blob: 6d53daaa9ca212187ed507133acaa2ba18ac8379 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
* Portions are Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation.
* Other contributors:
* Robert O'Callahan <>
* David Baron <>
* Christian Biesinger <>
* Randall Jesup <>
* Roland Mainz <>
* Josh Soref <>
* Boris Zbarsky <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
* of either the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1, found at
* (the "MPL") or the GNU General Public
* License Version 2.0, found at
* (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of the MPL or the GPL are
* applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your
* version of this file only under the terms of one of those two
* licenses (the MPL or the GPL) and not to allow others to use your
* version of this file under the LGPL, indicate your decision by
* deletingthe provisions above and replace them with the notice and
* other provisions required by the MPL or the GPL, as the case may be.
* If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
* version of this file under any of the LGPL, the MPL or the GPL.
#ifndef RenderLayer_h
#define RenderLayer_h
#include "RenderObject.h"
#include "ScrollBar.h"
#include "Timer.h"
namespace WebCore {
class CachedResource;
class HitTestResult;
class PlatformScrollbar;
class RenderFrameSet;
class RenderObject;
class RenderStyle;
class RenderTable;
class RenderText;
class RenderView;
class Scrollbar;
struct HitTestRequest;
class ClipRects {
ClipRects(const IntRect& r)
: m_overflowClipRect(r)
, m_fixedClipRect(r)
, m_posClipRect(r)
, m_refCnt(0)
ClipRects(const IntRect& o, const IntRect& f, const IntRect& p)
: m_overflowClipRect(o)
, m_fixedClipRect(f)
, m_posClipRect(p)
, m_refCnt(0)
const IntRect& overflowClipRect() { return m_overflowClipRect; }
const IntRect& fixedClipRect() { return m_fixedClipRect; }
const IntRect& posClipRect() { return m_posClipRect; }
void ref() { m_refCnt++; }
void deref(RenderArena* renderArena) { if (--m_refCnt == 0) destroy(renderArena); }
void destroy(RenderArena*);
// Overloaded new operator.
void* operator new(size_t, RenderArena*) throw();
// Overridden to prevent the normal delete from being called.
void operator delete(void*, size_t);
// The normal operator new is disallowed on all render objects.
void* operator new(size_t) throw();
IntRect m_overflowClipRect;
IntRect m_fixedClipRect;
IntRect m_posClipRect;
unsigned m_refCnt;
// FIXME: move this to its own file
// This class handles the auto-scrolling of layers with overflow: marquee.
class Marquee {
int speed() const { return m_speed; }
int marqueeSpeed() const;
EMarqueeDirection reverseDirection() const { return static_cast<EMarqueeDirection>(-direction()); }
EMarqueeDirection direction() const;
bool isHorizontal() const;
bool isUnfurlMarquee() const;
int unfurlPos() const { return m_unfurlPos; }
EWhiteSpace whiteSpace() { return static_cast<EWhiteSpace>(m_whiteSpace); }
int computePosition(EMarqueeDirection, bool stopAtClientEdge);
void setEnd(int end) { m_end = end; }
void start();
void suspend();
void stop();
void updateMarqueeStyle();
void updateMarqueePosition();
void timerFired(Timer<Marquee>*);
RenderLayer* m_layer;
int m_currentLoop;
int m_totalLoops;
Timer<Marquee> m_timer;
int m_start;
int m_end;
int m_speed;
int m_unfurlPos;
Length m_height;
bool m_reset: 1;
bool m_suspended : 1;
bool m_stopped : 1;
unsigned m_whiteSpace : 3; // EWhiteSpace
EMarqueeDirection m_direction : 4;
class RenderLayer : public ScrollbarClient {
enum ScrollBehavior {
struct ScrollAlignment {
ScrollBehavior m_rectVisible;
ScrollBehavior m_rectHidden;
ScrollBehavior m_rectPartial;
static const ScrollAlignment gAlignCenterIfNeeded;
static const ScrollAlignment gAlignToEdgeIfNeeded;
static const ScrollAlignment gAlignCenterAlways;
static const ScrollAlignment gAlignTopAlways;
static const ScrollAlignment gAlignBottomAlways;
static ScrollBehavior getVisibleBehavior(const ScrollAlignment& s) { return s.m_rectVisible; }
static ScrollBehavior getPartialBehavior(const ScrollAlignment& s) { return s.m_rectPartial; }
static ScrollBehavior getHiddenBehavior(const ScrollAlignment& s) { return s.m_rectHidden; }
RenderObject* renderer() const { return m_object; }
RenderLayer* parent() const { return m_parent; }
RenderLayer* previousSibling() const { return m_previous; }
RenderLayer* nextSibling() const { return m_next; }
RenderLayer* firstChild() const { return m_first; }
RenderLayer* lastChild() const { return m_last; }
void addChild(RenderLayer* newChild, RenderLayer* beforeChild = 0);
RenderLayer* removeChild(RenderLayer*);
void removeOnlyThisLayer();
void insertOnlyThisLayer();
void repaintIncludingDescendants();
void styleChanged();
Marquee* marquee() const { return m_marquee; }
void suspendMarquees();
bool isOverflowOnly() const { return m_isOverflowOnly; }
bool isTransparent() const;
RenderLayer* transparentAncestor();
void beginTransparencyLayers(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect&);
const RenderLayer* root() const
const RenderLayer* curr = this;
while (curr->parent())
curr = curr->parent();
return curr;
int xPos() const { return m_x; }
int yPos() const { return m_y; }
void setPos(int xPos, int yPos)
m_x = xPos;
m_y = yPos;
int width() const { return m_width; }
int height() const { return m_height; }
void setWidth(int w) { m_width = w; }
void setHeight(int h) { m_height = h; }
int scrollWidth();
int scrollHeight();
// Scrolling methods for layers that can scroll their overflow.
void scrollOffset(int& x, int& y);
void subtractScrollOffset(int& x, int& y);
int scrollXOffset() const { return m_scrollX + m_scrollOriginX; }
int scrollYOffset() const { return m_scrollY; }
void scrollToOffset(int x, int y, bool updateScrollbars = true, bool repaint = true);
void scrollToXOffset(int x) { scrollToOffset(x, m_scrollY); }
void scrollToYOffset(int y) { scrollToOffset(m_scrollX + m_scrollOriginX, y); }
void scrollRectToVisible(const IntRect&, const ScrollAlignment& alignX = gAlignCenterIfNeeded, const ScrollAlignment& alignY = gAlignCenterIfNeeded);
IntRect getRectToExpose(const IntRect& visibleRect, const IntRect& exposeRect, const ScrollAlignment& alignX, const ScrollAlignment& alignY);
void setHasHorizontalScrollbar(bool);
void setHasVerticalScrollbar(bool);
PassRefPtr<Scrollbar> createScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation);
void destroyScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation);
Scrollbar* horizontalScrollbar() { return m_hBar.get(); }
Scrollbar* verticalScrollbar() { return m_vBar.get(); }
PlatformScrollbar* horizontaScrollbarWidget() const;
PlatformScrollbar* verticalScrollbarWidget() const;
int verticalScrollbarWidth() const;
int horizontalScrollbarHeight() const;
void positionOverflowControls();
bool isPointInResizeControl(const IntPoint&);
IntSize offsetFromResizeCorner(const IntPoint&) const;
void paintOverflowControls(GraphicsContext*, int tx, int ty, const IntRect& damageRect);
void updateScrollInfoAfterLayout();
bool scroll(ScrollDirection, ScrollGranularity, float multiplier = 1.0f);
void autoscroll();
void resize(const PlatformMouseEvent&, const IntSize&);
bool inResizeMode() const { return m_inResizeMode; }
void setInResizeMode(bool b) { m_inResizeMode = b; }
void updateLayerPosition();
void updateLayerPositions(bool doFullRepaint = false, bool checkForRepaint = true);
void checkForRepaintOnResize();
void relativePositionOffset(int& relX, int& relY) { relX += m_relX; relY += m_relY; }
void clearClipRects();
void clearClipRect();
// Get the enclosing stacking context for this layer. A stacking context is a layer
// that has a non-auto z-index.
RenderLayer* stackingContext() const;
bool isStackingContext() const { return !hasAutoZIndex() || renderer()->isRenderView(); }
void dirtyZOrderLists();
void updateZOrderLists();
Vector<RenderLayer*>* posZOrderList() const { return m_posZOrderList; }
Vector<RenderLayer*>* negZOrderList() const { return m_negZOrderList; }
void dirtyOverflowList();
void updateOverflowList();
Vector<RenderLayer*>* overflowList() const { return m_overflowList; }
bool hasVisibleContent() const { return m_hasVisibleContent; }
void setHasVisibleContent(bool);
void dirtyVisibleContentStatus();
// Gets the nearest enclosing positioned ancestor layer (also includes
// the <html> layer and the root layer).
RenderLayer* enclosingPositionedAncestor() const;
void convertToLayerCoords(const RenderLayer* ancestorLayer, int& x, int& y) const;
bool hasAutoZIndex() const { return renderer()->style()->hasAutoZIndex(); }
int zIndex() const { return renderer()->style()->zIndex(); }
// The two main functions that use the layer system. The paint method
// paints the layers that intersect the damage rect from back to
// front. The hitTest method looks for mouse events by walking
// layers that intersect the point from front to back.
void paint(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& damageRect, PaintRestriction = PaintRestrictionNone, RenderObject* paintingRoot = 0);
bool hitTest(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&);
// This method figures out our layerBounds in coordinates relative to
// |rootLayer}. It also computes our background and foreground clip rects
// for painting/event handling.
void calculateRects(const RenderLayer* rootLayer, const IntRect& paintDirtyRect, IntRect& layerBounds,
IntRect& backgroundRect, IntRect& foregroundRect, IntRect& outlineRect) const;
void calculateClipRects(const RenderLayer* rootLayer);
ClipRects* clipRects() const { return m_clipRects; }
IntRect childrenClipRect() const; // Returns the foreground clip rect of the layer in the document's coordinate space.
IntRect selfClipRect() const; // Returns the background clip rect of the layer in the document's coordinate space.
bool intersectsDamageRect(const IntRect& layerBounds, const IntRect& damageRect) const;
// Returns a bounding box for this layer only.
IntRect absoluteBoundingBox() const;
void updateHoverActiveState(const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&);
IntRect repaintRect() const { return m_repaintRect; }
void destroy(RenderArena*);
// Overloaded new operator. Derived classes must override operator new
// in order to allocate out of the RenderArena.
void* operator new(size_t, RenderArena*) throw();
// Overridden to prevent the normal delete from being called.
void operator delete(void*, size_t);
// The normal operator new is disallowed on all render objects.
void* operator new(size_t) throw();
void setNextSibling(RenderLayer* next) { m_next = next; }
void setPreviousSibling(RenderLayer* prev) { m_previous = prev; }
void setParent(RenderLayer* parent) { m_parent = parent; }
void setFirstChild(RenderLayer* first) { m_first = first; }
void setLastChild(RenderLayer* last) { m_last = last; }
void collectLayers(Vector<RenderLayer*>*&, Vector<RenderLayer*>*&);
void paintLayer(RenderLayer* rootLayer, GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& paintDirtyRect,
bool haveTransparency, PaintRestriction, RenderObject* paintingRoot);
RenderLayer* hitTestLayer(RenderLayer* rootLayer, const HitTestRequest&, HitTestResult&, const IntRect& hitTestRect);
void computeScrollDimensions(bool* needHBar = 0, bool* needVBar = 0);
bool shouldBeOverflowOnly() const;
virtual void valueChanged(Scrollbar*);
virtual IntRect windowClipRect() const;
void updateOverflowStatus(bool horizontalOverflow, bool verticalOverflow);
void childVisibilityChanged(bool newVisibility);
void dirtyVisibleDescendantStatus();
void updateVisibilityStatus();
RenderObject* m_object;
RenderLayer* m_parent;
RenderLayer* m_previous;
RenderLayer* m_next;
RenderLayer* m_first;
RenderLayer* m_last;
IntRect m_repaintRect; // Cached repaint rects. Used by layout.
IntRect m_fullRepaintRect;
int m_repaintX;
int m_repaintY;
// Our current relative position offset.
int m_relX;
int m_relY;
// Our (x,y) coordinates are in our parent layer's coordinate space.
int m_x;
int m_y;
// The layer's width/height
int m_width;
int m_height;
// Our scroll offsets if the view is scrolled.
int m_scrollX;
int m_scrollY;
int m_scrollOriginX;
int m_scrollLeftOverflow;
// The width/height of our scrolled area.
int m_scrollWidth;
int m_scrollHeight;
// For layers with overflow, we have a pair of scrollbars.
RefPtr<Scrollbar> m_hBar;
RefPtr<Scrollbar> m_vBar;
// Keeps track of whether the layer is currently resizing, so events can cause resizing to start and stop.
bool m_inResizeMode;
// For layers that establish stacking contexts, m_posZOrderList holds a sorted list of all the
// descendant layers within the stacking context that have z-indices of 0 or greater
// (auto will count as 0). m_negZOrderList holds descendants within our stacking context with negative
// z-indices.
Vector<RenderLayer*>* m_posZOrderList;
Vector<RenderLayer*>* m_negZOrderList;
// This list contains our overflow child layers.
Vector<RenderLayer*>* m_overflowList;
ClipRects* m_clipRects; // Cached clip rects used when painting and hit testing.
bool m_scrollDimensionsDirty : 1;
bool m_zOrderListsDirty : 1;
bool m_overflowListDirty: 1;
bool m_isOverflowOnly: 1;
bool m_usedTransparency : 1; // Tracks whether we need to close a transparent layer, i.e., whether
// we ended up painting this layer or any descendants (and therefore need to
// blend).
bool m_inOverflowRelayout : 1;
bool m_repaintOverflowOnResize : 1;
bool m_overflowStatusDirty : 1;
bool m_horizontalOverflow : 1;
bool m_verticalOverflow : 1;
bool m_visibleContentStatusDirty : 1;
bool m_hasVisibleContent : 1;
bool m_visibleDescendantStatusDirty : 1;
bool m_hasVisibleDescendant : 1;
Marquee* m_marquee; // Used by layers with overflow:marquee
} // namespace WebCore
#endif // RenderLayer_h