| <head> |
| <link rel="stylesheet" href="../js/resources/js-test-style.css"> |
| <script src="../js/resources/js-test-pre.js"></script> |
| <script> |
| var newWindow; |
| var intervalId; |
| var firstIntervalExecution = true; |
| |
| if (window.layoutTestController) { |
| layoutTestController.dumpAsText(); |
| layoutTestController.setCanOpenWindows(); |
| layoutTestController.waitUntilDone(); |
| layoutTestController.setPopupBlockingEnabled(true); |
| } |
| |
| function clickHandler() { |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| debug("Test calling window.open() directly. A popup should be allowed."); |
| shouldBeNonNull("newWindow"); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| debug("Test calling window.open() with a 0 ms delay. A popup should be allowed.") |
| shouldBeNonNull("newWindow"); |
| }, 0); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| debug("Test calling window.open() with a 1000 ms delay. A popup should be allowed.") |
| shouldBeNonNull("newWindow"); |
| }, 1000); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| debug("Test calling window.open() with a 1001 ms delay. A popup should not be allowed.") |
| shouldBeUndefined("newWindow"); |
| |
| if (window.layoutTestController) |
| layoutTestController.notifyDone(); |
| }, 1001); |
| |
| intervalId = setInterval(function() { |
| debug("Test calling window.open() in a 100 ms interval. A popup should only be allowed on the first execution of the interval."); |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| if (firstIntervalExecution) { |
| shouldBeNonNull("newWindow"); |
| firstIntervalExecution = false; |
| } else { |
| shouldBeUndefined("newWindow"); |
| clearInterval(intervalId); |
| } |
| }, 100); |
| |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| setTimeout(function() { |
| newWindow = window.open("about:blank"); |
| self.focus(); |
| debug("Test calling window.open() in a nested call to setTimeout(). A popup should not be allowed.") |
| shouldBeUndefined("newWindow"); |
| }, 0); |
| }, 300); |
| |
| if (window.eventSender) |
| eventSender.leapForward(1001); |
| } |
| |
| function clickButton() { |
| var button = document.getElementById("test"); |
| var buttonX = button.offsetLeft + button.offsetWidth / 2; |
| var buttonY = button.offsetTop + button.offsetHeight / 2; |
| if (window.eventSender) { |
| eventSender.mouseMoveTo(buttonX, buttonY); |
| eventSender.mouseDown(); |
| eventSender.mouseUp(); |
| } |
| } |
| </script> |
| </head> |
| <body onload="clickButton()"> |
| <button id="test" onclick="clickHandler()">Click Here</button> |
| <div id="console"></div> |
| </body> |