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* Copyright (C) 2021 Igalia S.L.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#pragma once
#include "AssemblerBuffer.h"
#include "RISCV64Registers.h"
#include <tuple>
namespace JSC {
namespace RISCV64Registers {
typedef enum : int8_t {
#define REGISTER_ID(id, name, r, cs) id,
#define REGISTER_ALIAS(id, name, alias) id = alias,
InvalidGPRReg = -1,
} RegisterID;
typedef enum : int8_t {
#define REGISTER_ID(id, name) id,
InvalidSPReg = -1,
} SPRegisterID;
typedef enum : int8_t {
#define REGISTER_ID(id, name, r, cs) id,
InvalidFPRReg = -1,
} FPRegisterID;
} // namespace RISCV64Registers
namespace RISCV64Instructions {
enum class Opcode : unsigned {
LOAD = 0b0000011,
LOAD_FP = 0b0000111,
MISC_MEM = 0b0001111,
OP_IMM = 0b0010011,
AUIPC = 0b0010111,
OP_IMM_32 = 0b0011011,
STORE = 0b0100011,
STORE_FP = 0b0100111,
AMO = 0b0101111,
OP = 0b0110011,
LUI = 0b0110111,
OP_32 = 0b0111011,
MADD = 0b1000011,
MSUB = 0b1000111,
NMSUB = 0b1001011,
NMADD = 0b1001111,
OP_FP = 0b1010011,
BRANCH = 0b1100011,
JALR = 0b1100111,
JAL = 0b1101111,
SYSTEM = 0b1110011,
enum class FCVTType {
W, WU,
L, LU,
S, D,
enum class FMVType {
X, W, D,
enum class FPRoundingMode : unsigned {
RNE = 0b000,
RTZ = 0b001,
RDN = 0b010,
RUP = 0b011,
RMM = 0b100,
DYN = 0b111,
enum class MemoryOperation : uint8_t {
I = 1 << 3,
O = 1 << 2,
R = 1 << 1,
W = 1 << 0,
RW = R | W,
IORW = I | O | R | W,
enum class MemoryAccess : uint8_t {
Acquire = 1 << 1,
Release = 1 << 0,
AcquireRelease = Acquire | Release,
// Register helpers
using RegisterID = RISCV64Registers::RegisterID;
using FPRegisterID = RISCV64Registers::FPRegisterID;
template<typename T>
auto registerValue(T registerID)
-> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<T, RegisterID> || std::is_same_v<T, FPRegisterID>), unsigned>
return unsigned(registerID) & ((1 << 5) - 1);
// InstructionValue contains the 32-bit instruction value and also provides access into the desired field.
struct InstructionValue {
explicit InstructionValue(uint32_t value)
: value(value)
{ }
template<unsigned fieldStart, unsigned fieldSize>
uint32_t field()
static_assert(fieldStart + fieldSize <= (sizeof(uint32_t) * 8));
return (value >> fieldStart) & ((1 << fieldSize) - 1);
uint32_t opcode() { return field<0, 7>(); }
uint32_t value;
// Immediate types
// ImmediateBase acts as the base struct for the different types. The bit-size of the immediate is determined as the
// template parameter on the ImmediateBase struct. Internally, every immediate value is represented through a uint32_t
// from which the appropriate bit-sets are then copied into the target instruction.
// ImmediateBase provides three ways to construct the target immediate (the type of which is specified as a template
// parameter to these construction methods):
// ImmediateBase<N>::v<ImmediateType, int32_t>() -- for constant immediates
// ImmediateBase<N>::v<ImmediateType>(int32_t/int64_t) -- for variable immediates whose values were validated beforehand
// ImmediateBase<N>::ImmediateBase(uint32_t) -- for immediate values already packed in the uint32_t format
// There's also ImmediateType::value(InstructionValue) helpers that for a given instruction value retrieve the
// appropriate signed immediate value that was encoded in that instruction (except for the U-type immediate which is
// a 32-bit unsigned value).
template<unsigned immediateSize>
struct ImmediateBase {
static_assert(immediateSize <= sizeof(uint32_t) * 8);
template<typename T>
static auto isValid(T immValue)
-> std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v<T, int32_t> || std::is_same_v<T, int64_t>), bool>
constexpr unsigned shift = sizeof(T) * 8 - immediateSize;
return immValue == ((immValue << shift) >> shift);
template<typename ImmediateType, int32_t immValue>
static ImmediateType v()
static_assert((-(1 << (immediateSize - 1)) <= immValue) && (immValue <= ((1 << (immediateSize - 1)) - 1)));
int32_t value = immValue;
return ImmediateType((*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&value)) & ((1 << immediateSize) - 1));
template<typename ImmediateType>
static ImmediateType v(int32_t immValue)
uint32_t value = *reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(&immValue);
return ImmediateType(value & ((1 << immediateSize) - 1));
template<typename ImmediateType>
static ImmediateType v(int64_t immValue)
uint64_t value = *reinterpret_cast<uint64_t*>(&immValue);
return ImmediateType(uint32_t(value & ((uint64_t(1) << immediateSize) - 1)));
explicit ImmediateBase(uint32_t immValue)
: imm(immValue)
if constexpr (immediateSize < sizeof(uint32_t) * 8)
ASSERT(imm < (1 << immediateSize));
template<unsigned fieldStart, unsigned fieldSize>
uint32_t field()
static_assert(fieldStart + fieldSize <= immediateSize);
return (imm >> fieldStart) & ((1 << fieldSize) - 1);
uint32_t imm;
struct IImmediate : ImmediateBase<12> {
explicit IImmediate(uint32_t immValue)
: ImmediateBase<12>(immValue)
{ }
static int32_t value(InstructionValue insn)
uint32_t base = insn.field<20, 12>();
int32_t imm = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&base);
return ((imm << 20) >> 20);
struct SImmediate : ImmediateBase<12> {
explicit SImmediate(uint32_t immValue)
: ImmediateBase<12>(immValue)
{ }
static int32_t value(InstructionValue insn)
uint32_t base = 0
| (insn.field<31, 1>() << 11)
| (insn.field<25, 6>() << 5)
| (insn.field< 8, 4>() << 1)
| (insn.field< 7, 1>() << 0);
int32_t imm = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&base);
return ((imm << 20) >> 20);
struct BImmediate : ImmediateBase<13> {
explicit BImmediate(uint32_t immValue)
: ImmediateBase<13>(immValue)
{ }
static int32_t value(InstructionValue insn)
uint32_t base = 0
| (insn.field<31, 1>() << 12)
| (insn.field< 7, 1>() << 11)
| (insn.field<25, 6>() << 5)
| (insn.field< 8, 4>() << 1);
int32_t imm = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&base);
return ((imm << 19) >> 19);
struct UImmediate : ImmediateBase<32> {
explicit UImmediate(uint32_t immValue)
: ImmediateBase((immValue >> 12) << 12)
{ }
static uint32_t value(InstructionValue insn)
return insn.field<12, 20>() << 12;
struct JImmediate : ImmediateBase<21> {
explicit JImmediate(uint32_t immValue)
: ImmediateBase<21>(immValue)
{ }
static int32_t value(InstructionValue insn)
uint32_t base = 0
| (insn.field<31, 1>() << 20)
| (insn.field<12, 8>() << 12)
| (insn.field<20, 1>() << 11)
| (insn.field<25, 6>() << 5)
| (insn.field<21, 4>() << 1);
int32_t imm = *reinterpret_cast<int32_t*>(&base);
return ((imm << 11) >> 11);
// Instruction types
// Helper struct that provides different groupings of register types as required for different instructions.
// The tuple size and contained types are used for compile-time checks of matching register types being passed
// to those instructions.
struct RegistersBase {
struct GType { }; // General-purpose register
struct FType { }; // Floating-point register
struct ZType { }; // Zero-value unused register
template<typename... RTypes>
using Tuple = std::tuple<RTypes...>;
template<size_t I, typename TupleType>
using Type = std::tuple_element_t<I, TupleType>;
template<typename TupleType>
static constexpr size_t Size()
return std::tuple_size_v<TupleType>;
using G = Tuple<GType>;
using GG = Tuple<GType, GType>;
using GF = Tuple<GType, FType>;
using GGG = Tuple<GType, GType, GType>;
using GGZ = Tuple<GType, GType, ZType>;
using GFF = Tuple<GType, FType, FType>;
using GFZ = Tuple<GType, FType, ZType>;
using FG = Tuple<FType, GType>;
using FF = Tuple<FType, FType>;
using FGZ = Tuple<FType, GType, ZType>;
using FFF = Tuple<FType, FType, FType>;
using FFZ = Tuple<FType, FType, ZType>;
using FFFF = Tuple<FType, FType, FType, FType>;
using ZZ = Tuple<ZType, ZType>;
// These are the base instruction structs. For R-type instructions, additional variations are provided.
// Opcode, different spec-defined constant instruction fields and the required register types are specified through the
// template parameters. The construct() static methods compose and return the instruction value in the 32-bit unsigned
// format.
// The matches() methods are usable to match a given InstructionValue against the target instruction type. Baseline
// implementations test the opcode and constant fields, but different instruction specializations can provide a better
// matching technique if necessary.
// For each base instruction type there's also static getters for dynamic bit-fields like register values, rounding mode
// or different flag types. These should be used on an InstructionValue after a matching instruction type was already
// confirmed. These are mostly used for disassembly, leaving it to that implementation to handle the returned raw
// bit-field values.
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct RTypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 3);
using RD = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
using RS1 = RegistersBase::Type<1, RegisterTypes>;
using RS2 = RegistersBase::Type<2, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct3, unsigned funct7, typename RegisterTypes>
struct RTypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct3 < (1 << 3));
static_assert(funct7 < (1 << 7));
using Base = RTypeBase<opcode, funct3, funct7, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = RTypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2)
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (funct7 << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (funct3 << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct3 == insn.field<12, 3>() && funct7 == insn.field<25, 7>();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct7, typename RegisterTypes>
struct RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct7 < (1 << 7));
using Base = RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<opcode, funct7, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = RTypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2, FPRoundingMode rm)
ASSERT(unsigned(rm) < (1 << 3));
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (funct7 << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (unsigned(rm) << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct7 == insn.field<25, 7>();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rm(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<12, 3>(); }
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct3, unsigned funct7, typename RegisterTypes>
struct RTypeBaseWithAqRl {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct3 < (1 << 3));
static_assert(funct7 < (1 << 7));
using Base = RTypeBaseWithAqRl<opcode, funct3, funct7, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = RTypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2, const std::initializer_list<MemoryAccess>& access)
unsigned aqrl = 0;
for (auto& value : access)
aqrl |= unsigned(value);
ASSERT(aqrl < (1 << 2));
uint32_t instruction = 0
| ((funct7 | aqrl) << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (funct3 << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct3 == insn.field<12, 3>() && (funct7 >> 2) == insn.field<27, 5>();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
static uint8_t aqrl(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<25, 2>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct R4TypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 4);
using RD = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
using RS1 = RegistersBase::Type<1, RegisterTypes>;
using RS2 = RegistersBase::Type<2, RegisterTypes>;
using RS3 = RegistersBase::Type<3, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct2, typename RegisterTypes>
struct R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct2 < (1 << 2));
using Base = R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<opcode, funct2, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = R4TypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type, typename RS3Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2, RS3Type rs3, FPRoundingMode rm)
ASSERT(unsigned(rm) < (1 << 3));
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (registerValue(rs3) << 27)
| (funct2 << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (unsigned(rm) << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct2 == insn.field<25, 2>();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs3(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<27, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rm(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<12, 3>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct ITypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 2);
using RD = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
using RS1 = RegistersBase::Type<1, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct3, typename RegisterTypes>
struct ITypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct3 < (1 << 3));
using Base = ITypeBase<opcode, funct3, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = ITypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, IImmediate imm)
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (imm.field<0, 12>() << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (funct3 << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct3 == insn.field<12, 3>();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct STypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 2);
using RS1 = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
using RS2 = RegistersBase::Type<1, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct3, typename RegisterTypes>
struct STypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct3 < (1 << 3));
using Base = STypeBase<opcode, funct3, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = STypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type>
static uint32_t construct(RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2, SImmediate imm)
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (imm.field<5, 7>() << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (funct3 << 12)
| (imm.field<0, 5>() << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct3 == insn.field<12, 3>();
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct BTypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 2);
using RS1 = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
using RS2 = RegistersBase::Type<1, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, unsigned funct3, typename RegisterTypes>
struct BTypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
static_assert(funct3 < (1 << 3));
using Base = STypeBase<opcode, funct3, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = STypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RS1Type, typename RS2Type>
static uint32_t construct(RS1Type rs1, RS2Type rs2, BImmediate imm)
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (imm.field<12, 1>() << 31)
| (imm.field< 5, 6>() << 25)
| (registerValue(rs2) << 20)
| (registerValue(rs1) << 15)
| (funct3 << 12)
| (imm.field< 1, 4>() << 8)
| (imm.field<11, 1>() << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode() && funct3 == insn.field<12, 3>();
static uint8_t rs1(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<15, 5>(); }
static uint8_t rs2(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<20, 5>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct UTypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 1);
using RD = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, typename RegisterTypes>
struct UTypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
using Base = UTypeBase<opcode, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = UTypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, UImmediate imm)
uint32_t instruction = imm.imm | (registerValue(rd) << 7) | unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
template<typename RegisterTypes>
struct JTypeRegisters {
static_assert(RegistersBase::Size<RegisterTypes>() == 1);
using RD = RegistersBase::Type<0, RegisterTypes>;
template<Opcode opcode, typename RegisterTypes>
struct JTypeBase {
static_assert(unsigned(opcode) < (1 << 7));
using Base = JTypeBase<opcode, RegisterTypes>;
using Registers = UTypeRegisters<RegisterTypes>;
template<typename RDType>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, JImmediate imm)
uint32_t instruction = 0
| (imm.field<20, 1>() << 31)
| (imm.field< 1, 10>() << 21)
| (imm.field<11, 1>() << 20)
| (imm.field<12, 8>() << 12)
| (registerValue(rd) << 7)
| unsigned(opcode);
return instruction;
static bool matches(InstructionValue insn)
return unsigned(opcode) == insn.opcode();
static uint8_t rd(InstructionValue insn) { return insn.field<7, 5>(); }
// The following instruction definitions utilize the base instruction structs, in most cases specifying everything
// necessary in the template parameters of the base instruction struct they are inheriting from. For each instruction
// there's also a pretty-print name constant included in the definition, for use by the disassembler.
// RV32I Base Instruction Set
struct LUI : UTypeBase<Opcode::LUI, RegistersBase::G> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lui";
struct AUIPC : UTypeBase<Opcode::AUIPC, RegistersBase::G> {
static constexpr const char* name = "auipc";
struct JAL : JTypeBase<Opcode::JAL, RegistersBase::G> {
static constexpr const char* name = "jal";
struct JALR : ITypeBase<Opcode::JALR, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "jalr";
struct BEQ : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "beq";
struct BNE : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b001, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "bne";
struct BLT : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b100, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "blt";
struct BGE : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "bge";
struct BLTU : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b110, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "bltu";
struct BGEU : BTypeBase<Opcode::BRANCH, 0b111, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "bgeu";
struct LB : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lb";
struct LH : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b001, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lh";
struct LW : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b010, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lw";
struct LBU : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b100, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lbu";
struct LHU : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lhu";
struct SB : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sb";
struct SH : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE, 0b001, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sh";
struct SW : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE, 0b010, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sw";
struct ADDI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "addi";
struct SLTI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b010, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "slti";
struct SLTIU : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b011, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sltiu";
struct XORI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b100, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "xori";
struct ORI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b110, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "ori";
struct ANDI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b111, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "andi";
struct SLLI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b001, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "slli";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 6));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b000000 << 6) | shiftAmount>());
struct SRLI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "srli";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 6));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b000000 << 6) | shiftAmount>());
struct SRAI : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "srai";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 6));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b010000 << 6) | shiftAmount>());
struct ADD : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b000, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "add";
struct SUB : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b000, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sub";
struct SLL : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b001, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sll";
struct SLT : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b010, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "slt";
struct SLTU : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b011, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sltu";
struct XOR : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b100, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "xor";
struct SRL : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b101, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "srl";
struct SRA : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b101, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sra";
struct OR : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b110, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "or";
struct AND : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b111, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "and";
struct FENCE : ITypeBase<Opcode::MISC_MEM, 0b000, RegistersBase::ZZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fence";
struct ECALL : ITypeBase<Opcode::SYSTEM, 0b000, RegistersBase::ZZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "ecall";
struct EBREAK : ITypeBase<Opcode::SYSTEM, 0b000, RegistersBase::ZZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "ebreak";
// RV64I Base Instruction Set (in addition to RV32I)
struct LWU : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b110, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lwu";
struct LD : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD, 0b011, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "ld";
struct SD : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE, 0b011, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sd";
struct ADDIW : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM_32, 0b000, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "addiw";
struct SLLIW : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM_32, 0b001, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "slliw";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 5));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b0000000 << 5) | shiftAmount>());
struct SRLIW : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM_32, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "srliw";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 5));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b0000000 << 5) | shiftAmount>());
struct SRAIW : ITypeBase<Opcode::OP_IMM_32, 0b101, RegistersBase::GG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sraiw";
using Base::construct;
template<unsigned shiftAmount, typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
static_assert(shiftAmount < (1 << 5));
return Base::construct(rd, rs1, IImmediate::v<IImmediate, (0b0100000 << 5) | shiftAmount>());
struct ADDW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b000, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "addw";
struct SUBW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b000, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "subw";
struct SLLW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b001, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sllw";
struct SRLW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b101, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "srlw";
struct SRAW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b101, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sraw";
// RV32/RV64 Zifencei Standard Extension
struct FENCE_I : ITypeBase<Opcode::MISC_MEM, 0b001, RegistersBase::ZZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fence.i";
// RV32M Standard Extension
struct MUL : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b000, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "mul";
struct MULH : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b001, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "mulh";
struct MULHSU : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b010, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "mulhsu";
struct MULHU : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b011, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "mulhu";
struct DIV : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b100, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "div";
struct DIVU : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b101, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "divu";
struct REM : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b110, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "rem";
struct REMU : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP, 0b111, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "remu";
// RV64M Standard Extension (in addition to RV32M)
struct MULW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b000, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "mulw";
struct DIVW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b100, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "divw";
struct DIVUW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b101, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "divuw";
struct REMW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b110, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "remw";
struct REMUW : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_32, 0b111, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "remuw";
// RV32A Standard Extension
struct LR_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0001000, RegistersBase::GGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lr.w";
struct SC_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0001100, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sc.w";
struct AMOSWAP_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0000100, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoswap.w";
struct AMOADD_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoadd.w";
struct AMOXOR_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0010000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoxor.w";
struct AMOAND_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0110000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoand.w";
struct AMOOR_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoor.w";
struct AMOMIN_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b1000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomin.w";
struct AMOMAX_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b1010000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomax.w";
struct AMOMINU_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amominu.w";
struct AMOMAXU_W : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b010, 0b1110000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomaxu.w";
// RV64A Standard Extension (in addition to RV32A)
struct LR_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0001000, RegistersBase::GGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "lr.d";
struct SC_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0001100, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "sc.d";
struct AMOSWAP_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0000100, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoswap.d";
struct AMOADD_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoadd.d";
struct AMOXOR_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0010000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoxor.d";
struct AMOAND_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0110000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoand.d";
struct AMOOR_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amoor.d";
struct AMOMIN_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b1000000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomin.d";
struct AMOMAX_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b1010000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomax.d";
struct AMOMINU_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amominu.d";
struct AMOMAXU_D : RTypeBaseWithAqRl<Opcode::AMO, 0b011, 0b1110000, RegistersBase::GGG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "amomaxu.d";
// RV32F Standard Extension
template<FCVTType ToType, FCVTType FromType>
struct FCVTBase {
static constexpr bool valid = false;
template<typename RDRegisterType, typename RS1RegisterType, unsigned rs2, unsigned funct7, typename RegisterTypes>
struct FCVTImpl : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, funct7, RegisterTypes> {
static constexpr bool valid = true;
using RDType = RDRegisterType;
using RS1Type = RS1RegisterType;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1, FPRoundingMode rm)
static_assert(rs2 < (1 << 5));
return RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, funct7, RegisterTypes>::construct(rd, rs1, RegisterID(rs2), rm);
template<FMVType ToType, FMVType FromType>
struct FMVBase {
static constexpr bool valid = false;
template<typename RDRegisterType, typename RS1RegisterType, unsigned funct7, typename RegisterTypes>
struct FMVImpl : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, funct7, RegisterTypes> {
static constexpr bool valid = true;
using RDType = RDRegisterType;
using RS1Type = RS1RegisterType;
template<typename RDType, typename RS1Type>
static uint32_t construct(RDType rd, RS1Type rs1)
return RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, funct7, RegisterTypes>::construct(rd, rs1, RegisterID(0));
struct FLW : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD_FP, 0b010, RegistersBase::FG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "flw";
struct FSW : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE_FP, 0b010, RegistersBase::GF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsw";
struct FMADD_S : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::MADD, 0b00, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmadd.s";
struct FMSUB_S : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::MSUB, 0b00, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmsub.s";
struct FNMSUB_S : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::NMSUB, 0b00, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fnmsub.s";
struct FNMADD_S : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::NMADD, 0b00, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fnmadd.s";
struct FADD_S : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0000000, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fadd.s";
struct FSUB_S : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0000100, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsub.s";
struct FMUL_S : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0001000, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmul.s";
struct FDIV_S : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0001100, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fdiv.s";
struct FSQRT_S : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0101100, RegistersBase::FFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsqrt.s";
struct FSGNJ_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b0010000, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnj.s";
struct FSGNJN_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b0010000, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnjn.s";
struct FSGNJX_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b010, 0b0010000, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnjx.s";
struct FMIN_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b0010100, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmin.s";
struct FMAX_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b0010100, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmax.s";
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::W, FCVTType::S> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00000, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.w.s";
using FCVT_W_S = FCVTBase<FCVTType::W, FCVTType::S>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::WU, FCVTType::S> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00001, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.wu.s";
using FCVT_WU_S = FCVTBase<FCVTType::WU, FCVTType::S>;
struct FMVBase<FMVType::X, FMVType::W> : FMVImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b1110000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmv.x.w";
using FMV_X_W = FMVBase<FMVType::X, FMVType::W>;
struct FEQ_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b010, 0b1010000, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "feq.s";
struct FLT_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b1010000, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "flt.s";
struct FLE_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b1010000, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fle.s";
struct FCLASS_S : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b1110000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fclass.s";
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::W> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00000, 0b1101000, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.s.w";
using FCVT_S_W = FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::W>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::WU> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00001, 0b1101000, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.s.wu";
using FCVT_S_WU = FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::WU>;
struct FMVBase<FMVType::W, FMVType::X> : FMVImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b1111000, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmv.w.x";
using FMV_W_X = FMVBase<FMVType::W, FMVType::X>;
// RV64F Standard Extension (in addition to RV32F)
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::L, FCVTType::S> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00010, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.l.s";
using FCVT_L_S = FCVTBase<FCVTType::L, FCVTType::S>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::LU, FCVTType::S> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00011, 0b1100000, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "";
using FCVT_LU_S = FCVTBase<FCVTType::LU, FCVTType::S>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::L> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00010, 0b1101000, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.s.l";
using FCVT_S_L = FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::L>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::LU> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00011, 0b1101000, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "";
using FCVT_S_LU = FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::LU>;
// RV32D Standard Extension
struct FLD : ITypeBase<Opcode::LOAD_FP, 0b011, RegistersBase::FG> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fld";
struct FSD : STypeBase<Opcode::STORE_FP, 0b011, RegistersBase::GF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsd";
struct FMADD_D : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::MADD, 0b01, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmadd.d";
struct FMSUB_D : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::MSUB, 0b01, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmsub.d";
struct FNMSUB_D : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::NMSUB, 0b01, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fnmsub.d";
struct FNMADD_D : R4TypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::NMADD, 0b01, RegistersBase::FFFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fnmadd.d";
struct FADD_D : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0000001, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fadd.d";
struct FSUB_D : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0000101, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsub.d";
struct FMUL_D : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0001001, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmul.d";
struct FDIV_D : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0001101, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fdiv.d";
struct FSQRT_D : RTypeBaseWithRoundingMode<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b0101101, RegistersBase::FFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsqrt.d";
struct FSGNJ_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b0010001, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnj.d";
struct FSGNJN_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b0010001, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnjn.d";
struct FSGNJX_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b010, 0b0010001, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fsgnjx.d";
struct FMIN_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b0010101, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmin.d";
struct FMAX_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b0010101, RegistersBase::FFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmax.d";
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::D> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00001, 0b0100000, RegistersBase::FFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.s.d";
using FCVT_S_D = FCVTBase<FCVTType::S, FCVTType::D>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::S> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00000, 0b0100001, RegistersBase::FFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.d.s";
using FCVT_D_S = FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::S>;
struct FEQ_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b010, 0b1010001, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "feq.d";
struct FLT_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b1010001, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "flt.d";
struct FLE_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b000, 0b1010001, RegistersBase::GFF> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fle.d";
struct FCLASS_D : RTypeBase<Opcode::OP_FP, 0b001, 0b1110001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fclass.d";
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::W, FCVTType::D> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00000, 0b1100001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.w.d";
using FCVT_W_D = FCVTBase<FCVTType::W, FCVTType::D>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::WU, FCVTType::D> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00001, 0b1100001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.wu.d";
using FCVT_WU_D = FCVTBase<FCVTType::WU, FCVTType::D>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::W> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00000, 0b1101001, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.d.w";
using FCVT_D_W = FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::W>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::WU> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00001, 0b1101001, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.d.wu";
using FCVT_D_WU = FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::WU>;
// RV64D Standard Extension (in addition to RV32D)
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::L, FCVTType::D> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00010, 0b1100001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.l.d";
using FCVT_L_D = FCVTBase<FCVTType::L, FCVTType::D>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::LU, FCVTType::D> : FCVTImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b00011, 0b1100001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "";
using FCVT_LU_D = FCVTBase<FCVTType::LU, FCVTType::D>;
struct FMVBase<FMVType::X, FMVType::D> : FMVImpl<RegisterID, FPRegisterID, 0b1110001, RegistersBase::GFZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmv.x.d";
using FMV_X_D = FMVBase<FMVType::X, FMVType::D>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::L> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00010, 0b1101001, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fcvt.d.l";
using FCVT_D_L = FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::L>;
struct FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::LU> : FCVTImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b00011, 0b1101001, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "";
using FCVT_D_LU = FCVTBase<FCVTType::D, FCVTType::LU>;
struct FMVBase<FMVType::D, FMVType::X> : FMVImpl<FPRegisterID, RegisterID, 0b1111001, RegistersBase::FGZ> {
static constexpr const char* name = "fmv.d.x";
using FMV_D_X = FMVBase<FMVType::D, FMVType::X>;
} // namespace RISCV64Instructions
class RISCV64Assembler {
using RegisterID = RISCV64Registers::RegisterID;
using SPRegisterID = RISCV64Registers::SPRegisterID;
using FPRegisterID = RISCV64Registers::FPRegisterID;
static constexpr RegisterID firstRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::x0; }
static constexpr RegisterID lastRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::x31; }
static constexpr unsigned numberOfRegisters() { return lastRegister() - firstRegister() + 1; }
static constexpr SPRegisterID firstSPRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::pc; }
static constexpr SPRegisterID lastSPRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::pc; }
static constexpr unsigned numberOfSPRegisters() { return lastSPRegister() - firstSPRegister() + 1; }
static constexpr FPRegisterID firstFPRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::f0; }
static constexpr FPRegisterID lastFPRegister() { return RISCV64Registers::f31; }
static constexpr unsigned numberOfFPRegisters() { return lastFPRegister() - firstFPRegister() + 1; }
static const char* gprName(RegisterID id)
ASSERT(id >= firstRegister() && id <= lastRegister());
static const char* const nameForRegister[numberOfRegisters()] = {
#define REGISTER_NAME(id, name, r, cs) name,
return nameForRegister[id];
static const char* sprName(SPRegisterID id)
ASSERT(id >= firstSPRegister() && id <= lastSPRegister());
static const char* const nameForRegister[numberOfSPRegisters()] = {
#define REGISTER_NAME(id, name) name,
return nameForRegister[id];
static const char* fprName(FPRegisterID id)
ASSERT(id >= firstFPRegister() && id <= lastFPRegister());
static const char* const nameForRegister[numberOfFPRegisters()] = {
#define REGISTER_NAME(id, name, r, cs) name,
return nameForRegister[id];
RISCV64Assembler() { }
AssemblerBuffer& buffer() { return m_buffer; }
typedef enum {
ConditionHS, ConditionCS = ConditionHS,
ConditionLO, ConditionCC = ConditionLO,
} Condition;
static Condition invert(Condition cond)
return static_cast<Condition>(cond ^ 1);
static void* getRelocatedAddress(void* code, AssemblerLabel label)
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<ptrdiff_t>(code) + label.offset());
size_t codeSize() const { return m_buffer.codeSize(); }
static unsigned getCallReturnOffset(AssemblerLabel) { return 0; }
AssemblerLabel labelIgnoringWatchpoints() { return { }; }
AssemblerLabel labelForWatchpoint() { return { }; }
AssemblerLabel label() { return { }; }
static void linkJump(void*, AssemblerLabel, void*) { }
static void linkJump(AssemblerLabel, AssemblerLabel) { }
static void linkCall(void*, AssemblerLabel, void*) { }
static void linkPointer(void*, AssemblerLabel, void*) { }
static ptrdiff_t maxJumpReplacementSize()
return 4;
static constexpr ptrdiff_t patchableJumpSize()
return 4;
static void repatchPointer(void*, void*) { }
static void relinkJump(void*, void*) { }
static void relinkJumpToNop(void*) { }
static void relinkCall(void*, void*) { }
unsigned debugOffset() { return m_buffer.debugOffset(); }
static void cacheFlush(void*, size_t) { }
using CopyFunction = void*(&)(void*, const void*, size_t);
template <CopyFunction copy>
static void fillNops(void*, size_t) { }
AssemblerBuffer m_buffer;
} // namespace JSC