blob: d5c95973e718ebb7de6174921ba9a2623379e6ed [file] [log] [blame]
PASS createDataChannel with no argument should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with closed connection should throw InvalidStateError
FAIL createDataChannel attribute default values assert_equals: expected "blob" but got "arraybuffer"
FAIL createDataChannel with provided parameters should initialize attributes to provided values assert_equals: expected "blob" but got "arraybuffer"
PASS createDataChannel with label "foo" should succeed
FAIL createDataChannel with label null should succeed assert_equals: expected "null" but got ""
PASS createDataChannel with label undefined should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with label lone surrogate should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with ordered false should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with ordered null/undefined should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with maxPacketLifeTime 0 should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with maxRetransmits 0 should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with both maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits undefined should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with both maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with protocol "foo" should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with protocol null should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with protocol undefined should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with protocol lone surrogate should succeed
FAIL createDataChannel with id 0 and negotiated not set should succeed, but not set the channel's id assert_equals: expected (object) null but got (number) 0
FAIL createDataChannel with id 1 and negotiated not set should succeed, but not set the channel's id assert_equals: expected (object) null but got (number) 1
FAIL createDataChannel with id 65534 and negotiated not set should succeed, but not set the channel's id assert_equals: expected (object) null but got (number) 65534
FAIL createDataChannel with id 65535 and negotiated not set should succeed, but not set the channel's id Type error
PASS createDataChannel with id 0 and negotiated true should succeed, and set the channel's id
PASS createDataChannel with id 1 and negotiated true should succeed, and set the channel's id
FAIL createDataChannel with id 65534 and negotiated true should succeed, and set the channel's id The operation is not supported.
PASS createDataChannel with id -1 and negotiated not set should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with id 65536 and negotiated not set should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with id -1 should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with id 65535 should throw TypeError
PASS createDataChannel with id 65536 should throw TypeError
FAIL createDataChannel with too long label should throw TypeError assert_throws_js: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('l'.repeat(65536), {
negotiated: true,
id: 42
})" did not throw
FAIL createDataChannel with too long label (2 byte unicode) should throw TypeError assert_throws_js: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('\u00b5'.repeat(32768))" did not throw
PASS createDataChannel with same label used twice should not throw
PASS createDataChannel with negotiated true and id should succeed
FAIL createDataChannel with too long protocol should throw TypeError assert_throws_js: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('', {
protocol: 'p'.repeat(65536),
negotiated: true,
id: 42
})" did not throw
FAIL createDataChannel with too long protocol (2 byte unicode) should throw TypeError assert_throws_js: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('', {
protocol: '\u00b6'.repeat(32768)
})" did not throw
PASS createDataChannel with maximum length label and protocol should succeed
PASS createDataChannel with negotiated false should succeed
FAIL createDataChannel with negotiated false and id 42 should ignore the id assert_equals: Expect to be ignored (null) expected (object) null but got (number) 42
FAIL createDataChannel with negotiated true and id not defined should throw TypeError assert_throws_js: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('test', {
negotiated: true
})" did not throw
FAIL Channels created (after setRemoteDescription) should have id assigned assert_not_equals: Expect to be assigned after remote description has been set got disallowed value null
FAIL Reusing a data channel id that is in use should throw OperationError assert_throws_dom: function "() =>
pc.createDataChannel('channel-3', {
negotiated: true,
id: 42,
})" threw object "NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported." that is not a DOMException OperationError: property "code" is equal to 9, expected 0
FAIL Reusing a data channel id that is in use (after setRemoteDescription) should throw OperationError assert_throws_dom: function "() =>
pc1.createDataChannel('channel-3', {
negotiated: true,
id: 42,
})" threw object "NotSupportedError: The operation is not supported." that is not a DOMException OperationError: property "code" is equal to 9, expected 0
FAIL Reusing a data channel id that is in use (after setRemoteDescription, negotiated via DCEP) should throw OperationError assert_not_equals: Expect to be assigned after remote description has been set got disallowed value null
PASS New datachannel should be in the connecting state after creation (after connection establishment)
PASS addTrack, then creating datachannel, should negotiate properly
PASS addTrack, then creating datachannel, should negotiate properly when max-bundle is used
PASS New negotiated datachannel should be in the connecting state after creation (after connection establishment)
PASS addTrack, then creating negotiated datachannel, should negotiate properly
PASS addTrack, then creating negotiated datachannel, should negotiate properly when max-bundle is used