blob: 3246eb85db3b1d8dfc9e4bdce528f88a1ab17261 [file] [log] [blame]
This tests that a grid can use aria-owns to establish parent-child relationships between its rows and cells, even when the cell elements are not descendants of the grid in the DOM hierarchy.
PASS: row1.childAtIndex(0).isEqual(cell_1_1) === true
PASS: cell_1_1.parentElement().isEqual(row1) === true
PASS: row3.childAtIndex(13).isEqual(cell_3_14) === true
PASS: cell_3_14.parentElement().isEqual(row3) === true
PASS: row5.childAtIndex(27).isEqual(cell_5_28) === true
PASS: cell_5_28.parentElement().isEqual(row5) === true
PASS successfullyParsed is true