blob: 0df0436fbaf9b92fea0ac97b1e970b16a6512921 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved.
// This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file.
info: |
The production CharacterEscape :: t evaluates by returning
the character \u0009
description: Use \t in RegExp and \u0009 in tested string
var arr = /\t/.exec("\u0009");
if ((arr === null) || (arr[0] !== "\u0009")) {
throw new Test262Error('#1: var arr = /\\t/.exec("\\u0009"); arr[0] === "\\u0009". Actual. ' + (arr && arr[0]));
var arr = /\t\t/.exec("a\u0009\u0009b");
if ((arr === null) || (arr[0] !== "\u0009\u0009")) {
throw new Test262Error('#2: var arr = /\\t\\t/.exec("a\\u0009\\u0009b"); arr[0] === "\\u0009\\u0009". Actual. ' + (arr && arr[0]));