComboBox.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQFileButton.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQListBox.mm: |
| * kwq/KWQSlider.mm: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextField.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderFieldset.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFieldset::RenderFieldset): |
| (WebCore::RenderFieldset::findLegend): |
| (WebCore::RenderFieldset::paintBorderMinusLegend): |
| (WebCore::RenderFieldset::setStyle): |
| * rendering/RenderFieldset.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFieldset::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderFileButton.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::RenderFileButton): |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::click): |
| * rendering/RenderFileButton.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::calcReplacedHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::isEditable): |
| * rendering/RenderFormElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::RenderFormElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::layout): |
| * rendering/RenderFormElement.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::isFormElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::borderTop): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::borderBottom): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::borderLeft): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::borderRight): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::paddingTop): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::paddingBottom): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::paddingLeft): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::paddingRight): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::canHaveIntrinsicMargins): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::intrinsicMargin): |
| (WebCore::RenderFormElement::isEditable): |
| * rendering/RenderImageButton.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderImageButton::RenderImageButton): |
| * rendering/RenderImageButton.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderImageButton::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderImageButton::isImageButton): |
| * rendering/RenderLabel.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLabel::RenderLabel): |
| * rendering/RenderLabel.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLabel::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderLegend.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLegend::RenderLegend): |
| * rendering/RenderLegend.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLegend::renderName): |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::RenderLineEdit): |
| * rendering/RenderLineEdit.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::calcReplacedHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::canHaveIntrinsicMargins): |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::isTextField): |
| (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::isEditable): |
| * rendering/RenderSelect.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::RenderSelect): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::setWidgetWritingDirection): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::baselinePosition): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::valueChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::selectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::updateSelection): |
| * rendering/RenderSelect.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::calcReplacedHeight): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::canHaveIntrinsicMargins): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::selectionChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderSelect::setSelectionChanged): |
| * rendering/RenderSlider.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderSlider::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderSlider::updateFromElement): |
| * rendering/RenderSlider.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderSlider::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderSlider::canHaveIntrinsicMargins): |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::RenderTextArea): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::setStyle): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::updateFromElement): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::selectionStart): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::selectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::setSelectionStart): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::setSelectionEnd): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::select): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::setSelectionRange): |
| * rendering/RenderTextArea.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::renderName): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::isTextArea): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::isEdited): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::canHaveIntrinsicMargins): |
| (WebCore::RenderTextArea::isEditable): |
| * rendering/render_form.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_form.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Eric. |
| |
| Remove the XPath log calls. They were causing leaks and were never |
| really useful. |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.mm: |
| (initializeLoggingChannelsIfNecessary): |
| * platform/Logging.cpp: |
| * platform/Logging.h: |
| * xpath/XPathResult.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPathResult::convertTo): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathFunctions.cpp: |
| (round): |
| (WebCore::XPath::FunCount::doEvaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::FunSum::doEvaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::FunctionLibrary::createFunction): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPath.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Filter::doEvaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::LocationPath::doEvaluate): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathPredicate.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Negative::doEvaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::NumericOp::doEvaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::Union::doEvaluate): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathStep.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Step::evaluate): |
| (WebCore::XPath::Step::nodesInAxis): |
| (WebCore::XPath::Step::nodeTestMatches): |
| * xpath/impl/XPathValue.cpp: |
| (WebCore::XPath::Value::toNodeVector): |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix linux build. |
| |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp: Fix case of #include "cssstyleselector.h" |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8913 |
| REGRESSION: Can view source for text files |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h: |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge canProvideDocumentSource]): |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge canSaveAsWebArchive]): |
| |
| 2006-05-15 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Remove the .forPrinter boolean from FontPlatformData. After the initial |
| acquisition of an NSFont, the font is then adjusted to printer or screen |
| when put into a FontPlatformData. Then it can simply be used in the hash |
| lookup to get a FontData. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/FontDescription.h: |
| (WebCore::FontDescription::bold): |
| * platform/FontPlatformData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::syntheticOblique): |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::getSmallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::setUpFont): |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.mm: |
| (-[WebTextRendererFactory rendererWithFont:]): |
| (-[WebTextRendererFactory fontWithDescription:WebCore::familyIndex:]): |
| |
| 2006-05-15 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| * dom/Document.idl: |
| Remove #if XPATH_SUPPORT until we have a way to feed defines to the bindings generator |
| (see http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8912) |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6838 |
| Incomplete repaint of collapsed table borders |
| |
| This patch updates the implementation of collapsing borders to match |
| the current spec. |
| |
| Test: fast/repaint/table-collapsed-border.html |
| |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::RenderTable): |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::layout): Calculate horizontal overflows. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::calcMinMaxWidth): Added call to recalcHorizontalBorders. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::colElement): Made const. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::calcBorderLeft): Calculates the left border. In the collapsing |
| borders model, this is the left border of the leftmost cell of the first row. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::calcBorderRight): Ditto for the right border. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::recalcHorizontalBorders): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::borderTop): Changed to return outerBorderTop in the |
| collapsing case. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::borderBottom): Changed to return outerBorderBottom in |
| the collapsing case. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::outerBorderTop): Added. Returns the table half of the |
| top border, which is half the widest top border on the first row. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::outerBorderBottom): Added. Returns the table half of the |
| bottom border, which is half the widest bottom border on the last row. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::outerBorderLeft): Added. Returns the table half of the |
| left border, which is half the widest left border on the leftmost column. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::outerBorderRight): Added. Returns the table half of the |
| right border, which is half the widest right border on the rightmost column. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::cellAbove): Return 0 if the cell is in the first row |
| of the header. |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::cellBelow): Return 0 if the cell is in the last row |
| of the footer. |
| * rendering/RenderTable.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::borderLeft): |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::borderRight): |
| (WebCore::RenderTable::overflowHeight): |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::borderLeft): Removed unnecessary use of floats. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::borderTop): Ditto. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paint): Account for the table half of the vertical |
| borders. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paintCollapsedBorder): Removed unnecessary use of |
| floats. |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::RenderTableSection): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::layoutRows): Added call to recalcOuterBorder. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderTop): Added. Calculates the outer half of |
| the section's top border, which is half the widest top border on the first row. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderBottom): Ditto for the bottom border. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderLeft): Ditto for the left border. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::calcOuterBorderRight): Ditto for the right border. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::recalcOuterBorder): Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::paint): Account for the table half of the borders. |
| * rendering/RenderTableSection.h: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::outerBorderTop): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::outerBorderBottom): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::outerBorderLeft): |
| (WebCore::RenderTableSection::outerBorderRight): |
| * rendering/render_style.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff): Changed to return Layout if a border style changed |
| from 'hidden' to 'none' or vice versa in the collapsing borders model, since |
| 'hidden' suppresses other borders. |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8739 |
| Crash in RenderTableSection::paint due to manipulating DOM on resize |
| |
| * manual-tests/dom-manipulation-on-resize.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5882: |
| disabled type="file" element doesn't appear disabled |
| |
| Be sure to call setDisabled on the file button when in |
| RenderFileButton::updateFromElement. |
| |
| * kwq/KWQFileButton.h: |
| * kwq/KWQFileButton.mm: |
| (-[WebFileChooserButton setEnabled:]): |
| (KWQFileButton::setDisabled): |
| * rendering/render_form.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFileButton::updateFromElement): |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix Windows build. |
| |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::fontDataAt): |
| (WebCore::hackishExtentForString): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPosition): |
| |
| 2006-05-14 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8895. Rework font substitution and fallback. Lift the concept of |
| substitution and fallback out of FontData and up into the FontFallbackList. |
| See the bug for details of issues fixed in the fallback code. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| (WebCore::Font::primaryFont): |
| (WebCore::Font::fontDataAt): |
| (WebCore::Font::fontDataForCharacters): |
| (WebCore::Font::ascent): |
| (WebCore::Font::descent): |
| (WebCore::Font::lineSpacing): |
| (WebCore::Font::xHeight): |
| (WebCore::Font::isFixedPitch): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::Font::getNSFont): |
| * platform/FontCache.h: Added. |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontData::pitch): |
| (WebCore::FontData::getNSFont): |
| (WebCore::): |
| * platform/FontFallbackList.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::m_pitch): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::~FontFallbackList): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::invalidate): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::determinePitch): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::fontDataAt): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::fontDataForCharacters): |
| * platform/FontFallbackList.h: |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::isFixedPitch): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::primaryFont): |
| * platform/FontFamily.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm: Added. |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontData): |
| (WebCore::FontCache::getFontDataForCharacters): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontData::containsCharacters): |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.h: |
| * platform/mac/WebTextRendererFactory.mm: |
| (-[WebTextRendererFactory fallbackFontWithTraits:size:]): |
| (-[WebTextRendererFactory fontWithDescription:WebCore::familyIndex:]): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::determinePitch): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::primaryFont): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::fontDataAt): |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::fontDataForCharacters): |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, landed by ap. |
| |
| Fix for <http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8387> |
| "border-left/padding-Left do not show up on multiline rtl inline boxes" |
| |
| Test: fast/inline/inline-borders-with-bidi-override.html: added |
| |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::determineSpacingForFlowBoxes): |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix the Windows build the rest of the way |
| |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Get FontWin.cpp compiling. |
| WebCore and JSCore now build, but Spinneret still gets link errors. |
| |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPosition): |
| |
| 2006-05-14 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej. |
| |
| Fix Windows build except for fontwin.cpp. |
| |
| * WebCore/platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| * WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: |
| * bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Kevin M. Ollivier <kevino@theolliviers.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8528 |
| Bakefiles (and generated Makefiles) for wx and gdk ports |
| |
| * make-generated-sources.sh: |
| Added script to configure environment to run DerivedSources.make |
| |
| * move-js-headers.sh: |
| Added script to copy JavaScriptCore includes into one dir so that |
| Framework-style includes will work on all OSes. (written by Mike Emmel) |
| |
| * platform/wx: New dir, home for the wxWidgets port |
| * platform/wx/wx-encodings.txt: Added temp. stub for wx encodings file. |
| |
| * Projects: New dir, for various project files for ports. |
| |
| * Projects/gdk: New dir, GDK port files. |
| * Projects/webcore-gdk.bkl: Bakefile to generate GDK port project files |
| |
| * Projects/wx: New dir, wxWidgets port files. |
| * Projects/webcore-wx.bkl: Bakefile to generate wxWidgets port project files |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8485 |
| iExploder(#11705): Freeze in RenderBlock::layout() |
| |
| Test: fast/text/midword-break-hang.html |
| |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak): If this is a mid-word break, |
| ignore breakOnlyAfterWhiteSpace. |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Fix release build. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalValues): Initialize leftValue. |
| This value will never be used, because 'left' and 'right' cannot both be 'auto'. |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalValues): Initialize topValue. |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalReplaced): Same changes as above. |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Re-applied the fix for bug 8835 (REGRESSION: Line moves but selection |
| highlight stays behind) to a correct file; removed the stale one. |
| |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::adjustPosition): Adjust m_selectionTop |
| and m_selectionBottom. |
| * rendering/render_line.cpp: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by ap. |
| |
| Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8132 |
| CSS parser sometimes accepts real number as integer |
| |
| Add a boolean variable per css value to catch whether values |
| are specified as floats or integers. |
| |
| Test: fast/css/rgb-float.html |
| |
| * css/CSSGrammar.y: |
| * css/cssparser.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::validUnit): |
| (WebCore::CSSParser::lex): |
| * css/cssparser.h: |
| * css/tokenizer.flex: |
| |
| 2006-05-13 Sam Weinig <sam.weinig@gmail.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Hyatt, landed by ap. |
| |
| Patch for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7604 |
| calcAbsoluteHorizontalValues() is being getting passed arguments |
| in the wrong order in calcAbsoluteHorizontal() |
| |
| Cleans up the RenderBox code for absolutely positioned elements |
| and adds new functions for replaced absolutely positioned |
| elements. Now uses Length so that magic number -666666 for |
| auto lengths is no longer used. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontal): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalValues): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVertical): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalValues): |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteHorizontalReplaced): Handle replaced |
| case separately. |
| (WebCore::RenderBox::calcAbsoluteVerticalReplaced): ditto. |
| * rendering/RenderBox.h: |
| |
| 2006-05-12 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8880, remove the remaining drawing/hit testing code from |
| FontData. |
| |
| Reviewed by tim h |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advanceOneCharacter): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForSimpleText): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPosition): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPositionForSimpleText): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::TextRun::makeComplete): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::clear): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPositionForComplexText): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Kevin M. Ollivier <kevino@theolliviers.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Maciej. |
| |
| Add missing include. |
| |
| * dom/Node.h: Add missing include for DeprecatedString. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8835 |
| REGRESSION: Line moves but selection highlight stays behind |
| |
| Test: fast/dynamic/selection-highlight-adjust.html |
| |
| * rendering/render_line.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::adjustPosition): Adjust m_selectionTop |
| and m_selectionBottom. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Timothy Hatcher <timothy@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7156 |
| Bug 7156: TinyMCE: Links are actually activated in editable area, not editable. |
| |
| Links in editable areas will not activate or perform a navigation |
| change (on par with WinIE and Firefox.) To visit the link |
| you can shift-click. Manual test added. |
| |
| * css/cssstyleselector.cpp: |
| (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle): |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::setActive): |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: |
| * manual-tests/contenteditable-link.html: Added. |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| (WebCore::selectCursor): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by timo. |
| |
| Split out html_inlineimpl.* into separate files (one per class). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * editing/CreateLinkCommand.cpp: |
| * editing/UnlinkCommand.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::HTMLAnchorElement): |
| * html/HTMLAnchorElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLBRElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLBRElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFontElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLFontElement::HTMLFontElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFontElement::setColor): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFontElement::setFace): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFontElement::setSize): |
| * html/HTMLFontElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLModElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLModElement::setCite): |
| (WebCore::HTMLModElement::setDateTime): |
| * html/HTMLModElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLQuoteElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLQuoteElement.h: Added. |
| * html/html_imageimpl.h: |
| * html/html_inlineimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_inlineimpl.h: Removed. |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by beth. |
| |
| Fix build error. |
| |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by beth. |
| |
| Split out render_line.* into separate files (one per class). |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * dom/ContainerNode.cpp: |
| * rendering/EllipsisBox.cpp: Added. |
| * rendering/EllipsisBox.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::EllipsisBox::EllipsisBox): |
| * rendering/InlineBox.cpp: Added. |
| * rendering/InlineBox.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::InlineBox::InlineBox): |
| (WebCore::InlineBox::~InlineBox): |
| (WebCore::InlineBox::bottomOverflow): |
| (WebCore::InlineBox::rightOverflow): |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesHorizontally): |
| * rendering/InlineFlowBox.h: Added. |
| * rendering/InlineRunBox.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::InlineRunBox::InlineRunBox): |
| (WebCore::InlineRunBox::paintBackgroundAndBorder): |
| (WebCore::InlineRunBox::paintDecorations): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.h: |
| * rendering/RenderFlow.h: |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp: |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: Added. |
| * rendering/RootInlineBox.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::RootInlineBox::RootInlineBox): |
| * rendering/render_line.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt. |
| |
| Split out table_layout.* into separate files (one per class). |
| Search replace instance variables "foo" with "m_foo" to comply with modern style. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * rendering/AutoTableLayout.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::AutoTableLayout): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::recalcColumn): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::fullRecalc): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcEffectiveWidth): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::insertSpanCell): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::layout): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcPercentages): |
| * rendering/AutoTableLayout.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::totalPercent): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::Layout::Layout): |
| * rendering/FixedTableLayout.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::FixedTableLayout): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::calcWidthArray): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::layout): |
| * rendering/FixedTableLayout.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderTable.cpp: |
| * rendering/TableLayout.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::TableLayout::TableLayout): |
| * rendering/table_layout.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/table_layout.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8877. Change form controls and the bridge entry points from the |
| Safari UI to use Font instead of FontData. |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreStringTruncator.mm: |
| (stringWidth): |
| (truncateString): |
| (+[WebCoreStringTruncator widthOfString:font:]): |
| (+[WebCoreStringTruncator clear]): |
| * kwq/KWQComboBox.mm: |
| (QComboBox::sizeHint): |
| * kwq/KWQLineEdit.mm: |
| (QLineEdit::sizeForCharacterWidth): |
| * kwq/KWQListBox.mm: |
| (itemTextRenderer): |
| (groupLabelTextRenderer): |
| (QListBox::sizeForNumberOfLines): |
| (QListBox::clearCachedTextRenderers): |
| (-[KWQTableView drawRow:clipRect:]): |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawSimpleText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::disableRoundingHacks): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::setRTL): |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/FontFallbackList.h: |
| * platform/FontPlatformData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontPlatformData::syntheticOblique): |
| * platform/Pen.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::findSubstituteRenderer): |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FontFallbackList::setPlatformFont): |
| (WebCore::m_wordSpacing): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextRenderer.mm: |
| (WebCoreDrawTextAtPoint): |
| (WebCoreTextFloatWidth): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by kevin. |
| |
| Move render_button to RenderButton. |
| Various small style cleanup. |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLGenericFormElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextArea.mm: |
| * rendering/RenderApplet.h: |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderButton.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderButton::RenderButton): |
| (WebCore::RenderButton::addChild): |
| (WebCore::RenderButton::removeChild): |
| * rendering/RenderButton.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderEmptyApplet.h: |
| * rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp: |
| * rendering/render_button.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_button.h: Removed. |
| * rendering/table_layout.cpp: |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::FixedTableLayout): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::calcWidthArray): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::FixedTableLayout::layout): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::AutoTableLayout): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::recalcColumn): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::fullRecalc): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcEffectiveWidth): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::insertSpanCell): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::layout): |
| * rendering/table_layout.h: |
| (WebCore::TableLayout::TableLayout): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::totalPercent): |
| (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::Layout::Layout): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs. |
| |
| Split render_frames.* render_replaced.* and html_baseimpl.* into separate files (one class per file). |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8878 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocumentProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::namedItemGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::putValueProperty): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::formIndexGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::formNameGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::selectIndexGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::framesetNameGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::runtimeObjectGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::runtimeObjectPropertyGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::implementsCall): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::toString): |
| (KJS::getForm): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::pushEventHandlerScope): |
| (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::put): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::selectSetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::putValueProperty): |
| (KJS::toHTMLElement): |
| (KJS::toHTMLTableCaptionElement): |
| (KJS::toHTMLTableSectionElement): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollection::lengthGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollection::indexGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollection::nameGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLCollection::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| (KJS::HTMLCollectionProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLSelectCollection::selectedIndexGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLSelectCollection::put): |
| (KJS::OptionConstructorImp::construct): |
| (KJS::getSelectHTMLCollection): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::createFrame): |
| * bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: |
| (-[WebCoreFrameBridge copyRenderNode:copier:]): |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| (WebCore::widgetForNode): |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::HTMLBodyElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLBodyElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::isURLAllowed): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::setLocation): |
| * html/HTMLFrameElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::HTMLFrameSetElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::attach): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::defaultEventHandler): |
| (WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::recalcStyle): |
| * html/HTMLFrameSetElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHeadElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLHeadElement::HTMLHeadElement): |
| * html/HTMLHeadElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLHtmlElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLHtmlElement::HTMLHtmlElement): |
| * html/HTMLHtmlElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::HTMLIFrameElement): |
| * html/HTMLIFrameElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/html_baseimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_baseimpl.h: Removed. |
| * kwq/WebCoreAXObject.mm: |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isFrameElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::applyEditingStyleToBodyElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::removeEditingStyleFromBodyElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::applyEditingStyleToElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::removeEditingStyleFromElement): |
| (WebCore::Frame::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::Frame::isFrameSet): |
| (WebCore::scanForForm): |
| (WebCore::Frame::currentForm): |
| (WebCore::Frame::nodeInfoAtPoint): |
| (WebCore::Frame::adjustPageHeight): |
| (WebCore::Frame::frameForWidget): |
| (WebCore::Frame::forceLayoutWithPageWidthRange): |
| (WebCore::Frame::passWidgetMouseDownEventToWidget): |
| * page/FrameView.cpp: |
| * rendering/RenderFrame.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFrame::viewCleared): |
| * rendering/RenderFrame.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::RenderFrameSet): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::~RenderFrameSet): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::layout): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::positionFrames): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::userResize): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::canResize): |
| (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::dump): |
| * rendering/RenderFrameSet.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderImage.h: |
| * rendering/RenderPart.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderPart::RenderPart): |
| * rendering/RenderPart.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderPartObject.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::isURLAllowed): |
| (WebCore::RenderPartObject::updateWidget): |
| (WebCore::RenderPartObject::viewCleared): |
| * rendering/RenderPartObject.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderReplaced::selectionColor): |
| * rendering/RenderReplaced.h: Added. |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::RenderWidget::deleteWidget): |
| * rendering/RenderWidget.h: Added. |
| * rendering/render_form.h: |
| * rendering/render_frames.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_frames.h: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_replaced.cpp: Removed. |
| * rendering/render_replaced.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by beth. |
| |
| Split html_headimpl.* into separate files (one per class) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8875 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::headGetter): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::linkGetter): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMCSS.mm: |
| (+[DOMCounter _counterWith:]): |
| (-[DOMCounter finalize]): |
| (-[DOMCounter _DOMStyleSheet]): |
| (-[DOMStyleSheet _initWithStyleSheet:]): |
| (-[DOMStyleSheetList dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMStyleSheetList finalize]): |
| (-[DOMStyleSheetList _styleSheetList]): |
| (-[DOMStyleSheetList _initWithStyleSheetList:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleSheet _CSSStyleSheet]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList finalize]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList _mediaList]): |
| (-[DOMMediaList _initWithMediaList:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRuleList dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRuleList finalize]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRuleList _ruleList]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRuleList _initWithRuleList:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRule dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRule finalize]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRule _rule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSRule _initWithRule:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleRule _styleRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSMediaRule _mediaRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSFontFaceRule _fontFaceRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSPageRule _pageRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSImportRule _importRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSCharsetRule _importRule]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleDeclaration dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleDeclaration finalize]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleDeclaration _initWithStyleDeclaration:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSStyleDeclaration _styleDeclaration]): |
| (-[DOMCSSValue dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMCSSValue finalize]): |
| (-[DOMCSSValue _value]): |
| (-[DOMCSSValue _initWithValue:]): |
| (-[DOMCSSPrimitiveValue _primitiveValue]): |
| (-[DOMCSSValueList _valueList]): |
| (getWrapperForRGB): |
| (setWrapperForRGB): |
| (removeWrapperForRGB): |
| (-[DOMRGBColor _initWithRGB:]): |
| (-[DOMRect dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMRect finalize]): |
| (-[DOMRect _rect]): |
| (-[DOMRect _initWithRect:]): |
| (-[DOMCounter dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMCounter _counter]): |
| (-[DOMCounter _initWithCounter:]): |
| (-[DOMObject sheet]): |
| * bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: |
| (-[DOMHTMLCollection dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLCollection finalize]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLCollection _collection]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLCollection _initWithCollection:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptionsCollection dealloc]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptionsCollection finalize]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptionsCollection _initWithOptionsCollection:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptionsCollection _optionsCollection]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLElement _elementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLElement _HTMLElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDocument _HTMLDocument]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLHtmlElement _HTMLHtmlElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLHeadElement _headElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLLinkElement _linkElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTitleElement _titleElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLMetaElement _metaElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLBaseElement _baseElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLStyleElement _styleElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLBodyElement _bodyElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLFormElement _formElement]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLFormElement _formElementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLIsIndexElement _isIndexElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLSelectElement _selectElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptGroupElement _optGroupElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOptionElement _optionElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLInputElement _inputElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTextAreaElement _textAreaElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLButtonElement _buttonElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLLabelElement _labelElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLLabelElement form]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLFieldSetElement _fieldSetElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLLegendElement _legendElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLUListElement _uListElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLOListElement _oListElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDListElement _dListElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDirectoryElement _directoryListElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLMenuElement _menuListElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLLIElement _liElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLQuoteElement _quoteElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLDivElement _divElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLParagraphElement _paragraphElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLHeadingElement _headingElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLPreElement _preElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLBRElement _BRElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLBaseFontElement _baseFontElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLFontElement _fontElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLHRElement _HRElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLModElement _modElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLAnchorElement _anchorElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLImageElement _imageElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLObjectElement _objectElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLParamElement _paramElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLMapElement _mapElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLAreaElement _areaElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLScriptElement _scriptElement]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement _tableCaptionElementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement _tableCaptionElement]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLTableSectionElement _tableSectionElementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableSectionElement _tableSectionElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement createTHead]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement createTFoot]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement createCaption]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement insertRow:]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLTableElement _tableElementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableElement _tableElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableColElement _tableColElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableRowElement _tableRowElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableRowElement insertCell:]): |
| (+[DOMHTMLTableCellElement _tableCellElementWith:]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLTableCellElement _tableCellElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLFrameSetElement _frameSetElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLFrameElement _frameElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLIFrameElement _IFrameElement]): |
| (-[DOMHTMLEmbedElement _embedElement]): |
| (viewForElement): |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::searchForLabelsAboveCell): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::searchForLabelsBeforeElement): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::createFrame): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::passMouseDownEventToWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::passSubframeEventToSubframe): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::passWheelEventToChildWidget): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::fileWrapperForElement): |
| (WebCore::listParent): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::attributedString): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::shouldBeginEditing): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::shouldEndEditing): |
| (WebCore::FrameMac::setMarkedTextRange): |
| * dom/Document.cpp: |
| * dom/xml_tokenizer.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLBaseElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLBaseElement::removedFromDocument): |
| (WebCore::HTMLBaseElement::process): |
| * html/HTMLBaseElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDocument.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::HTMLLinkElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::process): |
| * html/HTMLLinkElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLMetaElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::HTMLMetaElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::process): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::setContent): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::setHttpEquiv): |
| (WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::setName): |
| * html/HTMLMetaElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLScriptElement::HTMLScriptElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLScriptElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLScriptElement::evaluateScript): |
| * html/HTMLScriptElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLStyleElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLStyleElement::HTMLStyleElement): |
| * html/HTMLStyleElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTitleElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTitleElement::HTMLTitleElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTitleElement::text): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTitleElement::setText): |
| * html/HTMLTitleElement.h: Added. |
| * html/html_headimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_headimpl.h: Removed. |
| * loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h: |
| * rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCell::updateFromElement): |
| * rendering/RenderTableCol.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTableCol::updateFromElement): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by beth. |
| |
| Split out html_tableimpl.* into multiple files (one per class) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8873 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * html/HTMLTableCaptionElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableCaptionElement::HTMLTableCaptionElement): |
| * html/HTMLTableCaptionElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTableCellElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableCellElement::HTMLTableCellElement): |
| * html/HTMLTableCellElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTableColElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::HTMLTableColElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::endTagRequirement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::tagPriority): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::checkDTD): |
| * html/HTMLTableColElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTableElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::HTMLTableElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::setCaption): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::setTHead): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::setTFoot): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::setTBody): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::createTHead): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::deleteTHead): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::createTFoot): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::deleteTFoot): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::createCaption): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::deleteCaption): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::insertRow): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::deleteRow): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::addChild): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableElement::attach): |
| * html/HTMLTableElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTablePartElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTablePartElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLTablePartElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTableRowElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableRowElement::HTMLTableRowElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableRowElement::rowIndex): |
| * html/HTMLTableRowElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLTableSectionElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLTableSectionElement::insertRow): |
| * html/HTMLTableSectionElement.h: Added. |
| * html/html_tableimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_tableimpl.h: Removed. |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs & adele. |
| |
| Split html_objectimpl.* into multiple files (one per class) |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8836 |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::lengthGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::indexGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMap::nameGetter): |
| (KJS::DOMNamedNodeMapProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::getRuntimeObject): |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLAppletElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLElementFactory.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::HTMLEmbedElement): |
| (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::getInstance): |
| (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| * html/HTMLEmbedElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLNameCollection.cpp: |
| (WebCore::HTMLNameCollection::traverseNextItem): |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: Added. |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::getInstance): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::form): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::parseMappedAttribute): |
| (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::updateDocNamedItem): |
| * html/HTMLObjectElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParamElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParamElement.h: Added. |
| * html/HTMLParser.cpp: |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp: Added. |
| * html/HTMLPlugInElement.h: Added. |
| * html/html_objectimpl.cpp: Removed. |
| * html/html_objectimpl.h: Removed. |
| * page/Frame.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Frame::handleFallbackContent): |
| * rendering/RenderApplet.cpp: |
| * rendering/render_frames.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderPartObject::updateWidget): |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8521 |
| crash bringing up context menu with CSS generated content |
| |
| * bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::sendContextMenuEvent): |
| Added a null check. |
| |
| * manual-tests/context-click-generated-content.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8715 |
| REGRESSION: Caret to the right of an image is a big black rectangle. |
| |
| * rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::caretRect): Move caret to the |
| right side of the rect when the offset is non-zero, rather than expanding it. |
| |
| * manual-tests/caret-image.html: Added. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8866 |
| REGRESSION: Incorrect caret position in RTL text |
| |
| Test: fast/text/international/rtl-caret.html |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): Added missing m_toAdd argument. |
| |
| 2006-05-12 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8864. Lift WebCoreTextStyle up into the API (as TextStyle). |
| |
| Reviewed by mjs |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| (WebCore::Font::width): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawSimpleText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForSimpleText): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::m_attemptFontSubstitution): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::tabWidth): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::xPos): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::padding): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::rtl): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::ltr): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::directionalOverride): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::applyRunRounding): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::applyWordRounding): |
| (WebCore::TextStyle::attemptFontSubstitution): |
| (WebCore::Font::operator==): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawText): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawHighlightForText): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::overrideLayoutOperation): |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::offsetForPosition): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextBackground): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::offsetForPosition): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::widthFromCache): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::width): |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/render_line.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EllipsisBox::paint): |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8770 |
| XMLHttpRequest should strip CR/LF characters from the URL |
| |
| Test: fast/loader/url-strip-cr-lf-tab.html |
| |
| * platform/KURL.cpp: |
| (appendEscapingBadChars): Strip CR, LF and TAB, as Firefox and IE do. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Remove the misspelling drawing code from Font and FontData. Implement it |
| natively in GraphicContext instead. |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej |
| |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| * platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSpellingMarker): |
| |
| 2006-05-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Remove drawLineForText from the Font API. Implement it natively in |
| the two GraphicsContexts (CG and Cairo) instead. |
| |
| Reviewed by maciej |
| |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForText): |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForText): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawLineForText): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintDecoration): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextUnderline): |
| * rendering/render_line.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintDecorations): |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by eric. |
| |
| Fix last fix. |
| |
| * dom/QualifiedName.h: |
| (WebCore::QualifiedName::QualifiedName): |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by eric. |
| |
| Fix crash on static constructors builds at exit due to qualified name default constructor not |
| initializing m_impl. |
| |
| * dom/QualifiedName.cpp: |
| (WebCore::QualifiedName::deref): |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by hyatt |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8851 |
| REGRESSION: RTL text shifted to the right |
| |
| Already covered by several tests in fast/text |
| |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::TextRun::TextRun): Added length parameter. |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: Pass the length to the TextRun constructor. |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextBackground): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::offsetForPosition): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::widthFromCache): Pass length and from instead of from and to |
| to the TextRun constructor. |
| (WebCore::RenderText::width): Ditto. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix a regression from the TextRun landing. Delete the characters in |
| the adjustedRun, not the ones in the original run! |
| |
| Reviewed by beth |
| |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by thatcher, levi |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| Removed a use fragment.hasMoreThanOneBlock to decide if the paragraph containing the |
| position pasted into must be split to avoid block nesting. We now split unnecessarily |
| some times, but the end merge cleans up for us. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| This patch makes drawHighlightForText a completely cross-platform method |
| implemented by the GraphicsContext. The platform-specific implementations |
| of the method in the Font class have been eliminated. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| Remove the drawHighlight methods. Change the selectionRect method in |
| Font to return a FloatRect so that the GraphicsContext can do an accurate |
| fill. |
| |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawHighlightForText): |
| Implement the drawHighlightFunction in terms of the cross-platform |
| Font selectionRect functions and a new float-based fillRect graphics context |
| function. |
| |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): |
| * platform/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): |
| Add the new float-based fillRect function for Cairo and CG. |
| |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::CG_draw): |
| (WebCore::ATSU_draw): |
| Removed the CG and ATSU drawHighlight methods. Remove the drawing of |
| the background from the deprecated draw methods (they'll be removed |
| soon). |
| |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| Change selectionRectForText to return a FloatRect instead of an IntRect, |
| so that the GraphicsContext can do a precise fill. |
| |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): |
| Modify the callers who expect an int-based selection rect so that they call |
| enclosingIntRect. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Adele. |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8743 |
| REGRESSION: focus() on input field selects all text within it |
| (was: cannot select cities on British Rail reservation site) |
| |
| Test: fast/forms/double-focus.html |
| |
| * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::focus): |
| Changed to only call setFocusNode, select, and revealSelection |
| if the element is not already focused. Also changed to use return |
| a bit more rather than else. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Tim Hatcher (earlier version). |
| |
| - http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8821 |
| use the preprocessor for IDL files |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm: Invoke the preprocessor via the "gcc" |
| driver script, passing "-E" so we only preprocess, "-P" so we don't get |
| "#line" directives, and "-x c++" so we handle both C and C++ comments. |
| Removed the code to eliminate comments since the preprocessor handles that. |
| * css/make-css-file-arrays.pl: This already invoked the preprocessor, but |
| updated it to do the same way as above. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin. |
| |
| http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7838 |
| Add support for mozilla-style node constructors as properties of the window object |
| |
| * DerivedSources.make: |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| Add new generated files. |
| |
| * bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp: |
| (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBaseProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| * bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: |
| (WebCore::createJSWrapper): |
| Specify the KJS namespace for JSHTMLElmement. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: |
| (KJS::toJS): |
| Create a WebCore::JSHTMLDocument for document nodes. Also, create |
| JSDocumentFragments for document fragments (instead of plain node objects). |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocumentProtoFunc::callAsFunction): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::JSHTMLDocument): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLDocument::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| Add a prototype for JSHTMLDocument and move all functions there. |
| |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::JSHTMLElement): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::getOwnPropertySlot): |
| Update since JSHTMLElement now inherits from WebCore::JSHTMLElement. |
| |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::getValueProperty): |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::putValueProperty): |
| Remove title setter and getter. Those are autogenerated now. |
| |
| * bindings/js/kjs_html.h: |
| (KJS::JSHTMLElement::): |
| Inherit from WebCore::JSHTMLElement. Clarify the inheritance chain. |
| |
| * bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: |
| Always generate a prototype object, regardless of whether the object has any functions or |
| constants. |
| |
| Use the type of generator attributes to determine what constructor to use. This is useful for |
| the XMLDocument property in DOMWindow.idl, since that's just an alias for the Document constructor. |
| |
| * dom/DocumentFragment.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLDocument.idl: Added. |
| * html/HTMLElement.idl: Added. |
| |
| * page/DOMWindow.idl: |
| Add constructors for DocumentFragment, HTMLElement, HTMLDocument and XMLDocument. XMLDocument is just |
| an alias for the Document constructor. |
| |
| 2006-05-11 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Bug 8845. Define a TextRun (similar to the old WebCoreTextRun) and |
| make it the new API for Font and GraphicsContext when drawing/measuring |
| text. |
| |
| Reviewed by andersca |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::normalizeVoicingMarks): |
| (WebCore::Font::width): |
| (WebCore::Font::canUseGlyphCache): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawSimpleText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForSimpleText): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::TextRun::m_to): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::operator[]): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::data): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::adjustFrom): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::adjustTo): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::characters): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::length): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::from): |
| (WebCore::TextRun::to): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawText): |
| (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawHighlightForText): |
| * platform/GraphicsContext.h: |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::addDirectionalOverride): |
| (WebCore::overrideLayoutOperation): |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawHighlightForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::checkSelectionPoint): |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: |
| (WebCore::hackishExtentForString): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawHighlightForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): |
| (WebCore::Font::checkSelectionPoint): |
| * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionRect): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextBackground): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::offsetForPosition): |
| (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): |
| * rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: |
| (WebCore::stripTrailingSpace): |
| * rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutVerticalBox): |
| * rendering/RenderImage.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::imageChanged): |
| (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): |
| * rendering/RenderText.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderText::cacheWidths): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::widthFromCache): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::trimmedMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderText::width): |
| * rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| * rendering/bidi.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::tabWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderBlock::checkLinesForTextOverflow): |
| * rendering/render_line.cpp: |
| (WebCore::EllipsisBox::paint): |
| * rendering/render_list.cpp: |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::calcMinMaxWidth): |
| (WebCore::RenderListMarker::getRelativeMarkerRect): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Justin Garcia <justin.garcia@apple.com> |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): |
| Removed the code to find out if we must later add smart replace whitespace. We can |
| wait until we've done the insertion to figure it out, and the position sampled (startPos) |
| to make the decision about trailing whitespace was wrong. |
| Changed the order that work is done during a paste: 1) Insert everything 2) Do one of |
| the following: a) handle a trailing interchange newline, b) uncollapse the last incoming |
| br if it has been collapsed because of quirks mode, c) do an end merge 3) Add smart replace |
| whitespace (2 and 3 were reversed because the end merge must happen before we can know |
| whether or not we need to add a trailing space). |
| Don't do an end merge if the last node inserted was a br because the end merge will |
| clobber it. |
| |
| (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::removeEndBRIfNeeded): |
| brs where [br, 0] is at the end of a block and not at the start of a paragraph |
| are the ones that are collapsed because of quirks mode. |
| |
| 2006-05-10 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Rename isSpace to treatAsSpace. Move it and the rounding hack function into |
| Font and make them static methods (inlined in the header). Make the rounding |
| hack character table a static member as well. Remove the redundant space/rounding |
| functions from FontData.mm. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| (WebCore::Font::treatAsSpace): |
| (WebCore::Font::isRoundingHackCharacter): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::overrideLayoutOperation): |
| (WebCore::createATSULayoutParameters): |
| (WebCore::initializeWidthIterator): |
| (WebCore::advanceWidthIterator): |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::overrideLayoutOperation): |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| * WebCore: Removed an extra WebCore subtree that somehow got checked in. |
| |
| 2006-05-10 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com> |
| |
| - Fix for bug 8833. Removed inline keyword from functions declared |
| in .mm and .cpp files. inline function code needs to reside in the |
| header file for the linker to find the code. |
| http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/inline-functions.html#faq-9.7 |
| |
| Reviewed by Darin, landed by Timothy. |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isSpace): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::widthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::isRoundingHackCharacter): |
| (WebCore::glyphForCharacter): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Mitz Pettel <opendarwin.org@mitzpettel.com> |
| |
| Reviewed and landed by Anders. |
| |
| - fix http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8830 |
| REGRESSION: Words render on top of each other when fallback font is used |
| |
| Already covered by several pixel tests in fast/text |
| |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::Font::drawSimpleText): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 David Hyatt <hyatt@apple.com> |
| |
| Fix for bug 8809, lift the Mac-specific WebTextRenderer code for |
| drawing and measuring of runs up into the Font class. The fast code |
| path is in Font.cpp and is designed to be mostly cross-platform. The |
| slow code path is in FontMac.cpp and is Mac-specific. |
| |
| Reviewed by darin |
| |
| * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: |
| * platform/Font.cpp: |
| (WebCore::isSpace): |
| (WebCore::): |
| (WebCore::isRoundingHackCharacter): |
| (WebCore::m_finalRoundingWidth): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::advance): |
| (WebCore::WidthIterator::normalizeVoicingMarks): |
| (WebCore::Font::primaryFont): |
| (WebCore::Font::setAlwaysUseComplexPath): |
| (WebCore::Font::canUseGlyphCache): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawSimpleText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForSimpleText): |
| * platform/Font.h: |
| * platform/FontData.h: |
| (WebCore::FontData::platformData): |
| * platform/GlyphBuffer.h: Added. |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::GlyphBuffer): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::isEmpty): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::size): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphs): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advances): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::fontDataAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::swap): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::glyphAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::advanceAt): |
| (WebCore::GlyphBuffer::add): |
| * platform/mac/FontData.mm: |
| (WebCore::isSpace): |
| (WebCore::isRoundingHackCharacter): |
| (WebCore::FontData::widthForGlyph): |
| (WebCore::m_ATSUMirrors): |
| (WebCore::FontData::xHeight): |
| (WebCore::FontData::smallCapsFontData): |
| (WebCore::findSubstituteFont): |
| (WebCore::rendererForAlternateFont): |
| (WebCore::findSubstituteRenderer): |
| (WebCore::FontData::findSubstituteFontData): |
| (WebCore::computeWidthForSpace): |
| (WebCore::FontData::updateGlyphMapEntry): |
| (WebCore::extendGlyphMap): |
| (WebCore::extendWidthMap): |
| (WebCore::createATSULayoutParameters): |
| (WebCore::FontData::glyphForCharacter): |
| (WebCore::advanceWidthIterator): |
| (WebCore::shouldUseATSU): |
| * platform/mac/FontMac.mm: |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::m_padPerSpace): |
| (WebCore::addDirectionalOverride): |
| (WebCore::initializeATSUStyle): |
| (WebCore::overrideLayoutOperation): |
| (WebCore::ATSULayoutParameters::initialize): |
| (WebCore::disposeATSULayoutParameters): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::floatWidthForComplexText): |
| (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs): |
| * platform/mac/WebCoreTextRenderer.mm: |
| (WebCoreSetAlwaysUseATSU): |
| |
| 2006-05-10 Darin Adler <darin@apple.com> |
| |
| - another try at fixing the Windows build |
| |
| * platform/win/FontWin.cpp: (WebCore::getFontData): Use characters() |
| instead of unicode(). |
| |
| == Rolled over to ChangeLog-2006-05-10 == |