blob: e06a032f3dd03dfc4a2c14972123b6a8415dbf11 [file] [log] [blame]
PASS Idle -> Active
PASS Idle -> After
PASS Before -> Active
PASS Before -> After
PASS Active -> Idle, display: none
PASS Active -> Idle, setting Animation.timeline = null
PASS Active -> Idle, calling Animation.cancel()
PASS Active -> Before
PASS Active -> After
PASS After -> Before
PASS After -> Active
PASS Active -> Active (forwards)
PASS Active -> Active (backwards)
PASS Active -> Idle -> Active: animationstart is fired by restarting animation
PASS Negative playbackRate sanity test(Before -> Active -> Before)
PASS Redundant change, before -> active, then back
PASS Redundant change, before -> after, then back
PASS Redundant change, active -> before, then back
PASS Redundant change, active -> after, then back
PASS Redundant change, after -> before, then back
PASS Redundant change, after -> active, then back
PASS Call Animation.cancel after canceling animation.
PASS Restart animation after canceling animation immediately.
PASS Call Animation.cancel after restarting animation immediately.
PASS Set timeline and play transition after clearing the timeline.
PASS Set null target effect after canceling the animation.
PASS Cancel the animation after clearing the target effect.