blob: a8eaf78e1c86b1ec0e83296e15f2539535c47dd6 [file] [log] [blame]
<pre id="console"></pre>
function $(id)
return document.getElementById(id);
function log(s)
$("console").appendChild(document.createTextNode(s + "\n"));
function shouldBeNoEval(aDescription, a, b)
if (a === b) {
log("PASS: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " and is.");
log("FAIL: " + aDescription + " should be " + b + " but instead is " + a + ".");
if (window.layoutTestController)
// eval should lazily create 'arguments'.
function f1() {
if (false)
return arguments;
return eval("arguments");
shouldBeNoEval("f1(1)[0]", f1(1)[0], 1);
// 'arguments' created by eval should be live.
function f2(x) {
var a = eval("arguments");
x = 0;
return a;
shouldBeNoEval("f2(1)[0]", f2(1)[0], 0);
// overwriting 'arguments' after lazily creating it should succeed.
function f3() {
var x = arguments;
var arguments = [0];
return arguments;
shouldBeNoEval("f3(1)[0]", f3(1)[0], 0);
// overwriting 'arguments' before lazily creating it should succeed.
function f4() {
var arguments = [0];
var x = arguments;
return arguments;
shouldBeNoEval("f4(1)[0]", f4(1)[0], 0);
// eval should access local, shared 'arguments'.
function f5() {
eval("arguments.x = 1");
return eval("arguments");
shouldBeNoEval("f5().x", f5().x, 1);
// accessing another function's .arguments should not accidentally overwrite your own(!).
function f6() {
return g6(1);
function g6() {
return g6.arguments;
shouldBeNoEval("f6()[0]", f6()[0], 1);
// access to another function's .arguments should not produce a shared object.
function f7() {
return g7();
function g7() {
return f7.arguments === f7.arguments;
shouldBeNoEval("f7()", f7(), false);
// ...unless the other function uses 'arguments'.
function f8() {
return g8();
function g8() {
return f7.arguments === f7.arguments;
shouldBeNoEval("f8()", f8(), true);