blob: a357931ea0f306ffce11e9eeeab5e943bc262dbd [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-pre.js"></script>
<p id="description"></p>
<div id="console"></div>
description('This test aims to check for rangeOverflow flag with month input fields');
var input = document.createElement('input');
function checkOverflow(value, max, disabled)
input.value = value;
input.max = max;
input.disabled = !!disabled;
var overflow = input.validity.rangeOverflow;
var resultText = 'The value "' + input.value + '" ' +
(overflow ? 'overflows' : 'doesn\'t overflow') +
' the maximum value "' + input.max + '"' + (disabled ? ' when disabled.' : '.');
if (overflow)
function checkNotOverflow(value, max, disabled, sanitized)
input.value = value;
input.max = max;
input.disabled = !!disabled;
var overflow = input.validity.rangeOverflow;
var resultText = 'The value "' + input.value + '" ' +
(sanitized ? 'sanitized from "' + value + '" ' : '') +
(overflow ? 'overflows' : 'doesn\'t overflow') +
' the maximum value "' + input.max + '"' + (disabled ? ' when disabled.' : '.');
if (overflow)
function checkSanitizedValueNotOverflow(value, max, disabled)
// For date types, invalid values are sanitized to "".
checkNotOverflow(value, max, disabled, true);
input.type = 'month';
input.min = '';
// No overflow cases
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', null);
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', '');
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', 'foo');
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', '2010-01');
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', '2010-02');
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', '2011-01');
checkSanitizedValueNotOverflow('foo', '2011-01');
checkNotOverflow('2010-01', '0000-01'); // Too small max value.
// Overflow cases
checkOverflow('2010-01', '2009-12');
checkOverflow('9999-01', '2010-12');
input.min = '2010-02'; // value < min && value > max
checkOverflow('2010-01', '2009-12');
// Disabled
checkOverflow('9999-01', '2010-12', true);
<script src="../../../resources/js-test-post.js"></script>